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Change Of University Studies Evidence Regulation 2004

Original Language Title: Änderung der Universitäts-Studienevidenzverordnung 2004

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161. Ordinance of the Federal Minister of Science and Research, which changes the University Academic Evidence regulation in 2004

Because of


§ § 5 (3), 7 (2) and (3) and 7a (8) of the Education Documentation Act, Federal Law Gazette (BGBl). No 12/2002, as last amended by the Federal Law of the Federal Republic of Germany (BGBl). I No 48/2010,


§ § 16 (6), 60 (5), 69 (2) and 91 (6) of the University Act 2002, Federal Law Gazette (BGBl). I n ° 120, as last amended by the Federal Law BGBl. I No 13/2011, and


§ § 4 and 5 (1) of the Federal Act on the University of Continuing Education Krems (DUK-Law 2004), BGBl. I n ° 22 in the version of the Federal Ministries Act-Novelle 2007, BGBl. I No 6,

Is prescribed:

The Ordinance on the Evidence of Students (University Study Evidence Regulation 2004-UniStEV 2004), BGBl. II No 288/2004, as amended by the BGBl Regulation. II No 78/2010, shall be amended as follows:

1. In § 3 (1), first sentence, the parenthesis shall be "(§ 54 (9) of the University Act 2002)" by the parenthesis expression "(§ 54 para. 9 and § 56 of the University Act 2002)" replaced.

2. § 5 (4) (2) and (3) are:

" 2.

Doctoral studies and "Doctor of Philosophy" doctoral studies are to be described by specifying the number of doctoral studies provided. By means of the second measure, the doctoral curriculum and the third measure are to indicate the dissertation area.


Bachelor and master studies, individual studies as well as university courses are to be described by specifying the number of measures provided. The second and, if necessary, the third measure shall indicate their professional orientation (designation). "

3. § 7 (1) reads:

" (1) The universities and the banks commissioned by the universities with the management of the study contribution accounts have the information composite system data network of the universities exclusively for those in § 7a para. 3 of the Education Documentation Act shall be used. "

4. § 7 (4) reads:

" (4) Each university has the data network on 30 April and 30 November of each year the fully positive study examinations (§ 64a of the University Act 2002) in accordance with the conditions laid down in the Appendix 6 to leave. "

5. § 7 (8) reads:

" (8) The transfer of data according to paragraph 2 (2) (2) and (3) to the data network is permitted for the current semester and the immediately preceding semester; data in accordance with paragraph 3 may be used for the current semester and the five immediately preceding semesters. before the end of the semester. "

6. § 7a is deleted.

7. § 8 (1) Z 6 reads:

" 6.

Form, date and issuing State of the general university entrance qualification; "

8. The following paragraph 3 is added to § 10:

" (3) § 3 (1), § 5 (4) (2) and (3), § 7 (1), (4) and (8), (8) (1) (6), (3) and (3) and (3) to (5) in the version of the BGBl Regulation. II No. 161/2011 will enter into force on 1 July 2011. "

9. § 11 para. 2 reads:

"(2) § 7a shall expire on 30 June 2011."

10. The following paragraph 3 is added to § 12:

" (3) Doctoral studies, which include only one curriculum, may continue to be subject to the provisions of Section 5 (4) (2) (2) (2) lit. b) in the version in force on 30 June 2011. "

11. In Appendix 2 Z 3.3, the expression "Diploma thesis" by " Diplom-resp. Master's thesis " replaced.

12. Appendix 3 Z 2.1 reads:

" 2.1 Structure of personal data sets

Lfd. No.

Field contents



Matriculation number


melding university

coded (§ 5)


Family name


First name/n


Date of birth (YYYYMMDD)



coded (§ 5)



M, W


academic/r degree/s before the name


academic/r degree/s by name


State of address at home

coded (§ 5)


Postal code of the address at the place of origin




Street, House number/Stiege/Stock/Tur-Nr.


State of delivery address

coded (§ 5)


Postal code of the delivery address


Place of delivery address


Street, House number/Stiege/Stock/Tur-Nr.


C/O Name


Social Security Number/Spare Tag


Reference semester


Identification for people counting PE/PN



Marking for the counting of persons PO



Student contribution status

coded (§ 5)


Email Address "

13. Appendix 3 Z 2.3 reads:

" 2.3 Structure of study records

Lfd. No.

Field contents



Matriculation number


melding university

coded (§ 5)


Reference semester


Study Law Labelling



University of Admission

coded (§ 5)


Number 1 of studies

coded (§ 5)


Number 2 of studies

coded (§ 5)


Number 3 of studies

coded (§ 5)


Second University

coded (§ 5)


Application, approval or start date (YYYYMMDD)



Form of general university entrance qualification

coded (§ 5)


Date of general university entrance qualification



Issuing State of the general university entrance qualification

coded (§ 5)


Approval status



Beginner identifier SN for Fach-1



Beginner identifier SN for Fach-2



Notification of the continuation of studies



Mobility programme

coded (§ 5); 3.4


Host country of the stay abroad

coded (§ 5)


Completion Date (YYYYMMDD)

3.11 "

14. The first two sets of Appendix 3 Z 3 are:

" The fields 1 to 7, 10, 12, 14 to 17, 19, 20 and 23 of the person record may not be submitted empty; at a hometown in Austria, field 11 must also not be handed over. Fields 1 to 13 of the study contribution record and fields 1 to 6 and 10 to 14 of the study record must not be submitted blank. "

15. In Appendix 3, the Z 3.9 shall be added at the end of the following sentence:

"In the case of admission to a three-year doctoral programme, the beginner's mark in the case of prior admission shall be subject to a subject-specific doctoral programme with a shorter legal study period."

16. Appendix 4 Z 3.7 and 3.8 are:

" 3.7

Taking into account the relationship between the study figures and the corresponding positions in the examination vector (BildungsRule-2), the position of the field in which the date of a specific one is clearly defined for each section code is clearly defined. The study or a study section is to be completed at the end of the study (study performance). The date fields of the final examinations (study achievements) are filled according to the progress of the studies until the admission to this course of studies has been granted; examination data already in the past They are also available for further messages in the data. If position 5 is occupied in the examination vector, the date in box 16 is the final date of studies; otherwise, the study will be completed by specifying the date in box 14.


For fields 10 and 11, the following values are provided with the meanings given below:


No further study or study period (study performance) or (in field 11) no indication is allowed for this course of studies


the 1. Study section Final examination of a full course of studies with several sections (e.g. B. 1. Diplom, 1. Rigorosum)


The second phase of the study is the final examination of a full course of studies with three sections (e.g. B. 2. Diplomacy, 2nd Rigorosum)


final examination (study performance) of a regular course of study, irrespective of the number of sections (final degree examination, final rigorosum, bachelor's or master's examination, approbation of the scientific/artistic thesis)


(final) Rigorosum of a Doctoral Studies


Final examination of a university or preparatory course,

Completion of studies for equivalence

In the case of codes R, W and S, the higher value of the lower value in the course of the study shall be overcharged. "

17. Annex 5 is:

" Appendix 5

on § 9 (2)

Statistics of students

1. General counting condition

For the counting of the students of a semester, only those whose admission to study had been given beyond the end of the grace period should be considered. Studies shall also be taken into account only if they have been reported for continuation.

2. Definition of personal quantities (P)

2.1 PU students


are all persons who are admitted to this university for at least one degree in the relevant semester.



Matriculation number as the identifier of the person,


at least one study with the letter of this university at the first or second position.

2.2 PN-Newly admitted students


are all persons who have been admitted to a course of study for the first time in the relevant semester at this university.



Matriculation number as the identifier of the person,


at least one study with the letter of this university at the first or second position,


the date of authorisation must be assigned to the semester concerned,


the admission is the first of this person at this university, and the person has not been admitted to the university in any previous semester at this university.

2.3 PO-Newly approved ordinary students


are all persons who have been admitted for the first time in the relevant semester at this university to a full degree.



Matriculation number as the identifier of the person,


at least one ordinary course of study with the letter of this university at the first or second position,


the date of authorisation must be assigned to the semester concerned,


The admission is the first of these persons at this university as a regular student, and the person has not been admitted to a full degree program at this university in any previous semester.

2.4 PI students in the first semester


Are all persons who are in one or more studies in the first semester at this university in the relevant semester.



Matriculation number as the identifier of the person,


At least one course of study is to be assigned to the study quantity SN-occupied studies in the first semester (Z 3.2).

2.5 PE-Initial approved


are all persons who have been admitted to a university for the first time in the relevant semester at this university and who have never previously been a member of a university mentioned in Annex I 2.1 of Appendix 1.



Matriculation number as the identifier of the person,


the matriculation number comes from the current annual quota of this university for this semester,


at least one open study with the letter of this university in the first position,


the date of authorisation must be assigned to the semester concerned,


the admission is the first of this person at this university.

2.6 PM-Co-lecturing


Are all persons who have registered in the relevant semester at this university the continuation to a course of study, to which they are admitted exclusively at another university.



Matriculation number as the identifier of the person,


a degree whose identification does not include the letter of that university.

2.7 PA graduate/inn/en


are all persons who have completed a full course of study or a university course at this university in the relevant academic year.



Matriculation number as the identifier of the person,


In the course of this academic year, a full course of studies or a university course with the letter of this university was first completed by the successful completion of all the examinations provided for in the curriculum (study plan) and the positive assessment scientific or artistic work provided for.


Definition of study quantities (S)

3.1 SB-Used Studies


are studies which have been reported in the semester in question



Study with the letter of this university at the first or second position,

3.2 SN-finished studies in the first semester


are studies which have been admitted for the first time in the relevant semester at this university



Study with the letter of this university at the first or second position,


the date of authorisation must be assigned to the semester concerned,


According to Appendix 3 Z 3.9 the course is marked with the beginner "SN".

3.3 SE-finished studies of the first-approved


are studies of those students who have been admitted to study for the first time in Austria in the relevant semester (PE)



Matriculation number as the identifier of the person,


the matriculation number comes from the current annual quota of this university for this semester,


Study with the letter of this university in the first position,


the date of authorisation must be assigned to the semester concerned,


the admission is the first of this person at this university.

3.4 SM-co-used studies


are studies which have been published in the relevant semester at this university, although the admission is exclusively at a different university.



a degree whose identification does not include the letter of that university.

3.5 SA completed studies


are all regular studies or university courses that have been completed in the relevant academic year at this university.



a regular degree or a university course with the letter of this university in the first or second place was provided by the successful completion of all the examinations provided for in the curriculum (study plan) and the positive assessment provided for scientific or artistic work.

4. Supplementary statistical rules


In the case of subdivision of the students into ordinary and extraordinary students, only those who are not admitted as ordinary students are to be counted as extraordinary students.


The amount of person PU can also be formed by waiving the condition "reported for continuation".


In the census of teacher training studies, the subjects are to be shown as first subject (Fach-1) or secondary subject (Fach-2) according to the sequence of the key figures. If a teaching subject of a teaching degree course is completed at another university, it will not be counted.


In the case of the completed regular studies, it is necessary to distinguish between degrees and further degrees. Degrees are Bachelor's and Diploma degrees. Further degrees are Master's and Doctoral degrees.


People and study quantities can also be used with the involvement of all universities (overall view). It is, in addition to the quantity of persons PE, in particular:


the sum of the students (PUG), which is adjusted across the university,


the documented studies carried out in the first semester, taking into account preliminary studies at other universities (SNG) and


the studies carried out by the first-approved persons, including studies of this type, at a level other than that of the University of First Registration (SEG). "
