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2. Bifie Collection Regulation

Original Language Title: 2. BIFIE-Erhebungsverordnung

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116. Regulation of the Federal Minister for Education, Arts and Culture on the obligation to participate in surveys by the BIFIE (2). BIFIE survey regulation)

On the basis of Art. 1 § 6 (2) of the BIFIE Act 2008, BGBl. I n ° 25, in the version of the Federal Law BGBl. I n ° 113/2009, shall be:

Events of the surveys

§ 1. (1) In the months of April and May 2011 there will be 8. School levels of around 60 main schools and general education higher schools (nationwide) a piloting of the tasks to measure the pupils ' performance in the compulsory subject "German", "English" and "Mathematics" instead.

(2) In the months of April and May 2011 a field test for the OECD study PISA 2012 (Programme for International Student Assessment 2012) is to be found at around 50 secondary school and secondary school schools (nationwide) with students of the birth year 1995. instead.

(3) In the months of April and May 2011 there will be 4. School levels of around 160 primary schools (nationwide) of the main test to the studies of the IEA (International Association fort the Evaluation of Educational Achievements) PIRLS (Progress in International Reading Literacy Study) and TIMSS (Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study) 2011.

Obligation to participate in the surveys

§ 2. On the occasion of the tests referred to in § 1 (1) to 3 (3), context surveys are carried out in the case of pupils at school and extracurricular learning and living conditions. The participation in these surveys is compulsory for the pupils. The context surveys do not have a direct personal reference and do not contain sensitive data within the meaning of § 4 Z 1 of the Data Protection Act 2000, DSG 2000, BGBl. I No 165/1999.

§ 3. (1) The Federal Institute for Education Research, Innovation and Development of the Austrian School System (BIFIE) in accordance with the BIFIE Act 2008 is responsible for carrying out the tests in accordance with § 1 (1) (1) to (3) and the associated context surveys in accordance with § 2 .

(2) The surveys do not have a direct passenger reference. In order to identify the associated test sheets, these codes must be affixed to these codes, of which only the pupils who have filled out the sheets may be aware of it. It is necessary to ensure that the teachers used for supervision do not teach the pupils to be supervised.

(3) The indirectly personal data obtained in the surveys are for statistical purposes for applied educational research, educational monitoring, quality development in schools and for the regular national To use educational reporting. The indirect personal reference shall be deleted by 31 December 2013 at the latest.

Entry into force, external force

§ 4. This Regulation shall enter into force on the expiry of the day of the event in the Bundesgesetzblatt (Federal Law Gazans) and with the expiry of the 31.12.2011 period.
