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Road Maintenance Technician /-Woman Training Regulations

Original Language Title: Straßenerhaltungsfachmann/-frau-Ausbildungsordnung

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145. Regulation of the Federal Minister for Economic Affairs, Family and Youth on Vocational Training in the Apprenticeship Occupation of the road maintenance specialist (Road maintenance specialist/women's training regulations)

On the basis of § § 8 and 24 of the Vocational Training Act (BAG), BGBl. No. 142/1969, as last amended by the Federal Law BGBl. I No 40/2010, shall be arranged:

Teaching profession Road maintenance professional/woman

§ 1. (1) The apprenticeship occupation of the road maintenance specialist is set up with a teaching period of three years.

(2) The terms chosen in this Regulation shall include the male and female form. In the teaching contract, teaching certificate, teaching letter and in the teaching certificate, the teaching profession is to be described in the form corresponding to the sex of the apprentil's apprentiate (street maintenance expert or street maintenance specialist).

Professional profile

§ 2. Vocational training in the course of teaching and in the vocational school is intended to enable the apprentice trained in the occupation of road maintenance specialist to carry out the following activities professionally, independently and independently. can:


Blocking and securing of construction sites and work areas as well as in the event of accidents,


the installation of road signs and transport equipment;


Control roads, parking lots, bicycle and walkways, and bridges to their condition,


Carry out construction and maintenance measures on roads and roadworks,


Manufacture of drainage systems, drainage systems and similar equipment,


Create and nurse green spaces,


Plants, maintenance and control of shrubs and trees,


Collect weather information for the winter service as well as evaluate and initiate the necessary steps by means of computer, data sheets and according to local conditions,


Cooperation in the area of snow and the application of litter material, including the production of salt and solemic mixtures,


Maintenance, maintenance and repair of vehicles, construction and construction equipment as well as machines.

Professional image

§ 3. (1) The following occupational profile shall be established for the training in the apprenticeship occupation of the road maintenance specialist. The skills and knowledge referred to shall be conveyed, at the latest in the teaching year referred to in each case, in such a way as to enable the apprentice to pursue qualified activities in the sense of the professional profile, which shall, in particular: Independent planning, carrying out, controlling and optimising.


1. Year of Teacher

2. Year of Teacher

3. Year of Teacher


Knowledge of the operational and legal form of the teaching staff




Knowledge of the organizational structure and tasks and responsibilities of the individual operating areas

Knowledge of the work-medical regulations and workers ' protection provisions


Introduction to the tasks, the branch position and the offer of the teaching establishment

Knowledge of the market position and the customer base of the teaching company


Knowledge of work planning and work preparation

Participation in work planning; determination of work steps, work tools and working methods


Ergonomic design of the workplace


Handling and maintenance of the tools, equipment, machines, equipment and working tools to be used


Knowledge of building materials and excipients, their properties, and their use and processing facilities, taking into account relevant processing guidelines


Reading and production of drawings, sketches and laying plans


Basic knowledge of the storage of building materials

Prevention of damage during storage and avoidance of harmful effects on the building materials during storage and processing


Cooperation in the control of roads, parking lots, bicycle and walkways as well as bridges to their condition and document on data sheets or electronically

Control of roads, parking lots, bicycle and walkways as well as bridges to their condition as well as their electronic documentation


Measurement and measurement, calculation, alignment and measurement of altitudes and arches

Height measurement with scale and leveling device



Securing and plunging of excavations, excavations and shafts; manufacture of crash fuses


Determine the material requirements as well as the production of concrete mixes


Knowledge of the foundation; manufacture of foundations, concrete and stone masonry, passages, drains and regulations



Building, planning and compaction of the subsurface


Plasters of natural stones and artificial stones, of natural stone slabs and artificial stone slabs and fringe stones (plateaux, deep-bord, inclined board) on sand and in concrete




Potting, joints and repair of surfaces


Knowledge of the professional regulations of the traffic law (signage, blocking and securing of construction sites and work areas as well as in the case of accidents)


Participation in the installation of traffic signs and traffic facilities, blocking and securing of construction sites and work areas as well as in the event of accidents

Affixing of traffic signs and traffic facilities, blocking and securing of construction sites and work areas as well as in the event of accidents according to official specifications


Participation in the collection of weather information for the winter service as well as evaluating and initiating the necessary steps by means of EDP, data sheets and according to local conditions

Collecting weather information for the winter service as well as evaluating and initiating the necessary steps by means of EDP, data sheets and according to local conditions


Knowledge of the mixtures for the winter service and cooperation in the production of blends for winter service

Composition of the scattering material and the quantity of the litter under consideration of ecological and economic aspects as well as loading of vehicles with scattered material


Knowledge and cooperation in the field of winter activities such as making snow protection fences, putting up, maintaining and dismantled snow pliers

Participation in the introduction and implementation of all winter service measures such as snow rooms and the application of litter with vehicles


Knowledge of the structure and function of the vehicles used, machinery, installation and construction equipment for the summer and winter service



Participation in the maintenance, maintenance and repair of vehicles, on-and built-up devices as well as machines for road-related tasks

Maintenance, maintenance and repair of vehicles, construction and construction equipment as well as machines for road-related tasks


Installation and build-up of devices and devices according to specifications for various applications



Knowledge of road traffic, accident situations and disasters such as floods and storms

Correct behaviour in road transport in the event of road accidents, other intermediate situations and exceptional situations, as well as first aid



Detection of faults in equipment, machinery, equipment and technical equipment on vehicles and causing the elimination of disturbance


Basic knowledge of the composition and production of mixed material and its varieties

Manual and machine-based production and processing of mixed material, including construction, assembly and acceptance according to guidelines, regulations and safety data sheets (ÖNORM, RVS)


Manufacture of Künetten and simple shafts and manufacture of simple formwork

Construction and removal of formwork and plunging in earthworks


Knowledge of the reinforcements and their implementation on the construction site; introduction of reinforcement and concrete as well as compacting and post-treatment



Knowledge of the production (erasure, maintenance, use and removal) of scaffold of all kinds

Manufacture of simple scaffold, ladders and crash fuses using protective equipment



Processing and processing of wood and wood products by hand and with machines


Carry out relevant wood protection and insulation work


Impregnation of wood as well as entrosting, pickling, grinding, burning, priming and piling of railings and guiding devices



Basic skills in the processing of materials (metal, wood and plastic) by hand and using machines in accordance with the hazards and using the measures for accident prevention


Knowledge of the trees and shrubs, their growth, harmful influences and their avoidance

Knowledge of the tree cut and the care measures for trees and shrubs

Perform the tree section


Basic knowledge of the plant protection and fertilizer regulations as well as the pest control measures


Treatment, care, irrigation, fertilising and storage of commercially available plants, shrubs and trees




Manual and machine floor processing as well as soil improvement and fertilizer


Carrying out the lawn building, laying of lawns and nurses of lawn



Basic knowledge of the gardening Hangverbaus, the

Hangsicherung und des garnerischen Wegebaus


Conduct discussions with superiors, colleagues, customers, suppliers and representatives of the authorities, with due regard for the appropriate language of expression


Basic knowledge of operational costs, their impact and their impact



Knowledge of quality assurance, including the processing of complaints and the implementation of operational, quality assurance measures


Knowledge of the content and aim of the training, as well as essential training opportunities in this area


Knowledge of the relevant safety rules, in particular fire protection and other relevant provisions for the protection of life and health


The measures and regulations on the protection of the environment relevant to the teaching profession: basic knowledge of the operational measures for the sensible use of energy in the work-relevant work area; basic knowledge of the work-related work area residual materials and their separation, recovery and disposal of waste


Knowledge of the obligations arising from the apprenticeship contract (§ § 9 and 10 BAG)


Basic knowledge of the labour law provisions which are subject to the law

(2) In the course of training in the professional knowledge and skills (with special attention to the requirements and requirements of the company (in order to ensure that the apprentite's personality is formed in order to provide him with the necessary skills for a specialist), he/she must be able to Key qualifications in terms of social competence (such as openness, teamwork, conflict ability), self-competence (such as self-assessment, self-confidence, self-reliance, resilience), methodological competence (such as presentation skills, rhetoric in German language, comprehensibility in the broad guidelines of the The English language) and competence for self-directed learning (such as willingness, knowledge of methods, ability to select suitable media and materials) to be conveyed.

Rejecting Audit


§ 4. (1) The final examination is divided into a theoretical and a practical test.

(2) The theoretical examination comprises the subjects of construction technology, applied mathematics and technical drawing.

(3) The theoretical examination shall not apply if the candidate for examination has reached the teaching objective of the last class of the professional vocational school or the successful completion of a vocational middle or higher school which replaces the teaching period has proven.

(4) The practical examination shall include the items of test work and expert discussion.

Theoretical examination

General provisions

§ 5. (1) The theoretical examination shall be carried out in writing. It can be carried out jointly for a larger number of candidates, if this is possible without adversely affecting the course of the examination. The theoretical examination can also be carried out in electronic form, although all the essential steps for the examination board must be comprehensible.

(2) The theoretical test shall in principle be held prior to the practical examination.

(3) The tasks shall be in accordance with the scope and level of the purpose of the final examination and the requirements of the professional practice. They are to be explained separately to the examination candidates on the occasion of the assignment.

(4) The written work of the examination candidate shall be marked accordingly.

Building technology

§ 6. (1) The examination shall include the substantive answer to questions from all the following areas:


Materials science,


road traffic law,


Machinery and equipment,


Avalanche science,


Accident prevention.

(2) The examination may also be carried out using electronic questionnaires. In this case, five questions are to be asked in each area.

(3) The tasks shall be carried out in such a way that they can normally be carried out in 60 minutes.

(4) The test shall be terminated after 80 minutes.

Applied mathematics

§ 7. (1) The audit shall include tasks from all the following areas:


Calculation of length and area calculation,


Volume calculation and mass calculation,


Calculation of material requirements,


Calculation of concrete mixes,


Calculation of compaction surcharge.

(2) The use of calculation orders, formulas and tables is permitted.

(3) The tasks shall be carried out in such a way that they can normally be carried out in 60 minutes.

(4) The test shall be terminated after 80 minutes.


§ 8. (1) The examination shall include the completion of a sketch as indicated.

(2) The task shall be to be carried out in such a way that it can normally be carried out in 45 minutes.

(3) The test shall be terminated after 60 minutes.

Practical examination

Audit work

§ 9. (1) The examination shall be in the form of the processing of an operational work order, including work planning, measures on safety and health protection at work, if necessary, after the examination board has been specified. for the protection of the environment and quality control measures, and shall include the following activities:


Measure, Create,


Make a profile and make a simple box,


Make a simple masonry,


Production of a sand base for a paving work,


Designs of natural or artificial stones according to the specification of a work drawing.

The individual steps in the execution of the task are to be documented by hand or computer-based. The examination committee may provide the examinee with relevant documents on the occasion of the task.

(2) The Examination Committee has to submit to each examination candidate a test work, usually in six hours, for the purpose of the final examination, the requirements of the professional practice and the area of activity of the teaching establishment. can be carried out.

(3) The examination shall be terminated after eight hours.

(4) The following criteria shall apply to the evaluation of the test work:


professional working methods,


Dimensional accuracy and cleanliness,




Proper use of the right tools, devices and machines,


Correct use of materials.

Expert discussion

§ 10. (1) The expert interview shall be submitted before the entire examination board.

(2) The expert discussion has to be developed from the practical activity. Here, the practical knowledge of the candidate is to be determined by using technical terms. In the expert discussion, the examination candidate shall show that he/she poses subject-related problems and their solutions, show the technical background relevant to an order and justify the procedure in the execution of this contract.

(3) The purpose of the topic is to correspond to the purpose of the final examination and the requirements of professional practice. In this case, tools, demonstration objects or working methods are to be used. Questions relating to road traffic law, relevant safety regulations, protective measures and accident prevention, as well as relevant environmental protection measures and disposal measures, should be included. The examination is to be carried out in the form of a conversation that is as lively as possible, with a call for discussion by means of the description of situations or problems.

(4) The expert discussion should take 15 minutes for each examination candidate. An extension of not more than ten minutes has to be made in individual cases, if the examination board is not otherwise able to assess the performance of the examination candidate without a doubt.

Repeat Review

§ 11. (1) The final examination of the Lehrabate can be repeated.

(2) In the case of the repetition of the examination, only the test items rated "not enough" shall be considered.

Transitional provisions

§ 12. After successful completion of an examination in the field of road maintenance by a local authority, a traineeship examination can be taken in the trainee occupation of the road maintenance specialist. This extends to the subject-matter discussion. In order to carry out the restricted additional examination, the provisions of the final examination shall apply in accordance with. § § 10 and 11.

Final provisions

§ 13. (1) This Regulation shall enter into force on 1 June 2011.

(2) The training regulations for the teaching profession Road maintenance expert, BGBl. II No 294/1998, as amended by the BGBl Regulation. II No 177/2005, without prejudice to paragraph 3, with the expiry of 31 May 2011.

(3) Apprentices who are trained in the occupation of road maintenance specialist on 31 May 2011 can continue to be trained by the end of the agreed teaching period in accordance with the training regulations referred to in paragraph 2 and may be able to continue until one year after the end of the apprenticeship. the agreed period of apprenticeship for the examination of the teaching of a teaching qualification, due to the examination regulations contained in the training regulations in accordance with paragraph 2 of this article.

(4) The apprenticeship periods completed in the occupation of road maintenance professional are to be fully attributed to the teaching period in the apprenticeship occupation of the road maintenance specialist.
