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Ifi Contribution Act 2012

Original Language Title: IFI-Beitragsgesetz 2012

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90. Federal Act on Austrian Contributions to International Financial Institutions (IFI-Contribution Act 2012)

The National Council has decided:

§ 1. The Federal Government is participating in the replenials of the funds of international financial institutions in which the Republic of Austria is a member, with the following amounts:


Ninth replenials of the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD-9)

EUR 16 000 000


Tenth restocking of the Asian Development Fund and fifth repleniation of the Technical Assistance Special Fund of the Asian Development Bank (AsDF-XI)

32 000 000

§ 2. The Federal Minister of Finance has to draw up a report on the activities and results of the international financial institutions referred to in § 1 at the middle and at the end of each implementation period. This report shall be forwarded to the National Council for information.

§ 3. The Federal Minister of Finance is responsible for the enforcement of this federal law.

