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Accreditation Of The Private Institute For Quality Assurance And Certification Of Organically Produced Food Gmbh (Lacon) For The Certification Of Products

Original Language Title: Akkreditierung des Privatinstitutes für Qualitätssicherung und Zertifizierung ökologisch erzeugter Lebensmittel GmbH (lacon) zur Zertifizierung von Produkten

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31. Ordinance of the Federal Minister of Economics, Family and Youth on the accreditation of the private institute for quality assurance and certification of organic food GmbH (lacon) for the certification of products

Due to § 17 para. 1 and § 38 Z 1 of the Accreditation Act-AkkG, BGBl. No. 468/1992, in the version of the Federal Law BGBl. I n ° 85/2002, shall be assigned in agreement with the Federal Minister for Health:

§ 1. The private institute for quality assurance and certification of ecologically produced foodstuff GmbH (lacon), based in 4150 Rohrbach, Linzerstraße 2, is accredited as a place that certifies the products (according to ÖNORM EN 45011).

§ 2. Certification authority shall include certification of products, procedures and services in the areas referred to in the Annex specified scope.

§ 3. The certification authority applies to those areas in which the Federal Government is responsible for legislation and enforcement, provided that the federal laws governing these areas do not comply with the provisions of the Accreditation Act relating to the accreditation of such bodies.

§ 4. With the entry into force of this Regulation, the Regulation of the Federal Minister of Economics and Labour shall enter into force on the accreditation of the private institute for quality assurance and certification of ecologically produced food GmbH (lacon), BGBl. II No 157/2008, except for force.
