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Law On The Integration Of Book Xi 'intellectual Property' In The Code Of Economic Law, And Bearing Insertion Of Provisions Specific To The Book Xi In The Books I, Xv And Xvii Of The Code. -Errata

Original Language Title: Loi portant insertion du Livre XI "Propriété intellectuelle" dans le Code de droit économique, et portant insertion des dispositions propres au Livre XI dans les Livres I, XV et XVII du même Code. - Errata

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19 AVRIL 2014. - An Act to insert Book XI "Intellectual property" into the Code of Economic Law, and to incorporate the provisions of Book XI into Books I, XV and XVII of the same Code. - Errata

In the Belgian Monitor of 12 June 2014, No. 168, Act No. 2014/11324, the following modifications are to be made:
On page 44383, in the French version of Article XI.83, § 5, the word "territory" is replaced by "territory";
On page 44385, in the Dutch version of Article XI.96, § 1er, the words "gewasbeschemrings middelen" are replaced by "gewasbeschermingsmiddelen";
On page 44398, in the French version of Article XI.143, § 1, the reference to Article "XI.132, § 3" is amended in "XI.132, § 4";
On page 44422, in the Dutch version of article XI.232, third paragraph, the word "Miniterraad" is replaced by "Ministerraad";
On page 44424, in the Dutch version of Article XI.239, the word "Ministeraad" is replaced by "Ministerraad";
On page 44437, in the French version of Article XI.282, § 3, 2°, the word "dipostions" is replaced by "dispositions";
On page 44438, in the French version of article XI.285, last paragraph, the word "anonimized" is replaced by "anonymized";
On page 44446, in the French version of Article XI.318, the words "in application of the artikel" are replaced by "in application of the article";
On page 44449, in the Dutch version of title 10, chapter 1er "Bevoegheid inzake uitvindingsoctrooien en aanvullende beschermingscertificaten", the word `bevoegheid' is replaced by "bevoegdheid";
On page 44460 of the Dutch version of articles 17 to 21, the reference to "Boek XV, titel 2" is replaced by a reference to "Boek XV, titel 3";
On page 44460 of the French version of articles 17 to 21, the reference to "book XV, title 2" is replaced by a reference to "book XV, title 3";
On page 44461 of the Dutch version of articles 22 and 23, the words "In Boek XI, titel 2" are replaced by "In Boek XV, titel 3";
On page 44461 of the French version of articles 22 and 23, the words "In Book XI, title 2" are replaced by "In Book XV, title 3".