- Carrefour Bank of Legislation 29 MAI 2015. - An Act to amend the Act of 19 March 2013 on Belgian Development Cooperation
PHILIPPE, King of the Belgians,
To all, present and to come, Hi.
On the proposal of the Minister for Development Cooperation,
We stopped and stopped:
The House of Representatives adopted and sanctioned the following:
Article 1
er. This Act regulates a matter referred to in Article 74 of the Constitution.
Art. 2. In section 37/2 of the Act of 19 March 2013 on Belgian Development Cooperation, inserted by the Act of 9 January 2014, the following amendments are made:
1. Paragraph 4 is supplemented by two subparagraphs as follows:
"Organizations that have introduced the application referred to in paragraph 1
er have the possibility, if they feel it necessary, to complete this request for one month after the coming into force of the law of 29 May 2015 amending the law of 19 March 2013 on Belgian Development Cooperation.
The registration or status referred to in section 26 shall take effect as soon as 1
er January 2017. ";
2° Paragraph 7 is supplemented by a paragraph which reads as follows:
"Organizations that have filed an application for approval or status pursuant to paragraph 4 and that wish to receive a grant under section 27 may apply for this purpose in 2016, in accordance with the deadlines established by the King, before the approval or status they have requested takes effect"
Art. 3. Section 38 of the Act, replaced by the Act of 9 January 2014, is replaced by the following:
"Art. 38. This Act comes into force on the day of its publication in the Belgian Monitor."
Promulgation of this law, let us order that it be clothed with the seal of the State and published by the Belgian Monitor.
Given in Brussels, May 29, 2015.
By the King:
Minister of Development Cooperation,
Seal of the state seal:
Minister of Justice,