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135. Regulation of the Federal Minister of Health, amending the Regulation on the determination of the level of administrative charges and fees within the framework of the LMSVG (LMSVG-AbtaxV).
On the basis of § 61a (1) of the Food Safety and Consumer Protection Act-LMSVG, BGBl. I n ° 13/2006, as last amended by the Federal Law BGBl. I n ° 95/2010, shall be assigned in agreement with the Federal Minister for Finance:
The LMSVG-AbtaxV, as last amended by the BGBl Regulation. II No 323/2007, shall be amended as follows:
1. In the title of the regulation, the phrase shall be the word order "LMSVG-AbtaxV" through the phrase "LMSVG-Abtaxverordnung-LMSVG-AbV" replaced.
2. In § 2 (1) the word order shall be "The lump sums for activities referred to in § 1 shall be for each supervisory body" through the phrase "The lump sums for activities referred to in § 1 shall be for each supervisory body in accordance with § 24 LMSVG or the institution pursuant to § 47 para. 3 LMSVG" replaced.
3. In § 2 para. 3 the word order shall be "In the case of control activities within the meaning of § 1 Z 4" through the phrase "In the case of control activities within the meaning of § 1 Z 1 and 4" replaced.