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206. Regulation of the Federal Minister of Science and Research, with which the regulation on the award of the term "course of university character" and designations for the graduates, Federal Institute for Adult education St. Wolfgang, changed
On the basis of § 124 (6a) of the University Act 2002, BGBl. I n ° 120, as last amended by the Federal Law BGBl. I No 81/2009, shall be:
The Federal Minister of Education, Science and Culture (Federal Minister for Education, Science and Culture) on the award of the term "course of university character" and designations for graduates, Federal Institute for Adult Education (Bundesinstitut für adult education). Wolfgang, BGBl. II No 152/2005, shall be amended as follows:
In § 8, the date shall be: "31 December 2010" by the date "31 December 2012" replaced.