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Pre-Election And The Resulting Time Limits As Well As The Number Of Representatives To Be Elected From The University Representatives, Pedagogical College Representatives And Polytechnic Degree Representations...

Original Language Title: Wahltage und die sich daraus ergebenden Fristen sowie die Zahl der von den Universitätsvertretungen, Pädagogischen Hochschulvertretungen und Fachhochschul-Studienvertretungen zu wählenden Vertreter...

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89. Ordinance of the Federal Minister for Science and Research on the election days and the resulting deadlines, as well as on the number of the university representatives, teacher education institutions and universities of applied sciences. Elected representatives to the Federal Representation of the Students for the High-school and High School Elections 2011 Elections

On the basis of § 34 (2) and § 35a (7) of the Hochschülerschaftsgesetz 1998-HSG 1998, Federal Law Gazette (BGBl). I n ° 22/1999, as last amended by the Federal Law Gazette (BGBl). I n ° 2/2008, shall be ordered:

Election days

§ 1. Tuesday, 24 May 2011, Wednesday, 25 May 2011 and Thursday, 26 May 2011, will be held as election days for the high school and high school elections in 2011.

Representatives in the Federal Representation of the students

§ 2. The number of representatives to be elected by the university representatives, teacher education representatives and representatives of the universities of applied sciences in the Federal Representation of the students will be as in the Annex , it is clear.


§ 3. The following deadlines and dates must be observed:

5 April 2011

-Deadline for voting rights (§ 19 HSWO 2005)

-The start of the introduction period for election proposals (Section 21 (1) of the HSWO 2005)

-Start of application period for candidatures (Section 27 (1) of the HSWO 2005)

21 April 2011

-Last date for the implementation of the match of the list of persons entitled to vote on the basis of the reporting date in accordance with § 19 HSWO 2005 (Section 18 (3) of the HSWO 2005)

-the beginning of the deadline for inspection of the voters 'and voters' registers (Section 20 (1) of the HSWO 2005)

-the beginning of the deadline for the submission of written objections against the voters ' registers (Section 20 (2) of the HSWO 2005)

28 April 2011

-End of submission deadline for nominations and candidatures (Section 21 (1) of the HSWO 2005)

-Last date for the notification of the association of list associations (§ 51 (1) of the HSWO 2005)

-The end of the period within which voters ' registers can be taken into account (Section 20 (1) of the HSWO 2005)

-End of the deadline for the submission of written objections against the voters ' registers (Section 20 (2) of the HSWO 2005)

3 May 2011

-Last date for the presentation of the improvements of election proposals and candidatures (Section 28 (3) of the HSWO 2005)

-Last date for the withdrawal of election proposals (§ 29 HSWO 2005)

-Last appointment for the withdrawal of candidatures (§ 29 HSWO 2005)

-Last date for the submission of improvements to notifications on the merger of list associations (Section 51 (1) of the HSWO 2005)

5 May 2011

-Last opportunity to set up sub-commissions of the electoral commissions with the university students and high school students (§ 13 para. 2 HSWO 2005)

-Last date for the preparation of the agreement on the distinguishing names of nominations (Section 22 (1) of the HSWO 2005)

-Last date for the withdrawal of statements of support (Section 26 (6) of the HSWO 2005)

-Final date for decisions of election commissions on objections to voters ' registers (Section 20 (3) of the HSWO 2005)

10 May 2011

-Last date for the barring of election times and polling stations (§ 32 HSWO 2005)

12 May 2011

-Last date for the announcement of the (improved) nominations and candidatures (Section 31 (2) of the HSWO 2005)

-Last date for the publication of approved list associations (Section 51 (2) of the HSWO 2005)

23 May 2011

-Last date for the production of paper-based lists of persons entitled to vote (§ 18 para. 7 HSWO 2005)

24 May 2011

-First Election Day

-Last date for the constitution of the subcommissions of the electoral commissions with the university students (§ 13 para. 2 HSWO 2005)

25 May 20011

-Second Election Day

26 May 2011

-Third Election Day

-First date for the voyage of the election results (§ 56 HSWO 2005)

-Last date for the announcement of the elected representatives elected by the Educational University representatives (§ 50 para. 4 HSWO 2005)

3 June 2011

-Last date for the voyage of the election results (Section 14 (3) of the HSWO 2005)

-Last appointment for the assignment of the mandates (§ 14 para. 3 HSWO 2005)

-Last appointment for the understanding of the elected (§ 14 para. 3 HSWO 2005)

9 June 2011

-Final date for the constitution of the universities of applied sciences (§ 50c para. 1 HSWO 2005)

-Last appointment for the announcement of the elected representatives elected by the universities of applied sciences (§ 50c (7) of the HSWO 2005)

30 June 2011

-Last appointment for the constitution of the federal representation (§ 6 para. 2 HSG 1998)

within two weeks from the date of the election of the respective election result

-The possibility of opposition to the election of the Federal Representation (Section 58 (2) of the HSWO 2005)

-The possibility of opposition to the elections of the university representatives and of the student representatives (§ 59 (2) of the HSWO 2005)

-The possibility of opposition to the elections of the student representatives at teacher training colleges (§ 59a (2) of the HSWO 2005)

-The possibility of objection to the elections of the legal or statutory representative bodies at universities of applied sciences or Holder institutions of universities of applied sciences (§ 59b para. 2 HSWO 2005)

1 July 2011

-the beginning of the new term of operation (§ 6 para. 2 and § 12 para. 3 HSG 1998)



on § 2

Universities, Universities of Teacher Education, Universities of Applied Sciences

Number of students

Number of mandatarins to be elected

University of Vienna

90 893


University of Graz

29 731


University of Innsbruck

26 793


Medical University of Vienna

9 895


Medical University Graz

4 511


Medical University of Innsbruck

3 261


University of Salzburg

17 027


Technical University of Vienna

26 595


Graz University of Technology

14 291


Montanuniversität Leoben

3 056


University of Natural Resources and Culture Vienna

10 848


Veterinary University of Vienna

2 408


Vienna University of Economics and Business

28 127


University of Linz

17 935


University of Klagenfurt

10 386


University of Applied Arts Vienna

2 167


Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Wien

3 450


Universität Mozarteum Salzburg

1 735


Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Graz

2 395


University of Artistic and Industrial Design Linz

1 137


Academy of Fine Arts Vienna

1 388


Pedagogical University of Styria

1 642


Private Pedagogical University-Hochschulstiftung Erzdiözese Wien

2 033


Private Pedagogical University of the Diocese of Linz

1 246


Pedagogical University of Upper Austria

1 554


Educational University of Vienna

2 213


Universities of applied sciences Burgenland GmbH

1 510


Fachhochschule Technikum Kärnten

1 872


Fachhochschule St. Pölten GmbH

1 754


Fachhochschule Wiener Neustadt für Wirtschaft und Technik GmbH

2 885


IMC University of Applied Sciences Krems GmbH

1 788


FH OÖ Studienbetriebs GmbH

4 549


Fachhochschule Salzburg GmbH

2 222


CAMPUS 02 Fachhochschule der Wirtschaft GmbH

1 118


FH JOANNEUM Gesellschaft mbH

3 625


FHS Kufstein Tirol Educational GmbH

1 178


MCI Management Center Innsbruck-Internationale Hochschule GmbH

2 098


Fachhochschule Vorarlberg GmbH



Fachhochschule Campus Wien



Fachhochschule des bfi Wien GmbH



Fachhochschule Technikum Wien



FHW-University of Applied Sciences-Courses of Business and Research Institutes of the Wiener Wirtschaft GmbH



Electoral Community
