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Quality Assurance Framework Law - Law

Original Language Title: Qualitätssicherungsrahmengesetz – QSRG

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74. Federal Law, with which a law on external quality assurance in higher education and the Agency for Quality Assurance and Accreditation Austria (Hochschul-quality assurance law-HS-QSG) and a federal law on private universities (Privatuniversitätengesetz-PUG) are enacted as well as the Universities of Applied Sciences Law (FHStG), the Education Documentation Act, the Health and Nursing Act, the Hebammengesetz and the MTD Act are amended (Quality Assurance Framework Act-QSRG)

The National Council has decided:

table of contents

Article 1Bundesgesetz über die External Quality Assurance in Higher Education and the

Agency for Quality Assurance and Accreditation Austria

Article 2

Federal law on private universities

Article 3

Amendment of the Universities of Applied Sciences Law

Article 4

Amendment of the Education Documentation Act

Article 5

Amendment of the Health and Health Care Act

Article 6

Amendment of the Hebammen Act

Article 7

Amendment of the MTD Act

Article 1