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Change The Road Traffic Act 1960 (23 Regulations Amendment)

Original Language Title: Änderung der Straßenverkehrsordnung 1960 (23. StVO-Novelle)

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Federal law amending the 1960 highway code (23). StVO-Novelle)

The National Council has decided:

The Road Traffic Regulations 1960 (StVO 1960), BGBl. No 159, as last amended by BGBl. I No 116/2010, shall be amended as follows:

1. Section 3 (1) reads as follows:

" (1) Participation in road transport requires constant prudence and mutual return; notwithstanding the fact that any road user may rely on other persons to comply with the legislation applicable to the use of the road, except in the case of road transport. it would have to assume that these are children, people with visual impairment with a white stick or yellow armband, people with obvious physical impairment, or people who have to be closed out of their eyelids, that they are incapable of seeing the dangers of road transport, or to behave in accordance with this insight. "

1a. In § 9, the following subsection (4a) is inserted:

"(4a) If two parallel half-lines are attached at a crossing on the road, in the case governed by section 12 (5) with single-track vehicles it may be used up to the line of the holding closer to the centre of the crossing."

2. § 24 para. 1 lit. o will replace the point at the end with a dash, and it will be the following lit. p appended:

" p)

along the uninterrupted yellow lines attached to the edge of the roadway in accordance with § 55 (8). "

3. § 24 para. 3 lit. a is:

" (a)

in the area of the signs, parking prohibited 'and' reciprocal parking prohibition ' in accordance with the provisions of Section 52 (13a) and (13c), on points of road marked with a zigzag line, and along broken lines, on the road Roadside-mounted yellow lines according to § 55 para. 8, "

3a. § 24 para. 3 lit. f is:

" f)

in the time of the driving ban pursuant to section 42 (1) and otherwise from 10 p.m. to 6 a.m. in the local area less than 25 m away from houses which are exclusively or primarily for residential purposes or which are hospitals, spa facilities or retirement homes, with Lorries, special-purpose vehicles, trailers and semitrailer tractors with a maximum permissible gross laden weight of more than 3,5 tonnes, "

4. In § 43 (2a) (1) and (2) the word shall be "Motor vehicles" in each case by the word "Motor vehicles" replaced.

4a. § 45 (4) and (4a) reads as follows:

" (4) A permit may be granted for the short-term parking zones specified in the Regulation in accordance with Article 43 (2a) (1) of the Regulation for a period not exceeding two years if the applicant resides in the territory defined in accordance with this Regulation and where the applicant also resides in the territory of the Member State of the has the focus of his life interests and has a personal interest in parking close to that residence and


the holder or the lessee of a motor vehicle; or


proves that a work-made motor vehicle is also left to him for private use.

(4a) An authorisation may be granted for the short-term parking zones specified in the Regulation in accordance with § 43 (2a) Z 1 for a period not exceeding two years at the necessary time, if the applicant is required to do so in accordance with Section 43 (1) of the Regulation. 2a Z 2 is a member of the group; and


the owner or lessee of a motor vehicle is, or is verifiably, a work-related motor vehicle used for professional use; and


either the applicant's activity would be considerably more difficult or impossible without authorisation, or the granting of the authorisation would be in the interest of local supply. "

Section 46 (1) reads as follows:

" (1) motorways may only be used with motor vehicles which have a design speed of at least 60 km/h and with which this speed may be exceeded; this does not apply to vehicles of the road service. Any other traffic, in particular pedestrian traffic, traffic with bicycles, motorcycles and vehicles, cattle driving and riding, is prohibited on the motorway. In the area of a border crossing, the motorway may be entered in order to carry out activities related to border handling or to a pressing need of the road users (such as exchange of money, search for a new frontier). Information points and ); the same shall apply in the area of a tolling site. The motorway may also be entered:


in the area of a control centre, in order to carry out activities relating to control of persons or vehicles, or


in order to carry out activities related to a traffic census. "

6. In § 52 lit. a Z 7e is the legend under the figure:

" This sign indicates that driving with transport units, with which dangerous goods according to those in § 2 Z 1 GGBG, BGBl. I n ° 145/1998, and which are to be labelled in accordance with these rules with orange-coloured plates. Where the prohibition relates to a tunnel categorised in accordance with those rules, the tunnel category assigned to this tunnel in accordance with the said rules shall be indicated on a supplementary board with the capital letters "B", "C", "D" or "E"; this case shall apply only to units of transport carrying dangerous goods which are not authorised in tunnels of the relevant category of tunnels. '

7. In § 52 lit. b Z 15a is the legend under the figure:

" This sign indicates that handlebars of transport units with which dangerous goods according to those in § 2 Z 1 GGBG, BGBl. I n ° 145/1998, and which are to be labelled according to these rules with orange panels, must be allowed to travel only in the driving direction indicated by the arrow. Where this requirement is necessary on the basis of a driving ban applicable to a categorised tunnel in the meaning of Z 7e, the tunnel category assigned to this tunnel shall be indicated on an additional board with the capital letters "B", "C", "D" or "E"; in this case shall apply only to units of transport carrying dangerous goods which are not authorised in tunnels of the relevant category of tunnels. '

8. In § 53 (1) the following Z 2c is inserted after Z 2b:

" 2c.


These characters indicate a path of protection and an immediate adjacent cyclists ' crossing, whereby the symbols are to be arranged according to the view of the incoming traffic. One of these characters can be used in place of two characters in accordance with Z 2a and 2b. "

9. The following paragraph 8 is added to § 55:

" (8) By way of derogation from paragraph 6, the provisions of Section 24 (1) (1) of this Regulation are p and 3 lit. a mentioned lines in yellow colour, as specified in § 24 para. 3 lit. In addition, the lines indicated are to be executed as broken lines by way of derogation from paragraph 2. The said lines shall be placed outside an existing margin line and, if a sidewalk is present, may be fitted to the roadway at a distance of not more than 0,30 m. "

9a. § 68 (3a) reads as follows:

" (3a) Cyclists shall not be able to approach cycling crossings where the traffic is not regulated by signs of an arm or light, at a speed not exceeding 10 km/h, and not directly in front of a vehicle approaching and for the latter's use. Handlebars surprisingly drive. "

(10) The following paragraph 6 is added to § 68:

" (6) Children under the age of 12 must travel by bicycle, transport in a bicycle trailer and, if carried on a bicycle, use a helmet in a proper manner. This does not apply if the use of the helmet is not possible due to the physical nature of the child. If a child oversees a child on a bicycle, carries it on a bicycle or is transported in a bicycle trailer, it must ensure that the child uses the helmet in a proper manner. In the event of a traffic accident, the non-wearing of the helmet does not constitute a contributory fault in the sense of § 1304 of the General Civil Code, JGS No. 946/1811, in the consequences of the accident. "

10a. § 84 (4) reads:

" (4) If an advertisement or announcement has been made contrary to the provision of the second paragraph and without the authorization referred to in paragraph 3, the authority shall have the removal without any further proceedings. The costs of the distance shall be borne by the owner or the right of disposal and shall be required to inform him of the costs. "

10b. In § 99 para. 3 lit. j will replace the point at the end with a dash, and it will be the following lit. k is added:

" k)

Who, by working on or next to the road, adversely affects road traffic, contrary to the provisions of § 90. "

(10c) § 99 (4) (4 lit) f is:

" f)

those who bring in pointed objects or make freshly painted objects unrecognizable (§ 91), "

11. In § 99, the point at the end of paragraph 6 is lit. d replaced by a dash and the following lit. e is added:

" e)

if the persons referred to in § 68 (6) do not comply with the obligation referred to therein. "

12. In § 103, the following paragraph 9 is added:

" (9) This federal law, BGBl. I No 34/2011, will enter into force on 31 May 2011. "

