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244. Ordinance of the Federal Minister of Finance on the presentation of the information on the impact orientation in the Federal draft proposal and in the sub-stitchers (information on the action-orientation regulation)
On the basis of Section 41 (2) of the Federal Budget Act 2013 (BHG 2013), BGBl. I n ° 139/2009, as last amended by BGBl. I No 67/2010, shall be arranged:
Section 1
§ 1. The Regulation regulates
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the guidelines for the presentation of the information on impact orientation, in particular also taking into account the objective of effective equality between women and men in the draft Federal proposal and in the sub-stitching in qualitative and in quantitative terms per level of detail of the Federal proposal and |
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the taking into account of recommendations by the Court of Auditors and the opinions of the competent budgetary bodies responsible for that purpose. |
Section 2
Information on the impact orientation in the Federal draft proposal and in the sub-stitching
Indicative effect of the information on impact orientation
§ 2. (1) All information on the impact orientation in the Federal estimate has an indicative character.
(2) In the formulation of the information on the orientation of the budget, the budgetary management bodies shall ensure that this information is intended to be effective in relation to those provided for in the respective Federal Finance Act and in the case of several years of effects with those in the The Federal Financial Framework Act (Bundesfinanzframework) provides for the implementation of ceilings for funds and personnel capacities.
§ 3. (1) The mission statement defines the core tasks of the administrative unit or the task area as well as the strategic orientation. The mission statement serves as a common orientation framework for the actions of all employees.
(2) An objective of action is a desired state or a strategically formulated objective concerning the effects which are to be achieved in the short to medium term with the available means.
(3) An equal opportunity objective shall be a target set at the level of the breakdown or detailed budget, which shall serve to achieve effective equality between women and men.
(4) A measure constitutes a general umbrella term for services and activities which are guaranteed by the public administration or which are provided for their projects and projects. Individual measures must, in particular, be objectively demarcable from one another.
(5) A milestone is a demarcable result in the course of the implementation of a measure.
(6) A measure represents a quantity which can be measured quantitatively and objectively and which provides information on the degree of success of a target or of a measure.
Information on the impact orientation at the level of the breakdown
§ 4. (1) At the level of the breakdown, a model shall be provided by the respective budgetary management bodies and at least one to no more than five objectives.
(2) The objectives have to cover both the priorities of the subdivision and the core tasks of the budgetary management body in the short to medium term; full coverage of the tasks of the breakdown is not absolutely necessary. The targets shall be given in accordance with Annex 1 ('Information on the orientation of the activity at the level of the breakdown in the Federal Estimate ').
(3) At least one of the up to five objectives is to be derived directly from the objective of effective equality between women and men. This objective is to focus in particular on external, socio-political effects. Where no objective can be derived directly from the gender equality objective, the objective of equality shall be taken into account, if possible, in at least one of the objectives of action. If this is not possible on the basis of the structure of the breakdown, the objectives of action must at least not prevent the objective of effective equality. In this case, the competent budgetary authority shall give an appropriate justification to the inter-agency action controllingspot.
(4) The selection of the individual targets shall be justified. In particular, the recitals indicating a political need for action are to be indicated in the "Why this objective" input field, in accordance with Annex 1.
(5) It is stated in Annex 1 in the input field "How to pursue this objective" to indicate the short-and medium-term measures implemented or planned to achieve the objectives of the action. These shall serve as the basis for the indication of measures at the level of the global budgets in accordance with § 5.
(6) In accordance with Annex 1, in the entry field "How does success look?", there should be at least one to a maximum of five key figures indicating the contribution of the measures to the progress or the success of the objective in the short or medium term. "Input indicators", which are indicators which indicate a certain volume of appropriations in a percentage or as an absolute amount and which equate with the achievement of the objectives, must not be established. Indicators relating to persons are differentiated according to gender if they are relevant to the achievement of the gender equality objective. For each measure, specify the method according to which method it is calculated and the data source from which it is obtained.
Information on impact orientation at global budget level
§ 5. (1) The global budget, as defined in Annex 2 ('Information on the impact at the level of the global budget in the Federal estimates '), shall be given by the respective budgetary authority at least one to a maximum of five measures to be taken to achieve the To contribute to the effectiveness of the subdivision. These actions have the priorities of the respective global budget.
(2) Measures may cover several financial years. In contrast, the milestones and key figures are to be defined in Annex 2 exclusively for the financial year in question. These measures can be depicted as services in the cost and performance accounting of the federal government.
(3) In the case of each measure, according to Annex 2, in the input field "Contribution to/to the effective target/en", the objective or the objectives of the breakdown shall be to be used as a contribution. The number of the target or of the targets shall be indicated.
(4) For each measure, according to Annex 2 in the input field " How does success look? Milestones/Key figures for n + 1 " should be defined as at least one measure or at least one milestone, so that the actual success can be determined at the end of the financial year. For a milestone, both the desired result and the desired time of occurrence must be set. For a measure, the target value to be reached is to be set. Input indicators (Section 4 (6)) may not be set. Figures relating to persons shall be given in a differentiated way with regard to the target value to be achieved by gender if they are relevant to the achievement of the gender equality objective.
(5) Where a measure already mentioned in the previous financial year at the level of the global budget is continued, this is known in Annex 2 in the "Actual status from the last report according to § 7 of the Regulation on the Control of Impact". State state. This is also to be indicated in the case of the initial inclusion of a measure as the starting point of the planning, if key figures are known or the measure can already be described with milestones in the year n-1.
(6) For each objective of the breakdown, at least one measure shall be indicated in at least one of the relevant global budgets.
(7) Where a measure contained in the Federal estimate of the previous financial year is no longer specified in the draft Federal draft estimates in the relevant global budget, the reasons for their omission shall be explained. These explanations are to be presented in accordance with Annex 2 in the entry field "Commentary on measures taken in the preceding Federal estimate, which are no longer listed under the five most important measures in the Federal estimates" and have the following: no longer contain any further measures, and the reason why they no longer appear.
Connex between the information on the impact orientation in the Federal draft proposal and in the sub-stitching
§ 6. The information on the impact orientation at the level of the detailed budgets in the sub-heft are to be derived from the information on the impact orientation in the Federal draft proposal and have with these in the sense of the quality criterion of the content consistency (§ 8) in the To be consistent. As a basis for the information on the impact orientation of a detailed budget, the current draft of the resource, target and performance plan of the budget-leading position managing the detailed budget is to be used.
Information on impact orientation at the level of the detailed budgets
§ 7. (1) In accordance with Annex 3 ("Information on impact orientation at the level of the detailed budget in the section"), at least one, up to a maximum of five objectives, and at least one to a maximum of five measures, are to be presented at the level of the detailed budget in accordance with Annex 3. To contribute to the achievement of the objectives of the detailed budget. These goals have to represent the priorities of the detail budget; full coverage of the details budget roles is not mandatory.
(2) At the level of the detailed budgets, the intended objectives are not limited to targets of action, but can also, for example, also be used for performance, quality and process objectives.
(3) In each subdivision, where possible, at least in one of the detailed budgets, one of the objectives of the subdivision or directly from the objective of effective equality between women and men shall be one of up to five objectives. deduce.
(4) Measures taken at the level of the detailed budget shall be formulated for the financial year concerned. If it is appropriate to serve as a point of contact for the services shown in the cost and performance accounts of the Federal Republic of Germany, these have to be used.
(5) In the case of each measure, in accordance with Annex 3, in the input field "Contribution to the objective/to the objectives", the target or objectives of the detailed budget shall be to be found in the input field. The number of the target or the objectives shall be indicated.
(6) For each measure, according to Annex 3 in the input field " How does success look? Milestones/Key figures for n + 1 " should be defined as at least one measure or at least one milestone, so that the actual success can be determined at the end of the financial year. For a measure, the target value to be reached is to be set.
(7) If a measure already mentioned in the previous financial year at the level of the detailed budget is continued, it shall be in accordance with Annex 3 in the 'Actuals' input field at 31.12. n-1 " to indicate the known actual state. This is also to be indicated in the case of the initial inclusion of a measure as the starting point of the planning, if key figures are known or the measure can already be described with milestones in the year n-1.
(8) At least one measure shall be indicated for each objective in the respective detail budget. This provision shall also apply to the objective derived from the objective of effective equality between women and men. Thus, at least one gender equality measure should be included in one of the detailed budgets per breakdown.
Criteria for the information on impact orientation
§ 8. (1) In accordance with § § 23 and 41 BHG 2013, all information on the impact orientation shall be chosen in such a way that their relevance, content consistency, comprehensibility, readability, comparability and verifiability are guaranteed.
(2) Relevance means that significant and significant information is to be presented for the respective breakdown and the global budget in question.
(3) The consistency of the content is ensured if a substantive vote and a logical link exist between the information on the impact orientation of the levels of the breakdown, the global and the detailed budgets.
(4) The criterion of intelligibility is achieved if the information is clearly formulated and easy to understand for the interested public.
(5) In order to ensure the readability of the information on impact orientation, these are based on the relevant legislation, the government programme of the respective legislature, government decisions and any other Create ressortprojects.
(6) The comparability of the information on the impact orientation shall be ensured over a period of several years in order to ensure that developments and progress can be traced. In particular, continuity is to be achieved in the case of the impact objectives and their key figures.
(7) In the sense of verifiability, milestones and key figures for the measures must be selected in such a way that the actual achievement of objectives can be objectively measured after the end of the financial year.
Consideration of recommendations of the Court of Auditors
§ 9. The Court of Auditors may add extracts of recommendations from audit reports in the context of the impact orientation information to the draft proposal for each global budget in accordance with Annex 2 in the Court of Auditors ' recommendations input field. The recommendations shall be provided with a reference to the source and shall be included up to a date specified by the Federal Minister of Finance or the Federal Minister of Finance, in agreement with the Court of Auditors.
Opinions of the budgetary management bodies on the recommendations of the Court of Auditors
§ 10. The relevant budgetary authority may, in the draft budget per global budget referred to in Annex 2 in the input field "Opinion of the budgetary authority on the recommendations of the Court of Auditors", make an excerpt from the opinions expressed in the have been published in accordance with the relevant test reports. These extracts shall be provided with a source indication. In addition, the budgetary authority shall indicate whether, and where appropriate, how the recommendations of the Court of Auditors have already been implemented or are being implemented.
Section 3
Technical implementation
§ 11. The Federal Minister of Finance or the Federal Minister of Finance has available to the budgetary management bodies a technical input possibility for the information on the impact orientation in the Federal estimates and in the partial staples (§ § 4, 5 and 7) , In doing so, the Federal Minister of Finance or the Federal Minister of Finance has to determine the maximum size of the input fields.
Entry into force and transitional provision
§ 12. (1) This Regulation shall be applied for the first time in the preparation of the draft of the Federal Finance Act and its sub-bookers for the financial year 2013.
(2) In the first-time preparation of the information on the impact orientation, the budgetary management bodies in the input field "Actual status from the last report according to § 7 of the action control regulation" according to Annex 2 and in the input field " Actual status at 31.12. (n-1 "in accordance with Annex 3, which is referred to as" actual condition as at 31.12.2011 " for the first time, to indicate that actual value as the starting point of the planning which is based on the plan value of the draft of the Federal Estimate 2013.