19 JUIN 2008. - An Act to Accredit the Convention on the Collection, Deposit and Receipt of Wastes in Rhine and Inland Navigation in Annexes 1re and 2, and Appendices I, II, III, IV and V, made in Strasbourg on 9 September 1996. - Addendum (1)
Convention on the Collection, Deposit and Reception of Wastes in Rheal and Inland Navigation. - Conference of the Contracting Parties
CPC Resolutions of the Meeting of 12 December 2013
Resolution CDNI 2013-II-4
Application Regulations - Appendix IV
Separate discharges for dry cargo and tank navigation
New model
The Conference of the Contracting Parties,
- that the Convention and its Regulations contain separate requirements for dry-mounted navigation and tank-mounted navigation;
- to take into account the procedures arising therefrom in the model of the discharge certificate to be used for each of these two inland navigation sectors;
- that both carriers and the consignees of the cargo have demonstrated a need in this direction;
Aware that the introduction of separate models of the discharge certificate for the dry hold and tank hold could facilitate its use by the respective operators, as well as the monitoring and maintenance of the relevant rules by the competent authorities;
Based on articles 14 and 19 of the Convention on the Collection, Deposit and Receipt of Wastes in Rhine and Inland Navigation,
Adopts Appendix IV to the Scheduled Regulations
This resolution will enter into force on 1
er January 2014. Unloading certificates in accordance with Appendix IV to the Implementing Regulations in force until December 31, 2013 may be used until December 31, 2014 inclusive and submitted for supporting documents within the meaning of section 6.03, paragraph 1, of Appendix 2 until June 30, 2015 inclusive.
Appendix IV
of the Regulations
(Edition 2014)
Unloading certificate
Dry bilge navigation (page [...])
Tank (page [...])
For the consultation of the table, see image
Annex dry discharge certificate
Indications to complete discharge certificate
Note ad no. 6: In this case it is not necessary to complete numbers 7 to 9.
Note ad #7: For 7 (a) and (b), transitional provisions are applicable up to 1
er November 2014 (article 6.02, 1
er (iii)
- where, in Appendix III of the Rules of Application of the CDNI, the "aspirated state" discharge standard is required, the "swept state" discharge standard is allowed;
- where, in Appendix III of the Rules of Application of the CDNI, is required for the release of the washing water into the remediation network, the discharge in the waterway is permitted if the "swept state" discharge standard has been met
Note ad no. 9: If 9(c) or 9(d) have been checked, then numbers 11 and 15-17 must be completed.
Note ad no. 10: The consignee of the cargo/handling facility may take care of the slops, but is not required.
Note ad no. 11 (b): If a cargo type has been transported into the hold requiring special treatment according to S of Appendix III, the wash water shall be deposited with the consignee of the cargo/handling facility or at a washing water reception station.
For the consultation of the table, see image
Annex discharge certificate tank
Indications to complete discharge certificate
Note ad no. 6: In this case it is not necessary to complete numbers 7 to 9.
Note ad #7: For 7(a) transitional provisions are applicable up to 1
er November 2014 (article 6.02, 1
er (paragraph): In accordance with Article 7.04, the drying of cargo tanks is not mandatory, but existing systems should be used as far as possible, even if these systems do not meet the requirements of Appendix II of the ICSC Implementing Regulations.
Note ad no. 8: 8 (a) including residues in the boots.
For 8(b) is applicable up to 1
er November 2014 transitional provision of Article 6.02,
er (b) This means that the remaining cargo is not required, except in the presence of a drying system.
Note ad no. 9: If 9(c) or 9(d) have been checked, then numbers 11 and 15-17 must be completed.
Note ad no. 10: The consignee of the cargo/handling facility may take care of the slops, but is not required.
Note ad no. 11 (c): If a cargo type has been transported into the tank requiring special treatment according to S of Appendix III, the wash water shall be deposited with the cargo consignee/handling facility or a washing water reception station.
Resolution CDNI 2013-II-5
Application Regulations - Part C
Derogatory provisions for insurmountable difficulties in accordance with Article 9.02 of Appendix 2 for on-board treatment plants
The Conference of the Contracting Parties,
Aware of the
- only with the entry into force of the provisions relating to on-board treatment plants at 1
er January 2011, these facilities must meet the requirements of step 2, as set out in Appendix V to Annex 2 of the Convention;
- that the replacement of non-compliant on-board sewage stations could be difficult in practice or could result in unreasonable expenses;
- to take into account the relevant provisions of the RVBR as well as those of Directive 2006/87/EC, as amended;
- that it is appropriate to allow passenger vessels that have not been operated in the field of application of CDNI to 1
er January 2011 to apply the requirements applicable to 1
er November 2009;
Considering Article 9.02 of Annex 2 to the Convention,
Stop the procedure annexed to the application of Article 9.02 and
Acknowledges the agreement of all Contracting Parties for the application of this procedure by the competent authorities for passenger vessels whose on-board purification stations were installed before 1
er November 2011.
Application of Article 9.02 of Appendix 2
to the on-board purification stations whose assembly on board passenger vessels was carried out before 1.1.2011
Procedure for the implementation of exemptions and conditions under which authorized exemptions may be considered equivalent
1. Passenger vessels equipped with a water purification station whose assembly was carried out before 1
er November 2009 may continue to use this station subject to the following requirements:
(a) the exceedance of step II limit and control values for the station is not greater than factor 2;
(b) there is a certificate from the manufacturer or an expert certifying that the station is able to support the typical load cycles on board this building;
(c) there is a sewage sludge management plan that corresponds to the conditions of use of an on-board sewage station equipped with a passenger vessel.
2. The use of on-board purification plants that were installed after October 31, 2009 and before October 1, 2009
er January 2011 remains authorized provided these stations meet the limit values of step I and the provisions of number 1, letters (b) and (c).
3. For passenger vessels built before 1
er January 2011 and which were not used until that date in the NCCH application field (as defined in Appendix 1
re), apply the provisions of Figure 1, but the date of 1
er January 2011.
4. Derogations for on-board purification plants granted under the derogatory provisions for insurmountable difficulties contained in the Rhine Vessel Inspection Regulations (section 24.04, Figure 4) or in Appendix 2 to Directive 2006/87/EC (section 24.04, paragraph 4, or section 24bis.04), are deemed to be equivalent.
5. It is understood that the exchange of parts by spare parts of the same technique and manufacture is not considered a replacement of the installation.
Resolution CDNI 2013-II-6
Application Regulations - Part C
Collection of domestic waste water of boats with more than 50 passengers
- amendment of Article 9.03
The Conference of the Contracting Parties,
Recognizing that the protection of the environment and the safety and well-being of inland navigation personnel and users are imperatives for inland navigation;
Considering that the discharge of domestic water is regulated under Article 9.01, paragraph 3., of Annex 2 to the Convention relating to the collection, deposit and receipt of waste occurring in Rhine and Inland Navigation (CDNI) for certain vessels;
Considering that the Convention does not determine the modalities for the collection and processing of vessels concerned,
to complement Article 9.03 of Annex 2 of the Convention for this purpose,
Drawing on articles 14 and 19 of the Convention,
Adopts paragraph 4 to Article 9.03 of Annex 2 to the Convention:
“4. The conductor of a passenger vessel subject to the prohibition of the dumping of domestic wastewater in accordance with section 9.01 (3) shall ensure that domestic waste water is collected on board the vessel in an appropriate manner, and then deposited with a station or facility provided for in section 8.02 (3), if the passenger vessel is devoid of an item sewage station within the meaning of 4.01. »
This resolution comes into force on 1
er July 2014.
(1) See Belgian Monitor from 2 October 2009, 9 March 2010, 3 August 2010, 27 September 2010, 13 December 2011 and 21 November 2012.