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Fixed-Term Employment Of Foreigners In The Winter Tourism

Original Language Title: Befristete Beschäftigung von AusländerInnen im Wintertourismus

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314. Regulation of the Federal Minister for Labour, Social Affairs and Consumer Protection for the temporary employment of foreigners in winter tourism

Due to § 5 paragraph 2 Z 1 of the Foreigners Employment Act-AuslBG, BGBl. No. 218/1975, as last amended by the Federal Law BGBl. I No 133/2015, shall be arranged:

§ 1. For the winter tourism sector, a quota of 1 190 for the temporary employment of foreign workers is fixed and divided among the Länder as follows:

Burgenland: ..................................


Carinthia: ......................................

45, of which 10 for glacial regions

Lower Austria: ............................


Upper Austria: ..............................

40, of which 8 are for show-making establishments

Salzburg: .....................................

410, of which 90 are glacial regions

Steiermark: ...................................................

156, of which 10 are for show-setting companies

Tyrol: ..........................................

290, of which 110 are glacial regions

Vorarlberg: ...................................


Vienna: .........................................................

25 for Schaustellerbetriebe

§ 2. (1) The quotas may be granted on 16 November 2015 for the granting of authorisations for employment, the period of validity of which shall not exceed 25 weeks and shall not end after 15 May 2016. The granting of employment permits for holdings in the glacial regions and their catchment area and for show-making establishments may be granted from the entry into force of this Regulation.

(2) Foreigners who are subject to the transitional provisions on EU free movement of workers (§ 32a AuslBG), and asylum seekers are to be preferred in the granting of employment permits.

§ 3. This Regulation shall expire on the expiry of 30 April 2016.
