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23. Customer's announcement concerning the scope of the International Convention for the Suppression of the Counterfeiting Trade, including the Protocol and the Optional Protocol
According to the Communications of the Secretary-General of the United Nations, the following States have ratified their instruments of ratification. Certificate of Accession to the International Convention for the Suppression of the Counterfeiting Coin, including the Protocol and the Optional Protocol (BGBl. No 347/1931, last proclamation of the BGBl area. No 557/1996). Declares that it must continue to be bound by the contract:
States: |
Date of deposit of the instrument of ratification and accession, or Agreement on continuity of agreement: |
Date of deposit of the instrument of ratification and accession, or Declaration of Continuity on the Protocol: |
Date of deposit of the instrument of ratification and accession, or Declaration of Continuity on the Additional Protocol: |
Andorra |
3 October 2007 |
3 October 2007 |
Belarus |
23 August 2001 |
23 August 2001 |
Bosnia and Herzegovina |
27 April 2009 |
27 April 2009 |
27 April 2009 |
Georgia |
20 July 2000 |
20 July 2000 |
Kazakhstan |
22 December 2010 |
22 December 2010 |
Croatia |
30 December 2003 |
Liberia |
16 September 2005 |
16 September 2005 |
16 September 2005 |
Lithuania |
2 April 2004 |
2 April 2004 |
2 April 2004 |
Luxembourg |
14 March 2002 |
14 March 2002 |
the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia |
7 March 2005 |
Sweden |
15 March 2001 |
15 March 2001 |
15 March 2001 |
Zimbabwe |
1 December 1998 |
Slovenia |
9 May 2006 |
9 May 2006 |
9 May 2006 |
The States below have, on the occasion of the deposit of their instruments of ratification, Certificates of accession to the Agreement explain the following reservations and/or Statements made:
According to the provisions of Art. 431 of the Criminal Code of Andorra and Art. 2 lit. a of the Constitutional Law on extradition, the extradition provided for in Article 10 of this Agreement is granted to persons who knowingly accepted counterfeit money, tried to bring it into circulation or put it into circulation after it recognized that it wasn't real.
The Republic of Belarus submits reservation and does not consider Article 20 of the Agreement concerning the special order to transmit the instrument of ratification to the Depositarian and to the Declaration on Article 19 of the Agreement concerning non-recognition of the Convention the competence of the Permanent International Court of Justice and of an arbitral tribunal as a dispute settlement instrument between States which the Union of the Soviet Socialist Republic has issued at the time of the signing of the Convention.
Within the framework of this International Agreement, the Republic of Kazakhstan shall cooperate on matters of mutual assistance, persecution and extradition with the Central offices of the other States through the State Attorney General of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
The Public Prosecutor shall be appointed as the Central Office within the meaning of Article 12 of the International Convention for the Suppression of the Counterfeiting Coin, signed in Geneva on 20 April 1929.
The designation of the public prosecutor as a central office shall not prejudice the execution of the contract which is provided for in Articles 12 to 16 of the International Convention for the Suppression of the Counterfeiting Trade or in the Community legal acts for the protection of of the euro against counterfeiting by the authorities or by legally competent national bodies, and which, if necessary, is subject to a procedure to be determined by the public prosecutor in his capacity as the central office.