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Change Of The Chamber Of Pharmacists Electoral Code 2001

Original Language Title: Änderung der Apothekerkammer-Wahlordnung 2001

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392. Regulation of the Federal Minister of Health, amending the Ordinance on Pharmacists ' Electoral Regulations 2001

On the basis of § 33 of the Pharmacerkammergesetz 2001, BGBl. I n ° 111, as last amended by the Federal Law BGBl. I No 78/2010, shall be ordered:

The regulation on the conduct of the elections to the Austrian Chamber of Pharmacists (Österreichische Apothekerkammer), (pharmacy chamber electoral code 2001), BGBl. II No 339, shall be amended as follows:

1. § 2 reads:

" § 2. The period of operation of the organs of the pharmacy chamber shall be five years, starting from 1 July 2012. The election of the institutions shall be held every five years. "

Section 39 (2) reads as follows:

" (2) The members of the Chamber Board, the members of the Assembly of Delegates as well as the substitute delegates of the respective State Secretariat shall be entitled to vote, whereby the substitute delegates of a department shall be entitled to vote only to the extent that they are entitled to vote. it does not exceed the number of chamber board members, the delegate and substitute delegates of the other department. "

3. The previous text of § 42 shall be preceded by the sales designation "(1)"; the following paragraph 2 is added:

" (2) § § 2 and 39 (2) in the version of the BGBl Regulation. II No 392/2010 shall be 1. Jänner 2011 in force. "
