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Of The Constitutional Court, Saying That The Regulation "composition Of The Senate And Business Distribution, Valid From 08.08.2005" The Disciplinary Committee At The Federal Ministry For Inner...

Original Language Title: Ausspruch des Verfassungsgerichtshofes, dass die Verordnung “Zusammensetzung der Senate und Geschäftsverteilung, gültig ab 08.08.2005“ der Disziplinarkommission beim Bundesministerium für Inner...

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57. Revelation of the Federal Minister of the Interior on the ruling of the Constitutional Court that the regulation "Composition of the Senate and the division of business, valid from 08.08.2005" of the Disciplinary Commission of the Federal Ministry of the Interior, as well as the headline and the first paragraph of the "Composition of the Senate and Business Distribution for the year 2006" of the Disciplinary Commission of the Federal Ministry of the Interior

In accordance with Art. 139 (5), second sentence B-VG and § 60 (2) (iVm § 61) VfGG iVm § 4 Abs. 1 Z 4 BGBlG, it is made known:

The Constitutional Court, with the recognition of 12 December 2012, V 42-45/12-11, V 67, 68 /12-11 and V 69 ,70 /12-11, was served by the Federal Minister of the Interior on 22 December 2012. Jänner 2013, recognized:


The Regulation "Composition of the Senate and the Distribution of Business, valid from 08.08.2005" of the Disciplinary Commission of the Federal Ministry of the Interior, as well as


the headline and the first paragraph of the "Composition of the Senate and Business Distribution for the Year 2006" of the Disciplinary Commission of the Federal Ministry of the Interior

were unlawful.
