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Regulation of the Federal Minister of Transport, Innovation and Technology amending the Regulation on technical requirements for vehicles on inland waterways (ship-to-ship regulation)
On the basis of § § 107, 109 (7) and (4) (4) of the Shipping Law, BGBl. I n ° 62/1997, as last amended by BGBl. I n ° 111/2010, is prescribed in agreement with the Federal Minister of the Interior in accordance with Section 153 (5) of the Maritime Law:
The regulation of the Federal Minister of Transport, Innovation and Technology on technical regulations for vehicles on inland waters (Ship Technology Ordinance), Federal Law Gazette (BGBl). II No 162/2009, shall be amended as follows:
1. § 1 (1) reads:
" (1) The provisions of this Regulation shall apply to vehicles and waterbikes in public-flowing waters (Section 2 of the Water Rights Act 1959), to the public waters and private waters referred to in Appendix 1 to the Maritime Law, and to on Lake Constance, the Old Rhine from its mouth to the road bridge Rheineck-Gaissau and the New Rhine from the mouth of the Lake Constance to the Hard-Fussach road bridge. "
2. Section 1 (4) is deleted.
3. In § 2 para. 2, the expression "§ 31" by the expression "§ 34" replaced.
(4) The following paragraphs 4 and 5 are added to § 2:
" (4) For vehicles which are to be approved for the ride on Lake Constance, the Old Rhine from its mouth to the road bridge Rheineck-Gaissau and the New Rhine from the mouth of the Lake Constance to the road bridge Hard-Fussach, only Annexes 2 and 3, in so far as the Regulation of the Federal Minister of Transport on the Navigation of the Sea on Lake Constance, BGBl. No 93/1976, as amended, does not contain any non-derogating specific provisions.
(5) For vehicles already for the journey on the Lake Constance, the Old Rhine from its mouth to the road bridge Rheineck-Gaissau and the New Rhine from the mouth of the Lake Constance to the road bridge before the entry into force of this Regulation The provisions of this Regulation shall not apply, unless they are converted or parts of the vehicles, facilities or installations on board are replaced. In this case, paragraph 4 shall apply as well as the transitional provisions of Annexes 2 and 3. '
5. The following paragraph 5 is added to § 22:
" (5) Maritime inspection bodies are authorised to confirm, after repairs, the restoration of the suitability for use in the Community certificate, provided that an expert opinion of an engineering consul or a civil engineer has been issued for the purpose of such a certificate. Mechanical engineering (marine technology) or a recognised classification society. "
6. In Appendix 2, the heading of the expression: "§ 1 para. 2 Z 2" by the expression "§ 3 para. 2 Z 1" replaced.
7. In Appendix 3, the title of the expression shall: "§ 1 para. 2 Z 2" by the expression "§ 3 para. 2 Z 2" replaced.
8. In Appendix 3, in Article 4.01, after the expression: "Article 4.01" the expression "Article 4.02" inserted.
9. In Appendix 3, in Article 7.01, after the expression: " Article 7.04 (1), (2), (8) " the expression " Article 7.05 " inserted.
10. In Appendix 3, the following sentence shall be added to Article 8a.01:
"Engines which comply with the provisions of the Sportboot Directive shall be deemed to be equivalent."
11. Article 3.02 (2) of Annex 4 reads as follows:
" (2) For rafts which are not older than 10 years and for which it is proved that they comply with ÖNORM V 5868:2000, the initial inspection shall not be required. § 6 (3) of this Regulation shall apply mutatily in this case. "
12. In Article 3.03 (5) of Annex 4, the word shall be referred to in the first sentence "must" by the word "must" replaced.
13. The following sentence shall be added to Article 3.03 (7) of Annex 4:
"Transverse hoses or other reinforcements shall not be required in the case of rafts for no more than three persons, if the design of the rafts meets the requirements of paragraph 6."
14. The following sentence shall be added to Article 3.03 (8) of Annex 4:
"By way of derogation, Rafts for no more than three persons must have at least three independent air chambers."
15. The following sentence shall be added to Article 3.03 (9) of Annex 4:
"By way of derogation, for no more than three persons, there is no need to subdivide the longitudinal tubes."
16. Article 3.04 (1) (1). a of Appendix 4 is:
" (a) |
up to 3 persons: 290 cm " |
17. The following sentence shall be added to Article 3.04 (3) of Annex 4:
"In the case of rafts for no more than three persons, a higher value for the ratio of length to width is also permissible."
18. In Appendix 5, Part 6-Model of the certificate of approval for Rafts, are placed on the back in the section "Dimensions" the term "Displacement" by the term "Maximum Permissible Payload" and the term "Carrying capacity" by the term "Maximum Permissible Payload" replaced.