Name of law a law amending the law on the protection of animals Named Bill a bill amending and supplementing the law on the protection of animals date of acceptance 20/04/2016 number/year Official Gazette Decree No 34/2016 120
On the grounds of art. 98, paragraph 4 of the Constitution of the Republic of Bulgaria
To be published in the Official Gazette the law amending the law on the protection of animals, adopted by HLIIÌ National Assembly on 20 April 2016.
Issued in Sofia on 26 April 2016.
The President of the Republic: Rosen Plevneliev
Stamped with the State seal.
Minister of Justice:
Catherine Dana
amending the law on the protection of animals (promulgated, SG. 13 of 2008; amend., SG. 80 from 2009, issue 8 and 92 from 2011 and from 53/2014)
§ 1. Article 40 shall be replaced by the following: "art. 40. (1) the Council of Ministers shall, on a proposal from the Minister of agriculture and food shall adopt a national programme to control the population of stray dogs on the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria.
(2) the Minister of agriculture and food issues a decree for the implementation of the national programme and its implementation procedures, funding and accountability mechanisms.
(3) municipal councils adopted a programme for the implementation of the national programme and action plan of the municipality, which comply with the requirements of the Ordinance under para. 2.
(4) the mayors of municipalities shall organise the implementation of the programme and the plan under paragraph 1. 3 and annually by 1 March import statement for the implementation of the programme to the Executive Director of the Bulgarian Agency for food safety.
(5) the Minister of agriculture and food by 30 April annually submitted for adoption by the Council of Ministers a report on the implementation of the national programme.
(6) the National Association of municipalities in Republic of Bulgaria, the Bulgarian veterinary Union and animal protection organizations registered under the law of non-profit legal entities in whose statutes is provided for activities for the protection of animals involved in the preparation of the national programme and the Ordinance referred to in para. 2. (7) the authorities of the Executive power and the organizations under para. 6 assist the bodies of the local self-government in the implementation of the national programme. "
§ 2. Create art. 40A and 40B:
"Art. 40. (1) the national programme to control the population of stray dogs on the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria is based on the following principles:
1. achieve a healthy environment for the citizens of the Republic of Bulgaria and improve animal welfare;
2. governance and the reduction of the population of stray dogs in an effective way through mass castration.
(2) the national programme to control the population of stray dogs on the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria contains:
1. goals and objectives;
2. assessment of the status and dynamics of the population of stray dogs;
3. measures to curb and control the population of stray dogs through castration;
4. measures to support the establishment of regional shelters for stray dogs;
5. measures for the control of dogs breeders, traders, markets for animals and owners of zoomagazinite dogs kept as companion animals;
6. requirements for guidance, coordination, monitoring and implementation of the programme;
7. requirements for the management and evaluation of the program, reporting and accountability, the public notification;
8. expected results;
9. monitoring of the environment through performance indicators;
10. corrective action upon finding discrepancies in the execution of the program;
11. other measures and activities relating to item 1 – 10.
Art. 40B. The implementation of the activities under the national programme to control the population of stray dogs on the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria shall be financed by means of: 1. the State budget;
2. the municipal budget;
3. donations from individuals and legal entities;
4. international programmes and projects. "
§ 3. Art is created. 40 in:
"Art. 40. the measures to control the population and veterinary medicinal manipulations of stray dogs are carried out in registered veterinary dispensaries, as the animal's stay is provided for repayment not less than 24 hours. "
§ 4. In art. 41, para. 1 the words "para. 2 and 4 "shall be replaced by" para. 4 and 6.
§ 5. Article 69 shall be replaced by the following:
"Art. 69. The Mayor of the municipality that does not arrange for the performance of the program and the plan referred to in art. 40, para. 3, shall be punished with fine in extend from 1000 to 2000 BGN, and for repeated violation the fine was double the size. "
§ 6. Paragraph 4 of the transitional and final provisions shall be repealed.
§ 7. Paragraph 7 of the transitional and final provisions shall be repealed.
§ 8. Paragraph 17 of the transitional and concluding provisions of the law amending the law on the protection of animals (SG. 92 by 2011) is repealed.
Transitional and final provisions
§ 9. Program to control the population of stray dogs, adopted by the City Council until the entry into force of this law shall apply to the adoption of the programme referred to in art. 40, para. 3, to the extent not contrary to the national programme to control the population of stray dogs on the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria.
§ 10. (1) within 6 months from the entry into force of this law the Council of Ministers shall adopt a national programme to control the population of stray dogs on the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria.
(2) no later than 31 December 2016, Minister of agriculture and food issued the Ordinance under art. 40, para. 2.
(3) within 6 months from the adoption of the national programme to control the population of stray dogs on the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria municipal councils adopted programmes and plans under art. 40, para. 3.
The law was passed by the National Assembly-43 on April 20, 2016 and is stamped with the official seal of the National Assembly.
President of the National Assembly Tsetska Tsacheva: