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250. Ordinance of the Federal Minister for Education, Arts and Culture concerning the recognition of the supporters of the Baptist congregations, the Federation of Evangelical Municipalities, the ELAIA Christian communities, the Free Christengemeinde-Pfingstgemeinde and the Federal Government of the Evangelical Church of the Federal Republic of Germany and the Federal Republic of Germany. the Mennonite free church in Austria as a church (religious society)
Due to § 2 of the law concerning the legal recognition of religious societies, RGBl. No. 68/1874 last amended by the Federal Ministries Act of 2009, Federal Law Gazette (BGBl). I n ° 3/2009 and Section 11 of the Federal Law on the Legal Personality of Religious Confessional Communities, Federal Law Gazette (BGBl). I No 19/1998, as last amended by Federal Law BGBl. I No 78/2011, shall be assigned:
The recognition of the followers of the Baptist congregations, the Federation of Evangelical Municipalities, the ELAIA Christian communities, the Free Christengemeinde-Pfingstgemeinde and the Mennonitic Freikirche in Austria as a church (Religious Society) with the designation "Freikirchen in Österreich" is hereby pronounced.