- Carrefour Bank of Legislation 6 JANVIER 2014. - Special Law on the Sixth State Reform (1)
PHILIPPE, King of the Belgians,
To all, present and to come, Hi.
The Chambers adopted and We sanction the following:
CHAPTER PREMIER. - General provision
Article 1
er. This Act regulates a matter referred to in Article 77 of the Constitution.
CHAPTER II. - Amendments to the special law of 8 August 1980 of institutional reforms
Art. 2. Article 4, 6°, of the special law of 8 August 1980 of institutional reforms, as amended by the special law of 8 August 1988, is replaced by the following:
"6° the content and technical aspects of audio-visual and audio-visual media services except for the issuance of communications from the federal government;".
Art. 3. In article 4, 10°, of the same special law, the words "and tourism" are repealed.
Art. 4. In section 4 the same special law, on the 17th, repealed by the special law of 8 August 1988, is restored in the following wording:
"17° alternate training systems, in which practical training in the workplace is supplemented alternately with training in a teaching or training institute."
Art. 5. In title II of the same special law, an article 4bis is inserted, as follows:
"Art. 4bis. The competences of the French Community and the Flemish Community include the power to promote Brussels at the national and international level.".
Art. 6. In Article 5, § 1
erof the same special law, as amended by the laws of 8 August 1988 and 16 July 1993, I is replaced by the following:
"I. With regard to health policy:
1° without prejudice to paragraph 1, 2°, 3°, 4°, 5° and 6°, the policy of dispensing care in and outside the care institutions, with the exception:
(a) organic legislation, with the exception of the cost of infrastructure and medical services investments;
(b) financing of exploitation, when organized by organic legislation, without prejudice to the competence of the communities referred to in (a);
(c) basic programming rules;
(d) the determination of conditions and the designation as a university hospital in accordance with hospital legislation;
2° the policy of dispensing mental health care in care institutions other than hospitals;
3° the policy of dispensing care in institutions for older persons, including isolated geriatric services;
4° the policy of dispensing care in specialized services isolated from revalidation and treatment;
5° the policy of revalidation long term care;
6° the organization of front-line health care and support for front-line health care professions;
7° with respect to health care professions:
a) their approval, in accordance with the conditions of approval determined by the federal authority;
(b) their quota, if applicable, in respect of the overall number that the federal authority may determine annually by community for access to each health care profession;
8° Health education and preventive medicine activities and services, as well as any preventive medicine initiative.
However, the federal authority remains competent to:
1° disability insurance;
2° national prophylactic measures.
Any preliminary draft or proposed decree, any amendment to a draft or proposed decree, as well as any draft decree of a community intended to establish standards of accreditation of hospitals, hospital services, hospital care programmes and hospital functions, shall be transmitted for report to the General Assembly of the Court of Accounts in order that the Court assess the consequences of these standards, in the short and long term, on the budget of the federal social state.
This report is also transmitted to the federal government as well as to all community governments.
After having obligatoryly collected the opinion of the National Institute of Disability Health Insurance and the competent administration of the community concerned and having, as appropriate, collected the discretionary opinion of the Federal Centre for Health Care Expertise, the General Assembly of the Court of Accounts issues within two months of the receipt of the preliminary draft, the proposal, the amendment or the project, a short-term report on all the consequences, This period may be extended for one month.
This report is communicated by the Court of Accounts to the reporting applicant, the federal government and all community governments.
If the report concludes that the adoption of these standards has a negative impact, in the short or long term, on the federal state budget and social security, a consultation involving the federal government and community governments takes place at the request of the federal government or the government of the community concerned. If this consultation does not result in an agreement, the standards are subject to the agreement of the competent federal ministers or to the agreement of the Council of Ministers if one of its members requests the removal of this file.
If no report is made within two months, extended for one month, the consultation referred to in paragraph 7 may take place at the initiative of the government of the community concerned or the federal government.
The Court of Auditors prepares an annual report on the impact, during the previous fiscal year, of community accreditation standards in effect on the federal state budget and social security. This report is communicated to the federal government and community governments. ".
Art. 7. Article 5, § 1
er, II, 2°, (b), of the same special law, replaced by the special law of 16 July 1993, is supplemented by the words "and excluding the competence of the regions relating to the employment of persons who benefit from the right to social integration or the right to financial social assistance referred to in Article 6, § 1
erIX, 2/1°."
Art. 8. Article 5, § 1
er, II, 4°, of the same special law, replaced by the special law of 8 August 1988, the following amendments are made:
1° the words "and mobility aids" are inserted between the words "professional recycling of the disabled" and the words ", except";
2° (a) is replaced by the following:
"(a) rules and funding, including individual records, allowances to persons with disabilities other than the provision of assistance to older persons;".
Art. 9. In Article 5, § 1
erthe following amendments are made:
1° (b) is supplemented by the words "and article 11bis";
2° the d) is replaced as follows:
"(d) the execution of the penalties imposed on minors who have committed an offence that have been subjected to a divestiture measure, excluding the management of the centres intended to accommodate these young people up to the age of twenty-three.".
Art. 10. Article 5, § 1
er, II, of the same special law is supplemented by an 8° written as follows:
"8° front line legal aid."
Art. 11. In Article 5, § 1
erin the same special law, item III, repealed by the special law of 8 August 1988, was reinstated in the following wording:
"III. The organization, operation and missions of the justice houses, and the competent service to ensure the implementation and monitoring of electronic surveillance.
However, the federal authority determines the missions that the courts or other services of the communities that revert to them, if any, carry out in the judicial process or in the execution of judicial decisions. ".
Art. 12. Article 5, § 1
erthe same special law, as amended by the special laws of 8 August 1988, 16 July 1993 and 19 July 2012, is supplemented by an IV which reads as follows:
"IV. Family benefits."
Art. 13. Article 5, § 1
erthe same special law, as amended by the special laws of 8 August 1988, 16 July 1993 and 19 July 2012, is supplemented by a V written as follows:
"V. The control of the films, with a view to accessing minors to the cinema shows. ".
Art. 14. Article 6, § 1
erII, of the same special law, replaced by the special law of 16 July 1993, the following amendments are made:
1st paragraph 1
er is completed by a 5°, as follows:
"5° Financial intervention as a result of damage caused by public calamities. ";
2° in paragraph 2, the 3° is repealed.
Art. 15. Article 6, § 1
erIV, the same special law is replaced by the following:
"IV. With regard to housing:
1° housing and housing police that constitute a danger to public cleanliness and safety;
2° the specific rules concerning the rental of property or parts of property intended for housing. ".
Art. 16. Article 6, § 1
er, V, of the same special law, replaced by the special law of 13 July 2001, is replaced by the following:
"V. With regard to agriculture:
1° agricultural policy and maritime fisheries;
2° financial intervention due to damage caused by agricultural calamities;
3° the specific rules concerning the farm lease and the lease to livestock.
However, the federal authority is competent to:
1° standards for the quality of raw materials and plant products and the control of these standards, with a view to ensuring the safety of the food chain;
2° standards and their control over animal health, as well as the quality of animal products to ensure the safety of the food chain;
3° income replacement measures in the event of an early cessation of the activity of older farmers."
Art. 17. Article 6, § 1
erVI, paragraph 1
er, of the same special law, replaced by the special law of 8 August 1988 and amended by the special laws of 13 July 2001 and 12 August 2003, is supplemented by the 6° to 9°, as follows:
"6° Conditions of access to the profession, with the exception of conditions of access to health care professions and to the intellectual professions service providers;
7° Specific rules concerning commercial lease;
8° The activities of the Participating Fund, including the compensatory compensation for loss of income for self-employed victims of nuisance due to public work;
9° Tourism."
Art. 18. Article 6, § 1
erVI, paragraph 5, of the same special law, replaced by the special law of 8 August 1988 and amended by the special laws of 16 July 1993 and 12 August 2003, the following amendments are made:
1° the 3° is replaced by the following:
"3° the policy of prices and revenues, except for the regulation of prices in matters that fall within the competence of the regions and communities, subject to Article 6, § 1
erVII, paragraph 2, (d);
2° 6° is repealed;
3° 9° is supplemented by the words ", except for what is referred to in Article 6, § 1
erXII, 5°."
Art. 19. Article 6, § 1
er, VII, of the same special law, as amended by the special laws of 8 August 1988 and 16 July 1993, the following amendments are made:
1st paragraph 1
er, a), is supplemented by the words ", including the rates of electricity distribution networks, with the exception of the rates of the networks having a transport function and which are operated by the same manager as the transport network."
2° paragraph 1
er, b), is supplemented by the following words: ", including tariffs for public gas distribution networks, with the exception of tariffs for networks that also perform a natural gas transport function and are operated by the same manager as the natural gas transport network";
3° in paragraph 2, (a) is replaced by the following:
"(a) studies on energy supply prospects;"
4° in paragraph 2, the d) is replaced by the following:
"(d) tariffs, including price policy, without prejudice to regional tariff jurisdiction referred to in paragraph 1
er(a) and (b)".
Art. 20. Article 6, § 1
erVIII, paragraph 1
erof the same special law, inserted by the special law of 13 July 2001 and amended by special laws of 25 April 2004, 13 September 2004, 21 February 2010 and 19 July 2012, the following amendments are made:
1° in 1°, paragraph 1
er, the words "and supracommunal communities" are inserted between the word "communal" and the words ", except";
2° in 1°, paragraph 3 is replaced by the following:
"Community councils and, to the extent they exist, provincial councils or councils of supra-communal communities, respectively, do all that is of communal, provincial or supra-communal interest; they deliberate and rule on all that is submitted to them by the federal authority or by the communities. ";
3° in 1°, paragraph 4, the words "the governor and" are repealed;
4° in the 1°, paragraph 4 is supplemented by two sentences, as follows:
"When provincial institutions are removed, this does not prejudice the function of provincial governors. If a region removes provincial institutions, the governor has, in his territorial jurisdiction, the status of government commissioner of the state, community or region. ";
5° in the 2°, the words ", supracommunal communities" are inserted between the words "of the provinces" and the words "and of the communes";
6° in the 4th, the word "supracommunal," is inserted between the word "provincial," and the word "communal";
7° in the 8°, the words "of supracommunal communities" are inserted between the word "provinces" and the words "and communes";
8° in 9°, the words ", supracommunal communities" are inserted between the words " federations of communes" and the words "and provinces";
9° the 9°bis is repealed;
10° in 10°, the words "the supracommunal communities," are inserted between the words "common federations," and the words "province."
Art. 21. Article 6, § 1
er, VIII, paragraph 2, of the same special law, inserted by the special law of July 13, 2001, the words "of supracommunal communities," are inserted between the words "of the provinces," and the words "of the communes".
Art. 22. Article 6, § 1
erIX, of the same special law, replaced by the special law of 8 August 1988 and amended by the special laws of 16 July 1993 and 13 July 2001, the following amendments are made:
1° in 2°, paragraph 1
er, the words "in this understanding of social economy," are inserted between the words "unoccupied," and "excluding";
2° in 2°, paragraphs 2 to 4 are repealed;
3° it is inserted a 2°/1, written as follows:
"2°/1 the employment of persons who enjoy the right to social integration or the right to financial social assistance; ";
4° the 3° is replaced by the following:
"3° the occupation of foreign workers, with the exception of the standards relating to the work permit issued according to the particular situation of stay of the persons concerned and the dispensations of professional cards related to the particular situation of stay of the persons concerned.
The finding of the offences may also be made by officials authorized to do so by the federal authority. ";
5° the IX is completed by the 4° to 13°, written as follows:
"4° the application of the standards relating to the work permit issued according to the particular situation of the persons concerned. The monitoring of compliance with these standards is the responsibility of the federal authority. The recognition of offences may also be made by officials authorized to do so by the regions;
5° the decision-making and enforcement competence in the control of the active and passive availability of the unemployed and the imposition of sanctions thereon.
The federal authority remains competent for the normative framework with respect to the regulation of suitable employment, active search for employment, administrative control and sanctions, as well as for the material enforcement of sanctions, without prejudice to the regional jurisdiction referred to in 6°.
The region may delegate the exercise of its jurisdiction over the control of active availability to the federal authority for compensation. In this case, the regional government and the federal authority have entered into a convention to determine the cost of this service;
6° the establishment of conditions for which exemptions to the requirement of availability for the paid unemployed labour market, with the maintenance of allowances, in the event of a resumption of studies, of the monitoring of a vocational training or internship may be granted, and the decision to award or not this exemption.
To determine the category of beneficiary unemployed who enters online for the exemption referred to in paragraph 1
erthe advice of the Council of Ministers is required.
Regions provide financial intervention to the federal authority for exemptions referred to in paragraph 1
er where the percentage of days spent in a year due to training, study or internship in relation to the total number of days of complete unemployment paid in the same year exceeds 12% in that region. waivers for professional training that prepares for a shortage profession and dispensations granted under an activity cooperative are not considered in this mechanism;
7° the policy focused on target groups:
(a) reductions in social security employers ' contributions that are based on the specific characteristics of workers.
The federal authority is not competent for the introduction of reductions in employers' contributions that are based on the specific characteristics of workers.
The federal authority, however, remains competent for structural reductions in social security employers' contributions, reductions in workers' contributions, and reductions in social security employers' contributions that are determined on the basis of the employer's specific characteristics or on the basis of an activity sector.
However, the regions are competent to:
- reductions for dredging and towing sectors and for merchant marine, excluding the reduction of worker social security contributions for dredging and towing sectors.
- reductions in the social economy sector;
- reductions for people who provide the reception of children;
- reductions for domestic staff;
- discounts for artists.
Federal institutions competent for social security contributions are the only administrative and technical operators.
(b) the activation of the benefits granted by the unemployment insurance or financial social assistance, in the event of a resumption of work, with the maintenance of an allowance that is deducted from the salary by the employer.
Federal institutions competent for unemployment benefits and those competent for financial social assistance are the only administrative and technical operators.
(c) the award of compensation to the unemployed who return to work or have undergone vocational training;
(d) awarding bonuses to employers and students in alternative training systems;
8° the promotion of local services and jobs;
9° the granting of subsidies to promote employment opportunities for older workers, the quality of working conditions for older workers and the organization of work for older workers;
10° the system in which workers have the right to abstain from work, with maintenance of wages, in order to follow an aggregate training;
11° local employment agencies (EFA).
As long as the regions maintain an ALE system, the federal authority continues to pay in effect the unemployment benefits of workers employed within the framework of a local employment agency. If the average annual number of people employed through the ALE system is greater than 7,466 beneficiaries for the Walloon Region and 7,291 for the Flemish Region, the region concerned will be liable for an amount of accountability in accordance with Article 35nonies, § 3, of the special law of 16 January 1989 on the financing of communities and regions;
12° in respect of occupational reclassification, reimbursement of reclassification fees to employers, imposition of sanctions on employers in the event of absence of reclassification and the imposition of conditions other than those that are the subject of the collective labour agreement No. 51 entered into by the National Labour Council of 10 February 1992 relating to the outward movement and made mandatory by the Royal Decree of 10 April 1992 and the collective labour agreement no.
13° the conditions in which it can be used interim work in the course of the work placement routes.".
Art. 23. Article 6, § 1
er, X, paragraph 1
er, of the same special law, replaced by the special law of 8 August 1988 and amended by the special law of 16 July 1993, is supplemented by the 10° to 14°, as follows:
"10° the police rules for navigation on inland waterways, excluding regulations for the transport of animal materials that pose a danger to the population, the transport of radioactive material and the transport of explosive substances;
11° the rules of inland navigation crew requirements and the safety rules of inland navigation vessels and inland navigation vessels which are also used to carry out non-international trips by sea;
12° the minimum technical standards for safety in the construction and maintenance of roads and their dependencies, and waterways and their dependencies;
13° the regulations for the carriage of dangerous goods and exceptional road transport, excluding regulations for the transport of radioactive materials, the transport of explosives and the transport of animal materials that pose a danger to the population;
14° under the condition of the conclusion of a cooperation agreement in accordance with Article 92bis, § 4nonies, and for a period limited to the duration of it, the additional financing of investments of development, adaptation or modernization of the railway lines, as well as complementary equipment on the unguarded stop points strengthening their visibility and intermodality with the public transport, the active modes, the taxis
Art. 24. Article 6, § 1
erof the same special law, amended by the special laws of 8 August 1988, 16 January 1989, 16 July 1993, 13 July 2001, 12 August 2003, 25 April 2004, 13 September 2004, 21 February 2010 and 19 July 2012, is supplemented by an XI, which reads as follows:
"XI. Animal welfare."
Art. 25. Article 6, § 1
erof the same special law, amended by the special laws of 8 August 1988, 16 January 1989, 16 July 1993, 13 July 2001, 12 August 2003, 25 April 2004, 13 September 2004, 21 February 2010 and 19 July 2012, is supplemented by an XII, which reads as follows:
"XII. With regard to road safety policy:
1° the determination of speed limits on the public track, with the exception of highways as defined in section 1
er(j) of the Convention on Road Traffic, held in Vienna on 8 November 1968;
2° the regulation of placement and technical requirements, as well as the control of road signs, with the exception of signs relating to customs areas, crossings and crossings with railways and military tracks;
3° the maximum permissible mass regulations and masses by axles of vehicles on the public track as well as the loading safety and the dimensions and marking of the cargo;
4° the monitoring of compliance with federal technical requirements for vehicles for road traffic and technical control of vehicles travelling on the road pursuant to federal standards, provided that natural and legal persons established in a region are free to have their vehicles controlled by a technical control centre located in another region;
5° the registration of radars and other instruments related to regional competencies;
6° the regulation of eco-lage and examinations relating to knowledge and fitness that are necessary for the conduct of vehicles of each category, including the organization and conditions of approval of schools of conduct and examination centers and including the control of the suitability of conduct of conduct of conduct of conductors and conductors suffering from a decrease of the functional abilities required, with the exception of the federal competence concerning the determination
7° promotion, awareness and information on road safety. ".
Art. 26. In article 6, § 2, of the same special law, as amended by the special law of 16 July 1993, the following amendments are made:
1st paragraph 1
er is completed by the 4° and 5° written as follows:
"4° the minimum technical standards for safety in the construction and maintenance of roads and their outbuildings, as well as waterways and their outbuildings;
5° the regulations for the carriage of dangerous goods and exceptional transport by road, excluding the regulations for the carriage of animal substances that pose a danger to the population, the transport of radioactive material and the transport of explosive substances. ";
2° Paragraph 2 is repealed.
Art. 27. In Article 6, § 3, of the same special law, as amended by the special laws of 8 August 1988 and 16 July 1993, the following amendments are made:
1° 1°, repealed by the special law of 8 August 1988, is reinstated in the following wording:
"1° on the exercise of disconcerted provincial jurisdictions in the event of the abolition of provincial institutions;"
2° in the 4°, the words "roads," and the words "hydraulic tracks," are repealed.
Art. 28. In Article 6, § 3bis, of the same special law, as amended by the special laws of 8 August 1988, 16 July 1993 and 13 July 2001, the following amendments are made:
1° the 4° is replaced by the following:
"4° the modification of the tasks referred to in Article 5, § 1
erIII, paragraph 2;"
2° the paragraph is supplemented by a 6° written as follows:
"6° the determination of the police rules of navigation on inland waterways. ".
Art. 29. In article 6, § 4, of the same special law, replaced by the special law of 8 August 1988 and amended by the special law of 16 July 1993, the following amendments are made:
1° in 1° the words "and transit of waste" and the words "and 3°" are repealed;
2° in 3°, the following modifications are made:
(a) the words "with the exception of the rules of the police of navigation on inland waterways referred to in § 1
er, X, 10°," are inserted between the words "to the development of general police rules" and the words "and the regulations relating to communications and transport";
(b) the 3rd is supplemented by two sub-items as follows:
"For the development of road traffic police rules, if, within the framework of this association, an unfavourable opinion is rendered by one of the governments concerned, the competent federal authority shall convene an interdepartmental conference before making its decision. If there is no agreement, the final decision is for the Federal Council of Ministers.
Each regional government may propose amendments to the traffic police rules. The competent federal authority submits them to consultation with the governments of the three regions. In the event of consensus on these amendments, the King shall adopt or deposit them in the House of Representatives. ";
3° in 5°, the words "of the national equipment plan of the targeted electricity sector" are replaced by the words "of studies on the intended energy supply prospects".
4° the paragraph is supplemented by a point 8°, which reads as follows:
"8° to the development of the rules relating to the organization and operation of the national crisis centre.".
Art. 30. In article 6 of the same special law, as amended by the special laws of 8 August 1988, 16 January 1989, 16 July 1993, 13 July 2001, 12 August 2003, 25 April 2004, 13 September 2004, 27 March 2006, 21 February 2010 and 19 July 2012, a paragraph 4bis is inserted, as follows:
" § 4bis. The federal authority is associated with the conclusion of the cooperation agreement referred to in Article 92 bis, § 2, i). ".
Art. 31. In article 6 of the same special law, amended by the special laws of 8 August 1988, 16 January 1989, 16 July 1993, 13 July 2001, 12 August 2003, 25 April 2004, 13 September 2004, 27 March 2006, 21 February 2010 and 19 July 2012, a paragraph 5bis is inserted, as follows:
" § 5bis. Before a commercial settlement can be authorized, referred to in Article 6, § 1
erVI, paragraph 1
er, 6°, of a net commercial surface of more than 20,000 m
2 and located within a distance of less than twenty kilometres from another region or several other regions, the government of the region in which the commercial settlement is located notify the commercial settlement project to the government of each of the regions concerned.
If requested by the government of a region concerned, a consultation will take place.".
Art. 32. In article 6 of the same special law, amended by the special laws of 8 August 1988, 16 January 1989, 16 July 1993, 13 July 2001, 12 August 2003, 25 April 2004, 13 September 2004, 27 March 2006, 21 February 2010 and 19 July 2012, a paragraph 6bis is inserted, as follows:
" § 6bis. In matters that fall within the competence of the federal authority, the individual recognition or full recognition of the right of one or more localities as a tourist or assimilated centre and the modification of the relevant standards require the consistent opinion of the region concerned or the regions concerned. ".
Art. 33. In title II of the same special law, an article 6quater is inserted, as follows:
"Art. 6quater. The regions establish the judicial procedure specifically applicable in the event of expropriation because of public utility of a property located in the region concerned, with a fair and prior compensation as provided for in Article 16 of the Constitution, with the exception of the federal jurisdiction to determine the cases in which and the terms and conditions, including judicial proceedings, that it may be resorted to expropriation for cause of public utility by the ".
Art. 34. In title II of the same special law, an article 6quinquies is inserted, as follows:
"Art. 6quinquies. Within the limits of their competence, communities and regions are competent to determine who can authenticate property acts to which a community, region, subordinate power is a party as referred to in Article 6, § 1
er, VIII, a public social assistance centre, or an entity subject to the control or administrative guardianship of any of the said authorities or a subsidiary of that entity, as well as acts relating to the organization and internal administration of an entity subject to the control or administrative guardianship of one or more of the said authorities or a subsidiary of that entity. ".
Art. 35. In the same special law, an article 6sexies is inserted as follows:
"Art. 6sexies. Community skills include the power to finance tourism infrastructure in the territory of the bilingual Brussels-Capital region. ".
Art. 36. Article 7, § 1
erParagraph 1
er, from the same special law, replaced by the special law of July 13, 2001, the words "the supracommunal communities," are inserted between the words "the provinces," and the words "the cities".
Art. 37. In article 9, paragraph 2, of the same special law of 8 August 1980, replaced by the special law of 8 August 1988, the words "Without prejudice to article 87, § 4, it in good standing" are replaced by the words "The decree in good standing".
Art. 38. In the same special law, an article 11bis is inserted as follows:
"Art. 11bis. Where a member of the designated community or region government requests the Minister referred to in section 151, § 1
erParagraph 1
er, from the Constitution, to order prosecution, the latter orders the prosecution without delay and transmits the application to the Public Prosecutor's Office.
In matters that fall within their competence, community and regional governments, each with respect to it, are involved in the development of binding guidelines for criminal policy, including policy on research and prosecution, as well as the comprehensive security framework note and the National Security Plan.
Communities and regions participate in meetings of the College of Attorneys General, including in the preparation of priorities for criminal policy directives in general."
Art. 39. Section 16 of the same special law, replaced by the special law of 5 May 1993 and amended by the special laws of 16 July 1993 and 27 March 2006, is supplemented by a paragraph 4 as follows:
§ 4. When, due to the non-compliance of an international or supranational obligation by a community or region, the proceeding established by or under the United Nations Convention on Climate Change or by or under one of its protocols, has found that the State does not comply with the international obligations resulting from it, or a region or community has not reacted to the opinion referred to in the Treaty
1° the community or region concerned was detained three months earlier by a royal decree motivated and deliberated in the Council of Ministers. In the event of an emergency, this Royal Decree may shorten this three-month period;
2° the community or region concerned has been associated by the State with the whole procedure provided for in the proceedings established by or under the above-mentioned Convention-Cadre or one of its protocols or with the whole procedure in respect of the European Commission;
3° where applicable, the cooperation agreement provided for in Article 92 bis, § 4ter, was respected by the State;
4° the decision of the proceeding instituted by or under the above-mentioned Convention-Cadre or by or under one of its protocols or the reasoned opinion of the European Commission was the subject of a discussion within the Committee of Consultation referred to in Article 31 of the ordinary law of 9 August 1980 of institutional reforms.
The measures taken by the State pursuant to paragraph 1
er cease to produce their effects:
1° from the time when the community or region concerned has complied with the decision of the proceeding established by or under the above-mentioned Convention-Cadre or by or under any of its protocols or the device of the reasoned opinion of the European Commission;
2° in the case of a cancellation of the final decision of the proceeding referred to in 1°.
The State may recover, from the community or region concerned, the costs of non-compliance by the community with an international or supranational obligation. This recovery may take the form of a deduction on the financial means to be transferred under the law to the community or region concerned. ".
Art. 40. In Article 79, § 1
er, of the same special law, amended by the special law of 16 July 1993, the words "by law" are replaced by the words "by the decree referred to in 6quater".
Art. 41. In article 79, § 2, of the same special law, as amended by the special law of 16 July 1993, the words "and in accordance with the judicial procedures established by the competent legislator under the special law of 12 January 1989 on the Brussels Institutions" are inserted after the words "by law".
Art. 42. In section 87 of the same special law, as amended by the laws of 8 August 1988 and 16 July 1993, the following amendments are made:
1° in paragraph 3, the words "Without prejudice to § 4" are repealed;
2° Paragraph 3 is supplemented by a paragraph which reads as follows:
"An agent of another authority may be appealed to under the terms and conditions established by the statute that governs staff under the authority that has the authority to appoint. Without prejudice to a possible cooperation agreement that would provide for other terms and conditions of transfer, the other authority may require a notice period of not more than three months. ";
Paragraph 4 is replaced by the following:
§ 4. Without prejudice to Article 6, § 1
er, VI, paragraph 5, 12°, communities and regions determine the procedures, conditions and modalities for the use of interim work within their services, within the legal entities of public law that depend on the communities and regions, within the subordinate authorities and public social action centres, as well as in the institutions referred to in Article 24 of the Constitution with respect to their paid or subsidized personnel by the public authorities."
Art. 43. In section 92 bis of the same special law, inserted by the special law of 8 August 1988 and amended by the special laws of 16 January 1989, 5 May 1993, 16 July 1993, 28 December 1994, 13 July 2001, 16 March 2004, 21 February 2010 and 19 July 2012, the following amendments are made:
Paragraph 2 is supplemented by an (i), which reads as follows:
"i) the organization of national road safety awareness activities along the highways. ";
2° Paragraph 3 is supplemented by a (f), which reads as follows:
"(f) for the designation of the competent authority for the transit of wastes within the framework of European obligations. ";
3° it is inserted a paragraph 4sexies, as follows:
" § 4sexies. In any case, the federal authority and communities conclude a cooperation agreement on the coordination of the regulation and regulation of electronic communications networks and services common to audio-visual and audio-visual media services, on the one hand, and telecommunications on the other.";
4° it is inserted a paragraph 4septic, which reads as follows:
§ 4s. In any case, the communities and the federal authority conclude a cooperation agreement:
(a) for the composition and funding of an Institute to ensure concerted responses to major health care challenges;
(b) for the exchange of information as part of the exercise of the powers referred to in Article 5, § 1
erI, paragraph 1
er, 7°, b). ";
5° it is inserted a paragraph 4octies, as follows:
§ 4octies. With regard to leave-education paid, regions and communities conclude a cooperation agreement for the organization and recognition of training. ";
6° it is inserted a paragraph 4nonies, as follows:
" § 4nonies. When one or more regions wish to fund additionally the investment in the development, adaptation or modernization of railway lines, in accordance with Article 6 § 1
erParagraph 1
er, 14°, the federal authority and the region(s) concerned shall, in any case, enter into a cooperation agreement defining the proportionality that may represent, for the region(s) concerned, the additional funding referred to in Article 6, § 1
er, X, 14°, in relation to the financing of investments carried out under the multi-year federal investment plan. This cooperation agreement is concluded for a period that cannot exceed the maturity of the corresponding federal multi-year investment plan. ";
7° it is inserted a paragraph 4decies, as follows:
" § 4decies. The federal authority, communities and regions shall in any case enter into a cooperation agreement to settle the terms and conditions for the substances referred to in Article 11bis, paragraphs 2 and 3. ";
8° it is inserted a paragraph 4undecies, as follows:
" § 4undecies. The federal authority and the communities shall in any case enter into a cooperation agreement for the exercise of the duties referred to in Article 5, § 1
erIII, paragraph 2."
9° in paragraph 5, the words "4ter and 4 quater" are replaced by the words "4ter, 4quater and 4sexies to 4undecies";
10° in paragraph 6, the words "4ter and 4 quater" are replaced by the words "4ter, 4quater and 4sexies to 4undecies".
Art. 44. In section 94 of the same special law, as amended by the special laws of 16 January 1989 and 27 March 2006, a paragraph 1 is inserted.
erbis, as follows:
§ 1
erbis. Derogation from paragraph 1
er, and no later than 31 December 2019, the institutions responsible for the administrative management and payment of family benefits remain responsible, against full remuneration, for their responsibilities.
As long as these institutions remain responsible for their responsibilities, neither a community nor the Joint Community Commission may bring into force the amendments to the essential elements of this administrative management and payment or to the substantive rules that have a significant impact on administrative management or payment.
Between the entry into force of this paragraph and the time when all communities and the Joint Community Commission provide administrative management and payment of family benefits in accordance with paragraph 4, modifications to the essential elements of the terms and conditions of administrative management and payment or substantive rules that have a significant impact on the administrative management or payment of family benefits, may be made jointly by the communities and the Joint Community Commission by agreement of cooperation after consultation with the institutions referred to in paragraph 1
er. These amendments are applicable to communities and the Joint Community Commission that do not yet provide administrative management and payment.
Each community and the Joint Community Commission are fully themselves or by the institutions they create or accept, administrative management and payment of family benefits from 1
er January 2020. However, a community or the Joint Community Commission may, each with respect to it, decide to proactively ensure the administrative management and payment of family benefits by itself or by the institutions it creates or aggregates. In this case, the community or the Joint Community Commission shall notify the federal State at least nine months before their recovery. This charge is one 1
er January and as early as 1
er January 2016.
Communities and the Joint Community Commission conclude a cooperation agreement on data exchange or centralization. As long as the cooperation agreement relates to the period before 1
er January 2020, the federal authority is also a party. Until this cooperation agreement is reached, the public institutions referred to in paragraph 1
er are responsible for the administrative management of data exchange and centralization.
If the third sentence of paragraph 5 is applied, a royal decree deliberated in the Council of Ministers may determine which public institution continues the administrative management of the exchange and centralization of data. ".
Art. 45. In section 94 of the same special law, as amended by the special laws of 16 July 1993 and 27 March 2006, a paragraph 1 is inserted
erter, as follows:
§ 1
erter. By derogation from § 1
er, and no later than December 31, 2019, the federal authority remains responsible, against remuneration, for the inclusion, in a capped manner, in its maximum charge of the personal interventions of the beneficiaries for benefits that fall within the jurisdiction of the communities, unless the community(s) or the Joint Community Commission decides otherwise.
When a community or the Joint Community Commission decides not to appeal to this service, it shall notify the federal authority at least ten months in advance. This stop runs on 1
er January.
In 2014, however, this decision may be notified to the federal authority until 1
er October."
Art. 46. In the same special law, amended by the special laws of 8 August 1988, 12 January 1989, 16 January 1989, 5 May 1993, 16 July 1993, 28 December 1994, 5 April 1995, 25 March 1996, 4 December 1996, 8 February 1999, 19 March 1999, 4 May 1999, 21 March 2000, 13 July 2001, 22 January 2002, 5 May 2003, 10 July 2003, 12 August 2003, 2 March 2004, 16 March 2004, 25 April 2004, 13 September 2004, 27 March 2006, 21 February 2010, and 19 July 2012,
1° in articles 1
er§ 1
er and 2, and 19, § 1
er, the words "in 59bis" are replaced each time by the words "in articles 127 to 129";
2° in articles 1
er§ 1
er and 3, 6, § 1
er, and 19 §§ 1
er and 3, the word "107quater" is each time replaced by the number "39";
3° in Article 4, the words "59bis, § 2, 1°" are replaced by the words "127, § 1
4° in Article 5, § 1
er, the words "59bis, § 2bis" are replaced by the words "128, § 1
5° in Article 26, the words "49, § 3" are replaced by the words "63, § 3";
6° in Article 35, § 3, the words "17, § 2" are replaced by the words "24, § 2";
7° in Article 79, the number "11" is replaced by the number "16";
8° in Article 81, § 5, the words "68, § 3" are replaced by the words "167, § 3";
9° in Article 81, § 8, the words "68, § 5, paragraph 2" are replaced by the words "167, § 5, paragraph 2";
10° in Article 91bis, § 1
erthe number "17" is replaced by the number "24";
11° in Article 92quater, the words "41, § 5" are replaced by the number "82";
12° in Article 93, the words "59bis, § 2" are replaced by the words "127, § 1
13° in Article 99, the words "68, §§ 4 and 7" are replaced by the words "167, §§ 4 and 7".
CHAPTER III. - Amendments to the special law of 6 January 1989 on the Constitutional Court
Art. 47. Article 1
er of the special law of 6 January 1989 on the Constitutional Court, as amended by the special laws of 9 March 2003 and 21 February 2010, is supplemented by a 3° written as follows:
"3° of Article 143, § 1
erThe Constitution. ".
Art. 48. Article 26, § 1
erof the same special law, as amended by the special laws of 9 March 2003 and 21 February 2010, is supplemented by a 4th drafted as follows:
"4° the violation by law, decree or rule referred to in Article 134 of the Constitution, Article 143, § 1
erThe Constitution. ".
CHAPTER IV. - Amendments to the special law of 12 January 1989 on the Brussels Institutions
Art. 49. The title of Book 1
er the special law of 12 January 1989 on the Brussels Institutions is replaced by the following:
"Book I
er. Provisions under articles 3, 39 and 135 bis of the Constitution".
Art. 50. Section 4 of the same special law, as amended by the special laws of 16 July 1993 and 27 March 2006, is supplemented by two paragraphs, as follows:
"Article 4bis of the special law applies to the Brussels-Capital Region, with necessary modifications.
For the application of Article 6, § 1
er, IX, 11°, of the special law, the Brussels-Capital Region is liable for a contribution of accountability in accordance with Article 35nonies, § 3, of the special law of 16 January 1989 on the financing of communities and regions if the average annual number of people employed by the ALE system is greater than 1,473 beneficiaries. ".
Art. 51. In the same special law, an article 4bis is inserted:
"Art. 4bis. Without prejudice to the competence of the French Community and the Flemish Community, the Brussels-Capital Region exercises the following competences in the cultural subjects referred to in Article 127, § 1
erParagraph 1
er, 1°, and with regard to these matters, at 3°, of the Constitution:
1° in respect of the sport referred to in Article 4, 9°, of the special law, the financing and subsidization of the municipal sports infrastructures;
2° with regard to the conversion and professional recycling referred to in Article 4, 16°, of the special law, the establishment of vocational training programmes as long as they are part of the employment policy and take into account the specific character of Brussels;
3° with respect to fine arts, cultural heritage, museums and other cultural scientific institutions referred to in Article 4, 3° and 4°, of the special law, beiculture materials as long as they are of regional interest."
Art. 52. Article 37, § 1
erthe same special law, as amended by the special law of 16 July 1993, are amended as follows:
1° in I, the words "Economic policy and energy" are replaced by the words "Economic policy, energy, tourism and bicultural materials of regional interest";
2° in II, the words "Policy of employment and local powers" are replaced by the words "Policy of employment and vocational training, and local powers and financing as well as subsidization of municipal sports infrastructures".
Art. 53. In section 48 of the same special law, as amended by the special laws of 16 July 1993 and 27 March 2006, the following amendments are made:
1° in paragraph 1
er, the words "paragraphs 2 to 4 and without prejudice to" are inserted between the words "without prejudice" and the words "of application".
2° the article is supplemented by three paragraphs written as follows:
"The powers referred to in Article 4, § 2quater, 1°, 2° and 7°, of the law of 26 July 1971 organizing the towns and federations of municipalities are exercised by the president of the government referred to in Article 34.
The Government assigns to a senior official that it designates, in the federal government's view, some of these missions, in particular those related to civil security and the development of contingency plans, and the exclusion of those related to the maintenance of order, the coordination of security and the harmonization of common police regulations. If the notice of the federal government is not rendered within forty days of the notification by the regional government of the proposed appointment, it is deemed to be favourable.
The powers referred to in Article 4, § 2quater, 3° and 4°, of the same law are exercised by the government referred to in Article 34.".
Art. 54. In section 53, paragraph 1
erof the same law, the words ", paragraph 1
er," are inserted between the words "Article 48" and the words "of this Act.".
Art. 55. In section 63 of the same special law, as amended by the special law of 5 May 1993, the following amendments are made:
1° in paragraph 1
er, the words "6quinquies," are inserted between the words "articles 5, 6bis," and the words "8 to 16";
2° between the first and second preambular paragraph, three sub-items are inserted as follows:
"The subject matter referred to in Article 5, § 1
erIV, of the special law, in the territory referred to in Article 2, § 1
er, the exclusive competence of the assembled college and the meeting, including in respect of the institutions, which because of their organization, must be considered to be wholly owned by one or the other community.
The French Community, the Flemish Community and the Joint Community Commission shall in any case enter into a cooperation agreement for the establishment of a single window for persons with disabilities with regard to the management of mobility aids referred to in Article 5, § 1
er, II, 4°, of the special law and other aids of the same nature, in the territory of the bilingual region of Brussels-Capital.
In the expectation of the conclusion of this cooperation agreement, the competent services in the field of policy of the disabled of the French and Flemish Communities grant the aids to mobility referred to in Article 5, § 1
er, II, 4°, of the special law to those who address them to this effect. The assistance provided in accordance with the rules established by the Joint Community Commission shall be borne by the Commission. Each community shall issue a monthly account of the aids given to the Joint Community Commission, which shall provide it with the corresponding means within sixty days of the notification of this account. ";
3° Article 63 is supplemented by a paragraph, which reads as follows:
"Section 4bis of the special law applies to the Joint Community Commission, with necessary modifications. ".
Art. 56. In section 75, paragraph 2, of the same special law, as amended by the special law of 16 July 1993, the second is replaced by the following:
"2° the materials relating to assistance to persons, referred to in Article 5, § 1
erII of the special law and those relating to family allowances referred to in Article 5, § 1
erIV, special law. ".
Art. 57. In Article 82, § 1
er, paragraph 2, of the same special law, the words "50 and 69" are replaced by the words "50, 68quinquies and 69".
Art. 58. In the same special law, as amended by the special laws of 9 May 1989, of 5 May 1993, of 16 July 1993, of 5 April 1995, of 4 December 1996, of 4 May 1999, of 13 July 2001, of 22 January 2002, of 5 May 2003, of 10 July 2003, of 2 March 2004, of 25 April 2004, of 27 March 2006, of 19 July 2012:
1° in articles 1
er8, paragraph 2, and 47, § 4, the word "107quater" is replaced each time by the number "39";
2° in Article 9, the words "107ter, § 2, 2° and 3°" are replaced by the words "142, paragraph 2, 2° and 3°";
3° in Article 11, the word "59quater" is replaced by the number "117";
4° in articles 12 and 36, the words "59quinquies" and "59quinquies, § 1
er" are each time replaced by the number "138";
5° in the title of Book II and in articles 47 and 52, the words "108ter, 2°" are replaced each time by the words "166, § 2";
6° in the title of Book III and in articles 60, 62, 70 and 79, the words "59bis, § 4bis, paragraph 2" are each replaced by the number "135";
7° in the title of Book III and in articles 60 to 62, the words "108ter, 3°" are each replaced by the number "136";
8° in Article 70, the words "108ter, § 3, paragraph 2" are replaced by the words "166, § 3";
9° in the title of Book IIIbis, the words "59quinquies, § 2" are replaced by the number "178";
10° in the title of Book IIIter, the words "1
er4" are replaced by the number "163";
11° in Article 85, the words "59bis, § 6" are replaced by the number "175" and the number "115" is replaced by the number "177".
CHAPTER V. - Amendment to the special law of 2 May 1995 on the obligation to file a list of mandates, functions and professions and a declaration of heritage
Art. 59. In Article 1
er, point 6°, of the special law of 2 May 1995 on the obligation to deposit a list of mandates, functions and professions and a declaration of heritage, inserted by the special law of 3 June 2007, the words "and governor" are repealed.
CHAPTER VI. - Amendment of the special law of 26 June 2004 implementing and supplementing the special law of 2 May 1995 on the obligation to file a list of mandates, functions and professions and a declaration of heritage
Art. 60. In Article 6, paragraph 1
er, 1°, of the special law of 26 June 2004 executing and supplementing the special law of 2 May 1995 on the obligation to deposit a list of mandates, functions and professions and a declaration of heritage, as amended by the special law of 3 June 2007, the words ", and the governor" are repealed.
CHAPTER VII. - Amendments to the ordinary law of 9 August 1980 of institutional reforms
Art. 61. Chapter II, section 1
re, from the ordinary law of institutional reforms of 9 August 1980, an article 31/1 is inserted as follows:
"Art. 31/1. The Coordinating Committee is the central point of consultation, cooperation and coordination between the State, communities and regions to achieve common or individual objectives, in accordance with the competence of each individual."
Art. 62. In title II, chapter II, of the same law, a section 2bis, entitled "Section 2bis. - Operation of the Consultation Committee".
Art. 63. In section 2bis, inserted by section 62, an article 31ter is inserted as follows:
"Art. 31ter. The Consultation Committee establishes a rules of procedure in which the rules of operation of the Committee are decided.
In accordance with the enforcement procedures established by each of the governments, the rules of procedure determine in any case:
- the modalities for communicating the agenda and decisions of the Committee to the various Parliaments;
- formalization of procedures to ensure timely preparation of the positions that Governments will defend before the Committee for Consultation."
CHAPTER VIII. - Staff of the Senate
Art. 64. Those who, on the day of the publication of this Act in the Belgian Monitor, are statutory members of the Senate staff may, with their consent, be made available to a public employer or transferred to a public employer.
By public employer, it is necessary to hear any public service that depends on the authorities of the regions and communities, as well as the institutions that depend on it.
The subordinate powers as referred to in Article 6, § 1 shall also be considered public employer.
erVIII, of the special law of 8 August 1980 of institutional reforms, public centres of social action and the institutions that depend on it.
The staff member who is made available, performs his duties under the authority of the public employer and is paid by the Senate. He maintains his legal relationship with the Senate of which he remains a staff member.
By transfer, the integration of the Senate staff member as an employee with the public employer must be understood.
The public employer defines the criteria to which the Senate staff member must meet to consider for a disposition or transfer.
Provision and transfer are agreed between the Senate and the public employer.
The agreement defines:
1° where applicable, the duration and the supplementary rules of the provision, including the provision of care, including employer contributions, salary, allowances, allowances, bonuses, benefits of any kind, social benefits and family allowances of staff members available;
2° the determination of the grade, level and salary scale applicable to public employer personnel, to be put on the staff member;
3° the fixation of the working regime;
4° the duration and content of the training and possible training;
5° the monetary benefits that the public employer grants to the staff member, in accordance with the status of the so-called public employer;
6° the procedure and evaluation criteria applicable during the possible training and training;
7° the rules relating to the civil liability of the public employer;
8° the transfer date;
9° the transfer procedure.
A copy of the employment regulations and statutes applicable to members of the statutory staff of the public employer is provided to the staff member.
CHAPTER IX. - Transitional and final provisions
Art. 65. The conditions, the amount and the payment of occupational termination benefits provided for in section 5 of chapter IV of the Act of 22 January 1985, which contains social provisions, are applicable to communities and regions, each for public service personnel whose legal position falls within their jurisdiction, until the communities and regions replace or repeal, each with respect to them, these provisions.
Art. 66. § 1
er. The Participation Fund is liquidated by a board of directors composed of up to eight members, namely:
1st two members, one Dutch-speaking, the other French-speaking, appointed by royal decree deliberated in the Council of Ministers, on the advice of representative organizations of the Average Class, one on presentation by the Minister of Average Class, the other on presentation by the Minister of Finance;
2° two members appointed by the Flemish Government;
3° two members appointed by the Walloon Government;
4° two members, one Dutch-speaking, the other French-speaking, appointed by the Government of the Brussels-Capital Region.
The board of directors shall elect a president and a vice-president. The Chair and the Vice-Chair are a different language role.
§ 2. As from the date referred to in Article 73, § 2, of the Act of 28 July 1992 on tax and financial provisions, the Participating Fund shall be limited to the management of the credits and participations granted or decided before that date.
However, the Fund may continue to carry out the mission referred to in Article 74, § 1
er8°, the same law on behalf of public institutions with which it has entered into agreements before the date referred to in paragraph 1
erat the request of these public institutions. These conventions shall not later than 1
er July 2016. If a convention ends before 1
er July 2016, this activity can be continued until that date on the basis of a new convention. At the request of the aforementioned institutions that depend on the federal state, community or region for which the Participating Fund has continued to provide services during the two-year period, the Participating Fund may continue this service activity until no later than 1
er July 2022, but only if a new agreement with the Fund is concluded for this purpose.
Up to 1
er July 2016, the Participation Fund may also continue to carry out the mission referred to in Article 74, § 1
er, 9°, from the same law at the request of a region, for full remuneration of the Fund by the region for this service.
The Participation Fund provides technical and administrative services for the Starters scrl Fund until the liquidation of the Fund is completed.
§ 3. The King shall, after consultation with the representative staff organizations and after the advice of the governments of the regions, by order deliberately in the Council of Ministers, transfer of personnel to the Walloon Region, Flemish Region and the Brussels-Capital Region, in accordance with the principles referred to in Article 88, § 2, of the special law of 8 August 1980 of institutional reforms.
The King shall, after consultation with the staff representative organizations and on the advice of the governments of the regions, by order deliberately in the Council of Ministers, provide that a portion of the personnel transferred to the Walloon Region, the Flemish Region and the Brussels-Capital Region shall be made available to the Participation Fund for the execution of the missions referred to in paragraph 2, in accordance with the terms and conditions it determines.
§ 4. 1
er July 2014, the Participating Fund transfers to the regions, each for the company that concerns it, the ownership of the shares of the Participating Fund - Flanders, the Participating Fund - Wallonia and the Participating Fund - Brussels referred to in Article 73bis of the Law of 28 July 1992 concerning tax and financial provisions to respectively, the Flemish Region, the Walloon Region and the Brussels-Capital Region.
§ 5. The Participation Fund pays annually between 1
er July 2014 and 1
er July 2022, to the companies referred to in § 4 or to the legal persons who have succeeded them an amount of 25 million euros according to the following key:
- Participation Fund - Flanders: 53%;
- Participation fund - Wallonia: 37%;
- Participation Fund - Brussels: 10%.
The capitalization and incorporation costs of the three companies referred to in section 73bis of the Act of 28 July 1992 relating to tax and financial provisions are deferred, for each of the three companies referred to in paragraph 4, of the first instalment to be paid in accordance with paragraph 1
If the companies referred to in paragraph 4 were not created on 1
er July 2014, the transfer of assets referred to in this paragraph and the transfer of assets and liabilities referred to in paragraph 6, shall be carried out for the respective regions for which no corporation exists, directly to the legal entity specified by the regions concerned, each with respect to it.
§ 6. 1
er July 2022, the credits and the remaining interest will be transferred, as the case may be, to the companies referred to in paragraph 4, to the legal persons who have succeeded them or to the legal persons referred to in § 5, paragraph 3, on the basis of the location of the borrower's seat on the date of the borrowing. All assets and liabilities remaining after the distribution of credits and contributions will be distributed on the basis of the distribution key provided for in § 5, paragraph 1
The regions are held in solidarity in the event of debts of the Fund.
§ 7. 1
er July 2022, the credits and continuing interest will be transferred to the funds referred to in paragraph 4 on the basis of the location of the borrower's seat on the date of the borrowing. All assets and liabilities remaining after the distribution of credits and contributions will be distributed on the basis of the distribution key provided for in paragraph 4.
The regions are held in solidarity in the event of debts of the Fund.
CHAPTER X. - Entry into force
Art. 67. This Act comes into force on 1
er July 2014.
Article 64, however, comes into force on the day of the publication of this Act to the Belgian Monitor.
Promulgate this law, order that it be clothed with the seal of the State and published by the Belgian Monitor.
Given in Brussels on 6 January 2014.
By the King:
The Prime Minister,
State Secretary to Institutional Reforms,
State Secretary to Institutional Reforms,
Seal of the state seal:
The Minister of Justice,
(1) Senate (
Documents: 5-2232
Annales du Sénat : 26 et 28 novembre 2013.
House of Representatives (
Documents: 53 3201
Full report: 19 December 2013.