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Federal Framework Law For The Introduction Of A New Training For Teachers And Educators

Original Language Title: Bundesrahmengesetz zur Einführung einer neuen Ausbildung für Pädagoginnen und Pädagogen

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124. Federal Law, with which the Higher Education Act 2005, the University Act 2002 and the Higher Education Quality Assurance Act are amended (Federal Framework Law on the introduction of a new training for educators)

The National Council has decided:

Article 1

Federal law amending the Higher Education Act 2005

The Higher Education Act 2005 (HG), BGBl. I n ° 30/2006, as last amended by the Federal Law BGBl. I No 73/2011, shall be amended as follows:

1. In the table of contents the line relating to § 4 is:

" § 4.

Recognition as a private teacher education institution as a private Bachelor's or Bachelor's or Master's degree, as a private university course or as a private course "

2. In the table of contents the line relating to § 38 is:

" § 38.

Bachelor and Master Studies for the Teaching of a Magisterium "

3. The following line shall be inserted in the table of contents in accordance with the line in section 38:

§ 38a.

Studies on complementary studies to obtain a Magisterium "

4. In the table of contents the line relating to § 41 is:

" § 41.

Study entry and orientation phase "

5. In the table of contents, the following line shall be inserted after the line in section 48:

" § 48a.

Master's thesis "

6. In the table of contents the line relating to § 57 is:

" § 57.

Recognition of Bachelor's and Master's theses "

7. In the table of contents the line in question is § 65:

" § 65.

Award of the academic degree or the academic title after completion of bachelor's or master's studies and university courses "

8. In the table of contents, the following line shall be inserted after the line in section 74:

" 4a. Main item

External quality assurance of teacher training studies

§ 74a.

Quality assurance council for pedagogical and pedagogic education "

9. The following lines shall be inserted in the table of contents in accordance with the line of section 82:

" § 82a.

Transitional law to the New Middle School for the start of studies in the academic year 2013/14

§ 82b.

Transitional law on the section breakdown for the start of studies before the academic year 2013/14

§ 82c.

Transitional law for graduates and graduates six-semester Bachelor studies

§ 82d.

Transitional law for students six-semester Bachelor's studies "


10. In § 1 para. 2 Z 2, § 5 paragraph 1 Z 2, § 6 para. 1 Z 3, § 7 para. 3, § 8 para. 8, § 9 para. 1 as well as § 39 paragraph 2, the term " "Courses" through the phrase "Bachelor and Master Studies" replaced.

11. The title of § 4 reads:

" Recognition as a private teacher education institution as a private Bachelor's or Bachelor's or Master's degree, as a private university course or as a private course "

12. In Section 4 (1) Z 2, the phrase "Private course" through the phrase "Private Bachelor's or Bachelor's and Master's Degree" replaced.

13. In § 4 (2) the word order shall be "the study course" through the phrase "the Bachelor's or Bachelor's and Master's degree programs" replaced.

14. In § 5 (1), the term "Course of study" through the phrase "Bachelor and Master studies" replaced.

15. In § 5 (1) Z 2, the turn shall be "Magisterium for primary schools or for secondary school teaching" through the turn "Magisterium for the primary level or for the teaching profession for secondary education (general education)" replaced.

16. In § 5 (1) Z 4, the turn shall be "occupational field-related research and development work" through the turn "scientific-occupational research and development work" replaced.

17. In Section 5 (2), the turn shall be "Volksschulen and Hauptschulen" through the turn "Volksschulen und für Neue Mittelschulen" replaced.

18. In Section 7 (1), the turn-of-the- "Private courses" through the turn "" Private Bachelor studies " or " Private Master Studies " or " Private Bachelor and Master studies "" replaced.

19. In Section 7 (2), the phrase "a private study course" through the phrase "a private Bachelor's or Bachelor's and Master's degree program" replaced.

20. § 8 (1) reads:

" (1) The Pedagogical University has a focus on the pedagogical profession and its occupational fields within the framework of teaching and research in accordance with international standards, both persons in the teaching profession and in accordance with the needs in pedagogical Training and continuing education institutions, primarily schools, to provide advice and support in their quality development. The requirements of the teaching profession are to be taken into account by offers of educational, technical, didactic and practical training (practice schools). In all pedagogical fields of work, research is to be carried out in order to obtain scientific knowledge for the further development of teaching. "

21. § 8 (2) reads:

" (2) A teaching degree is the fundamental principle associated with the successful completion of a Bachelor's degree in the size of 240 ECTS credits (or a study according to § 38a) in conjunction with a Master's degree in the amount of at least 60 ECTS credits. Qualification for the exercise of the teaching profession, with the need for a regulation of the competent member of the government, taking into account the provisions of the regulation of the competent government, of a requirement of a Master's studies can be waited. In the course of the training, the following studies are to be offered and conducted at the Pedagogical University according to the requirements of the requirements:


Bachelor's and Master's studies in the field of primary education


Bachelor's and Master's studies in the field of secondary education (general education),


Bachelor's and Bachelor's and Master's studies in the field of secondary education (vocational education and training).

At the Pedagogical University of Carinthia, it is necessary to educate teachers and teachers for primary schools and for new middle schools in accordance with § 12 of the Minorities-Schulgesetz für Kärnten, BGBl. No. 101/1959, to offer a supplementary course of study in Slovenian language and to offer an additional offer in the field of teaching practice. "

Section 8 (3) reads as follows:

"(3) induction courses can be offered by the universities of teacher education for graduates of a teaching degree course."

23. In accordance with Section 8 (3a), the following paragraph 3b is inserted:

" (3b) Further studies on the acquisition of a teacher according to § 35 Z 1b in the scope of at least 60 ECTS credits on behalf of the competent authority may also be subject to subject-related studies at the University of Teacher Education. Government members are offered and run. "

(24) The following paragraph 6a is inserted in accordance with Article 8 (6):

" (6a) As part of its academic and occupational field-related teaching and research, the Pedagogical University has developed a qualitative further development of schools, as well as through the monitoring and counselling of school development processes. to contribute. "

25. In Section 8 (7), the phrase "for the Volks and Hauptschule" through the turn "for the elementary school and the new middle school" replaced.

Section 9 (7) reads as follows:

"(7) The research at universities of teacher education serves to gain scientific knowledge which contributes to the development of pedagogical fields of work."

27. The following paragraph 9 is added to Section 9 (8):

" (9) The Pedagogical University has to take into account the situation of working students in the offer preparation. If necessary, the minimum study duration can be extended with the same amount of ECTS credits. "

28. In § 10, second sentence, the term "occupational field-related" through the turn "scientific-occupational field-related" replaced.

29. The following last sentence shall be added to Article 30 (1):

"The inclusion of the offers of bachelor and master studies in order to obtain a teaching qualification in the target and performance plan shall require the examination and the positive opinion of the quality assurance council in accordance with § 74a (1) Z 3 and 4."

30. Section 32 (2) shall be inserted after Z 1 following Z 1a:

" 1a.

Objective and performance plan immediately after approval by the relevant government member, "

31. § 35 Z 1 reads:

" 1.

Bachelor studies are studies that


Scientific training in general pedagogical fields (e.g. professional activity in elementary educational or social educational institutions) with a workload of at least 180 ECTS credits and a duration of at least six semesters, or


as a prerequisite for admission to a Master's degree course in order to obtain a Magisterium (§ 38 para. 2) or to obtain a Magisterium (according to a regulation in accordance with § 8 (2)), with a workload of 240 ECTS credits and a duration of eight Semesters

are used. The studies mentioned meet the requirements of Art. 11 lit. Directive 2005 /36/EC on the recognition of professional qualifications, OJ L 327, 30.4.2005, p. No. OJ L 255, 30.9.2005 p. 22, as last amended by Regulation (EU) No 623/2012, OJ L 136, 31.5.2012, p. No. OJ L 180, 12.07.2012 p. 9.

32. In § 35, the following Z 1a and 1b shall be inserted after Z 1:

" 1a.

Master studies are studies which serve to deepen or extend the scientific training on the basis of a relevant bachelor's degree and whose work expenses are at least 60 and at most 120 ECTS credits for a duration of at least two to a maximum of four semesters. These studies meet the requirements of Art. 11 lit. (d) Directive 2005 /36/EC on the recognition of professional qualifications.


Subject-related studies complementary studies on the teaching of a teaching profession are part-time studies, the relevant studies in the scope of at least 180 ECTS credits at a recognised post-secondary educational institution (as well as a study programme). professional practice) in order to supplement the didactic and pedagogical content and to obtain a teaching qualification with only one study subject in the field of general education or a teacher training in the field of vocational education and training. Your work expenses are at least 60 ECTS credits. The more detailed rules, in particular with regard to the conditions of reception and the amount of work involved, shall be laid down by means of a regulation of the competent government member. "

33. In § 35 the following Z 4a is inserted after Z 4:

" 4a.

Jointly established studies are studies in accordance with § 10, in which two or more universities of teacher education or one (or more) teacher training college (s) in cooperation with one (or more) university (s), holders of University of Applied Sciences degree programs, BGBl. No 340/1993, or foreign universities enact an identical curriculum, in which it is necessary to establish which study parts are to be carried out by which institution. A cooperation agreement shall specify, in particular, the work, the allocation of resources and the conditions for reception. "

34. In § 35 Z 5, the word order shall be "the initial training for a teaching degree for general education compulsory schools, on students of initial training for a teaching degree for vocational schools" through the phrase "from Bachelor and Master studies" replaced.

35. The following Z 6 is added to § 35:

" 6.

Induction courses are courses that are taught in the course of the career entry phase as a teacher or Teacher at an Austrian school for the scientific accompaniment and reflection of the practice in the respective pedagogically practical professional field. "

36. § 38 together with the title is:

" Bachelor and Master studies in order to obtain a teaching qualification

§ 38. (1) Bachelor's and Master's studies (§ 35 Z 1 and 1a) are to be established at the universities of teacher education in order to obtain a teaching qualification.

(2) Bachelor's degree studies with the academic degree "Bachelor of Education" ("BEd") off. Bachelor studies are offered according to the following educational level:


Primary level and


Upper secondary education (general education or vocational training).

(2a) Bachelor studies in the field of primary education have to be defined as priorities (e.g. pedagogy, special and remedial pedagogy, social pedagogy, vocational orientation, elementary pedagogy, multilingualism), from which one is to be chosen. Inclusive pedagogy is to be offered as a focal point in all studies according to paragraph 2. Bachelor studies in the framework of secondary education (general education and vocational training) can also provide for priority areas. In the area of general education, a focus should be chosen only if there is no second study subject or more than two subjects overlapping in terms of content (coherent fan beam). In the area of vocational training, a focus can be chosen. The one in the school organization law, BGBl. No 242/1962, as amended, must be taken into account in accordance with the tasks of the school types.

(2b) Master studies to obtain a teaching qualification are based on relevant Bachelor studies in accordance with paragraph 2 and conclude with the academic degree "Master of Education" ("MEd"). off. You have to provide specialist impressions of the contents of the Bachelor's degree programme or extensions. In the case of an extension, the amount of ECTS credits must be at least 90 ECTS credits instead of 60 ECTS Credits. The tasks of the school types mentioned in the School Organization Act must be taken into account accordingly

(2c) The responsibility for the respective Magisterium is determined by the existing competence distribution already passed at the time of the decision-making. New studies in the field of secondary education (general education), which go beyond that, can only be carried out in cooperation with one (or more) university (s) and/or or foreign universities. Offers of master studies in the field of secondary education (general education) can therefore only be provided in the form of one (or more) university (s) or (a) university (s). foreign universities-each with the right to award doctoral degrees in subject-related studies-are offered and run jointly in the sense of § 35 Z 4a and have at least 90 ECTS credits to be included. § 64 (5) of the University Act, BGBl. I n ° 120/2002, shall apply to the master studies offered by the universities.

(3) Bachelor's or Master's studies can also be a joint study programme or as jointly established studies are offered and run. This shall be without prejudice to the obligation to cooperate in accordance with paragraph 2c.

(3a) The curricula of the Bachelor's and Master's studies have to comply with the objectives of Art. 24 of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and to take into account inclusive pedagogy to an appropriate extent.

(4) At the University of Agrar-und Umweltpädagogik, Vienna, the academic degree of the "Bachelor of Education" also includes the "competence for the agricultural and forestry advisory and support service". "

37. According to § 38, the following § 38a and heading is inserted:

" Specialized studies complementary studies to obtain a Magisterium

§ 38a. (1) Studies related to the subject of a teaching qualification for the New Middle School, the Polytechnic School or a teacher training programme in the field of vocational education and training with a "Bachelor of Education" ("BEd") off. In any case, you have to include the Bachelor's thesis and the respective fields of study, with the exception of the subject-specific part of the subject.

(1a) Studies in the field of secondary education (general education) or a teacher training in secondary education (vocational training) with a Bachelor of Education ("BEd") study relevant studies off. In any case, you have to include the Bachelor's thesis and the respective fields of study, with the exception of the subject-specific part of the subject.

(2) Universities of Teacher Education can only offer these for those teaching posts, which they also carry out as Bachelor studies in accordance with § 38 paragraph 2.

(3) The provisions of this section applicable to Bachelor's studies shall apply mutatily. "

38. The following sentences are added to § 39 (1):

" Furthermore, university courses on scientific and occupational training in the scope of at least 90 ECTS credits and a maximum of 120 ECTS credits can be achieved according to requirements and after examination of the fulfilment of the scientific and professional-oriented Requirements within the meaning of Section 74a (1) (3) are set up in accordance with the priorities of the responsible government member within the scope of the public service training order. They conclude with the academic degree "Master of Education (" MEd ") off. "

39. In Section 39 (2), the phrase "at least 120 ECTS credits" through the phrase "at least 90 ECTS credits and not more than 120 ECTS credits" replaced.

40. In § 39, paragraph 3, after the turn "as joint study programmes" the twist "or as jointly established studies" inserted.

41. § 40 (3) reads:

"(3) Bachelor's and Master's studies are not broken down into study sections."

42. § 41 together with the title is:

" Study entry and orientation phase

§ 41. (1) In the curricula of the Bachelor's studies, a study entry and orientation phase is to be provided in the first semester, which is the orientation in the field of study and occupation, the reflection of the choice of studies, the reflection and examination of the the essential aspects and requirements of the course of study and the profession and the promotion of basic competences of the students. The courses assigned to the study entry phase are to be marked as such. The special framework conditions for vocational education and training should be taken into consideration.

(2) The assessment of the performance of the students has to be based on the acquired skills. The assessment shall be supplemented, where appropriate, by advising. The examinations of the study entry and orientation phase may be repeated twice. The positive success of all courses and examinations of the study entry and orientation phase entitles the students to complete the further courses and examinations as well as to write the Bachelor's thesis provided for in the curriculum.

(3) For guidance counseling, beginner tutorials are to be set up, which support the students in coping with the performance, organizational and social requirements of the studies. It is permissible to organise these tutorials in cooperation with other legal entities, in particular with the Austrian High School and High School Students ' Association. "

43. According to Article 42 (1), the following paragraphs 1a and 1b are inserted:

" (1a) The curricula of Bachelor's and Master's studies for obtaining a Magisterium have to be designed in a competency-oriented manner according to the requirements of the system. They have the development of professional competencies, such as general and special pedagogical skills, professional and didactic competences, inclusive and intercultural competences, social skills, consulting skills and To take into account the understanding of the profession as well as to promote a comprehensive understanding of the educational task.

(1b) For students with a disability within the meaning of § 3 of the Federal Disability Equality Act, BGBl. I n ° 82/2005, the requirements of the curricula are to be modified (individual curriculum), where appropriate with reference to the different examination methods requested in accordance with § 63 (1) Z 7, with the training goal of the chosen course of study can be reached. "

44. § 42 (2) (2) (2).

45. In § 42 (4), the following penultimate sentence is inserted:

"Curricula for studies in order to obtain a Magisterium shall be forwarded to the Quality Assurance Council for Teaching and Pedagogic Education for their opinion."

46. In § 46, the following paragraph 1 (1a) is inserted:

"(1a) Studies that have been successfully completed according to individual curricula in accordance with § 42 (1b) shall be marked in the final study certificate by a reference to the established deviating curriculum."

47. In accordance with § 48, the following § 48a and heading is inserted:

" Master's thesis

§ 48a. In the Master's program according to § 35 Z 1a and § 39 (1) and (2), a master's thesis is to be considered as a scientific-occupational field-related work, which serves as proof of competence, scientific topics independently, as well as content and methodologically justifiable. edit, edit. Section 48 (2) shall apply. More detailed provisions on master's theses must be laid down in the respective curriculum. "

48. § 49 reads:

" § 49. (1) Graduates and graduates of a Bachelor's or Master's degree program according to § 35 Z 1 and 1a have received the positively assessed Bachelor's or Master's thesis prior to the award of the academic degree by handing over a complete copy to the Library of the Pedagogical University, to which the academic degree is awarded, as well as to the Austrian National Library to be published. The publication requirement excludes the scientific works or parts thereof which are not accessible to a mass-scale publication.

(2) On the occasion of the mandatory handing over of a scientific work to the library of the Pedagogical University and to the Austrian National Library, the author or author is entitled to exclude the use of the shall apply for a maximum of five years after the delivery. The application shall be accepted by the institution of the Pedagogical University responsible for the matters of study law, if the student makes it credible that important legal or economic interests of the student or of the student are are at risk. "

49. § 51 (1) reads:

" (1) A prerequisite for admission to a Bachelor's degree course for a teaching degree is the general university entrance qualification as well as the performance-related, personal, professional, artistic and pedagogical aptitude for the study according to the for the profession of pedagogues and pedagogues necessary skills. The general university entrance qualification is to be proven for ordinary students for vocational education and training in the area of vocational education and training up to the attainment of 120 ECTS credits. Additional requirements for admission to Bachelor's studies for secondary education (vocational education and training) should be laid down by Regulation of the Study Commission. "

50. According to Article 51 (2), the following paragraphs (2a) to (2c) are inserted:

" (2a) By way of derogation from § 51 (1), for a Bachelor's degree in secondary education (vocational training), the general university entrance qualification may be completed by a master's letter or an equivalent qualification in connection with at least one of the following: Three years of professional practice.

(2b) A prerequisite for admission to a Master's programme is the completion of a relevant Bachelor's degree.

(2c) Only those persons who comply with the conditions laid down in paragraph 3 of this Regulation may be admitted to the Bachelor's degree programme in teacher training colleges. The requirements for suitability are to be concretised in orientation to the competence catalogue in accordance with Section 42 (1a) in such a way that the target positions of the teaching profession on diversity and inclusion are taken into account with regard to the selection of students. It must be taken from the proof of the eligibility criteria which, in the case of the fulfilment of the essential requirements for the intended occupation, are due to a different first language than German or a disability in the sense of the Federal disability equality law cannot be fulfilled. If necessary, appropriate compensatory measures (e.g. in the sense of § 63 (1) (7)) must be provided both within the framework of the aptitude test procedure and during the course of the studies. "

51. § 51 (3) reads:

" (3) The procedure for the determination of suitability for the Bachelor's degree has to take into account scientific criteria. The materials and information shall be made available on the homepage at the latest six months before the procedure is carried out. The more detailed provisions concerning the admission requirements and the procedure for determining the suitability for the Bachelor's programme, the conditions for the study of (university) courses as well as the admission procedure are laid down in the regulation of the , and to determine the requirements of the curricula by means of a Regulation of the Study Commission. "

52. In § 52, after the turn "as well as for (high-school) courses" the twist "and studies complementary to subject-related studies in order to obtain a Magisterium (according to § 38a)" inserted.

53. In § 52, § 54 (1), § 55 (1), § 56 (1), § 58 (1), § 59 (2) penultimate sentence and § 69 (2), the term " "Study programmes" through the phrase "Bachelor and Master Studies" replaced.

54. In § 56 (1) the third sentence reads as follows:

" In the area of the Bachelor's and Master's studies offered by the Pedagogical University in order to obtain a teacher training in the field of secondary education (general education and vocational training), relevant professional skills have to be given to appropriate to count on practice-oriented study parts. "

55. The title of § 57 reads:

"Recognition of Bachelor's and Master's theses"

56. In § 57, after the word order "Requirements of a bachelor's thesis" the phrase "or a Master's thesis" inserted.

57. In § 59 (2) Z 3, the turn-of-the-turn "foreseen for the respective study section" .

58. In § 59 sec. 2 Z 5 the phrase "Presence and civil service" through the phrase "Presence, Training and Civil Service" replaced.

59. § 59 (2) Z 6 reads:

" 6.

in the compulsory school practical training in the first or second semester of the course of study, in the following semesters after a one-time repetition (at most also in the course of a different course of studies or other studies). of the study at another university of teacher education)-but overall have been assessed twice in a negative way; a reference from the practice school is to be considered as a negative semester assessment, "

60. The following Z 7 and Z 8 are added to Section 59 (2):

" 7.

In the case of a compulsory examination of the study entry and orientation phase, it was also assessed negatively in the last repetition,


the teacher training studies for vocational education and technical and commercial pedagogics are eliminated from the service relationship. "

61. In § 62 paragraph 2 Z 5, after the turn "Copy of your bachelor thesis" the twist "or her master's thesis of a Master's degree in accordance with § 35 Z 1a" inserted.

62. The title of § 65 reads as follows:

" Awarding of the academic degree or the academic title after completion of bachelor's or master's studies and university courses "

63. § 65 (1) reads:

" (1) The Rector The Rector of the Pedagogical University has assessed the students of Bachelor and Master studies after the positive assessment of all the examinations prescribed in the respective curriculum and after delivery of the positive assessments scientific-occupational field-related bachelor thesis or Master thesis the respective academic degree "Bachelor" or "Master" by means of a written communication without delay, but no later than one month after the fulfilment of all the requirements of officals. The academic degree "Bachelor of Education (BEd)", for master studies according to § 38, paragraph 2b, of the academic degree "Master of Education (MEd)" is to be awarded for Bachelor's studies in accordance with § 38 (2a). This shall be without prejudice to the provision of Section 65a. "

64. According to Section 65 (1), the following paragraph 1a is inserted:

"(1a) For studies in accordance with § 35 Z 1b, paragraph 1 shall apply with regard to the award of the academic degree" Bachelor of Education (BEd) "in a meaningful way."

64a. § 65a (1) reads as follows:

" (1) On request, persons who:


a total of six semesters of teacher training,


a teacher training under six semesters as well as an additional teaching degree or


teacher training in the field of vocational education and training in the field of vocational education and training less than six semesters, as well as an appropriate prior education and/or training required in accordance with the admission requirements applicable at the time of or professional practice in full employment of at least one year

completed successfully in accordance with the law applicable before the entry into force of this Federal Act, or After completing extra-occupational complementary studies as well as a bachelor thesis with a total of 39 ECTS (of which 9 ECTS credits for the Bachelor thesis), the academic degree "Bachelor of Education, BEd" is to be awarded. The application is at a pedagogical university or at a recognized private teacher education institution. to a recognised private course of study at which the corresponding Bachelor's degree programme is conducted. The relevant government member has to enact the more detailed rules on the design of the supplementary course of study in the part-time period. In doing so, qualifications that have been obtained can be be accepted in full or in part according to the requirements of the framework curriculum. In this respect, for example, relevant training courses such as a successfully completed university or university of applied sciences degree programme, a further teaching degree programme (if this is not a prerequisite for admission in accordance with § 65a (1) Z 2), Continuing education and training courses, such as university or university courses, studies based on teacher training studies to obtain additional teaching qualifications, additional training for special school teachers, or other content and corresponding additional qualifications, Consideration of project management, school management activities, relevant publications and other relevant qualifications for the teaching profession. By way of derogation from § 57, domestic work and other scientific work may also be recognised, insofar as they correspond to the requirements of a Bachelor's thesis at the Pedagogical University. The qualifications are to be documented in a competence portfolio. "

65. In § 68 (1), the word order shall be "Study course or teaching degree course" through the phrase "Bachelor's or Master's Degree" replaced.

66. § 69 (1) reads:

" (1) Students of Bachelor's and Master's studies in universities of teacher education who hold Austrian citizenship, are EU citizens, or to whom Austria, under an international law, have the same rights to the If you do not have more than two semesters, you do not have to pay a tuition fee if you do not have to spend more than two semesters at the time of your study. Periods of attendance, training and civil service, which are completed during the period of study, and leave of absence will not be counted towards the intended period of study. "

67. The last sentence is deleted in Section 69 (2).

68. After the 4. The main piece is the following 4a. Main piece inserted:

" 4a. Main item

External quality assurance of teacher training studies

Quality assurance council for pedagogical and pedagogic education

§ 74a. (1) The Federal Minister for Education, Art and Culture, together with the Federal Minister for Science and Research, has a quality assurance council for pedagogical and pedagogic education. to establish quality-and needs-oriented, scientific monitoring of the development of the teacher training studies. It has the following tasks:


Monitoring and analysis of the development of pedagogical and pedagogic education in Austria, taking into account European and international developments, as well as the development of proposals for their further development,


Advising the Federal Ministers and the Federal Ministers of Education and Education in matters of quality assurance and demand,


Study offer-specific examination of the scientific and professional requirements for the provision of services of teacher training universities, if necessary, with an internationally recognised independent Higher-education quality assurance institution (zB agency for quality assurance and accreditation Austria, or a quality assurance institution registered in the European Quality Assurance Register),


Opinion in the framework of the curricula-review procedures for the curricula of the teacher training studies in accordance with Annex with regard to the implementation of the professional regulations (in particular the skills required for the profession of pedagogues, the qualification profile, the corresponding consideration of the 1962 School Organizational Law in the the respective tasks of the types of school and the requirements of employment) to the educational institution, as well as


annual publication of a report on the current state of education and pedagogic education in Austria and submission to the National Council.

(2) The Quality Assurance Council consists of six members, appointed for five years, who are experts in the field of national and/or International higher education institutions have the knowledge, particularly the Austrian school system, which is essential to the tasks of the Quality Assurance Council. Reorder is possible. The Council is expected to consist of women and men in half. At least two members must have relevant international professional experience. Three members are to be appointed by the Federal Minister of Education, the Federal Minister for Education, the Arts and Culture, three by the Federal Minister for Science and Research, or by the Federal Minister for Science and Research.


Membership in the Quality Assurance Council ends


by the end of the operating period;


by waiving;


by convening;


by death.

(4) The Federal Minister or the Federal Minister may have a member of the Quality Assurance Council appointed by her or him on account of a serious breach of duty, a criminal conviction or because of a lack of health fitness. Dismissed the communication from his function.

(5) The Quality Assurance Council may be members of the Federal Government or of a state government, State Secretaries and State Secretaries, members of the National Council, the Federal Council, the Landtage and senior functionaries of a political party at federal or state level, as well as persons who have exercised such a function in the last two years. Also excluded are functionaries of the higher education educational institutions (members of the university and university councils, members of the rectorate as well as the chairpersons of the Senate or study commissions), as well as Employees of the federal ministries responsible for higher education institutions in the active state of service.

(6) The Chairperson of the Quality Assurance Council and the Vice-President of the Quality Assurance Council, as well as the Vice-President of the Quality Assurance Council, shall be elected by a simple majority of the members from the If no agreement is reached, these positions will be appointed by the Federal Minister of Education, the Federal Minister for Education, the Arts and Culture in agreement with the Federal Minister for Science and Research and the Federal Minister for Science and Research.

(7) The tasks referred to in paragraph 1 shall be carried out on an ongoing basis by the members of the Quality Assurance Council, whereby the division of labour and the commissioning of external assessments in the sense of paragraph 1 Z 3 is possible. If the area of responsibility referred to in paragraph 1 (4) falls within the scope of another Federal Ministry, an expert can be appointed on the part of the Federal Ministry of the Federal Republic of Germany. The Quality Assurance Council shall meet at least four times a year in decision-making. The contents of each meeting shall be summared in one protocol. The decisions, opinions and recommendations of the Quality Assurance Council shall be published. The meetings shall not be open to the public and the subjects discussed therein shall be treated as confidential.

(8) The Quality Assurance Council shall take its decisions in the course of voting. A decision of the quality assurance council shall only be made if at least four members have voted in favour of an application. The decisions of the Quality Assurance Council are to be submitted and published by the Federal Minister for Education, Arts and Culture, the Federal Minister for Education, the Federal Minister for Science and Research, and the Federal Minister for Science and Research. The provisions of the Management Board shall establish the Quality Assurance Council in its Rules of Procedure and shall draw up a multi-annual planning process which shall be subject to the approval of the Federal Minister for Education, the Arts and Culture and the Federal Minister for Education, Arts and Culture. Federal Minister of Science and Research, Federal Minister for Science and Research. The Rules of Procedure shall be published. The Quality Assurance Council is supported in its management by a business office. The Federal Ministry of Science and Research as well as the Federal Ministry of Education, Arts and Culture are each half of the staff and material expenses.

(9) The members of the Quality Assurance Council shall be independent in the performance of their duties and shall not be bound by any instructions.

(10) The Quality Assurance Council is subject to the supervision of the Federal Minister or the Federal Minister. The Federal Minister or the Federal Minister shall be entitled to see documents requested by her or him. "

69. In § 79 the following Z 1a is inserted after Z1:

" 1a.

as regards Section 74a, the Federal Minister for Education, the Arts and Culture, and the Federal Minister for Science and Research; "

70. The following paragraph 8 is added to § 80:

" (8) The following provisions of this Federal Act in the version of the Federal Law BGBl. I No 124/2013 shall enter into force as follows:


The table of contents with regard to § § 38a, and the 4a. § 5 (1) (4), § 8 (1), (3b) and (6a), § 9 (7), § 10, § 35 (1b) and (4a), § 38a and the title (except section 1a), section 39 (1) to (3), § 42 (4), § 52 with regard to the time limit for admission of subject-related studies Supplementary studies on the obtaining of a Magisterium, § 59 (2) Z 8, § 65 (1a), § 65a (1), § 79 (1a) and 4a. The main item will enter into force at the end of the day of the customer's announcement in the Federal Law Gazans.


The table of contents with regard to the lines relating to § § 41, 82a and § 82b, § 5 (2), § 8 (7), § 8 (2), last sentence, § 9 (9), § 30 (1), § 39 (2) with regard to the scope of studies, § 40 (3) with regard to the Bachelor's studies, § § 42 (1), (2) and (4), § 51 (1), (2a), (2c) and (3), § 59 (2) (3), (5), (6) and (7), § 69 (1) with regard to Bachelor's studies and 2 (2) with regard to the grace period, § 82a together with Title as well as § 82b together with the title appear with 1. October 2013 will be in force.


The table of contents with regard to the lines relating to § § 4, 38 and 65, § 1 paragraph 2 Z 2, the title to § 4, § 4 (1) Z 2 and (2), § 5 (1) and (1) Z 2, § 6 (1) Z 3, § 7 (1) to (3), § 8 (2) with the exception of the last sentence, § Article 9 (1), § 32 (2) (1a), § 35 (1) and 5 (1), § 38 (1), § 39 (2), § 42 (1), § 49, § 52, para. 1, § 55, para. 1, § 56, para. 1, the title to § 57, § 57, para. 1, § 59, para. 2, the title of § 65, § 65, para. 1, § 68, para. 1 and Section 69 (2) of the new Bachelor's degree programme for the primary level shall be given as 1. October 2015 will take effect on Bachelor studies for secondary education in the area of general education and vocational education and training from 1. October 2016 Application. Pedagogical institutions of higher education can also offer the Bachelor's studies even before the mentioned entry into force. With the end of the 30. Septembers 2016 does not apply to Section 38a (1), whereby this paragraph, in the case of an earlier offer of an eight-semester Bachelor's degree at a Pedagogical University, is no longer applicable in the past.


The table of contents with regard to the lines relating to § § 4, 38, 48a, 57, 65 and 82c, § 1 para. 2 Z 2, § 4 para. 1 Z 2 and para. 2, § 5 para. 1 and para. 1 Z 2, § 6 para. 1 Z 3, § 7 para. 1 to 3, § 8 para. 2 with the exception of the last sentence, § 9 para. 1, § 32 paragraph 2 Z 1a, § 35 Z 1a, 5 and 6, § 38 with title, § 39 paragraph 2, § 40 paragraph 3, § 42 para. 1a, § 48a including title, § 49, § 51 para. 2b, § 52, § 54, para. 1, § 55 para. 1, § 56 para. 1, title to § 57, § 57 § 1, § 59 paragraph 2, § 62 para. 2 Z 5, the title of § 65, § 65 (1), § 68 (1), § 69 (1) and (2) as well as § 82c, together with the title, are presented with reference to the Master's studies with 1. October 2019 in force. Pedagogical institutions of higher education can also offer the Master's studies before the date of entry into force. "

71. In accordance with § 82 the following § 82a bis § 82d shall be inserted in each case together with the heading:

" Transitional right to the New Middle School for the beginning of studies in the academic year 2013/14

§ 82a. (1) Up to 1. The term "primary schools" is to be replaced by the term "new middle schools" in Section 5 (1) (2) (2) of the term "Hauptschulen".

(2) With the academic year 2013/14, only more Bachelor studies for the teaching degree for New Middle Schools are to be conducted in place of Bachelor studies for the teaching degree for primary schools. Students of the Bachelor's degree programme for secondary schools have to pursue this as a Bachelor's degree for the teaching degree for new middle schools as a continuation of their studies from the academic year 2013/14.

Transitional law on the section breakdown for the start of studies before the academic year 2013/14

§ 82b. Bachelor studies that are before 1. Until the end of October 2013, a section of the study section will continue to be held until the end of the period.

Transitional law for graduates and graduates six-semester Bachelor studies

§ 82c. The admission to a Master's degree in accordance with § 35 Z 1a after completing a six-semester Bachelor's degree in order to obtain a teaching qualification is the provision of a further 60 ECTS credits through the completion of relevant studies within the framework of the Bachelor's degree programme. Continuing education and further education at a university of teacher education or university.

Transitional law for students six-semester Bachelor studies

§ 82d. Students of Bachelor's studies who have completed their studies after the entry into force of the amendment of the Higher Education Act with BGBl. I n ° 124/2013 have begun to continue with the legislation in force at the beginning of their studies. '

72. The following Annex shall be added to the Higher Education Act:


on § 74a (1) (4)

" Framework requirements for the evaluation of curricula by the Quality Assurance Council for pedagogical and pedagogic education

The Quality Assurance Council for Educational and Pedagogic Education is oriented in the preparation of its opinions within the framework of the curricula of the new teacher training studies in accordance with the curricula of the new teaching studies. Study architecture.

Framework guidelines for teacher training studies

For Bachelor's and Master's studies to obtain a teaching qualification in the field of primary education

Bachelor's degree in the scope of 240 ECTS credits; of which:


40 to 50 ECTS credits for general education-related fundamentals;


120 to 130 ECTS credits for elementary and primary level pedagogics and didactics with a focus in the respective age range (elementary or primary level);


60 to 80 ECTS-Credits focus (e.g. (b) in a technical field of education, in inclusive pedagogy, in special education, in social pedagogy, in multilingualism, etc.);


pedagogically-practical studies are to be integrated.

A maximum of 60 ECTS credits can be credited to the graduates of a BAKIP.

Master's degree in the amount of at least 60 ECTS credits:


Reference to pedagogical activity and to science;


the share of general educational science must be so large that, together with the share of the Bachelor's degree programme, at least 60 ECTS credits are included in the overall course of study;


if the elementary and primary levels are to be covered after completion of a bachelor's degree for the primary level, the effort of the master's degree will be increased to at least 90 ECTS credits.

For graduates of a teacher training course in the field of secondary education (general education), an extension course for the primary level can be offered in the form of a further Master's degree programme in the scope of 120 ECTS credits.

For Bachelor's and Master's studies to obtain a teacher training in secondary education (general education)

In the following, a "study subject" always refers to a subject of teaching in the field of secondary education (general education).

Bachelor's degree in the scope of 240 ECTS credits; of which:


40 to 50 ECTS credits for general education-related fundamentals;


95 to 100 ECTS credits per study subject for subject-related didactics and subject-related studies 190 to 200 ECTS credits for more than two mutually overlapping subjects (coherent subject-matter);


or instead of 2. Study subject specialisations in the range of 95 to 100 ECTS Credtis (e.g. B. Inclusive pedagogy, special education, social pedagogy, career orientation, multilingualism, media pedagogy, etc.);


pedagogically-practical studies are to be integrated.

Master's degree in the amount of at least 90 ECTS credits:


Reference to pedagogical activity and to science;


the share of general educational science must be so large that, together with the share of the Bachelor's degree programme, at least 60 ECTS credits are included in the overall course of study;


At least 115 ECTS credits must be included in the total course of study.

For graduates of a teaching degree programme in the field of primary education with specialization in a technical field of education, an extension study for the secondary level (general education) in the form of a further Master's degree programme in the At least 90 ECTS credits are offered.

Framework guidelines for teacher training studies for cross-entrants and entrants

Studies complementary to specialised studies to obtain a teacher training in the secondary education sector (general education)

Admission requirement:


Completion of a course of studies at a tertiary education institution with a minimum of 180 ECTS credits.

Bachelor degree in the scope of 240 ECTS credits, of which:


150 ECTS credits, which are credited with the relevant course of study;


90 ECTS credits for general educational science and subject didactics, of which a maximum of 30 ECTS credits can be credited by an at least one-year professional practice with pedagogical activity.


pedagogically-practical studies are to be integrated.

Master's degree in the amount of at least 60 ECTS credits:


Reference to pedagogical activity and to science;


the share of general educational science must be so large that, together with the share of the Bachelor's degree programme, at least 60 ECTS credits are included in the overall course of study;


In case of pedagogical specialisations in the master course (e.g. For example, including pedagogy, special education, social pedagogy, career orientation, multilingualism, media pedagogy, etc.), the effort of the Master's degree program is increased to at least 90 ECTS credits.

For bachelor and master studies in the field of secondary education (vocational education and training)

Admission requirements:


a professional qualification examination or an equivalent qualification (e.g. (b) Master examination, concession examination, completion of a relevant BHS, etc.);


a minimum of three years ' professional experience; exceptions are to be regulated by regulation of the Federal Minister for Education, Arts and Culture.

Bachelor's degree in the scope of 240 ECTS credits; of which:


60 ECTS credits for general educational science fundamentals, of which a maximum of 30 ECTS credits can be credited for a professional practice with pedagogical interests;


120 ECTS credits for professional fundamentals, of which a maximum of 120 ECTS credits can be credited for at least three years of subject-related professional practice; if there is not at least three years ' professional experience in professional practice, A maximum of 60 ECTS credits are credited;


60 ECTS credits for subject didactics, of which a maximum of 30 ECTS credits can be credited for a professional practice with pedagogical interests;


pedagogically-practical studies are to be integrated.

Master's degree in the amount of at least 60 ECTS credits:


Reference to pedagogical activity and to science;


Pedagogical specialisations (e.g. This includes pedagogy, special education, social pedagogy, vocational orientation, multilingualism, media pedagogy, etc.).

For studies related to the subject, complementary studies to obtain a teacher training in the field of secondary education (vocational training):

Admission requirements:


Completion of a subject-related study at a tertiary education institution with a minimum of 240-300 ECTS credits;


A professional professional practice at least three years old; exceptions are to be regulated by regulation of the Federal Minister for Education, Arts and Culture.

Bachelor degree in the scope of 240 ECTS credits, of which:


180 ECTS credits, which are credited from the relevant course of study;


60 ECTS credits for general educational science and subject didactics;


pedagogically-practical studies are to be integrated.

Master's degree in the amount of at least 60 ECTS credits:


Reference to pedagogical activity and to science;


Pedagogical specialisations (e.g. Including pedagogy, special education, social pedagogy, career orientation, multilingualism, media pedagogy, etc.). "

Article 2

Federal law, which changes the University Act 2002

The University Act 2002, BGBl. I n ° 120, as last amended by the Federal Law BGBl. I n ° 52/2013, shall be amended as follows:

1. In § 2 Z 5, after the word "Occupational access" the following phrase is inserted: ", in particular for teaching in schools and/or schools, Professional activities in elemental educational institutions " .

2. In § 3 Z 5, after the word "Universities" the following phrase is inserted: "and of pedagogues" .

3. § 13 para. 2 Z 1 is the following lit. N:

" n)

in relation to studies for teaching in schools or schools, Professional activities in elementary educational institutions: the basis of the performance agreement is a positive opinion of the Quality Assurance Council for educational and pedagogical education in newly established studies. "

4. The following Z 30 is added to Section 51 (2):

" 30.

Induction courses are courses offered to the graduates of teacher training studies during their career entry phase at an Austrian school for the scientific monitoring and reflection of the practice in the respective pedagogically-practical professional field. "

5. The following is added to Section 54 (3):

" (3) The amount of work required for Master's studies shall be at least 60 ECTS credits if the Bachelor course of study, which is based on § 64 (5), has been 240 ECTS credits. For the Bachelor's degree programme for teaching in schools, the workload is 240 ECTS credits and it is not an opinion on employability to be created, for professional activities in elementary educational educational institutions the Work outlay at least 180 ECTS credits. Master studies in the field of secondary education (general education) have at least 90 ECTS credits to be included. "

6. § 54 (5), first sentence reads:

" Curricula and their changes are the rectorate of the rectorate, curricula theological studies also to the responsible ecclesiastical authorities as well as curricula to studies for teaching in schools and/or schools. To submit professional activities to educational educational institutions to the Quality Assurance Council for Education and Pedagogical Education for their opinion. "

7. The following paragraphs 6a, 6b, 6c and 6d shall be added to Section 54:

" (6a) induction courses can be offered by the universities for graduates of a teaching degree programme.

(6b) The rectorate of a university is entitled to the designation of those general or vocational higher schools who cooperate in the implementation of practical events for students of the Bachelor's and Master's teacher training studies. "Cooperation school" with the addition of the respective university.

(6c) Offers of Bachelor's and Master's studies in order to obtain a teaching qualification for primary schools, special schools, polytechnic schools, primary schools, new middle schools or for the field of vocational education and training can only be in the form of one (or more) Educational universities are offered and run jointly.

(6d) For studies of teaching in schools and/or schools, Professional activities in elementary educational institutions are to be applied in accordance with § 66, with the proviso that the selection procedure must be part of the study entry and orientation phase, if it takes place after the admission. "

8. § 63 (1) (5a) is:

" 5a.

the suitability for teaching in schools or Professional activities in elementary educational institutions; "

9. The following paragraph 12 is added to § 63:

" (12) The recording and/or Selection procedure for teacher training in schools or schools In particular, professional activities in elementary educational institutions have to take account of the following requirements:


Review of the training requirements for teacher training in schools and schools, respectively Professional activities in educational educational institutions related to performance related, personal, professional and pedagogical aptitude in accordance with the skills required for the profession of educationalists;


Taking into account the scientific criteria for aptitude tests;


timely provision of information and materials on the university's homepage; in the case of admission procedures prior to admission not later than six months prior to implementation, in the case of selection procedures after approval at the latest at the beginning of the semester in question. "

10. The following paragraph 35 is added to § 143:

" (35) § 63 (1) (5a) and (12) in the version of the Federal Law BGBl (Federal Law Gazette). I n ° 124/2013 apply to students who start their studies starting in the winter semester 2014/2015. "

Article 3

Federal law amending the higher education quality assurance law

The High School Quality Assurance Act, BGBl. I No 74/2011, is amended as follows:

1. In Section 22 (2) (5), the point shall be replaced by a stroke, and the following Z 6 shall be added:

" 6.

Structures and procedures for quality assurance for teaching in schools and/or schools Professional activities in elementary educational institutions, particularly for the examination of the scientific and professional requirements for the provision of services. "

2. In the table of contents will be after the 7. Section inserted:

" 7a. Section

Quality assurance council for pedagogical and pedagogic education

(3) In accordance with § 30, the following section 7a is inserted:

" 7a. Section

Quality assurance council for pedagogical and pedagogic education

§ 30a. (1) The Federal Minister for Science and Research, together with the Federal Minister for Education, the Federal Minister for Education, the Arts and Culture, has set up a quality assurance council for pedagogical and pedagogic education. to establish quality-and needs-oriented, scientific monitoring of the development of the teacher training studies. It has the following tasks:


Monitoring and analysis of the development of pedagogical and pedagogic education in Austria, taking into account European and international developments, as well as the development of proposals for their further development,


Advising the Federal Ministers and the Federal Ministers of Education and Education in matters of quality assurance and demand,


Study offer-specific examination of the scientific and professional requirements for the provision of services of teacher training universities, if necessary, with an internationally recognised independent High-school quality assurance institution (e.g. B. Agency for Quality Assurance and Accreditation Austria or a quality assurance institution registered in the European Quality Assurance Register),


Opinion in the framework of the curricula-review procedures for the curricula of the teacher training studies in accordance with Annex with regard to the implementation of the professional regulations (in particular the skills required for the profession of pedagogues, the qualification profile, the corresponding consideration of the 1962 School Organizational Law in the the respective tasks of the types of school and the requirements of employment) to the educational institution, as well as


annual publication of a report on the current state of education and pedagogic education in Austria and submission to the National Council.

(2) The Quality Assurance Council consists of six members, appointed for five years, who are experts in the field of national and/or national, respectively, International higher education institutions have the knowledge, particularly the Austrian school system, which is essential to the tasks of the Quality Assurance Council. Reorder is possible. The Council is expected to consist of women and men in half. At least two members must have relevant international professional experience. Three members are to be ordered by the Federal Minister or the Federal Minister for Science and Research, three by the Federal Minister or by the Federal Minister for Education, Arts and Culture.

(3) The membership of the Quality Assurance Council shall end


by the end of the operating period;


by waiving;


by convening;


by death.

(4) The Federal Minister or the Federal Minister may have a member of the Quality Assurance Council appointed by her or him on account of a serious breach of duty, a criminal conviction or because of a lack of health fitness. Dismissed the communication from his function.

(5) The Quality Assurance Council may be members of the Federal Government or of a state government, State Secretaries and State Secretaries, members of the National Council, the Federal Council, the Landtage and senior functionaries of a political party at federal or state level, as well as persons who have exercised such a function in the last two years. Also excluded are functionaries of the higher education educational institutions (members of the university and university councils, members of the rectorate as well as the chairpersons of the Senate or study commissions), as well as Employees of the federal ministries responsible for higher education institutions in the active state of service.

(6) The Chairperson of the Quality Assurance Council and the Vice-President of the Quality Assurance Council, as well as the Vice-President of the Quality Assurance Council, shall be elected by a simple majority of the members from the If no agreement is reached, these positions will be ordered by the Federal Minister for Science and Research in agreement with the Federal Minister for Education, the Arts and Culture.

(7) The tasks referred to in paragraph 1 shall be carried out on an ongoing basis by the members of the Quality Assurance Council, whereby the division of labour and the commissioning of external assessments in the sense of paragraph 1 Z 3 is possible. If the area of responsibility referred to in paragraph 1 (4) falls within the scope of another Federal Ministry, an expert can be appointed on the part of this Federal Ministry of the Federal Republic of Germany. The Quality Assurance Council shall meet at least four times a year in decision-making. The contents of each meeting shall be summared in one protocol. The decisions, opinions and recommendations of the Quality Assurance Council shall be published. The meetings shall not be open to the public and the subjects discussed therein shall be treated as confidential.

(8) The Quality Assurance Council shall take its decisions in the course of voting. A decision of the quality assurance council shall only be made if at least four members have voted in favour of an application. The decisions of the Quality Assurance Council are to be submitted and published by the Federal Minister for Science and Research and the Federal Minister for Education, the Arts and Culture. The provisions of the Management Board shall establish the Quality Assurance Council in its Rules of Procedure and shall draw up a multi-annual planning process which shall be subject to the approval of the Federal Minister for Science and Research and the Federal Minister for Science and Research. Federal Minister of Education, Arts and Culture require. The Rules of Procedure shall be published. The Quality Assurance Council is supported in its management by a business office. The Federal Ministry of Science and Research as well as the Federal Ministry of Education, Arts and Culture are each half of the staff and material expenses.

(9) The members of the Quality Assurance Council shall be independent in the performance of their duties and shall not be bound by any instructions.

(10) The Quality Assurance Council is subject to the supervision of the Federal Minister or the Federal Minister. The Federal Minister or the Federal Minister shall be entitled to see documents requested by her or him. "

4. § 38 Z 2 receives the number designation "3" and the new Z 2 is:

" 2.

as regards Section 30a, the Federal Minister for Science and Research, and the Federal Minister for Education, the Arts and Culture, and the Federal Minister for Education, the Federal Minister for Education, the Federal Minister for Education and the Federal

5. The following Annex shall be added to the High School Quality Assurance Act:


on § 30 (1) Z 4

" Framework requirements for the evaluation of curricula by the Quality Assurance Council for pedagogical and pedagogic education

The Quality Assurance Council for Educational and Pedagogic Education is oriented in the preparation of its opinions within the framework of the curricula of the new teacher training studies in accordance with the curricula of the new teaching studies. Study architecture.

Framework guidelines for teacher training studies

For Bachelor's and Master's studies to obtain a teaching qualification in the field of primary education

Bachelor's degree in the scope of 240 ECTS credits; of which:


40 to 50 ECTS credits for general education-related fundamentals;


120 to 130 ECTS credits for elementary and primary level pedagogics and didactics with a focus in the respective age range (elementary or primary level);


60 to 80 ECTS-Credits focus (e.g. (b) in a technical field of education, in inclusive pedagogy, in special education, in social pedagogy, in multilingualism, etc.);


pedagogically-practical studies are to be integrated.

A maximum of 60 ECTS credits can be credited to the graduates of a BAKIP.

Master's degree in the amount of at least 60 ECTS credits:


Reference to pedagogical activity and to science;


the share of general educational science must be so large that, together with the share of the Bachelor's degree programme, at least 60 ECTS credits are included in the overall course of study;


if the elementary and primary levels are to be covered after completion of a bachelor's degree for the primary level, the effort of the master's degree will be increased to at least 90 ECTS credits.

For graduates of a teacher training course in the field of secondary education (general education), an extension course for the primary level can be offered in the form of a further Master's degree programme in the scope of 120 ECTS credits.

For Bachelor's and Master's studies to obtain a teacher training in secondary education (general education)

In the following, a "study subject" always refers to a subject of teaching in the field of secondary education (general education).

Bachelor's degree in the scope of 240 ECTS credits; of which:


40 to 50 ECTS credits for general education-related fundamentals;


95 to 100 ECTS credits per study subject for subject-related didactics and subject-related studies 190 to 200 ECTS credits for more than two mutually overlapping subjects (coherent subject-matter);


or instead of 2. Study subject specialisations in the range of 95 to 100 ECTS Credtis (e.g. B. Inclusive pedagogy, special education, social pedagogy, career orientation, multilingualism, media pedagogy, etc.);


pedagogically-practical studies are to be integrated.

Master's degree in the amount of at least 90 ECTS credits:


Reference to pedagogical activity and to science;


the share of general educational science must be so large that, together with the share of the Bachelor's degree programme, at least 60 ECTS credits are included in the overall course of study;


At least 115 ECTS credits must be included in the total course of study.

For graduates of a teaching degree programme in the field of primary education with specialization in a technical field of education, an extension study for the secondary level (general education) in the form of a further Master's degree programme in the At least 90 ECTS credits are offered.

Framework guidelines for teacher training studies for cross-entrants and entrants

For studies related to the subject, complementary studies to obtain a teacher training in secondary education (general education)

Admission requirement:


Completion of a course of studies at a tertiary education institution with a minimum of 180 ECTS credits.

Bachelor degree in the scope of 240 ECTS credits, of which:


150 ECTS credits, which are credited with the relevant course of study;


90 ECTS credits for general educational science and subject didactics, of which a maximum of 30 ECTS credits can be credited by an at least one-year professional practice with pedagogical activity.


pedagogically-practical studies are to be integrated.

Master's degree in the amount of at least 60 ECTS credits:


Reference to pedagogical activity and to science;


the share of general educational science must be so large that, together with the share of the Bachelor's degree programme, at least 60 ECTS credits are included in the overall course of study;


In case of pedagogical specialisations in the master course (e.g. For example, including pedagogy, special education, social pedagogy, career orientation, multilingualism, media pedagogy, etc.), the effort of the Master's degree program is increased to at least 90 ECTS credits.

For bachelor and master studies in the field of secondary education (vocational education and training)

Admission requirements:


a professional qualification examination or an equivalent qualification (e.g. (b) Master examination, concession examination, completion of a relevant BHS, etc.);


a minimum of three years ' professional experience; exceptions are to be regulated by regulation of the Federal Minister for Education, Arts and Culture.

Bachelor's degree in the scope of 240 ECTS credits; of which:


60 ECTS credits for general educational science fundamentals, of which a maximum of 30 ECTS credits can be credited for a professional practice with pedagogical interests;


120 ECTS credits for professional fundamentals, of which a maximum of 120 ECTS credits can be credited for at least three years of subject-related professional practice; if there is not at least three years ' professional experience in professional practice, A maximum of 60 ECTS credits are credited;


60 ECTS credits for subject didactics, of which a maximum of 30 ECTS credits can be credited for a professional practice with pedagogical interests;


pedagogically-practical studies are to be integrated.

Master's degree in the amount of at least 60 ECTS credits:


Reference to pedagogical activity and to science;


Pedagogical specialisations (e.g. This includes pedagogy, special education, social pedagogy, vocational orientation, multilingualism, media pedagogy, etc.).

For studies related to the subject, complementary studies to obtain a teacher training in the field of secondary education (vocational training):

Admission requirements:


Completion of a subject-related study at a tertiary education institution with a minimum of 240-300 ECTS credits;


A professional professional practice at least three years old; exceptions are to be regulated by regulation of the Federal Minister for Education, Arts and Culture.

Bachelor degree in the scope of 240 ECTS credits, of which:


180 ECTS credits, which are credited from the relevant course of study;


60 ECTS credits for general educational science and subject didactics;


pedagogically-practical studies are to be integrated.

Master's degree in the amount of at least 60 ECTS credits:


Reference to pedagogical activity and to science;


Pedagogical specialisations (e.g. Including pedagogy, special education, social pedagogy, career orientation, multilingualism, media pedagogy, etc.). "

