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Change The Delivery Form Regulation

Original Language Title: Änderung der Zustellformularverordnung

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406. Ordinance of the Federal Government, which changes the Regulation on Delivery Forms

On the basis of § 27 and § 35 (1) of the Delivery Act-ZustG, BGBl. No 200/1982, as last amended by the Administrative Jurisdictional Implementation Act 2013, BGBl. I No 33/2013, shall be arranged:

The Delivery Forms Ordinance-ZustFormV, BGBl. No 600/1982, as last amended by the BGBl Regulation. II No 399/2013, shall be amended as follows:

1. The text of § 1 shall become the sales designation "(1)" .

2. In Section 1 (1), the phrase "Understanding on the deposit of a document" through the phrase "Understanding on the deposit of a regulatory document" replaced.

(3) The following paragraph 2 is added to Article 1 (1):

" (2) As far as the handling of the administrative procedural laws in the administrative procedure according to § 13 (1) of the Volksgruppengesetz-VoGrG, BGBl. N ° 396/1976, in the language of a ethnic group, the forms 1, 7, 8 and 9 attached to the Annex are available in Croatian, Slovenian and Hungarian languages. '

4. § 4 is added to the following paragraph 8:

" (8) § 1 and the annex in the version of the BGBl Regulation. II No 406/2015 shall enter into force at the end of the month of the presentation of this Regulation. '

5. In the Annex, after Z 2 the heading shall be: " Forms in German " is inserted after the forms are added:

Forms 1, 7, 8 and 9 in Croatian, Slovenian and Hungarian language

[see Annex]

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