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Change The Medical Masseur And Massage Certificate Regulation (Mmhm-Zv)

Original Language Title: Änderung der Medizinischer Masseur- und Heilmasseur-Zeugnisverordnung (MMHm-ZV)

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271. Ordinance of the Federal Minister of Health, with which the Medical Mass and Heilmasseur-Zeugnisverordnung (MMHmZV) is amended

On the basis of § § 10 (8), 28, 56, 59 and 72 of the Medical Masseur-Und Heilmasseurgesetz, BGBl. I n ° 169/2002, as last amended by the Federal Law BGBl. I No 33/2015, shall be arranged:

The Medical Masseur and Heilmasseur-Zeugnisverordnung-MMHmZV, BGBl. II No 458/2006, is amended as follows:

1. In the table of contents, the entry "§ 3 Training confirmation and certificate-shortened training courses for the medical masseur/medical masseuse" by the entry "3 confirmation of training and certificate-shortened training as a medical masseur/medical masseuse" replaced.

2. In the table of contents, after the entry "§ 7 Training Confirmation and Certificate-Special Qualification Hydro-and Balneotherapy" the entry "§ 7a Training Confirmation and Certificate of Special Qualifications Basic Mobilisation" inserted.

3. In the table of contents, the entry "§ 10 Confirmation and Certificate-Examination of Electrotherapy pursuant to § 81 MMHmG" by the entry "§ 10 Entry into force" replaced, and the entry is deleted § 11 Confirmation of training and certificate-Schulung zum Heilmasseur/zur Heilmasseurin pursuant to § 84 para. 3 MMHmG " .

4. The entries in the table of contents "Appendix 5 Training Confirmation-shortened training for qualified medical-technical specialists" and "Appendix 6 Certificate-shortened training for qualified medical-technical specialists" .

5. In the table of contents, after the entry "Attachment 14 Certificate-Special qualification Hydro-and Balneotherapy" the entries "Annex 14a Training Confirmation-Special Qualification Basic Mobilisation" and "Attachment 14b-Certificate-Special Qualification Basic Mobilization" inserted.

6. The entries in the table of contents "Appendix 18 Confirmation-Examination of electrotherapy according to § 81 MMHmG" , "Annex 19 Certificate of electrotherapy in accordance with § 81 MMHmG" , "Attachment 20 Training Confirmation-Training for the Heilmasseur/Heilmasseurin pursuant to § 84 para. 3 MMHmG" and "Appendix 21 Certificate-Training to the Heilmasseur/Heilmasseurin pursuant to § 84 para. 3 MMHmG" .

7. In Section 1 (1), the word "and" at the end of the Z 4 and the point at the end of the Z 5 respectively replaced by a dash and the following Z 6 added:

" 6.

Special qualification training Basic mobilization. "

8. In Section 1 (2), the expression "Appendix 1 to 21" by the expression "Appendix 1 to 17" replaced.

9. The heading to § 3 reads:

" Confirmation of training and certificate-shortened training as a medical masseur/to the medical masseuse "

10. In § 3, paragraphs 4 to 6 are deleted.

11. According to § 7, the following § 7a with headline is inserted:

" Training Confirmation and Certificate-Special Qualification Basic mobilisation

§ 7a. (1) After successful completion of the final examination for the basic mobilisation, a certificate of training and a certificate shall be issued in accordance with the model of annexes 14a and 14b.

(2) The confirmation of the training is to be signed by the subject-specific and organisational director/specialist and organizational director as well as the medical-scientific director/director of the medical-scientific director. with the circular seal of the right-holder of the training facility.

(3) The certificate shall be of the Chairperson of the Examination Committee and of the subject-specific and organizational head of the subject-specific and organizational head as well as of the medical-scientific director/ to sign the medical-scientific director and to provide the circular seal of the legal carrier of the training facility.

(4) The confirmation of training and the certificate are the graduates and graduates by the subject-specific and organizational manager/the subject-specific and organizational manager at the latest four weeks after completion of the training and/or training. to follow the successful completion of the final exam.

(5) Persons who have not successfully completed a special qualification training for basic mobilisation are required by the subject-specific and organizational ladder/specialist and organizational head and/or the The medical-scientific director must issue a confirmation of the completed theoretical and practical training, including completed exams. "

12. § 10 together with headline reads:

" Entry into

§ 10. § 1 (1) and (7a) in the version of the BGBl Regulation. II No. 271/2015 will enter into force on 1 September 2015. "

13. § 11 deleted.

14. Appendixes 5 and 6 and 18 to 21 are omitted.

15. The following Annexes 14a and 14b shall be inserted after Appendix 14: (see annexes)
