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Curricula Of The Elementary School And The Special Schools, As Well As Change The Regulation Of Educational Documentation And Testimony Form Regulation

Original Language Title: Lehrpläne der Volksschule und der Sonderschulen sowie Änderung der Bildungsdokumentationsverordnung sowie der Zeugnisformularverordnung

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261. Ordinance of the Federal Minister of Education and Women, which changes the regulations governing the curricula of the primary school and the special schools, the education documentation regulation, and the certificate form regulation.

table of contents

Article 1

Amendment of the Regulation laying down the curricula of the primary school and the special schools

Article 2

Amendment of the Education Documentary Regulation

Article 3

Amendment of the Certificate Forms Regulation

Article 1

Amendment of the Regulation laying down the curricula of the primary school and the special schools

On the basis of the School Organization Act, BGBl. No 242/1962, as last amended by the Federal Law BGBl. I n ° 104/2015, in particular § § 6 and 23, shall be ordered:

The Federal Minister of Education and Cultural Affairs (BGBl) ordinal of the Federal Minister for Education and Cultural Affairs, with which the curricula of the primary school and the special schools are issued. No 134/1963, as last amended by the BGBl Regulation. II No 174/2015, shall be amended as follows:

1. In Art. I § 3 para. 1 Z 4 becomes the turn "severely disabled children" through the turn "Children with increased funding needs" replaced.

2. The Art. I § 5 the following paragraph 25 is added:

" (25) Article I (3) (1) (4) and Annex C4 as amended by the BGBl Regulation. II No. 261/2015 shall enter into force at the end of the day of the customer's notice in the Federal Law Gazans. "

3. In Annex C4 (syllabus of the special school for severely disabled children), in the headline the turn-over "severely disabled children" through the turn "Children with increased funding needs" replaced.

4. In Annex C4 (syllabus of the special school for severely disabled children) First part (general provisions) the last sentence is deleted in the first paragraph of Z 1 (type and structure of the syllabus).

5. In Annex C4 (syllabus of the special school for severely disabled children) First part (General provisions), in the first sentence of the Z 7 (disability-specific requirements in the classroom), the turn-over is " Severely Disabled Pupils Pupils " through the turn "Pupils" replaced.

6. In Annex C4 (syllabus of the special school for severely disabled children) First part (General provisions), the first sentence of Z 8 (personal, structural and material conditions) shall not apply. "Severely Disabled" .

7. In Annex C4 (Curriculum of the Special School for Severely Disabled Children) First part (General provisions) in the third paragraph of the Z 8 (Personnel, constructional and material conditions) the turn-of-the-turn "severely disabled children" through the turn "of children with increased funding needs" replaced.

8. In Annex C4 (Curriculum of the Special School for Severely Disabled Children) First part (General provisions), the Z 13 together with the headline is:

" 13. Teaching according to the curriculum of the elementary school, the secondary school, the New Middle School or the Polytechnic School

Pupils of the special school for children with a higher demand can be found in the subjects according to the syllabus of the General Special School, the elementary school, the Hauptschule, the Neue Mittelschule or the Polytechnic School in which the attainment of the learning objective can be expected without being overtaxed. The task of achieving the best possible support for the individual student and the individual student should also be taken into account in terms of the curriculum. "

9. In Annex C4 (syllabus of the special school for severely disabled children) Second part (General educational goal) in the first paragraph the turn is deleted. "severely disabled children or" .

10. In Annex C4 (syllabus of the Special School for Severely Disabled Children) Seventh part (Unbinding exercises) in Z 1 (Advanced teaching in the cultural techniques [Language-Reading-Writing, Mathematics]), in Z 2 (preparation for the work- and professional world:) and in Z 4 (leisure time education) in the line relating to the teaching material (learning content/learning objectives) the turn "severely disabled children" through the turn "Children with increased funding needs" replaced.

Article 2

Amendment of the Education Documentary Regulation

On the basis of § 5 (3) and § 6 (2) of the Education Documentation Act, Federal Law Gazette (BGBl). No 12/2002, as last amended by the Federal Law of the Federal Republic of Germany (BGBl). I No 104/2015, shall be arranged:

The Education Documentary Regulation, BGBl. II No 499/2003, as last amended by the BGBl Regulation. II No 232/2014, shall be amended as follows:

(1) The following paragraph 7 is added to § 24:

" (7) Annex 1, as amended by the BGBl Regulation. II No. 261/2015 shall enter into force at the end of the day of the customer's notice in the Federal Law Gazans. "

2. In Appendix 1 Z 7, the attribute shall be: "Annual Success" in the line with the value "m" the twist " for heavy and/or multi-disabled children, " through the turn " for children with increased funding needs or Multi-disabled children " replaced.

2. In Appendix 1 Z 8a, the attribute shall be: "ance injuries" the twist "pursuant to § 24a sec. 3 Schulpflichtgesetz 1985" through the turn " pursuant to § 25 (3) of the German Law on the Law of the School replaced.

Article 3

Amendment of the Certificate Forms Regulation

On the basis of § 22 (9) of the German School Education Act, Federal Law Gazette (BGBl). No 472/1986, as last amended by the Federal Law BGBl. I No 104/2015, shall be arranged:

The Certificate Forms Ordinance, BGBl. No 415/1989, as last amended by the BGBl Regulation. II No 77/2015, shall be amended as follows:

1. In Section 3 (6), the turn shall be "Special School for Severely Disabled Children" through the turn "Special school for children with increased funding needs" replaced.

(2) The following paragraph 14 is added to § 12:

" (14) § 3 (6) and the Annex 4 in the version of the BGBl Regulation. II No. 261/2015 shall enter into force at the end of the day of the customer's notice in the Federal Law Gazans. At the same time, Annex 2a is repeal. "

3. Annex 2a is deleted.

4. In Appendix 4, in the heading the turn "the special school for children with multiple disabilities/severely disabled" through the turn "the special school for children with multiple disabilities/children with increased funding needs" replaced.
