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Scope Of The International Convention Relating To Cooperation For The Safety Of Air Navigation 'eurocontrol' Of 13 December 1960, Amended By The Protocol Signed In Brussels...

Original Language Title: Geltungsbereich des Internationalen Übereinkommens über Zusammenarbeit zur Sicherung der Luftfahrt „EUROCONTROL“ vom 13. Dezember 1960, abgeändert durch das Protokoll, unterzeichnet in Brüssel...

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138. Presentation of the Federal Chancellor concerning the scope of the International Convention on Cooperation for the Safety of Air Navigation "Eurocontrol" of 13 December 1960, as amended by the Protocol, signed in Brussels on 12 February 1981

According to communications from the Belgian Government, the following other countries have their instruments of accession to the International Convention on Cooperation for the Safety of Air Navigation 'Eurocontrol' of 13 December 1960, amended by the Protocol, signed in Brussels on 12 February 1981 (BGBl. No 282/1993, last proclamation of the BGBl programme. III, No 74/2001):


Date of deposit of the instrument of accession:


4 February 2002


26. January 2006

Bosnia and Herzegovina

21 January 2004


10 November 2010


27 July 2006


29 July 2004

Serbia (formerly Serbia and Montenegro)

30 May 2005


17 March 2004

Furthermore, on 30 May 2007, Montenegro declared that it would continue to be bound by the Convention with effect from 3 June 2006.
