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Change Of Students - And High Student Body Election Regulations 2005 - Hswo 2005

Original Language Title: Änderung der Hochschülerinnen- und Hochschülerschaftswahlordnung 2005 - HSWO 2005

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20. Regulation of the Federal Minister for Science and Research, which changes the High-School and High-school Students ' Electoral Regulations 2005-HSWO 2005

On the basis of § 48 of the Higher Education and Higher Education Act 1998, BGBl. I n ° 22/1999, as last amended by the Federal Law Gazette (BGBl). I n ° 2/2008, shall be ordered:

The 2005 HSWO High School and High School Electoral Regulations (HSWO 2005), BGBl. II No 91, as last amended by the BGBl Regulation. II No 351/2008, shall be amended as follows:

§ 18 (1) and (2) and the previous sales designations 1 to 7 are given the sales names 3 to 9:

" (1) The rector of each university has to provide the electoral commission at the respective university, free of charge, to the lists of the persons entitled to vote in sufficient numbers at the latest five weeks before the last election day.

(2) These directories shall contain the persons entitled to vote separately for the university representation and for each student representation in order of their matriculation number or in alphabetical order. The election commissions may also decide that, instead of a separate directory for the university representation and each student body, an overall list of those entitled to vote in the field of action of the relevant electoral commission shall be held by the name of the institutions for which each or every person entitled to vote is actively entitled to vote. In addition, lists of persons entitled to vote may also be drawn up for the respective areas of action of the sub-commissions. "

2. § 33 (1) the following sentence is added:

"The choice is barrier-free."

3. § 37 (4) reads:

" (4) The right to vote shall be exercised in person. Blind, severely visually impaired and body-or sensual-disabled voters are allowed to lead and help themselves from an accompanying person who they can choose from and help themselves with the election. Blind and severely visually impaired voters are to be provided with their own ballot template as a tool to enable the self-employed exercise of the electorate. This ballot paper template is to be taken by blind and severely visually impaired voters after the election process. In the case of electoral processes in which no accompanying person is required, the electoral cell may only be entered by one person. "

The following paragraph 5 shall be added to § 43:

" (5) The chairpersons of the election commissions of the high school and high school students have for visually impaired and blind students ballot papers-stencils at the chairperson or the chairman of the electoral commissions of the Austrian To request high school and high school students in the required number on time. The Chairperson of the Electoral Commission of the Austrian High School and High School of Student Affairs has to make these available in the requested number of persons. The costs are to be borne by the respective high-school and high school students. "

§ 61 reads as follows:

" (1) The Federal Minister or the Federal Minister may provide an electronic voting system and a Wahladministration system, possibly also only a Wahladministration system. In the event of a provision, they must comply with the requirements of § 34 and § 39 HSG 1998 and must be used. The provisions adopted in this Regulation concerning the electronic voting system and the electoral administration system are only in the case of the provision of this system or of these systems.

(2) The provision of the electronic voting system or The Wahladministration System (Wahladministration) is to be announced at the latest on the occasion of the announcement of the voting days (§ 34 Abs. 2 HSG 1998). "
