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Closing Act Of The National Office Of The Nipple

Original Language Title: Закон за закриване на Националната служба по зърното

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Name of law Law for closing of the national Office of the grain Bill name Bill for closing the national grain acceptance date 15/05/2015 number/year 2015 Gazette Decree No 57/140

On the grounds of art. 98, paragraph 4 of the Constitution of the Republic of Bulgaria


To be published in the Official Gazette the law for closing the national grain HLIIÌ, adopted by the National Assembly on July 15, 2015.

Issued in Sofia on 23 July 2015.

The President of the Republic: Rosen Plevneliev

Stamped with the State seal.

Minister of Justice: Hristo Ivanov


for the closing of the national Office of the nipple

Article only. Close to the national grain – specialized administrative structure to the Minister of agriculture and food.

Transitional and final provisions

§ 1. The law for the conservation and trade of grain (official SG. 93 of 1998; amend., SG. 101 of 2000, Nos. 9 and 58 from 2003 and 69/105 by 2005, issue 30, 34, 55, 80 and 82 of 2006, no. 53 of 2007, 16, 54, 69 and 100 from 2008, issue 88 by 2010. , PC. 8 by 2011, issue. 38 by 2012, PCs. 15 and 109 from 2013 and St. 12 by 2015.) is hereby repealed.

§ 2. (1) within one month from the entry into force of the Act the Minister of agriculture and Forests shall appoint a liquidation Commission and sets out its functions. The President of the Commission and directs the liquidation represents the National grain service.

(2) the liquidation Commission shall carry out the liquidation of the covered services under para. 1 within six months of appointment. the liquidation costs are at the expense of the means of subsistence in the approved budget of the national Office of the nipple for 2015 and in the budget of the Ministry of agriculture and food.

(3) the central laboratory for grading of grain, grain products and feed to the national Office of the nipple along with the property and your archive is moving towards the Bulgarian Agency for food safety.

(4) the property and archives of the regional laboratories of the national grain service in Pleven, Dobrich, Varna and Burgas pass to the Bulgarian Agency for food safety.

(5) assets, liabilities, the archive, as well as the other rights and obligations of the National Office of the nipple, outside those under para. 3 and 4, moving to the Ministry of agriculture and food.

(6) data from records kept by the National Office of the grain shall be submitted to the Ministry of agriculture and food.

§ 3. (1) the authority of the Executive Director of the national Office of the grain shall be terminated from the date of entry into force of the law.

(2) labour and service with the employees of the central laboratory for grading of grain, grain products and feedingstuffs shall be governed under the conditions and by the procedure of art. 123 of the labour code and article. 87 (a) of the Act on civil servants in accordance with the defined features and number of personnel in the rules of procedure of the Bulgarian Agency for food safety (edu., SG. 15 of 2011; amend., SG. 59 by 2011, issue 1 and 48 from 2012, issue 91 by 2013 and by 29/2015).

(3) the labour and service staff from the National Office of the nipple, outside those under para. 2, are governed under the conditions and by the procedure of art. 328, para. 1, item 1 of the labour code, according to art. 106, para. 1, item 1 of the law on civil servants.

§ 4. (1) the validity of licences issued to public warehouses for grain, of certificates of registration of granaries and of certificates of registration of dealers of grain shall be terminated. Upon request, the documents certifying the Bank provided a bank guarantee, breaking even return of persons who have been licensed as public warehouses for grain.

(2) within one month from the entry into force of the law, the public warehouses for grain transferred the unused forms of stock warrants for deposit of the grain of the Ministry of finance. For certificates issued prior to the entry into force of the law of public warehouses for grain warehouse entries for deposit of grain shall apply chapter thirty-four of the commercial law.

(3) Other documents issued under the revoked law for storage and trade of grain, retain their validity until the expiry of the period for which they are issued.

(4) the guarantee fund, established on the basis of the revoked law for storage and trade of grain, is hereby terminated. The liquidation of the assets of the terminated the guarantee fund shall be carried out by an order determined by the Decree of the Council of Ministers.

(5) Initiated by the enactment of law procedures for authorisation, registration and issuance of documents under the revoked law for storage and trade of grain be withdrawn and fees paid and the documents presented in the suspended proceedings shall be returned to persons who have paid them or submitted.

(6) the customer's open until the entry into force of the law, administrative penal proceedings under the revoked law for storage and trade of grain shall be terminated except for proceedings for failure to fulfil an obligation under art. 28 and 30 of the same law, which interrupted the County directorates for agriculture ".

§ 5. In the Bulgarian Agency for food safety (edu., SG. 8 by 2011; amend., SG. 38 and 102 from 2012 15/2013 and 61 from 2014) make the following additions:

1. In art. 3, al. 1 item 8 is created:

"8. the quality of the grain."

2. In art. 8, al. 1 item 5 is created:

"5. The central laboratory for grading of grain and feed (CLOZF) – Sofia."

§ 6. In the application of the common organisation of the markets in agricultural products in the European Union (edu., SG. 96 2006; amend. 16/2008, 10/82 and by 2009 and 26/80 by 2010, issue 8 of 2011 No. 99 by 2013 and 12 and 14 by 2015) the following amendments and supplements shall be made 1. In chapter v section vi is created with art. 58 h-58 to:

' Title Vi


Art. 58. (1) within 7 days of the commissioning or acquisition of ownership or use of the object for grain storage its owner or keeper shall submit to the relevant regional Directorate for agriculture at the location of the object declaration in a form for the location and capacity of the object.

(2) within 15 days of the submission of a declaration under paragraph 1. 1 the district Directorate of agriculture performs verification of the Declaration. After checking the district Directorate of agriculture shall issue a certificate to the person who runs the site for grain storage, and entered into a database for storage objects on the territory of the region.

(3) public warehouses for grain, z″rnohraniliŝata and other sites for grain storage, licensed, registered, respectively, under the revoked law for storage and trade of grain shall be entered ex officio in the databases for user establishments grain storage under para. 2 on the basis of data from registers under art. 13, para. 1 and art. 28 (a) of the revoked law for storage and trade of grain.

(4) on the basis of the declarations referred to in para. 1 and the data referred to in para. 3 regional directorates for agriculture and keep stored databases for:

1. the location and capacity of objects for storage of grain;

2. persons who managed objects for grain storage.

(5) on the basis of the databases referred to in paragraph 1. 4 in the Ministry of agriculture and food is kept and stored database objects for storing grain in the country and for persons who take care of them.

Art. 58 o (1) natural and legal persons who managed objects for grain storage, be submitted by the end of each month in the district Directorate of Agriculture "declarations in model of the places of storage and the quantity of grain in them. The declarations may be submitted by electronic means and in the terms and conditions of the electronic document and electronic signature law.

(2) farmers lodged at the end of each quarter in the district Directorate of agriculture declaration form for the quantity of grain produced and available. During the period from July to September, the declarations of the wheat are filed each month.

(3) farmers submitted annually to 30 September in the district Directorate of agriculture declaration form for the quantities of paddy rice and rice stocks by species that are in stock on 31 August.

(4) the Rice Mills shall submit annually to 30 September in the district Directorate of agriculture declaration form for stocks of rice species that are in stock on 31 August.

Art. 58 p (1) "Agriculture" Regional Directorates carry out checks for submission and accuracy of data entered in the declarations under art. 58 o.

(2) to carry out checks on the places of storage and the quantity of grain in them, as well as the grain, and the Director of the Regional Directorate for Agriculture "empowers employees with an order by the administration. In the performance of their duties, the authorised persons are entitled:

1. free access to the premises of the controlled object and to the areas of producing grain;

2. to require the persons information and documents necessary for the carrying out of the inspections;

3. to draw up regulations on the establishment of administrative violations.

(3) persons who keep and produce grain, shall ensure that the authorised employees of the regional departments agriculture information and all documents necessary for carrying out the inspections, and to provide them with access to the storerooms for grain storage, as well as to the areas to which the grain is produced.

Art. 58 p. Ministry of agriculture and food annually conducts representative grading of production crop of wheat, barley, sunflower, corn and rice.

Art. 58. (1) the Minister of agriculture and food determined by Ordinance procedures for:

1. submission of the declarations under art. 58 h, para. 1 and art. 58 o;

2. record-keeping and storage of databases under art. 58 h, para. 3 and 4;

3. control under art. 58 h, para. 2 and art. 58 p, as well as to issue certificates under art. 58 h, para. (2);

4. the conduct of representative qualification under art. 58 p;

5. aggregation, transmission and storage of data acquired in carrying out activities under item 1 – 4.

(2) the Ministry of agriculture and Forests shall publish on its website the latest information on the location and capacity of the sites for storage of grain, as well as a summary of the country regarding: 1. the quantity of grain produced;

2. the quantity of stored grain;

3. quality of production crop of wheat, barley, sunflower, corn, paddy rice, canola and soybeans. "

2. an art. 63A:

"Art. 63. (1) Who fails to comply with an obligation under art. 58, 58 (o) or art. 58 p, al. 3 or declare false information is punishable by a fine of 500 to 5000 EUR

(2) when the offence under para. 1 is committed by a legal person or sole proprietor, a penalty payment of 1000 up to 15, 000.

(3) in the event of a repeated breach the fine or pecuniary penalty having double the amount. "

3. In art. 74:

a) a new para. 2:

"(2) the acts establishing the offences under art. 63A shall be drawn up by the respective authorised by the Director of the regional Agriculture Department employees, and the penal provisions shall be issued by the Director of the Regional Directorate for agriculture. ";

(b)) the previous para. 2, 3 and 4 shall become respectively al. 3, 4 and 5.

4. § 1 of the supplementary provision shall create item 29 – 31:

"29." Grain "is a common wheat, durum wheat, maize, barley, rye, oats, Triticale, sunflower, rapeseed, soybean and paddy rice.

30. "Objects for grain storage are storehouses of z″rnoprerabotvatelnite enterprises, public warehouses for grain and z″rnohraniliŝata, licensed, registered, respectively, under the revoked law for storage and trade of grain, as well as other entities for grain storage with capacity of more than 200 tonnes.

31. "Re" is the infringement committed within one year of the entry into force of the decree by which the offender was punished for the same offence. "

§ 7. In the law on State reserves and wartime stocks (promulgated, SG. 9 of 2003; Corr. 37/2003; amend., SG. 19, 69 and 105 by 2005; 30/102 and 2006, 54/2008, no. 35/2009 16/2010 and 15/2013) in art. 10, para. 4, the words "the national grain and feed ' is replaced by ' Department of agriculture and food".

§ 8. In the law on limitation of administrative regulation and administrative control over the business (edu., SG. 55 by 2003, Corr; No. 59 of 2003; amend., 107/2003/39 and 52 of 2004 No. 31 and 87 by 2005, issue 24, 38 and 59 from 2006, no. 11 and 41 since 2007. , PC. 16 of 2008, PCs. 23, 36, 44 and 87 from 2009, PCs. 25, 59, 73 and 77 by 2010, PC. 39 and 92 from 2011, issue. 26, 53 and 82 by 2012 PCs. 109 by 2013 and St. 47 by 2015.) in the annex to article 2. 9, para. 1, paragraph 2 point 23 is repealed.

§ 9. Within three months of the entry into force of the law:

1. The Council of Ministers shall adapt the rules of procedure of the Ministry of agriculture and food and the rules of procedure of the agency without the danger of food in accordance with the law on Bulgarian food safety agency and the law for the application of the common organisation of the markets in agricultural products in the European Union, such as changing the functions and number of staff.

2. Minister of agriculture and food, sets the rules of procedure of the regional directorates for agriculture "in accordance with the law for the application of the common organisation of the markets in agricultural products in the European Union, such as changing their functions and number of personnel.

§ 10. (1) within one month from the entry into force of the law the Council of Ministers issued a decree under § 4 para. 4.

(2) within three months of the entry into force of the Act the Minister of agriculture and forests issued the Ordinance under art. 58 of the law on the application of the common organisation of the markets in agricultural products in the European Union.

The law was passed by the National Assembly-43 on 15 July 2015 and is stamped with the official seal of the National Assembly.

President of the National Assembly Tsetska Tsacheva: