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48. Federal Law, with which the Education Document Law is amended
The National Council has decided:
The Education Documentary Act, BGBl. No 12/2002, as last amended by the Federal Law of the Federal Republic of Germany (BGBl). I n ° 24/2008, shall be amended as follows:
1. In the table of contents is inserted in accordance with § 7 of the following § 7a:
" § 7a |
Data network of universities and universities of teacher education "" |
1a. In § 3 (1) (1) (1), the term in brackets shall be used to "Family Names" through the phrase " Family or Surnames " replaced.
2. § 3 (3) Z 4 reads:
" 4. |
the school form, the date and the issuing state of the general university entrance qualification, " |
3. In Section 3 (3) (9), the word order shall be deleted " according to study authorization law, BGBl. N ° 292/1985 "
4. In § 3 para. 6, second sentence, the word order shall be "Family and First Names" through the phrase " Family or Surnames and first names " replaced.
5. § 3 (7) reads:
"(7) The Bundesanstalt" Statistik Österreich " is entitled to carry out a query in the Central Register of Melting by means of the data available for the replacement identifier and to use the encrypted area-specific for the replacement identifier. Personal identification "Social insurance" and the encrypted area-specific personal identifier "Official statistics" in accordance with § 9 of the eGovernment Act (E-GovG), BGBl. I No 10/2004. At the request of the Bundesanstalt, the main association of the Austrian social insurance institutions has to determine the social security numbers for the encrypted area-specific personal identification "Social Security" and the social security numbers. To submit social security numbers with the encrypted area-specific personal identifier "Official statistics" to the Federal Statistical Office of Austria. "
5a. In § 7 (2), in the first sentence after the word order " The head of an educational institution referred to in paragraph 1 shall be: " the phrase " in the way of the encrypting device " inserted.
6. § 7 (4) reads:
" (4) For the area of universities and the University of Continuing Education Krems as well as for the area of public pedagogical universities and recognised private pedagogical universities and courses of study In addition to the overall incidence of the students, it is permissible to lead a data network of the universities and a data network of the universities of teacher education, to the extent that this is necessary for the full education of university and/or university students. high-school, cross-university, or study-related regulations. The establishment of a data network of the universities must not be allowed until after the regulation of the Federal Minister of Science and Research, the establishment of a data network of the universities of teacher education must not be allowed until after a detailed regulation by regulation of the Federal Minister of Education, Arts and Culture. These regulations have to be taken into account in Section 8 (2). "
6a. § 7a together with headline reads:
" Data Network of Universities and Universities of Teacher Education
§ 7a. (1) For the area of universities and the University of Continuing Education, Krems as well as for the area of public pedagogical universities and recognised private pedagogical universities and courses of study one data network of the universities ("Datenverbund Uni") and one data network of the universities of teacher education ("Datenverbund PH") for the full education of university and/or university students, respectively high-school-level study law, study promotion law or high-school and university law regulations. These are two separate information composite systems according to § 50 of the Data Protection Act 2000 (DSG 2000), BGBl. I No 165/1999.
(2) The contracting authorities of the data network pursuant to § 4 (4) of the German Data Protection Act (DSG 2000) are the universities, contracting entities of the PH data association, the universities of teacher education. The Bundesrechenzentrum GmbH (BRZ) has to operate the data composite systems as a service provider.
(3) The data association Uni and the data network PH are used for the following purposes:
1. |
Ensuring the proper allocation of matriculation numbers, |
2. |
Provision of study and study data for the students ' total trends in accordance with § 7 and for the implementation of the regulations for the promotion of studies in the field of study and development, |
3. |
Transmission of the authorisation information and of the continuation and/or continuation messages or Inskritions of students of joint study programs on the part of the admission university to the respective other universities or on the part of the University of Teacher Education, to the respective other universities of teacher education, |
4. |
Provision of the members ' lists of the Austrian High School and High School Students (§ 4a (1), (2) and (4) and § 10 (4) of the Hochschüler-und Hochschülerschaftsgesetz 1998), BGBl. I n ° 22/1999) and |
5. |
Securing the collection of a possible tuition fee. |
(4) Each university, the University for further education Krems, and Public and recognised private educational institutions and study programmes have studied, study and study contribution data according to the respective data composite systems according to Appendix 3 to leave.
(5) The following institutions shall be entitled to question in accordance with the relevant statutory provisions:
1. |
the State Aid Authority, |
2. |
the financial offices and |
3. |
the chairpersons of the institutions of the Austrian High-School Students ' Union in accordance with § 6 (1), § 12 (1) Z 1 and 3 and § 20a (1) Z 2 of the HSG 1998. |
(6) The data network has to contain the most recent four years of study. Older semester holdings are to be deleted, but the address at the place of origin and the delivery address are ten years and the following characteristics of the students with a view to ensuring the proper allocation of matriculation numbers 99 years to save:
1. |
Matriculation number; |
2. |
Family and/or Surname and first name (s); |
3. |
date of birth; |
4. |
Gender; |
5. |
Nationality; |
6. |
Date of general university entrance qualification; |
7. |
Identification as invalid matriculation number; |
8. |
Area-specific person identifier BF. |
§ 8 (5) first sentence must be applied. |
(7) As the operator of the data network, the BRZ shall comply with the data security requirements in accordance with § 14 of the Data Protection Act 2000 and has to grant query rights pursuant to paragraph 5 only if the data security measures pursuant to § 8 Paragraph 2. Section 8 (3) shall apply mutatily. The query is to be set up by the BRZ in such a way that the data of students can only be accessed using application data in accordance with the relevant legal provisions.
(8) The more detailed provisions on the dates, procedures and formats of data transfer, on the procedure for the transmission of data to the institutions entitled to question as well as on the data security measures are by regulation of the Federal Minister of the Federal Republic of Germany for science and research, as well as the regulation of the Federal Minister of Education, Arts and Culture. "
7. In § 9 paragraph 2 Z 2 lit. e will be the word "and" is replaced by a dash.
8. In § 9 paragraph 2 Z 2 lit. f is the stroke point by the word "and" shall be replaced and the following shall be replaced. g is added:
" (g) |
Data based on the BGBl Regulation. II N ° 58/2004 of the Federal Minister for Agriculture, Forestry, the Environment and Water Management, where necessary for the purposes of federal statistics on education; " |
9. § 9 para. 2 Z 3 lit. b is:
" (b) |
the school form, the date and the issuing State of the general university entrance qualification and " |
10. The following paragraph 7 is added to § 12:
" (7) The following provisions of this Federal Act in the version of the Federal Law BGBl. I No 48/2010 shall enter into force as follows:
1. |
the table of contents in respect of the line relating to § 7a, § 3 (1) Z 1, § 3 (3) (4) and (9), § 3 (6) and (7), § 7 (2) and (4), § 7a) and the title, § 9 (2) (2) (2) (2) lit. e to g and Z 3 lit. b as well as the Appendix 3 enter into force with the end of the day of the customer's presentation in the Federal Law Gazans. |
2. |
Annex 1 Z 2, Z 3, Z 4, Z 5 lit. a, d, e and f as well as Z 7 enter into force on 1 September 2010 and can be found at the individual in the scope of the school teaching law for professionals (SchUG-B), BGBl. I No 33/1997 shall apply in accordance with a Regulation of the Federal Minister for Education, Arts and Culture from the school year 2010/11 or from the school year 2011/12 onwards. " |
11. In Appendix 1 Z 2 and Z 3, the turn is made before the stroke " except in schools according to the school teaching law for professionals, BGBl. I No 33/1997 " inserted.
12. In Appendix 1 Z 4, in the parenthesis after the word "seasonally" the twist ", modular" .
13. In Appendix 1 Z 5 lit. a eliminating the turn ", § 26 of the School Education Act for Vocational Training, BGBl. I No 33/1997 " .
14. Appendix 1 Z 5 lit. d is deleted.
15. In Appendix 1 Z 5 lit. e is omitted in the parenthesis the phrase "and colloquia" .
16. In Appendix 1 Z 5 lit. f is omitted in the parenthesis the phrase ", § 28 of the school teaching law for professionals, BGBl. I No 33/1997 " .
17. In Appendix 1 Z 7, according to the law " BGBl. No 472/1986 ' the phrase " or in accordance with Section 17 (3) of the School Education Act for Vocational Training, BGBl. I No 33/1997, ' inserted.
18. The following Appendix 3 is added to Annex 2:
" Appendix 3 (to § 7a (4))
The following data are to be processed in the data network Uni and in the data network PH for each semester:
1. |
Arrangement data |
a) |
melding university or Pedagogical University; |
b) |
Reference semester; |
c) |
Statistics stamps for the persons and study count. |
2. |
Person Data |
a) |
First and last names; |
b) |
date of birth; |
c) |
Gender; |
d) |
Nationality; |
e) |
academic degrees; |
f) |
Address at the place of origin and delivery address; |
g) |
E-mail address; |
h) |
Matriculation number; |
i) |
Social security number or replacement identification number; |
j) |
region-specific person identification number BF. |
3. |
Study contribution data |
a) |
Student contribution status; |
b) |
the amounts and the value date of the contribution rate; |
c) |
the amounts and the value of the amount and the date of the subsequent recovery; |
d) |
Contract for the seizure printing and date; |
e) |
Payment Status and Actual Amount; |
f) |
the date of the reservation; |
g) |
Study contribution account of the university. |
4. |
Study data |
a) |
Identification of studies; |
b) |
the date of application, admissions or commencement of studies; |
c) |
School form, date and issuing State of the general university entrance qualification; |
d) |
Marketing authorisation status; |
e) |
Notification of the continuation of studies or studies the inscription; |
f) |
Mobility programme and host country of the stay abroad. |
5. |
Studienerfolgsdaten |
a) |
Identification of studies; |
b) |
Semester hours of completed exams; |
c) |
Semester hours of positively assessed exams; |
d) |
ECTS credit points obtained; |
e) |
The type and date of successfully completed exams, which complete a degree or study section of a diploma or a study course according to § 35 Z 1 of the University Act 2005. |
6. |
Data on study calculation tests |
a) |
Current number of the student's degree course at the university or at the Pedagogical University; |
b) |
Identification of studies and/or the study direction group, for which or for which admission to the study permit examination has been requested; |
c) |
the date of the application for admission to the study authorization test; |
d) |
Date of successful completion of the study authorization examination. " |