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38. Ordinary of the Federal Chancellor concerning the transfer of tasks pursuant to Section 7 (2) of the Federal Budget Act 2013
Due to § 7 (1) Z 2 of the Federal Budget Act 2013-BHG 2013, BGBl. I n ° 139/2009, as last amended by the Federal Law BGBl. I No 150/2011, is to be assigned in agreement with the Federal Minister for Finance:
§ 1. The tasks referred to in § 7 (2) of the BHG 2013 are transferred to the following institutions and these are determined to be responsible for budgetary positions within the meaning of Section 7 (2) of the BHG 2013:
1. |
The President of the Asylum Court; |
2. |
The Director-General of the Austrian State Archives. |
§ 2. The budget-leading body according to § 1 Z 2 manages a second-level detailed budget of the relevant first-level detailed budget and is subordinated to the Federal Chancellery in its function as the budget-leading position.
§ 3. (1) This Regulation shall be applied for the first time in the preparation of the Federal Financial Framework Act for the financial years 2013 to 2016 as well as the Federal Finance Law for the financial year 2013.
(2) The Regulations, BGBl. No 143/1987 and BGBl. N ° 635/1992, expire on 31 December 2012 with the proviso that they are still to be applied in the event of enforcement of Section 122 (3) BHG 2013.