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An Act To Amend The Act Of 7 December 1998 Organizing An Integrated Police Service Structured On Two Levels. -Erratum

Original Language Title: Loi modifiant la loi du 7 décembre 1998 organisant un service de police intégré, structuré à deux niveaux. - Erratum

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17 AOUT 2013. - An Act to amend the Act of 7 December 1998 to organize an integrated, two-tiered police service. - Erratum

In the Belgian Monitor of 30 August 2013, second edition, on page 60082, in the note attached to the Act of 17 August 2013 amending the Act of 7 December 1998 organizing an integrated, two-tiered police service, it should be read in the list of Senate documents:
"No.2: Report not published. »
instead of:
"No.2: Report. "