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Amending The By-Laws Of The Federal Chancellor Concerning The Between The Republic Of Austria And Bilateral Treaties Applicable In The Republic Of Kosovo

Original Language Title: Berichtigung der Kundmachung des Bundeskanzlers betreffend die zwischen der Republik Österreich und der Republik Kosovo geltenden bilateralen Verträge

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53. Customer of the Federal Chancellor concerning the corrigendum to the proclamation of the Federal Chancellor concerning the bilateral treaties in force between the Republic of Austria and the Republic of Kosovo

On the basis of § 10 Z 1 of the Federal Law Gazette Act-BGBlG, BGBl. I No 100/2003, shall be made known:

The Federal Chancellor's proclamation concerning the bilateral treaties applicable between the Republic of Austria and the Republic of Kosovo (BGBl. (III) No 147/2010) shall be corrected as follows:

In point 3, it is " Treaty between the Republic of Austria and the Federal People's Republic of Yugoslavia on mutual legal traffic and final protocol (BGBl. No. 223/1955 and BGBl. III No 156/1997) right " Agreement between the Republic of Austria and the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia on the reciprocal legal traffic and the final protocol (BGBl. No. 224/1955 and BGBl. III, No 156/1997) '.
