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Act To Amend The Law Relating To The Removal Or Restructuring Of Public Interest Organizations And Other State Services, Coordinated On March 13, 1991. -Erratum

Original Language Title: Loi modifiant la loi relative à la suppression ou à la restructuration d'organismes d'intérêt public et d'autres services de l'Etat, coordonnée le 13 mars 1991. - Erratum

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26 DECEMBER 2013. - An Act to amend the Law on the Suppression or Restructuring of Public Interest Organizations and Other State Services, coordinated on March 13, 1991. - Erratum

At the Belgian Moniteur n° 399 of December 31, 2013, second edition, page 103990, it is necessary to read, in the Senate note, instead of the words "Report, 5-2333 - N° 2", the words "Report, 5-2333 - N° 2 - not yet published".