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Amendment Of The Federal Equal Treatment Act

Original Language Title: Änderung des Bundes-Gleichbehandlungsgesetzes

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6. Federal Law, with which the Federal Equal Treatment Act is amended

The National Council has decided:

The Federal Equal Treatment Act, BGBl. N ° 100/1993, as last amended by the Federal Law BGBl. I No 153/2009, shall be amended as follows:

1. The following line shall be inserted in the table of contents in accordance with the line relating to § 6:

" § 6a. Federal Income Reports "

2. In Section 1 (1) (1) (5), the word "Women" by the word "People" replaced.

(3) The following paragraph 5 is added to § 4a:

"(5) Discrimination shall also be applied where a person is discriminated against on grounds of his or her sex as a result of their close-up."

4. In accordance with § 6, the following § 6a and title shall be inserted:

" Federal Income Reports

§ 6a. (1) The Federal Chancellor is obliged to do so every year up to the 1. A report on the income analysis of the employees of the federal government is to be drawn up in October. The reporting period is the previous calendar year. This report shall provide information on:


the number of women and the number of men in the respective group of uses, wages and salaries, and


the median income of full-time women and men in the respective use, wage or salary group;

to be included.

(2) The report shall be made anonymous in such a way as to ensure that no conclusions are possible on individuals.

(3) The report shall be published immediately after its completion by the Federal Chancellor, or by the Federal Chancellor, on the website of the Federal Chancellery, and shall be transmitted to the heads of the central offices. The report shall be forwarded by the heads of the central body to the relevant central committees.

(4) By way of derogation from (1) and (3), for service workers for which there is no scheme of use, remuneration or salary groups to be used, the following shall apply:


a report shall be reimbursed only if the number of such employees in the service concerned is more than 150,


the report must be drawn up in accordance with the remuneration structure applicable to the report,


the reporting requirements shall be met by the head or head of the respective department; and


the report shall be submitted to the relevant personnel representative body, which shall provide access to it to the service representatives at their request. "

(5) The following paragraph 4 is added to § 13a:

"(4) Discrimination also occurs when a person is discriminated against on the basis of their close-up relationship to a person on account of their ethnicity, their religion or belief, their age or their sexual orientation."

6. In Section 19 (3), the number shall be: "720" by the number "1 000" replaced.

7. § 24 (5a).

8. In § 37, the second paragraph and the previous paragraphs 3 to 6 receive the sales designations. "(2)" to "(5)" .

Section 39 (3) reads as follows:

" (3) The Federal Government has a member of the Commission and the head of the central office has an equal treatment officer or an equal treatment officer, a contact woman. (Women's Representative) or a member of the Working Group on Equal Treatment Questions in accordance with § 21 of the Higher Education Act 2005, if the member or he or he


is permanently unable to carry out the tasks associated with its or her function, either on the basis of its health condition or its health condition; or


has grossly violated or permanently neglected the duties associated with her or her function. "

10. In Section 41 (3), the quote "§ 37 (4) and (6)" by quoting "§ 37 (3) and (5)" replaced.

(11) The following paragraph (20) is added to § 47:

" (20) The line relating to § 6a of the table of contents, § 1 (1) (5), § 4a (5), § 6a including the title, § 13a (4), § 19 (3), § 37, § 39 (3) and § 41 (3), as well as the removal of Section 24 (5a) in the version of the Federal Law BGBl. I n ° 6/2011 will enter into force on 1 March 2011. "

