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Act Amending Various Laws Following The Reform Of The Senate And Introducing Various Changes In Electoral Matters. -Erratum

Original Language Title: Loi modifiant diverses lois suite à la réforme du Sénat et portant diverses modifications en matière électorale. - Erratum

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6 JANVIER 2014. - An Act to amend various laws following Senate reform and to amend various electoral changes. - Erratum

Au Moniteur belge, issue 32 du 31 janvier 2014 (1re edition), page 8712, the following should be added after the note:
Model referred to in section 90
Annex 1re
Instructions for the elector (model I referred to in sections 112, 127, paragraph 2, and 140 of the Electoral Code)
1. Electors are allowed to vote from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m.
However, any elector before 1 p.m. in the premises is still allowed to vote.
2. The elector may issue a vote for the House of Representatives for one or more candidates, holders or alternates or holders of the same list.
3. The candidates are listed in the same column of the ballot. The names and names of the candidates for the actual terms of office are registered, according to the order of the presentations and are followed, under the mention "suppleants" of the names and names of the candidates for the petition, also classified in the order of the presentations.
The lists are classified in the ballot in the growing order of the number that was assigned to each of them by lot print.
4. If the elector adheres to the order of presentation of the incumbent and alternate candidates of the list who has his or her support, he or she fills, by means of the pencil at his disposal, the central clear point of the box placed at the top of that list.
If it adheres only to the order of presentation of the incumbent candidates and wishes to amend the order of presentation of the alternate candidates, it shall give a nominative vote by filling, by means of the pencil at its disposal, the central clear point of the box placed after the candidate(s) alternate(s) for the person(s) which he or she votes.
If it adheres only to the order of presentation of alternate candidates and wishes to amend the order of presentation of the holders, it shall give a nominative vote by completing the central clear point of the box placed after the candidate(s) holder of his or her choice.
If the applicant does not adhere to the order of presentation, or to the incumbent candidates, or to the alternate candidates, and wishes to amend that order, he shall make a nominative vote for the applicant(s) and for the alternate candidate(s) of his or her choice belonging to the list that receives his or her support.
The electoral figure of a list is the addition of the number of ballots marked at the top of this list and the number of ballots marked in favour of one or more incumbent and/or alternate candidates.
5. After checking his identity card and letter of summons, the chair of the office shall give the elector in exchange for his letter of summons, a ballot for the House of Representatives.
After stopping his vote, the elector shows to the president his ballot, folded in four at right angles, with the stamp on the outside, and deposited it in the urn intended to receive it, then, after having made stamp his letter of convocation by the president or the delegated assailant, he leaves the room.
In the event of a simultaneous election for the House of Representatives and the Flemish Parliament, the elector also receives a ballot for the election of that Parliament which he deposits in the appropriate ballot box, after issuing his vote.
In the event of a simultaneous election for the House of Representatives and the Walloon Parliament, the elector also receives a ballot for the regional election that he files in the appropriate ballot box, after issuing his vote.
In the event of a simultaneous election for the House of Representatives, the Walloon Parliament and the Parliament of the German-speaking Community, the elector also receives a ballot for the regional election and a ballot for the community election. They shall be deposited in each ballot box to receive them, respectively, after they have voted.
For the election of the Parliament of the German-speaking Community, there are no candidates specially nominated for the petition. The elector expresses his or her vote either by voting at the top of the list which has his or her support, or by giving on this list a nominative vote to one or the candidates of his or her choice. The electoral figure is for each list consisting of the addition of the number of ballots marked in the lead and the number of ballots marked in favour of one or more candidates.
6. The elector can only stop in the cabin-isoloir during the time necessary to issue his vote.
7. You're a fool.
(1) all ballots other than those that were delivered by the President at the time of the vote;
2nd these same ballots:
(a) if the elector did not vote there;
(b) if there has been more than one list vote or nominative votes, either for actual mandates or for suppleance, on different lists;
(c) if there is both a vote at the top of a list and next to the name of one or more candidates, holders and/or alternates, of another list;
(d) if there is a vote for one or more candidates holding a list and for one or more alternate candidates from another list;
(e) if the shapes and dimensions have been altered or if they contain any paper or object inside them;
(f) if a rature, sign or mark not authorized by law may make the author of the ballot recognisable.
For the election of the Parliament of the German-speaking Community, the litteras (b), (c) and (d) above shall read as follows:
(b) if there has been more than one list vote;
(c) if there is both a vote at the top of a list and next to the name of one or more candidates from another list;
(d) if there were nominal votes on more than one list.
8. Whoever votes without the right or who votes for others without valid power of attorney is punishable.
Seen to be annexed to the Act of January 6, 2014 amending various laws following Senate reform and amending various electoral changes.
By the King:
The Prime Minister,
The Minister of the Interior,
State Secretary to Institutional Reforms,
State Secretary to Institutional Reforms,