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Change Of The Fiscal Equalization Act Of 2008, Health And Social Aid Act And The Federal Finance Act 2011

Original Language Title: Änderung des Finanzausgleichsgesetzes 2008, des Gesundheits- und Sozialbereich-Beihilfengesetzes und des Bundesfinanzgesetzes 2011

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56. Federal Act to amend the Financial Equalization Act 2008, the Health and Social Protection Act and the Federal Finance Act 2011

The National Council has decided:

Article 1

Amendment of the Financial Compensation Act 2008

The Financial Equalization Act 2008, BGBl. I n ° 103/2007, as last amended by the Federal Law BGBl. I n ° 111/2010, is amended as follows:

1. In the title of the Federal Act, in § 4 para. 8 first sentence, in the introductory sentence of § 9 paragraph 1 Z 3, in § 9 paragraph 7 Z 5 lit. a last sentence, in § 9 para. 7 Z 5 lit. d, in the introductory sentences of § 9 para. 7 Z 5 lit. e, lit. g and lit. h, in § 9 para. 11 first sentence, in § 21 para. 1 Z 2 and para. 1 second and third sentence, in § 24 para. 3, in § 24 para. 5 first sentence and in § 25 para. 1 each year the annual number "2013" by "2014" replaced.

2. In accordance with § 4, the following § 4a and title shall be inserted:

" Transfer of additional expenditure for appeals against return decisions

§ 4a. The federal government replaces the countries with the actual and proven additional expenses incurred by the independent administrative senates in the countries on the basis of the provision of Section 9 (1a) of the Foreign Police Act 2005, Federal Law Gazette (BGBl). I n ° 100. The expenditure is calculated in accordance with the guidelines in accordance with § 14 (5) of the Federal Budget Act, BGBl. No. 213/1986. '

3. In Section 8 (2), the point at the end of the Z 5 is replaced by a dash and the following Z 6 is added after Z 5:

" 6.

in the case of the sales tax, an amount equal to the expenses in accordance with the nursing home law, BGBl. I No 57/2011, on the financing of this expenditure. '

4. In the introduction sentence of Section 9 (5), the expression "and a total of 333 400 000 euros in 2013" by a dash and by the expression "in 2013 a total of € 333 400 000 and a total of € 125 500 000 in 2014" replaced.

5. According to Article 9 (7), the following paragraph 7a is inserted:

" (7a) From 2012, the following amounts shall be deducted annually from the income shares of the countries to the turnover tax in accordance with the country-by-country distribution:


EUR 12 752 000


EUR 24 649 000

Lower Austria

EUR 72 796 000

Upper Austria

EUR 57 246 000


EUR 18 535 000


EUR 66 292 000


EUR 30 140 000


EUR 14 717 000


74 687 000 "

6. In accordance with § 11 (2) Z 7, the following Z 8 is added:

" 8.

From 2012 onwards, a sum equal to the contributions of the municipalities and social welfare associations in 2010 will be deducted from the contribution of the municipalities to the costs of the national care allowance for the benefit of the country's earnings. The shares of the individual municipalities in this deduction shall be determined in accordance with the respective national provisions in the version of the 1. Jänner 2011 on the involvement of local authorities and municipal associations in the costs of national care and the reconsideration of the needs of the social welfare associations. In so far as the shares of the individual municipalities depend on the regional cost of the costs, the regional distribution is to be used in 2010. In this respect, the deduction in this paragraph shall not be taken into consideration by the extent of the income shares. "

7. § 24 (9) reads:

" (9) The share of the proceeds of the Community federal contributions shall be made to the countries which do not have an agreement between the Federal Government, the Länder and the municipalities on a stability pact on the basis of the Federal Constitutional Law on Appropriations of the Austrian Association of Municipal Debates and the Austrian Association of Cities and Cities, BGBl. I No 61/1998, with the commitment of a budget deficit of countries (including Vienna) to a maximum of 0.75% of GDP in 2011, 0.6% of GDP for 2012 and 0.5% of GDP for the years 2013 and 2014, according to ESA and keep in place, monthly around the country's multi-income measures from the tax measures according to the 2011 budget support law, BGBl. I n ° 111/2010. This monthly amount will be based on the share of the country determined by the key for the country-by-country distribution of taxes with a single key (§ 9 paragraph 7 Z 5 lit. (g) the monthly income of the countries in the amount of 31.7 million euros for 2012, 33.5 million euros for 2013 and 36.5 million euros for 2014. Once the agreement has been ratified, the proceeds will be refunded in an unshortened form and the amounts withheld since the beginning of the year will be refunded. The amounts retained in previous years shall remain final for the Federal Government. "

8. According to Article 24 (9), the following paragraph 9a is inserted:

" (9a) By way of derogation from Section 8 (2) (6) of this Act and by way of derogation from § 2 (2) and § 5 (7) of the Care Law, the first 160 million euros of purpose grants and other expenses in accordance with the nursing care law shall not be taken out of the foreway funded and not made by the care fund, but in each case from general federal funds. "

9. In accordance with § 24 (10) Z 2 the following Z 2a is inserted:

" 2a.

the Federal Minister of the Interior with regard to § 4a, "

Article 2

Amendment of the Health and Social Sector-Aid Law

The Health and Social Sector-Aid Law, BGBl. No 746/1996, as last amended by the Federal Law BGBl. I No 34/2010, shall be amended as follows:

In Section 2 (2), the word order shall be "31 December 2013" by "31 December 2014" replaced.

Article 3

Amendment of the Federal Finance Act 2011

The Federal Finance Act 2011, BGBl. I No 112/2010, is amended as follows (BFG-Novelle 2011):

In the Federal estimates (Annex I), Section 1/21347 of the Article "1/2135 Payments in accordance with the Nursing Home Law:" and the proposal for a preliminary approach "1/21358/22 Payments from general federal funds" inserted.

