- Carrefour Bank of Legislation 9 DECEMBER 2015. - Act containing the final regulation of public interest agency budgets for 2010 and prior years 2007, 2008 and 2009
PHILIPPE, King of the Belgians,
To all, present and to come, Hi.
The House of Representatives adopted and sanctioned the following:
Article 1
erThis Act regulates a matter referred to in Article 74 of the Constitution.
Budget year 2007
Article 2
Buildings Regulation
(incorporated by the law of 1
er April 1971)
Budgetary reference:
Act of 28 December 2006 containing the general budget of expenditures for the fiscal year 2007, section 2.19.1 re-estimated by the Act of 18 January 2008 containing the fourth adjustment of the general budget of expenditures for the fiscal year 2007
The final regulation of the Buildings Board budget for the 2007 management year is as follows: (in euros)
(a) commitments
Appropriations for the 2007 Budget Year
303 774 716,00
192 774 457,53
Excess credits to be cancelled
111,000 258.47
(b) income
Income under the Budget Act
747 359 893.00
697 201 145.23
50 158 747.77
(c) Expenditure
1° allocated by the budgetary law
767 516 382,00
2° complementary on which the legislator must decide
72 701.36
3° supplementary for expenditures beyond the amount of non-limiting credits
164 019.67
Total appropriation
767 753 103.03
658 239 279.28
Excess credits to be cancelled
109 513 823.75
(d) summary
The final result of the 2007 budget is as follows:
697 201 145.23
658 239 279.28
Income surplus
38 961 865.95
The result of the 2007 management year is added to the accumulated budgetary balance existing as at December 31 of the previous management year, which is €190,626,585.06 (credit amount), bringing the cumulative budgetary balance as at December 31 of the 2007 management year to €229,588,451.01 (credit amount)
(e) budget for order
107 130 000.00
107 130 000.00
Order operations
48 156 512.48
33 926 437.27
surplus income
14 230 075.21
Result for cumulative order
Cumulative outcome as at 31 December 2006
12 873 619.20
result of year
14 230 075.21
cumulative result as at 31 December 2007
27 103 694.41
Budget year 2008
Article 3
Buildings Regulation
(incorporated by the law of 1
er April 1971)
Budgetary reference:
Act of 1
er June 2008 containing the General Estimates for the 2008 Budget Year, section 2.19.1 re-estimated by the Act of 23 December 2008 containing the first adjustment of the General Estimates for the 2008 Budget Year
The final regulation of the Buildings Board budget for the 2008 management year is as follows: (in euros)
(a) commitments
Appropriations for the 2008 Budget Year
528 360 979,00
216 523 795.72
Excess credits to be cancelled
311 837 183.28
(b) income
Income under the Budget Act
965 469 889,00
772 720 254.93
192 749 634.07
(c) Expenditure
1° allocated by the budgetary law
960 928 752,00
2° complementary on which the legislator must decide
619 574.81
Total appropriation
961 548 326.81
699 010 377.05
Excess credits to be cancelled
262 537 949.76
(d) summary
The final result of the 2008 budget is as follows:
772 720 254.93
699 010 377.05
Income surplus
73 709 877.88
The result of the 2008 management year is in addition to the accumulated budgetary balance existing as at 31 December of the previous management year, which is 229 588 451.01 euros (credit amount), bringing the cumulative budgetary balance as at 31 December of the 2008 management year to 303,298,328.89 euros (credit amount)
(e) budget for order
Order operations
23 728 456,44
18 619 281.51
surplus income
5 109 174.93
Result for cumulative order
Cumulative outcome as at 31 December 2007
27 103 694.41
result of year
5 109 174.93
cumulative result as at 31 December 2008
32 212 869.34
Year 2009
Article 4
Buildings Regulation
(incorporated by the law of 1
er April 1971)
Budgetary reference:
Act of 13 January 2009 containing the general budget of expenditures for the fiscal year 2009, section 2.19.1 re-estimated by the Act of 31 May 2009 containing the first adjustment of the general budget of expenditures for the fiscal year 2009
The final budget regulation of the Régie des buildings for the 2009 management year is as follows: (in euros)
(a) commitments
1° allocated for the fiscal year 2009
687 582 450,00
2° supplementary for expenditures beyond the amount of non-limiting credits
1 168 088,71
Total commitment credits
688 750 538.71
404 577 291.37
Excess credits to be cancelled
284 173 247,34
(b) income
Income under the Budget Act
1 052 423 370,00
811 501 430.57
240 921 939.43
(c) Expenditure
1° allocated by the budgetary law
1 023 115 471.00
2° complementary on which the legislator must decide
1 696 330.24
3° supplementary for expenditures beyond the amount of non-limiting credits
1 208 813.93
Total appropriation
1 026 020 615.17
765 542 482.01
Excess credits to be cancelled
260 478 133.16
(d) summary
The final result of the 2009 budget is as follows:
811 501 430.57
765 542 482.01
Income surplus
45 958 948.56
The result of the 2009 management year is added to the accumulated budgetary balance existing as at 31 December of the previous management year, i.e. 303,298,328.89 euros (credit amount), bringing the cumulative budgetary balance as at 31 December of the 2009 management year to 349,257,277,45 euros (credit amount)
(e) budget for order
Order operations
20 316 626,72
24 850 270.48
4 533 643.76
Result for cumulative order
Cumulative outcome as at 31 December 2008
32 212 869.34
result of year
- 4,533 643.76
cumulative result as at 31 December 2009
27 679 225.58
Article 5
Federal Agency for Asile Applicants
(established by section 60 of the Act, 19 July 2001)
Budgetary reference:
Act of 13 January 2009 containing the general budget of expenditures for the fiscal year 2009, section 2.44.5 re-estimated by the Act of 31 May 2009 containing the first adjustment of the general budget of expenditures for the fiscal year 2009, section 6-01-1 and the Act of 23 December 2009 containing the fourth adjustment of the general budget of expenditures for the fiscal year 2009, section 3
The final regulation of the Federal Agency's budget for the Asile Applicants' Home for the 2009 Management Year is as follows: (in euros)
(a) commitments (for memory)
(b) income
Income under the Budget Act
248 465 885,00
248 520 033.79
54 148.79
(c) Expenditure
1° allocated by the budgetary law
277 804 857,00
2° complementary on which the legislator must decide
598 740.22
Total appropriation
278 403 597.22
269 559 436.45
Excess credits to be cancelled
8 844 160,77
(d) summary
The final result of the 2009 budget is as follows:
248 520 033.79
269 559 436.45
Expenditure surplus
21 039 402,66
The results of the 2009 management year are in addition to the cumulative corrected budget balance as at 31 December of the previous management year, which is 151,090,995.21 euros (creditor) and the combined budgetary balance as at 31 December of the 2009 management year to 129,969,692.55 euros (creditor)
(e) budget for order
5 070 237,00
5 070 237,00
Order operations
4 466 351.47
928 029.28
surplus income
3 538 322,19
Result for cumulative order
Cumulative outcome as at 31 December 2008
1 522 284.04
result of year
3 538 322,19
cumulative result as at 31 December 2009
5 060 606,23
Year 2010
Article 6
Federal Agency
Health Products
(established by the Act of 20 July 2006)
Budgetary reference:
Act of 23 December 2009 containing the general budget of expenditures for the fiscal year 2010, section 2.25.7 reviewed by the Act of 19 May 2010 containing the first adjustment of the general budget of expenditures for the fiscal year 2010, section 6-01-1
The final budget regulation of the Federal Agency for Drugs and Health Products for the 2010 management year is as follows: (in euros)
(a) commitments (for memory)
(b) income
Income under the Budget Act
55 357 513.00
53 508 758,00
1 848 755,00
(c) Expenditure
1° allocated by the budgetary law
55 357 513.00
2° complementary on which the legislator must decide
1 904 198,00
3° supplementary for expenditures beyond the amount of non-limiting credits
673 203.00
Total appropriation
57 934 914,00
53 508 758,00
Excess credits to be cancelled
4 426 156,00
(d) summary
The final result of the 2010 management year budget is as follows:
53 508 758,00
53 508 758,00
Income surplus
The result of the 2010 management year is added to the accumulated budgetary balance existing as at 31 December of the previous management year, which is 18,478,541.00 euros (credit amount), bringing the cumulative budgetary balance as at 31 December of the 2010 management year to 18,478,541.00 euros (credit amount)
Article 7
Federal Agency for Asile Applicants
(established by section 60 of the Act, 19 July 2001)
Budgetary reference:
Act of 23 December 2009 containing the general budget of expenditures for the fiscal year 2010, section 2.44.6 re-estimated by the Act of 19 May 2010 containing the first adjustment of the general budget of expenditures for the fiscal year 2010, section 6-01-1
The final regulation of the Federal Agency's budget for the Asile Applicants' Home for the 2010 Management Year is as follows: (in euros)
(a) commitments (for memory)
(b) income
Income under the Budget Act
323 391 386,00
323 606 178.18
214 792,18
(c) Expenditure
1° allocated by the budgetary law
323 391 386,00
2° complementary on which the legislator must decide
10 729 824.50
Total appropriation
334 121 210.50
307 825 456,70
Excess credits to be cancelled
26 295 753.80
(d) summary
The final result of the 2010 management year budget is as follows:
323 606 178.18
307 825 456,70
Income surplus
15 780 721.48
The result of the 2010 year of management is added to the cumulative corrected balance as at 31 December of the previous year of management, which is €129,969,692.55 (creditor) and the combined budgetary balance as at 31 December of the 2010 year of management to €145,750,414.03 (creditor)
(e) budget for order
4 163 755,00
4 163 755,00
Order operations
2 111 983.99
2 534 000.01
422 016,02
Result for cumulative order
Cumulative result as at 31 December 2009
5 060 606,23
result of year
- 422 016,02
cumulative result as at 31 December 2010
4 638 590.21
Article 8
Federal Agency for Food Chain Safety
(Instituted by the Act of 4 February 2000)
Budgetary reference:
Act of December 23, 2009 containing the general budget of expenditures for the fiscal year 2010, section 2.25.4 re-estimated by the Act of May 19, 2010 containing the first adjustment of the general budget of expenditures for the fiscal year 2010, section 6-01-1
The final budget regulation of the Federal Agency for the Safety of the Food Chain for the 2010 Management Year is as follows: (in euros)
(a) commitments (for memory)
(b) income
Income under the Budget Act
193 858 238,00
201 596 142.05
7 737 904.05
(c) Expenditure
1° allocated by the budgetary law
202 701 031.00
2° complementary on which the legislator must decide
5 329 293,14
Total appropriation
208 030 324,14
181 346 798.43
Excess credits to be cancelled
26 683 525.71
(d) summary
The final result of the 2010 management year budget is as follows:
201 596 142.05
181 346 798.43
Income surplus
20 249 343.62
The result of the 2010 management year is added to the accumulated budgetary balance existing as at 31 December of the previous management year, which is 96,335,063.09 euros (credit amount), bringing the cumulative budgetary balance as at 31 December of the 2010 management year to 116,584,406,71 euros (credit amount)
Article 9
Federal Office of the Plan
(established by the Act of 21 December 1994)
Budgetary reference:
Act of December 23, 2009 containing the general budget of expenditures for the fiscal year 2010, section 2.32.2
The final budget regulation of the Federal Office of the Plan for the 2010 Management Year is as follows: (in euros)
(a) commitments (for memory)
(b) income
Income under the Budget Act
9 685 660,00
9 796 840.69
111 180.69
(c) Expenditure
1° allocated by the budgetary law
9 685 660,00
2° complementary on which the legislator must decide
1 358 669.60
Total appropriation
11 044 329.60
10 777 063.72
Excess credits to be cancelled
267 265,88
(d) summary
The final result of the 2010 management year budget is as follows:
9 796 840.69
10 777 063.72
Expenditure surplus
980 223.03
The result of the 2010 management year is added to the accumulated budgetary balance existing as at 31 December of the previous management year, i.e. 7,482,923.94 euros (credit amount), bringing the cumulative budgetary balance as at 31 December of the 2010 management year to 6,502,700.91 euros (credit amount)
Article 10
Public Sector Pension Service
(established by law of 12 January 2006)
Budgetary reference:
Act of December 23, 2009 containing the general budget of expenditures for the fiscal year 2010, section 2.21.1 reviewed by the Act of May 19, 2010 containing the first adjustment of the general budget of expenditures for the fiscal year 2010, section 6-01-1
The final budget regulation of the Public Sector Pension Service for the 2010 Management Year is as follows: (in euros)
(a) commitments (for memory)
(b) income
Income under the Budget Act
11 752 221 000.00
11 830 655 571.73
78 434 571.73
(c) Expenditure
1° allocated by the budgetary law
11 752 221 000.00
2° complementary on which the legislator must decide
88 237 351.30
Total appropriation
11 840 458 351,30
11 823 989 165.04
Excess credits to be cancelled
16 469 186.26
(d) summary
The final result of the 2010 management year budget is as follows:
11 830 655 571.73
11 823 989 165.04
Income surplus
6 666 406,69
The result of the 2010 management year is added to the accumulated budgetary balance existing as at 31 December of the previous management year, which is €191,521,852.89 (creditor) and the combined budgetary balance as at 31 December of the 2010 management year to €198,521,852.89 (creditor)
Article 11
Buildings Regulation
(incorporated by the law of 1
er April 1971)
Budgetary reference:
Act of 23 December 2009 containing the general budget of expenditures for the fiscal year 2010, section 2.19.1 re-estimated by the Act of 19 May 2010 containing the first adjustment of the general budget of expenditures for the fiscal year 2010
The final regulation of the Buildings Board budget for 2010 is as follows: (in euros)
(a) commitments
1° allocated for the 2010 fiscal year
478 139 866,00
2° supplementary for expenditures beyond the amount of non-limiting credits
782 604.66
Total commitment credits
478 922 470.66
294 525 768.29
Excess credits to be cancelled
184 396 702.37
(b) income
Income under the Budget Act
849 124 065,00
728 808 777.64
120 315 287,36
(c) Expenditure
1° allocated by the budgetary law
969 162 402,00
2° complementary on which the legislator must decide
189 375.76
3° supplementary for expenditures beyond the amount of non-limiting credits
1 740 142.70
Total appropriation
971 091 920.46
766 213 546.78
Excess credits to be cancelled
204 878 373.68
(d) summary
The final result of the 2010 management year budget is as follows:
728 808 777.64
766 213 546.78
Expenditure surplus
37 404 769.14
The result of the 2010 management year is added to the accumulated budgetary balance existing as at 31 December of the previous management year, i.e. 349,257,277,45 euros (credit amount), which brings the cumulative budgetary balance as at 31 December of the 2010 management year to 311,852,508.31 euros (credit amount)
(e) budget for order
19 130 000.00
19 130 000.00
Order operations
18 742 454,13
19 687 124,48
944 670.35
Result for cumulative order
Cumulative result as at 31 December 2009
27 679 225.58
result of year
- 944 670.35
cumulative result as at 31 December 2010
26 734 555.23
Given in Brussels, 9 December 2015.
By the King:
Minister of Finance,
Seal of the state seal:
Minister of Justice,
(1) 2015-16 session
House of Representatives
54- 1329/1: Bill
54- 1329/2: Report
54- 1329/3: Text adopted by the Finance and Budget Committee
54- 1329/4: Text adopted in plenary and subject to Royal Assent
Full report: November 13, 2015.
Table A results from budgets
Table B payments
Table C commitments
For the consultation of the table, see image