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Increase Of The New Credit Agreement With The International Monetary Fund

Original Language Title: Aufstockung der Neuen Kreditvereinbarungen mit dem Internationalen Währungsfonds

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114. Federal Law on the Increase in New Credit Agreements with the International Monetary Fund

The National Council has decided:

§ 1. The Oesterreichische Nationalbank is authorized, on behalf of the Republic, to the International Monetary Fund within the framework of the increase of the New Arrangements to Borrow, NAB) the credit framework for the New Loan Agreements of currently 407.57 million Special drawing rights to a maximum of 3.6 billion Special drawing rights to be increased.

§ 2. This federal law shall enter into force at the time the International Monetary Fund's new credit agreements enter into force. The Federal Minister of Finance has made this point in the Federal Law Gazprom. At the same time, the Federal Law on a Bilateral Credit Agreement between the International Monetary Fund and the Oesterreichische Nationalbank, BGBl. I n ° 70/2010, as well as the Federal Law on the Participation of Austria in the New Credit Agreements with the International Monetary Fund, BGBl. I No 64/1998, except for force. They shall last for the last time on loans which have been awarded before the entry into force of this Federal Law.

§ 3. The Federal Minister of Finance is responsible for the enforcement of this federal law.

