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Scope Of The Protocol On Prohibitions Or Restrictions On The Use Of Mines, Booby-Traps And Other Devices As Amended On 3 May 1996 (Protocol Ii In The Am....)

Original Language Title: Geltungsbereich des Protokolls über das Verbot oder die Beschränkung des Einsatzes von Minen, Sprengfallen und anderen Vorrichtungen in der am 3. Mai 1996 geänderten Fassung (Protokoll II in der am...

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99. Proportion of the Federal Chancellor concerning the scope of the Protocol on the Prohibition or Restriction of the Use of Mines, Explosives and Other Devices as amended on 3 May 1996 (Protocol II in the version adopted on 3 May 1996) Amended in 1996), to the Convention of 10. The Council adopted a resolution on the prohibition or restriction of the use of certain conventional weapons which may be deemed to be excessively injiy or indiscriminate, and of the Protocol of 13 October 1980. October 1995 on blind-making laser weapons (Protocol IV) to the Convention of 10 October 1995. October 1980 on the prohibition or restriction of the use of certain conventional weapons which may cause excessive suffering or which may affect indiscriminately

According to the communications of the Secretary-General of the United Nations, the following other States have their notifications to the Protocol on the Prohibition or Restriction of the Use of Mines, Explosives and Other Devices in the Protocol on 3 May 1996 Amended version (Protocol II, as amended on 3 May 1996), to the Convention of 10 November 1996. The European Parliament and the Council of 27 October 1980 on the prohibition or restriction of the use of certain conventional weapons which may cause excessive suffering or have indiscriminate effects, and on the Protocol of 13 October 1980. October 1995 on blind-making laser weapons (Protocol IV) to the Convention of 10 October 1995. October 1980 on the prohibition or restriction of the use of certain conventional weapons which may cause excessive suffering or may affect indiscriminately (BGBl. III, No 17/1999, last proclamation of the BGBl scope. (III) No 27/2008), pursuant to Article 8 of the Convention:


Date of delivery of the notification:

Protocol II, as amended

Protocol IV

Dominican Republic

21 June 2010

21 June 2010


8 June 2009


6. August 2008

6. August 2008


22. August 2008


25. September 2008

25. September 2008


8 July 2009


16. November 2009


14 March 2008

14 March 2008


3 December 2008

United States

21. January 2009
