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Practice Requirements For Contract Agents In The Educational Service And Elimination Of Supplementary Teacher Training In Specific Uses

Original Language Title: Praxiserfordernisse für Vertragsbedienstete im Pädagogischen Dienst und Entfall der ergänzenden Lehramtsausbildung in bestimmten Verwendungen

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305. Regulation of the Federal Minister of Education and Women on the practical requirements for contract staff in the Pedagogical Service and on the removal of the supplementary teacher training in certain uses

Pursuant to Section 38 (6) of the Law on the Order of Contract 1948-VBG, BGBl. No. 86/1948, and Section 3 (6) of the Landescontractual lehrPersons Act 1966-LVG, BGBl. No. 172/1966, respectively in the version of the dienstrechts-Novelle 2013-Pedagogical Service, BGBl. I n ° 211/2013, shall be assigned in agreement with the Federal Chancellor:

Use as a practice teacher

§ 1. (1) In case of use as a practice teacher at the practice school, which is incorporated into a teacher training college (§ 38 paragraph 2 Z 3 Contract Law Act 1948-VBG, BGBl. No. 86/1948) requires a teaching practice at least to the extent of a four-year full employment.

(2) The teaching practice referred to in paragraph 1 shall be returned:


in the case of use at a practical school for primary schools: at primary schools or special schools,


in case of use at a practical school for the New Middle School: at new middle schools, at secondary schools, at special schools, in polytechnic schools or at the lower level of general higher education schools.

Use in subject-related theory (polyvalent education)

§ 2. (1) In case of use in subjects of subject theory in which a polyvalent education is offered (§ 38 (2a) VBG), a relevant professional practice is required at least in the scope of a two-year full employment.

(2) A professional experience within the meaning of paragraph 1 may be acquired within the framework of a (free) employment relationship or self-employed activity.

(3) The objection within the meaning of paragraph 1 is provided when the professional practice is relevant to its content in relation to the completed pre-education prescribed for the fulfilment of the assignment requirements.

(4) Full employment within the meaning of paragraph 1 shall be the case where periods of employment have been completed to an extent of 40 hours per week or with the weekly average fixed for full employment for the particular sector. Other periods of work experience are to be assessed on the basis of the contracts, specifications, reference letters and other project documentation; the weekly work expenditure is from the applicant or from the applicant. to be comprehensible and to confirm in writing with the corresponding proof and project calculations.

Use in subject theory of the subject theory at vocational middle and higher schools

§ 3. (1) In case of use in subjects of subject theory in which a polyvalent education is not offered (§ 38 (3) VBG), a relevant professional practice is required to the following extent:


in the case of uses in subject-theoretical subjects in the fields of household economics and nutrition, fashion and in office management, at least in the amount of one-year full employment,


in the case of use in other subject-related theoretical subjects, at least four years of full employment.

(2) § 2 (2) to (4) shall apply.

Use in teaching subjects of didactics and pedagogy and these related subjects at educational institutions for kindergarten pedagogy as well as at educational institutions for social education

§ 4. (1) In case of use in teaching subjects of didactics and pedagogy and related subjects at educational institutions for kindergarten education as well as at educational institutions for social pedagogy, a two-year-old relevant Professional or teaching practice after the examination of the maturity and diploma examination for kindergartens (and Horte) or for educators and educators respectively Diploma examination (Kolleg) or diploma examination required for special kindergarten teachers and special kindergarten teachers and early support or for educators.

(2) § 2 (2) to (4) shall apply.

Use in general educational subject areas (cross entry)

§ 5. (1) In case of use in subjects in which a teacher training is not offered, as well as in general education subjects for which a degree course related to the content of the teacher training course is offered in addition to the teacher training course (§ § § 3). 38 (3) VBG, § 3 sec. 3 Landescontractual lehrPersons Act 1966-LVG, BGBl. No 172/1966), a relevant professional practice is required at least to the extent of a three-year full employment.

(2) § 2 (2) and (4) shall apply.

(3) Independence within the meaning of paragraph 1 is provided if the professional practice is closely related to its content in accordance with the course of study relevant to its use as a teacher and, in particular, for the following uses: subsequent activities shall be:


Use in German lessons: Lektor/innentätigkeit bei einem Verlag, libri-und documentation dienst, Medien-und publicity.


Use in the teaching of a living foreign language: work as an interpreter or translator, activities in the tour guide or tour, as well as in fields of work (in particular companies or international organisations) with the predominant use in the foreign language in question (as working language).


Use in the subject areas of physics, biology or chemistry: activities in relevant research, laboratory diagnostics, environmental analysis and environmental consulting.


Use in mathematics education: relevant activities in research and analytics, in insurance and banking.


Use in the subject of exercise and sport: relevant activity as a trainer or trainer.


Use in the subject of religion Religion: relevant activity in the fields of work of the pastoral of the respective church or religious society.

Use in subject areas of the specialist practice at vocational middle and higher schools and use in vocational schools

§ 6. (1) In case of use in subject-specific teaching subjects at vocational middle and higher schools (§ 38 (3) VBG), a relevant professional practice is required to the following extent:


in the areas of household economics and nutrition, fashion and office management, if the Bachelor degree according to § 38 paragraph 3 Z 1 lit. a VBG is acquired, at least in the amount of a one-year full employment,


in other cases, in the amount of full employment of three years.

(2) In case of use


in class I and II teaching subjects, and


in subject-specific teaching subject areas at vocational schools (§ 3 para. 3 LVG)

a professional practice is required at least to the extent of three-year full employment.

(3) § 2 (2) to (4) shall apply.

Reduction of teaching or work experience

§ 7. As long as appropriate persons who can prove the teaching practice prescribed for their use in § 1 are not found, persons who fulfil the prescribed teaching practice at least to half the extent shall also be admitted. As long as suitable persons who can prove the professional practice prescribed for their use in § § 2 to 6 are not found, persons who have the prescribed professional practice at least in half the extent, shall be admitted to the but, in any case, to the extent of a one-year professional practice. If the teaching or professional language requirements within the meaning of the first sentence are fulfilled, the prescribed teaching or professional language requirements shall also be considered to be fulfilled for a later similar use as such.

Diversion of the supplementary teacher training

§ 8. For practical applications and in subject-theoretical teaching subjects in the fields of household economics and nutrition, fashion as well as office management at vocational middle and higher schools and for uses in vocational schools The obligation to lay down a supplementary teacher training training pursuant to § 38 (3) Z 3 of the German Federal Act (VBG) and § 3 (3) (3) Z 3 LVG is deleted.

entry into force

§ 9. This Regulation shall enter into force with the day following the presentation.
