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Miscellaneous Provisions Act On Animal Welfare, Cites, Animal Health And Consumer Health Protection

Original Language Title: Loi portant des dispositions diverses en matière de bien-être animal, Cites, santé des animaux et protection de la santé des consommateurs

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27 DECEMBER 2012. - An Act to provide a variety of provisions for animal welfare, Cites, Animal Health and Consumer Health

ALBERT II, King of the Belgians,
To all, present and to come, Hi.
The Chambers adopted and We sanction the following:
PART 1er. - Introductory provision
Article 1er. This Act regulates a matter referred to in Article 78 of the Constitution.
PART 2. - Amendments
CHAPTER 1er. - Protection and welfare of animals
Section 1re. - General provision
Art. 2. This chapter partially transposes the European Parliament and Council Directive 2010/63/EU of 22 September 2010 on the protection of animals used for scientific purposes.
Section 2. - Amendments to the Protection and Welfare of Animals Act of 14 August 1986
Art. 3. In section 3 of the Protection and Welfare of Animals Act of 14 August 1986, as amended by the Acts of 4 May 1995, 9 July 2004 and 11 May 2007, the following amendments are made:
(a) 15.1. 18. are replaced by the following:
“15.” Experience animal:
15.1. live cephalopods used or intended to be used in animal experiments or specifically held to allow their organs or tissues to be used for scientific purposes;
15.2. living non-human vertebrates used or intended to be used in animal experiments or specifically held to allow their organs or tissues to be used for scientific purposes, including their larval forms capable of feeding independently, and the fetal forms of mammals from the last third of their normal development;
15.3. This definition also applies to animals used in animal experiments that are at a stage of development prior to that referred to in 15.2. if animals must be left alive beyond this stage of development and may, as a result of animal experiments, experience pain, suffering or distress or sustained damage after reaching this stage of development;
16. Animal experiment: any invasive or non-invasive use of an animal for experimental purposes or other scientific purposes, the results of which are known or unknown, or for educational purposes, which may cause such animal pain, suffering, anxiety or lasting damage equivalent to or greater than those caused by the introduction of a needle in accordance with good veterinary practices. This includes any intervention intended or likely to result in the birth or outbreak of an animal or the creation and conservation of a line of genetically modified animals in any of these conditions, but excludes the death of animals for the sole purpose of using their organs or tissues;
17. Project: any programme of work with a defined scientific objective involving one or more animal experiments;
18. Establishment: any installation, building, group of buildings or other premises, including a place not completely closed or covered, as well as mobile facilities; »;
(b) Article 3 is completed by the 19. 22. as follows:
19. Experience Master: Any person who leads an animal experience;
20. User: any natural or legal person using animals in experiments, for profit or not;
21. Breeder: any natural or legal person raising animals to be determined by the King for use in experiments or for the use of their tissues or organs for scientific purposes, or raising other animals primarily for such purposes, for profit or not;
22. Supplier: any natural or legal person other than a breeder, providing animals for use in experiments or for the use of their tissues or organs for scientific purposes, for a profit or not. "
Art. 4. In section 4 of the Act, a paragraph 2/1 is inserted as follows:
Ҥ 2/1. Equids that are held outside can be returned to a stable or, if not, have a natural or artificial shelter. "
Art. 5. Article 5, § 1er, of the same law, replaced by the Act of 4 May 1995 and amended by the Act of 22 December 2003, is supplemented by a paragraph written as follows:
"The data of the registered establishment pursuant to the preceding paragraph are made public. "
Art. 6. In section 20 of the Act, amended by the Act of 4 May 1995, the following amendments are made:
1° paragraph 1er is supplemented by a paragraph that reads as follows:
"Elevated or legitimately held animals in another Member State may be provided or used and products developed through the use of these animals may be marketed. »;
2° Paragraph 3 is replaced by the following:
“§3. The King may authorize or prohibit experiments on animals that He determines. It can also describe the objectives for which animal experiences can only be used, as well as the methods of animal death. »;
3° Article 20 is supplemented by a paragraph 4 as follows:
Ҥ4. The King may ban certain animal experiments to avoid duplication unless additional tests are required to protect public health, safety and the environment. "
Art. 7. Section 21 of the Act, as amended by the Act of 22 December 2003, is replaced by the following:
“Art. 21. Each user is subject to prior approval by the Minister who has the Animal Welfare in his or her powers.
The King shall determine, by order deliberately in the Council of Ministers, the conditions for the approval referred to in paragraph 1er and the procedure for granting, suspension and withdrawal of the approval. It may also prescribe additional conditions relating to the destination of animals after completion of animal experiments in which animals were used.
The King can determine that ethics commissions are created among users. It determines the composition, operation and missions. These commissions of ethics may be designated by the King as the competent authority that grants project authorization.
The King creates a body, known as the "Health Wellness Cell", which is responsible for animal welfare in pastoralists, suppliers and users. It determines the composition, operation and missions. "
Art. 8. Section 22 of the Act, as amended by the Act of 22 December 2003, is replaced by the following:
“Art. 22. Breeders and suppliers are subject to prior approval by the Minister who has the well-being of animals in his duties. Section 23 is also applicable to these farms.
The Minister may suspend or withdraw the licence. "
Art. 9. Section 23, § 2, of the Act is replaced by the following:
Ҥ2. Users who practice experiments on horses, dogs, cats, pigs, ruminants or primates must designate a veterinarian competent in laboratory animal medicine who is responsible for the protection of the health and well-being of these animals. "
Art. 10. Section 24 of the Act, as amended by the Acts of 4 May 1995 and 9 July 2004, is replaced by the following:
“Art. 24. § 1er. Animal experiments are limited to the strictly necessary.
§ 2. No animal experience can be performed if the desired result can be achieved by another method or strategy of experimentation that does not involve the use of living animals and is recognized in European Union legislation.
§ 3. In case of different possibilities, the choice between experiences is guided by the desire to select those that best meet the following requirements:
1° use the least animals possible;
2° use animals that are less likely to experience pain, suffering, anxiety or sustained damage;
3° cause the least possible pain, suffering, anxiety or lasting damage;
4° be most likely to provide satisfactory results.
§ 4. Animal experiments are always, except if not appropriate, conducted under general or local anaesthesia and using analgesics or other appropriate method, so that pain, suffering and anxiety are limited to a minimum.
Procedures leading to severe lesions that can cause intense pain are not conducted without anaesthesia.
It is possible not to use anesthesia if it is considered more traumatic to the animal than the procedure itself or if anesthesia is incompatible with the purpose of the animal experiment.
No substance that prevents or limits the ability of animals to express pain cannot be administered to animals without an adequate level of anaesthesia or analgesia. In cases where the administration of such a substance is nevertheless necessary, scientific elements are provided, accompanied by details on the anesthetic or analgesic protocol.
Animals likely to experience pain when anesthesia has ceased to produce its effect receive preventive and postoperative analgesic treatment or are treated using other appropriate methods to relieve pain, provided that this is compatible with the purpose of the animal experiment.
As soon as the purpose of animal experience has been achieved, appropriate measures are taken to minimize the suffering of the animal.
§ 5. To the extent possible, death as a limit of animal experience is avoided and replaced by suitable early limits.
When death cannot be avoided as a limiting point, the animal experience is designed to lead to the death of as few animals as possible and to minimize the duration and intensity of the animal's suffering and, as far as possible, to ensure a death without pain. "
Art. 11. Section 25 of the Act, as amended by the Act of December 2003, is replaced by the following:
“Art. 25. The user, the breeder or the supplier shall designate a person responsible for respecting the conditions of registration and transmission of administrative or statistical information fixed by the King and required by the Minister who has the welfare of the animals in his or her duties. "
Art. 12. Section 27 of the Act is replaced by the following:
“Art. 27. The King defines the nature and form of the documents that the user, the breeder, the supplier or the experience master maintains, as well as how to write them. "
Art. 13. Section 29 of the Act, replaced by the Act of 4 May 1995, is replaced by the following:
"The King may set rules concerning the training and qualification of users, pastoralists and suppliers."
Art. 14. Article 30, § 1erthe same law shall be replaced by the following:
« § 1er. The experiments on animals carried out for a didactic purpose are permitted only in higher education and as long as they are indispensable for the training of students and cannot be replaced by other equivalent teaching methods. "
Art. 15. In the same Act, an article 30/1 is inserted as follows:
"Art. 30/1. In order to ensure compliance with the requirements of this Act, the King sets out the procedures for regular inspections of all breeders, suppliers and users including their establishments. "
Art. 16. In section 34 of the Act, as amended by the Acts of 22 December 2003 and 6 May 2009, the following amendments are made:
1° paragraph 1erParagraph 1er, is replaced by the following:
"Without prejudice to the powers of judicial police officers, the offences under this Act, its enforcement orders and European regulations and decisions in this regard are sought and found by:
- members of the federal and local police;
- the statutory and contractual veterinarians of the Federal Public Service Public Health, Food Chain Safety and Environment;
- other staff of the Federal Public Service Public Health, Food Chain Safety and Environment appointed by the Minister who has the Welfare of Animals in his duties;
- members of the statutory and contractual personnel of the Federal Agency for the Safety of the Food Chain responsible for the execution of the controls. »;
2° Paragraph 2 is supplemented by a paragraph which reads as follows:
"They can proceed with the offender's hearing and any other useful hearing. »;
3° in paragraph 5, paragraph 1er, the words "or European regulations and decisions in this matter" are inserted between the words "executive orders" and the words "is observed".
Art. 17. In section 35 of the Act, as amended by the Acts of 26 March 1993, 4 May 1995, 23 June 2004 and 19 March 2007, the following amendments are made:
1° in the opening sentence of paragraph 1er, the words "from 26 francs to 1,000 francs" are replaced by the words "from 52 euros to 2,000 euros";
2° in paragraph 2, the words "from 26 euros to 1.000,00 euros" are replaced by the words "from 52 euros to 2,000 euros".
Art. 18. In section 36 of the Act amended by the Acts of 4 May 1995 and 22 December 2003, the following amendments are made:
1° in the opening sentence of paragraph 1erthe words "from 26 francs to 1,000 francs" are replaced by the words "from 52 euros to 2,000 euros";
2° paragraph 1er is completed by the 17° and 18° written as follows:
"17° breaches the provisions of Council Regulation (EC) No. 1/2005 of 22 December 2004 on the protection of animals during transport and related operations and amends Directives 64/432/EEC and 93/119/EC and Regulation (EC) No. 1255/97;
18° breaches the provisions of Council Regulation (EC) No. 1099/2009 of 24 September 2009 on the protection of animals at the time of their death. "
Art. 19. In article 36bis of the same law, inserted by the law of 4 May 1995, the words "from 26 francs to 1,000 francs" are replaced by the words "from 52 euros to 2,000 euros".
Art. 20. Section 39 of the Act, replaced by the Act of 19 March 2007, is replaced by the following:
“Art. 39. In the event of recidivism within three years of the previous conviction for one of the offences provided for in sections 35, 36, 36bis and 41, the prison sentences are doubled and fines are increased to 5,000 euros or, in the event of serious abuse or neglect, to 12,500 euros.
In addition, the court may order, in such cases, the final closure or for a period of two months to five years of the establishment where the offences were committed. "
Art. 21. Section 41 of the Act, as amended by the Act of 6 May 2009, is replaced by the following:
"Art. 41. Offences to this Act or its enforcement orders or to European decisions and regulations on this matter which are not repeated in sections 35, 36, and 36 bis are punished by a fine of 52 euros to 500 euros. "
Art. 22. In section 41bis of the Act, inserted by the Act of 22 December 2003, the following amendments are made:
1° in paragraph 1er, the words "or European regulations and decisions in this matter" are inserted between the words "in execution of it", and the words "the official";
2° in paragraph 4, the words "minimum" are replaced by the words "Half the minimum".
Art. 23. Section 42 of the Act, amended by the Act of 4 May 1995, by the Royal Decree of 22 February 2001 and by the Acts of 22 December 2003, 4 and 9 July 2004 and 10 December 2009, is replaced by the following:
“Art. 42. § 1er. Where the officials of the authority referred to in section 34 find an offence under this Act, its enforcement orders or European regulations or decisions and that this offence concerns living animals, they may administratively seize these animals and, if necessary, have them housed in an appropriate place of reception.
They may also seize animals when they are detained despite a prohibition under section 40.
§ 2. The Federal Public Service for Animal Welfare determines the destination of the seized animal in accordance with paragraph 1er. This destination consists of restitution to the owner on or without bail, sale, gift in full ownership to a natural or legal person, slaughter or death without delay.
§ 3. The seizure referred to in paragraph 1er is waived by the decision referred to in paragraph 2 or, in the absence of such a decision, after a period of two months from the date of seizure.
§ 4. Agents of the authority referred to in section 34 may also administratively seize and eventually destroy the corpses, meat or objects that are the subject of the offence, or that were used to commit the offence or were to be used to commit the offence.
§ 5. Costs related to measures taken on the basis of paragraphs 1er, 2 and 4 are in charge of the owner.
If the costs referred to in paragraph 1er are advanced by the Federal Public Service for Animal Welfare or the Public Prosecutor's Office, they are claimed to the owner.
If the animals or their carcasses are sold, the amount so collected is used first to cover the costs referred to in paragraph 1er. The balance is returned to the owner.
§ 6. Animals killed or put to death by order of the competent federal public service for animal welfare are evacuated according to the provisions of the competent authority. Any costs associated with the charge of the appropriate federal public service for animal welfare are claimed to the owner.
§ 7. This section does not apply to controls carried out pursuant to the Royal Decree of February 22, 2001, which organizes the controls carried out by the Federal Agency for the Safety of the Food Chain and amends various legal provisions. "
Art. 24. In Article 45bis, § 1er, of the same Act, inserted by the Act of 4 May 1995 and amended by the Royal Decree of 22 February 2001, paragraph 1er is repealed.
CHAPTER 2. - Amendments to the Act of 28 July 1981 approving the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora, and the Annexes, made in Washington on 3 March 1973, as well as the Amendment to the Convention, adopted in Bonn on 22 June 1979
Art. 25. In Article 5 of the Act of 28 July 1981 approving the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora, and the Annexes, made in Washington on 3 March 1973, as well as the Amendment to the Convention, adopted in Bonn on 22 June 1979, amended by the Acts of 27 December 2004 and 8 June 2008, the following amendments are made:
1° the words "or European regulations and decisions in this matter, "are inserted between the words "for its execution" and the words ", specimens included".
2° the words "of a fine of 25 to 50,000 euros" are replaced by "a fine of 26 to 50,000 euros".
Art. 26. In article 5bis, paragraph 1er, of the same law, inserted by the law of December 22, 2003, the words "or European regulations and decisions in this matter" are inserted between the words "execution of this one" and the words ", the grievor".
Art. 27. Section 6 of the Act, as amended by the Act of 22 December 2003, is replaced by the following:
“Art. 6. § 1er. In the event of an offence under section 5, the officers of the authority referred to in section 7 shall be competent for the imposition of an administrative seizure of specimens that are the subject of the offence.
§ 2. The specimens seized are entrusted to the Management Body. It sends them, if necessary, to a backup centre or to any other appropriate place and compatible with the objectives of the Convention and European regulations and decisions on this matter.
§ 3. The Management Body is competent to take administrative action on the specimens seized. These measures may be:
1° an order of reference to the State of export to the costs thereof;
2° the allocation of the entire property to the appropriate natural or legal person, where such attribution is compatible with the objectives of the Convention or with European regulations and decisions in this regard;
3° the organization of a public sale;
4° a slaughter order;
5° an order of destruction;
6° a combination of measurements, referred to in 1°, 2°, 3° and 4°.
These administrative measures are documented in writing. This written certificate may consist of notification of the administrative action order or notification of the minutes. The Management Body shall retain the right at any time to lift administrative measures.
This jurisdiction does not prejudice the competence established in Article 5bis.
§ 4. In the event of a conviction, the court shall declare the confiscation of specimens that have not been returned or destroyed and shall charge the convict the costs of the dismissals that would have been made without being borne by the State of export, as well as the costs of expertise, of transport to the centres of safeguarding, slaughtering, destruction and those of custody until the date of the judgment. "
Art. 28. In section 7 of the Act, as amended by the Acts of 22 December 2003 and 9 July 2004, the following amendments are made:
1st paragraph 1er is replaced by the following:
"Without prejudice to the powers of judicial police officers, the offences of this Act, its enforcement orders and European regulations and decisions in this regard are sought and found by:
- customs officers;
- members of the federal and local police;
- the statutory and contractual veterinarians of the Federal Public Service Public Health, Food Chain Safety and Environment;
- other staff of the Federal Public Service Public Health, Food Chain Safety and Environment designated by the Minister who has the Convention in his or her responsibilities;
- the members of the statutory or contractual staff of the Federal Agency for the Safety of the Food Chain responsible for the controls provided that these controls are carried out on the sites referred to in Article 4, § 3, 2°, of the Act of 4 February 2000 on the establishment of the Federal Agency for the Safety of the Food Chain and have the objective of public health, animal health or plant health.
2° in paragraph 3, the words "or European regulations and decisions in this regard" are inserted between the words "executive orders" and the words "is observed".
3° in paragraph 7, the words "registered or contractual veterinarians" are replaced by the words "registered or contractual personnel competent for CITES".
CHAPTER 3. - Amendments to the Health of Animals Act of 24 March 1987
Art. 29. In Article 1er of the Act of 24 March 1987 on the Health of Animals, as amended by the Royal Decree of 22 February 2001 and by the Acts of 20 July 2006 and 1er March 2007, 12.
“12. animal by-products: animal by-products and derivatives not intended for human consumption as defined by Articles 3.1 and 3.2 of Regulation (EC) No 1069/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 21 October 2009 establishing sanitary rules applicable to animal by-products and derivatives not intended for human consumption and repealing Regulation (EC) No 1774/2002 (rules relating to animal by-products).
Art. 30. Section 20 of the Act, amended by the Act of 5 February 1999, by the Royal Decree of 22 February 2001 and by the Acts of 20 July 2006 and 1er March 2007, the following amendments are made:
1st paragraph 1er is replaced by the following:
"Without prejudice to the powers of judicial police officers, the offences under this Act, its enforcement orders and European regulations and decisions in this regard are sought and found by:
- members of the federal and local police;
- the statutory and contractual agents of the FPS designated by the Minister;
- Agents of the Customs and Acises Administration;
- other statutory and contractual agents designated by the King;
- members of the statutory and contractual personnel of the Federal Agency for the Safety of the Food Chain, responsible for the execution of the controls. »;
2° Paragraph 6 is supplemented by the following sentence:
"They can proceed with the offender's hearing and any other useful hearing. »;
3° a paragraph is inserted between paragraphs 6 and 7:
"They may require, in the course of their missions, the assistance of the police forces. "
Art. 31. In article 20bis, paragraph 1er, from the same law, inserted by the law of 5 February 1999, the words "or European regulations and decisions in this matter" are inserted between the words "executive orders" and the words "is found".
Art. 32. In article 24, paragraph 1er, of the same law, the words "or European regulations and decisions on this matter" are inserted between the words "of this law" and the words "that do not fall".
Art. 33. In section 27 of the Act, amended by the Act of 5 February 1999 and by the Royal Decree of 22 February 2001, the following amendments are made:
1° in paragraph 1erParagraph 1er, the words "and the European regulations and decisions in this matter" are inserted between the words "With its enforcement orders" and the words "are subject to either";
2° in paragraph 9, paragraph 2 is repealed.
CHAPTER 4. - Amendment of the Act of 29 April 1999 on the establishment of a Federal Breastfeeding Committee
Art. 34. In section 7 of the Act of 29 April 1999 on the establishment of a Federal Breastfeeding Committee, paragraph 1er is replaced by the following:
« § 1er. The Committee is composed of 19 members, including as many French-speaking as Dutch-speaking members and a representative of the German-speaking Community, including:
a) a representative of the Belgian Committee of the United States;
(b) four representatives of breastfeeding support associations;
(c) a representative of the NEB;
(d) a representative of the Kind en Gezin association;
(e) a representative of Dienst für Kind und Familie;
(f) a representative of the Federal Public Service Public Health, Food and Environment Safety, a representative of the Federal Public Service Social Security and a representative of the Federal Public Service Employment, Labour and Social Concertation;
(g) four medical personnel, including at least one paediatrician, gynaecologist and a general practitioner;
(h) two representatives of the nursing corps,
(i) two representatives of the body of birth attendants. "
CHAPTER 5. - Amendments to the Consumer Health Protection Act of 24 January 1977 concerning food and other products
Art. 35. In Article 1er, 2°, (a), of the Act of 24 January 1977 on the Protection of Consumer Health in respect of foodstuffs and other products, as amended by the Act of 22 March 1989, the words "addenda, aromas and" are repealed.
Art. 36. In section 11 of the Act, amended by the Acts of 22 March 1989, 9 February 1994 and 12 August 2000, by the Royal Decree of 22 February 2001 and by the Act of 22 December 2003, the following amendments are made:
1° in paragraph 2, paragraph 2 is replaced by the following:
"They can proceed with the offender's hearing and any other useful hearing. »;
2° Paragraph 2 is supplemented by a paragraph which reads as follows:
"They may require, in the course of their missions, the assistance of the police forces. "
Art. 37. In article 11bis, paragraph 1er, of the same law, inserted by the law of 22 March 1989 and amended by the law of 22 December 2003, the words "or European regulations and decisions in this matter" are inserted between the words "executive orders" and the words "is found".
Art. 38. In section 13 of the Act, as amended by the Acts of 22 March 1989 and 4 September 2012, the 1st is replaced by the following:
"1° the person who, without being the manufacturer or importer, introduces into the trade of foodstuffs or other products covered by this Act, without having complied with Article 6, §§ 4 and 6, and Article 8 and the decrees carried out under Articles 2, 3, 2°, 4° and 6°, 4, §§ 3 and 4, 5, § 4, and 6; "
Art. 39. Section 14 of the Act, replaced by the Act of 19 May 2010, is replaced by the following:
“Art. 14. shall be punished by imprisonment of eight days to six months and a fine of fifty to thousand euros or of any of these penalties only, that which manufactures or imports and that which, without being the manufacturer or importer, knowingly introduces into the trade of foodstuffs or other products covered by this Act in contravention of Article 6, §§ 4 and 6, and Article 8 and the decrees taken in execution of Articles 2, paragraphs 1er and 2, 3, 1°, a), 2° to 5°, 4, § 4 and 6. "
Art. 40. In article 19, paragraph 1er, from the same law, replaced by the Act of March 22, 1989, the words "or European decisions and regulations in this matter" are inserted between the words "in execution of this" and the words "the designated official".
Art. 41. In Article 20, § 2, of the same Law, the words "European Economic Community" are replaced by the words "European Union".
Art. 42. In the same law, an article 22ter is inserted as follows:
"Art. 22ter. It is created with the Federal Public Service Public Health, Food Chain Safety and Environment, a Plant Preparations Advisory Board that is responsible for advising it on materials related to the manufacture, trade and composition of foods composed of or made of plants or plant preparations.
The King shall determine, by order deliberately in the Council of Ministers, the modalities for the composition, functioning and remuneration of members of the Committee and the materials for which it is to be consulted. "
PART 3. - Subsidies to scientific research
Art. 43. § 1er. Subsidies to scientific research on food safety, animal health policy and animal welfare can be granted by the Minister who has the Public Health in his or her duties.
§ 2. Research activities receiving subsidies referred to in § 1er the objective of supporting the preparation of the policy in the areas referred to in § 1er and are carried out by the beneficiary in execution of a contract which stipulates the rights and obligations of the beneficiary and the State.
§ 3. The King defines:
- conditions for applications, grant and control of subsidies;
- procedures for the selection, monitoring and evaluation of projects;
- the modalities for the dissemination and valuation of results.
Art. 44. Subsidies to international scientific research on food safety, animal and plant health policy and animal welfare can be granted by the Minister who has the Public Health in his or her duties.
The King defines:
- conditions for applications, grant and control of subsidies;
- procedures for the selection, monitoring and evaluation of projects;
- the modalities for the dissemination and valuation of results.
Promulgation of this law, let us order that it be clothed with the seal of the State and published by the Belgian Monitor.
Given in Brussels on 27 December 2012;
By the King:
The Minister of Social Affairs and Public Health, in charge of Beliris and Federal Cultural Institutions,
The Minister of Justice,
Seal of the state seal:
For the Minister of Justice, absent:
Deputy Prime Minister
and Minister of Pensioens,
(1) Session 2012-2013.
House of Representatives.
Documents. - Bill, 53-2512 - No. 1. - Amendment, 53-2512 - No. 2. - Report, 53-2512 - No. 3. - Text adopted by the commission, 53-2512 - No. 4. - Text adopted in plenary and transmitted to the Senate, 53-2512 - No. 5.
Full report. - 19 and 20 December 2012.
Documents. - Project referred to in the Senate, 5-1891 - No. 1. - Report, 5-1896 - No. 121. - Decision not to amend, 5-1896 - No. 122.
Annales of the Senate. - 21 December 2012.