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Regulation of the Federal Minister for Labour, Social Affairs and Consumer Protection, which enacted the regulation on the protection of workers from the dangers arising from the electric current, and with which the Construction Workers ' Protection Regulation and the Regulation of explosive atmospheres shall be amended
Pursuant to § § 17, 20, 25 (7), 33 to 38, 60 (1) and 118 (3) of the Employees ' Protection Act-ASchG, BGBl. N ° 450/1994, as last amended by the Federal Law BGBl. I No 51/2011, shall be assigned:
Article I
Regulation on the protection of workers from dangers arising from electric current (Electroprotective Ordinance 2012-ESV 2012)
table of contents
§ 1. Scope and definitions |
1. Section: Electrical installations and electrical equipment |
§ 2. General provisions |
§ 3. Basic protection (protection against direct contact) |
§ 4. Error protection (protection for indirect contact) |
§ 5. Additional protection due to fault current protection devices |
§ 6. Scooter |
§ 7. Checks and audits |
§ 8. Pre-commissioning tests |
§ 9. Recurrent Checks |
§ 10. Minimum content of tests |
§ 11. Test findings |
2. Section: Working on or near electrical installations |
§ 12. Working in a stress-free condition |
§ 13. Working under tension |
§ 14. Working in the vicinity under tension standing parts |
3. Section: Lightning Protection and Final Provisions |
§ 15. Lightning protection |
§ 16. Final provisions |
Annex 1: danger zone |
Annex 2: Approximation zone |
Scope and definitions
§ 1. (1) This Regulation shall apply in workplaces, on construction sites and at external employment offices within the meaning of the ASchG.
(2) § § 4 and 5 shall apply only to electrical installations with rated voltages up to 1000 V AC voltage or 1500 V DC voltage.
(3) For the purposes of this Regulation,
1. |
Electrical power: a person with appropriate professional training, knowledge and experience, so that it can identify and avoid dangers arising from electricity; |
2. |
electrotechnical person: a person who has been adequately informed by electrical professionals, so that it can avoid hazards that can be caused by electricity. |
1. Section: Electrical installations and electrical equipment
General provisions
§ 2. (1) In order to protect the safety and health of workers from hazards arising from electrical power, employers shall ensure that electrical installations and electrical equipment are used in accordance with the recognised rules of the technology, are always in safe condition and defects are immediately remedied. If the operating conditions do not allow an immediate correction of the defect, appropriate measures must be taken to protect the life and health of workers (e.g. by shutting down, identifying, attaching signs) and by the workers concerned.
(2) Employers shall ensure that only such electrical installations and electrical equipment are used which meet the respective operational and local requirements in respect of the operating mode and environmental influences. and to the expected stresses (such as, in particular, heat, cold, humidity and electrical, mechanical or chemical stresses) can be safely resisted.
(3) Electrical installations and electrical equipment, of which there is a risk of the electric current for the workers, shall not be used.
Basic protection (protection against direct contact)
§ 3. (1) Electrical installations and electrical equipment may be used only if their parts which are under tension are either isolated throughout their course or by virtue of their design, location or arrangement, or by special means. Devices are protected against direct contact.
(2) Paragraph 1 shall not apply
1. |
in closed electrical facilities, |
2. |
in special cases where the recognised rules of technology allow this. |
Error protection (protection for indirect contact)
§ 4. (1) At least one measure of error protection shall be applied in electrical installations and for electrical equipment, such as:
1. |
Zero, |
2. |
Fault current protection circuit, |
3. |
Isolation monitoring system, |
4. |
Protection insulation, |
5. |
Small protective voltage, |
6. |
Low-function voltage, |
7. |
Protection separation, |
8. |
Protective grounding in electrical installations which |
a. |
were established before 1 January 2011, or |
b. |
after 1 January 2011, provided that the zero and fault current protection circuit cannot be used. |
(2) Paragraph 1 shall not apply to exceptions expressly stated in the recognised rules of technology, in particular:
1. |
Power supply of power to measure electrical work and power with nominal voltages up to 250 V against ground, |
2. |
Metal parts for the guidance or reinforcement of wires and cables, if there is a protective insulation between metal parts and ladders, |
3. |
steel and reinforced concrete masts in distribution networks, |
4. |
Roof racks and metal parts in distribution networks which are conductively connected to the roof stands. |
(3) A main potential compensation shall be established for electrical installations. In the case of underground construction, an additional copper or steel conductor of at least 50 mm shall be required in order to achieve a uniform earth potential. 2 The cross-section is carried along independently of the electrical supply line. This conductor shall be electrically conductively connected at intervals of no more than 100 m with existing metallic conductors, such as pipelines and rails, and shall be subject to technical requirements over a period of days.
(4) By way of derogation from paragraph 1, at least one measure of error protection must be applied in electricity circuits fed by construction power distributors, such as in particular:
1. |
Zero, |
2. |
Fault current protection circuit, |
3. |
Protection insulation, |
4. |
Small protective voltage, |
5. |
Protection separation. |
Additional protection due to fault current protection devices
§ 5. Employers have to ensure that
1. |
In workplaces power circuits with electrical sockets for domestic use according to ÖVE/ÖNORM IEC 60884-1 or for industrial applications according to ÖVE/ÖNORM EN 60309 to 16 Ampere rated current when using the measures of error protection protection, zero or zero Fault current protection circuit with an additional protection in the form of fault current protection devices with a rated fault current of no more than 0.03 Ampere, |
2. |
power distribution circuits with power sockets up to 32 Ampere rated current, with the application of the fault protection measures zero or fault current protection circuit, with an additional protection in the form of fault current protection devices with a Nominal error current of a maximum of 0.03 amps, |
3. |
Electrical equipment which they make available to their workers as a means of work, on construction sites or at work stations in the outside world, only on sockets which are part of an existing domestic installation or of an existing installation or similar plant, if: |
a) |
it is established that the socket is protected by a fault current protection device with a rated fault current of not more than 0.03 amperes, or |
b) |
a variable-position adapter with an integrated fault current protection device with a rated fault current of no more than 0.03 ampere. |
§ 6. Employers shall have to ensure that line scooters are preferably used with built-in overheat protection means. Scooters without overheating protection device may only be used if the cable is completely unrolled.
Checks and audits
§ 7. (1) Employers must ensure that the electrical installations in their workplaces and on construction sites, as well as the locally-variable electrical equipment provided by them to their employees as working equipment, are are used only if:
1. |
the checks required for the checks referred to in paragraph 3 have been carried out, |
2. |
which have been carried out for these tests, required by § § 8 and 9, by electrical professionals who have knowledge of comparable equipment and equipment, and |
3. |
Information provided by manufacturers or distributors on the tests of electrical equipment or electrical equipment shall be complied with. |
(2) Paragraph 1 Z 2 shall not apply to electrical installations of the public electricity supply.
(3) The following checks by an electrotechnical person are required:
1. |
Control of the function of fault current protection devices, in any case for those who guarantee the error or additional protection in accordance with the rules of the technology, by actuating the test button in the from the manufacturers or the placing on the market , if such intervals are not specified, at least every six months, as well as after an error, |
2. |
on construction sites: control of the electrical installations for the operation of the construction site and the electrical equipment for obvious defects at least once a week, |
3. |
for underground construction: |
a) |
weekly control of the function of fault current protection devices by actuating the test button, the devices for the detection of earth connections, the devices for monitoring the protective conductor and the insulation resistance, the control unit, the control unit, the control unit, the control unit, the control unit, the emergency lighting and emergency shut-off devices; |
b) |
at least monthly control of the function of fault current protection devices with suitable measuring instruments. |
(4) The results of the checks referred to in paragraph 3 (3) (3) shall lead to the endorsement of at least the date and the name and signature of the person who carried out the control. The last two notes must be kept.
(5) In the field of mining, a suitable plan shall be drawn up for the systematic testing, maintenance and, where appropriate, testing of mechanical and electrical equipment and installations. All maintenance, testing and testing work on electrical equipment or electrical equipment must be carried out by an electrical specialist. The tests and tests shall be recorded in a protocol which shall be kept accordingly.
Pre-commissioning tests
§ 8. An inspection before commissioning is required for
1. |
electrical installations after they have been set up or re-erect, |
2. |
electrical installations or parts of the plant, following substantial changes, major extensions or after repair, |
3. |
Variable electrical equipment after modification or after repair. |
Recurrent Checks
§ 9. (1) Rereturning exams are required for:
1. |
electrical installations, |
2. |
Electrical equipment of protection class I in workplaces, which is variable, unless it has been found that the hazard assessment and assessment of the hazards has been carried out exclusively at electrical outlets of an electrical installation which is subject to § 5 Z 1 is equivalent to |
3. |
Local electrical equipment used in mining or underground construction. |
(2) The intervals of recurring examinations as referred to in paragraph 1 shall be for a maximum of five years. By way of derogation, the time intervals shall be
1. |
a maximum of ten years if the electrical installation is exposed to only minor loads, such as, in particular, in offices or in commercial or service undertakings, where there are no influences pursuant to paragraph 3, |
2. |
three years in potentially explosive atmospheres and in areas where explosive working materials are used, |
3. |
at least one year in potentially explosive atmospheres and in areas where explosive materials are used, in the event of exceptional exposure, for example, by one of the effects referred to in paragraph 3 (Z), |
4. |
a year at least one year on construction sites and in those parts of workplaces or external work places in which solid mineral raw materials are obtained or prepared for the upper-day period, |
5. |
At least six months in underground mines and underground mining. |
(3) By way of derogation from paragraph 2, the authority for the testing of electrical installations, equipment parts or electrical equipment which does not fall under subsection 2 Z 3 to 5 shall require shorter time intervals:
1. |
three years in the event of an exceptional strain, e.g. by |
a) |
humidity or moisture, or if condensation water or spray water cannot be excluded, |
b) |
Ambient temperatures of less than -20 °C or more than 40 °C, |
c) |
action of acids, alkalis, solvents or their vapors, which may cause corrosion, |
d) |
direct effects of weather influences, as far as they are not already indicated by lit. a or b are recorded, |
e) |
The effect of dust arising from the work processes. |
2. |
a year in the event of an exceptional strain caused by the meeting of several of the effects mentioned in Z 1. |
(4) The Authority shall require additional tests where there is a suspicion that an electrical installation or an electrical equipment is not in an orderly state and that it may jeopardise workers.
Minimum content of tests
§ 10. (1) In the case of electrical installations, the tests in accordance with § § 8 and 9 shall include at least the following contents:
1. |
Inspection of the proper condition |
2. |
Protective measures against direct contact (basic protection) |
3. |
Protective measures with indirect contact (error protection) |
4. |
, where appropriate, protective measures |
5. |
where appropriate, the detection of the thermal condition of relevant electrical equipment. |
(2) In the case of local electrical equipment, the tests in accordance with § § 8 and 9 shall include at least the following contents:
1. |
Verification of the proper condition, |
2. |
functional testing, |
3. |
where appropriate, testing of the protective conductor and measurement of the protective conductor current, |
4. |
measurement of the insulation resistance if necessary. |
Test findings
§ 11. (1) It is necessary to ensure that the results of the tests in accordance with § § 8 and 9 are recorded in a test report, which contains the following information:
1. |
audit date, |
2. |
The name of the examiner, |
3. |
the address of the examiner or the name and address of the auditor, |
4. |
Signature of the examiner, |
5. |
the extent and result of the audit, and it must be clearly understood which installations, plant components and resources have been audited, |
6. |
the measures of error protection and additional protection implemented in the electrical installation. |
(2) schematics and documents for the electrical installation as well as findings on tests before commissioning (§ 8) are to be kept until the electrical installation or termination of the electrical equipment has been shut down. In each case, at least the last two findings are to be kept by means of recurring tests (§ 9). However, if the test interval is more than three years, the findings of the last check shall be sufficient.
(3) The test findings for electrical installations or their copies must be in the workplace or on the construction site, the test findings for local electrical equipment must be visible at the place of use of the electrical operating means. In the case of installations which are not occupied, the test findings must be visible at the location assigned to this installation.
(4) Paragraph 3 shall not apply to electrical equipment to which a test plaque is attached, which
1. |
the date of the last periodic review, |
2. |
has a clear assignment to the test finding of the electrical operating means, |
3. |
is unmistakably and legibly inscribed, |
4. |
is placed in a readily visible position on the electrical operating medium. |
2. Section: Working on or near electrical installations
Working in a stress-free condition
§ 12. (1) Employers shall ensure that the work area is clearly defined and that the work is carried out in accordance with the recognised rules of technology, prior to the start of work carried out in the stress-free condition. In particular, the five safety rules must be complied with:
1. |
Unlock, |
2. |
secure against re-activation, |
3. |
Determine the freedom of tension, |
4. |
Earthing and shorting: |
a) |
in high-voltage installations, anyway, |
b) |
in small-voltage or low-voltage installations, if there is a risk that the installation will be put under tension, |
5. |
Cover or fall off adjacent parts under tension. |
(2) All persons involved in the work must be electrotechnical or electrotechnical persons or be supervised by such person.
Working under tension
§ 13. (1) Employers shall ensure that work is carried out under tension in accordance with the recognised rules of technology.
(2) The work may only be carried out by electrical experts or persons subject to electrical engineering who are
1. |
have received a special training relevant to the work in question and the necessary retraining; and |
2. |
have the equipment and personal protective equipment necessary for the work in question. |
(3) Work may only be carried out if written work instructions are established.
(4) Paragraph 2 (1) and (3) may be dismissed if the identification and assessment of the hazards in accordance with the recognised rules of technology results in the possibility of safe working.
(5) In case of heavy rain, in the case of poor visibility, in the case of thunderstorms, in the case of fire and explosion hazards or if work equipment cannot be used unhindered, work under tension must not be carried out. In the case of other unfavourable environmental conditions, the employer/employer shall limit work under tension in accordance with the reduction of the insulation properties and the limited visibility and freedom of movement.
(6) Employers shall ensure that work equipment and personal protective equipment are obtained for the work under tension in the proper condition. The employees must be provided with the necessary procedures (for storage and storage, transport, maintenance, maintenance).
Working in the vicinity under tension standing parts
§ 14. (1) Employers shall ensure that, in the vicinity of parts under tension, nominal voltages above 50 V AC voltage or 120 V DC voltage are used only if appropriate measures are taken in accordance with the accepted rules of the technology is ensured that workers cannot touch the parts under tension and do not use body parts or objects in dangerous areas (para. 3 and 4).
(2) Suitable measures within the meaning of paragraph 1 are:
1. |
Protection device, cover, encapsulation or insulating covering of the parts under tension or, |
2. |
if this is not possible, protection by distance in accordance with the conditions laid down in paragraphs 3 to 5. |
(3) In the case referred to in paragraph 2 (2) (2), before the start of the work, the employers shall determine the size of the necessary distance, which in any case must be greater than the danger zone ( Annex 1 ), and have to take account of the following in the definition:
1. |
the nature and circumstances of the work, |
2. |
Training and knowledge of workers, |
3. |
the level of tension, |
4. |
the nature of the working equipment and other equipment used, |
5. |
possible movements of work equipment and objects (e.g. loads, carrying or load-receiving means) as well as of overhead lines. |
(4) If non-electrical engineering works, in particular construction works, are to be carried out by electrotechnical laypeople, the following shall also apply in the case of Section 2 (2) (2):
1. |
In any case, the distance required must be greater than the proximity zone ( Annex 2 ). |
2. |
It is |
a. |
to use only those tools, the height and range of which ensure compliance with the necessary distance; or |
b. |
apply appropriate technical measures (such as impact ropes, disinfestations, rotary, height or boom limits of machinery), which ensure that a moving approach to tension under tension is prevented, or |
c. |
to set appropriate operational or organizational measures (such as warning devices), which ensure that a moving approach to parts under tension is prevented. |
(5) The workers must be informed in detail about the necessary safety distances. This applies in particular in the case of non-electrical engineering works in which a moving approach to parts under tension is foreseeable (crane, ladders, concrete lift, etc.).
3. Section: Lightning Protection and Final Provisions
Lightning protection
§ 15. (1) workplaces must be equipped with lightning protection systems if, on the basis of their height, surface area, environment and the lightning activity to be expected (terrestrial flash density), in relation to the construction, use or content of the building, a hazard by lightning strikes or by the consequences of a lightning strike. This shall also apply to construction sites where this is technically possible.
(2) For work equipment which is at risk of lightning, precautions must be taken to ensure that electrical charges caused by lightning strike are inferred in a safe manner into the ground.
(3) § 8 Z 1 and 2 shall also apply to lightning protection systems. In addition, employers must ensure that lightning protection systems, which are required in accordance with paragraph 1, are regularly checked for their proper condition and identified defects are remedied immediately. Tests must be carried out by electrical professionals who have knowledge of the relevant lightning protection standards and knowledge by checking comparable systems at the following intervals:
1. |
three years at the latest, |
2. |
of which, by way of derogation, not more than one year in the case of the use of explosive, highly flammable or large quantities of highly flammable agents (or working materials of category 1, category 1, category 1 and 2, or the hazard class 7). |
(4) § 11 (1) (1) (1) to (4), (2) and (3) shall apply to the test finding.
Final provisions
§ 16. (1) With regard to electrical installations which already exist at the date of entry into force of this Regulation, the obligations under § 3, § 4 (1) and (3) as well as § 5 shall also be fulfilled by compliance with the at the time of the establishment or modification of the electrical equipment. Installation in accordance with the applicable electrical regulations, if not for the electrical installation in question in a regulation or a communication pursuant to § 4 (2) of the Electrotechnic Act 1992, BGBl. No. 106/1993, something else is normalised.
(2) § 8 Z 1 and 2 shall apply only to electrical installations which, after the entry into force of this Regulation, are put into operation for the first time.
(3) According to § 125 (8) ASchG, § § 16 and 21 (4) as well as in § 21 (5) and 6 (6) the references to paragraph 4 of the compressed air and divers regulations, BGBl, in accordance with § 119 paragraph 1 ASchG as federal law. No. 501/1973, as last amended by BGBl. II No 13/2007, with the entry into force of this Regulation.
(4) It is established that the BGBl, according to § 196 paragraph 1 Z 7 of the Mineral raw material law, BGBl. I n ° 38/1999 (MinroG), which is currently in force in the Bergpolice Regulation for Electrical Engineering, BGBl. No 737/1996, enters into force as a worker protection provision with the entry into force of this Regulation.
(5) By Article 7 (5), point 3.1 of the Annex to Directive 92/104/EEC and point 4.1 of the Annex to Directive 92 /91/EEC are implemented.
(6) § 5 (3) and (9) (1) (2) (2) shall enter into force one year after the date referred to in paragraph 7.
(7) This Regulation shall enter into force on 1 March 2012. At the same time, the electroprotection regulation 2003-ESV 2003, BGBl. II No 424/2003, except for force.