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Scope Of The Convention On The Illicit Traffic At Sea To The Implementation Of Article 17 Of The Convention Of The United Nations Against Illicit Traffic In Narcotic Un...

Original Language Title: Geltungsbereich des Übereinkommens über den unerlaubten Verkehr auf See zur Durchführung des Artikels 17 des Übereinkommens der Vereinten Nationen gegen den unerlaubten Verkehr mit Suchtgiften un...

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137. The Federal Chancellor ' s presentation concerning the scope of the Convention on the illicit traffic at sea for the implementation of Article 17 of the United Nations Convention against the illicit traffic in addictive poisons and the implementation of the Convention on the illicit traffic in the sea psychotropic substances

According to the Communications of the Secretary-General of the Council of Europe, the following other States have their instruments of ratification of the Convention on the illicit traffic at sea for the implementation of Article 17 of the United Nations Convention against the United Nations Convention against the United Nations Convention on the illicit traffic in addictive poisons and psychotropic substances (BGBl. III n ° 28/2001, last proclamation of the BGBl area. III n ° 8/2003):


Date of deposit of the instrument of ratification


9 December 2003

Czech Republic

12. January 2005


1 June 2007

On the occasion of the deposit of their instrument of ratification, the following states have declared the following reservations, or Statements made:


In accordance with Article 19 (3) of the Convention, the Republic of Latvia declares that it reserves the right to submit submitted requests, other communications and documents in Latvian or English language, or to translate into a of these two languages.

Czech Republic:

In accordance with Article 8 (2) of the Convention, the Czech Republic declares that, as an intervening State, it may make its intervention conditional on the condition that persons of their nationality, who are surrendered to the flag State in accordance with Article 15, and there, in the event of a criminal offence, the possibility of being transferred to the Czech Republic for the offence of the sentence imposed.

The Czech Republic declares that it will not apply paragraphs 2 and 3 of this Article from the reasons set out in Article 3 (6) of the Convention.

In accordance with Article 19 (3) of the Convention, the Czech Republic declares that it reserves the right to submit submitted requests, other communications and documents in Czech or English, or to a translation in English. one of these two languages is attached.



According to Article 8 (2) of the Convention, Ukraine declares that, as an intervening State, it may make its intervention conditional on the condition that persons of their nationality, who are surrendered to the flag State in accordance with Article 15, are nationals of that State and are there due to a the possibility of being transferred to Ukraine for the offence of the sentence imposed.

In accordance with Article 34 (3) of the Convention, Ukraine declares that, in respect of any dispute concerning the interpretation or application of this Convention, it shall declare the dispute to be submitted to arbitration in accordance with the provisions of the Annex shall be deemed to be mandatory, without prior agreement and subject to reciprocity.


According to Article 19 (3) of the Convention, Ukraine declares that it reserves the right to request that transmitted requests, other communications and documents are drafted in Ukrainian or other languages of the Council of Europe.

According to Art. 34 (5) of the Convention, Ukraine declares that it will not implement the provisions of Article 34 (4) of the Convention.

According to a further note by the Secretary-General of the Council of Europe, Ireland signed the Convention on 21 May 2007 without a reservation of ratification, and made the following statements:

In accordance with Article 19 (3) of the Convention, Ireland declares that it reserves the right to have submitted requests, other communications and documents in Irish or English, or to have a translation into one of these two Languages are attached.

In accordance with Article 34 (5) of the Convention, Ireland states that it does not consider itself bound by Article 34 (4) of the Convention.
