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Amendment Of The Regulation To The Federal Law, With The Establishment Of Businesses And The Transfer Of Small And Medium-Sized Enterprises Is Promoted (New Start-Up Promotion Act Neufög)

Original Language Title: Änderung der Verordnung zum Bundesgesetz, mit dem die Neugründung von Betrieben und die Übertragung von Klein- und Mittelbetrieben gefördert wird (Neugründungs-Förderungsgesetz – NEUFÖG)

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389. Ordinance of the Federal Minister of Finance and the Federal Minister of Justice, with which the regulation of the Federal Minister of Finance and the Federal Minister for Justice on the Federal Law, with which the re-establishment of enterprises and the transfer of Small and medium-sized enterprises (Newfound-Förderungsgesetz-NEUFÖG), amended,

Due to the New Founding Funding Act, BGBl. I n ° 106/1999, as last amended by the Federal Law BGBl. I No 112/2012, shall be arranged:

The ordinance of the Federal Minister of Finance and the Federal Minister for Justice on the Federal Law, which promotes the re-establishment of enterprises and the transfer of small and medium-sized enterprises (Neugründungs-Förderungsgesetz-NEUFÖG), BGBl. II No 483/2002, as amended by the BGBl Regulation. II No 287/2008, shall be amended as follows:

1. The title of the Regulation is: