Name of law Law amending and supplementing the law on vocational education and training Bill name WALL of the law on vocational education and training date adopted 11/07/2014 number/year Official Gazette 61/2014 Decree No 180
On the grounds of art. 98, paragraph 4 of the Constitution of the Republic of Bulgaria
To be published in the Official Gazette the law amending and supplementing the law on vocational education and training, adopted by the National Assembly of the HLIÌ 11 July 2014.
Issued in Sofia on 23 July 2014.
The President of the Republic: Rosen Plevneliev
Stamped with the State seal.
Minister of Justice: Zinaida Zlatanova
amending and supplementing the law on vocational education and training (official SG. 68 of 1999; amend., issue 1 and 108 of 2000, 111/2001, 103/120 and by 2002, no. 29 of 2003, no. 28, 77 and 94 since 2005, no. 30 and 62 of 2006; Corr. 63/06; amend. , PC. 13 and 26 of 2008, PCs. 36 and 74 from 2009, PCs. 50 and 97 from 2010 and PC. 66, 68 and 70 in 2013)
§ 1. In art. 1, al. 1 item 4 is created:
"4. the validation of professional knowledge, skills and competence."
§ 2. In art. 3 make the following amendments and additions:
1. The current text becomes paragraph 1.
2. a para. 2:
"(2) the tasks under paragraph 1. 1 shall be carried out in compliance with the requirements for quality assurance of vocational education and training. "
§ 3. Article 4 is amended as follows:
"Art. 4. the system of vocational education and training include:
1. vocational guidance, vocational training and vocational education;
2. validation of professional knowledge, skills and competence. "
§ 4. In art. 5 create al. 4 and 5:
"(4) vocational training can be carried out and on the path of learning through work (dual training). Learning through work (dual training) is a form of partnership between the vocational school, vocational school, vocational college or vocational training centre and one or more employers, which includes:
1. practical training in a real work environment, and
2. training in the vocational school, vocational school, vocational college or vocational training centre.
(5) the validation of professional knowledge, skills and competence is recognition of acquired knowledge, skills and competence in the profession or a part thereof, obtained through informal training or informal learning, in order to access training for the acquisition of professional qualifications and facilitating access to the labour market. "
§ 5. In art. 6, al. 1 the words "vocational education" shall be replaced by the words "vocational education and validation of professional knowledge, skills and competences '.
§ 6. Art is created. 6a: "protected professions
Art. 6. (1) certain professions from the list of professions for professional education and training in the field of art. 6 may be established as protected by the professions of district level.
(2) the list of protected by the professions, as well as the criteria for their determination shall be adopted by decision of the Council of Ministers.
(3) the list under para. 2 is updated annually by the end of October of the year concerned. "
§ 7. In art. 8 make the following amendments and additions:
1. In paragraph 8. 1 the words "the level of education and" are deleted.
2. in the Al. 3:
a) in paragraph 1 the word "competence" is replaced by "knowledge, skills and competences";
b) in paragraph 2 the word "competence" is replaced by "knowledge, skills and competences";
c) in paragraph 3 the word "competence" is replaced by "knowledge, skills and competences";
d) in paragraph 4 the word "competence" is replaced by "knowledge, skills and competences '.
3. a para. 6:
"(6) the degree of professional qualification for any profession from the list of professions for professional education and training in the field of art. 6 shall be determined in accordance with the national qualifications framework adopted by decision of the Council of Ministers. "
§ 8. In art. 9 the following amendments and supplements shall be made:
1. In paragraph 8. 2, after the words "high schools" is added "University and general hospitals.
2. Paragraph 3 shall be amended as follows:
"(3) the professional knowledge, skills and competencies can be acquired through non-formal learning and informal learning."
§ 9. Art is created. 9A: "Quality of vocational education and training
Art. 9A. (1) the quality is a set of characteristics of vocational education and training, which are in line with the expectations and the needs of the individual and of society.
(2) the institutions referred to in art. 9 ensure quality of vocational education and training through the construction of an internal quality assurance system in compliance with the State educational requirements for the acquisition of qualifications in occupations and of the legislation in force.
(3) the rules for the implementation of internal quality assurance system under para. 2 shall be laid down in the rules of procedure of the learning institution.
(4) training institutions develop their internal quality assurance system under para. 2 subject to the conditions and procedures laid down in the Decree of the Minister of education and science, consistent with the Minister of labour and social policy, the Minister of economy and energy, Minister of culture, Minister of youth and sports and the Minister of agriculture and food.
(5) with the Ordinance referred to in para. 4 lay down the principles for quality assurance, requirements to the institutions of art. 9 for the improvement of the quality management processes, indicators, conditions and procedure for measuring achieved quality. "
§ 10. In art. 10, para. 3, item 6, the word "continuous" is replaced by "continuing", and finally "be added after qualification respectively part of the profession, first or second degree professional qualification.
§ 11. In art. 11 item 4 shall be replaced by the following: "4. the programs (e):
a) lasting up to 1 year – for students having completed primary education or with finished grade of secondary education;
(b)) for students with special educational needs with finished grade of the secondary stage of primary education, the duration is determined by the particular documentation. "
§ 12. In art. 12 paragraph 1 shall be replaced by the following: ' 1. (a) programs:
a) lasting up to 1 year for persons with completed at least an initial stage of primary education or the successful completion of a course for literacy, organized by schools in the public education system in accordance with the law on promotion of employment or under the conditions and by the order of programmes and projects financed with funds from the European structural funds;
(b)) for persons with special educational needs with complete class VIII at the individual education program, with a duration determined by the specific documentation; ".
§ 13. Article 13 shall be amended as follows:
"Documentation for vocational education and training
Art. 13. (1) the programmes under art. 10, para. 3, items 1, 2, 3 and 4 shall specify for each profession from the list under art. 6, al. 1 with the State educational requirements for the acquisition of qualifications by occupation.
(2) the programmes under art. 10, para. 3, item 5 and 6 specify the documentation on vocational training – lesson plans and curricula, which are developed on the basis of State educational requirements for the acquisition of qualifications by occupation.
(3) records for the Al. 2 is being developed by the learning institution or by the applicant of vocational training. When acquiring a degree of professional qualification documentation is developed in accordance with the State educational requirements for the acquisition of qualifications by occupation.
(4) State educational requirements for the acquisition of qualifications for occupations defined:
1. requirements for applicants;
2. Description of the profession;
3. units of learning outcomes;
4. requirements for base material;
5. requirements for trainees.
(5) on the basis of the State educational requirements for the acquisition of qualifications in occupations develop lesson plans and curricula.
(6) Documentation in the Al. 5 can be developed as a modular curriculum and modular training programmes.
(7) vocational training for students and for persons over 16 years with special educational needs may be made on individual programs of study.
(8) the curricula for the training of students in the programs a, b, c and e and for training programmes (d) shall be authorised by the Minister of education and science, the school of arts – by the Minister of culture and sports – for schools by the Minister of youth and sports.
(9) the curricula for the training of persons over 16 years in the programs (a), (b), (e), developed by the institution or organization providing vocational training by the applicant and approved by the Director of the institution. "
§ 14. In chapter two, section III creates art. 17A:
"Organization of the learning through work (dual training)
Art. 17. (1) the learning through work (dual training) is a specific form of vocational training for the acquisition of professional qualifications, which is organized on the basis of partnership, including on the basis of a contract between the institutions of art. 5, al. 4 and one or more employers.
(2) learning through work (dual training) is organized and carried out in accordance with this Act, the labour code and the Ordinance referred to in para. 5.
(3) training in the Al. 1 shall be carried out on the basis of admissions, declared by the employer to the Director of the institution, which carries out the training.
(4) in professional high schools and vocational schools form Al training. 1 organize the XI and XII class for students who have reached the age of 16 years.
(5) the conditions and procedure for conducting training through work (dual training) under para. 1 shall be determined by an Ordinance issued by the Minister of education and science, in consultation with the Minister of labour and social policy. "
§ 15. In art. 26 the following amendments and supplements shall be made:
1. the title shall be replaced by the following: "the organisation of the vocational training of persons over the age of 16 years, in State and municipal schools."
2. a new paragraph. 2:
"(2) in the cases referred to in para. 1 State and municipal schools self-identify accept. "
3. The current paragraph. 2 it al. 3.
§ 16. In art. 27, al. 7 the words "Compulsory professional training, mandatory foreign language training in the profession and eligible preparation" shall be replaced by ' Compulsory professional training and the compulsory foreign language training in the profession.
§ 17. In art. 28 is made the following changes and additions:
1. Paragraph 5 shall be amended as follows:
"(5) the compulsory professional training shall be determined according to State educational requirements for the acquisition of qualifications by occupation."
2. a para. 6:
(6) the compulsory professional training and vocational training eligible shall be acquired through training in academic subjects or modules. "
§ 18. In art. 29 Finally, add "or as a learning through work of art. 5, al. 4, item 1.
§ 19. In art. 32 in the following endorsements are added:
1. In the title, after the words "deviant behavior" is added "socio-pedagogical boarding schools and in educational schools boarding schools".
2. In the text after the words "deviant behavior" is added "socio-pedagogical boarding schools and in educational schools boarding schools".
§ 20. In chapter IV, section V is created with art. 32 is:
' Section V
Credits in vocational education and vocational training
Accumulation and transfer of credits in vocational education and vocational training
Art. 32. (1) the professional qualification in profession is acquired, where, after evaluation or validation, it is established that they have achieved all learning outcomes units included in the general education requirement for the acquisition of qualifications in the profession.
(2) can be evaluated or validated individual units of learning outcomes, defined in the general education requirement for the acquisition of qualifications in the profession for which you are awarded credits.
(3) the credit is a measure of achieved learning outcomes of the unit general education requirement for the acquisition of qualifications in the profession.
(4) the credits are awarded by the institutions of art. 9, para. 1 and authenticate a document in a form approved by the Minister of education and science.
(5) Credits can be accumulated with a view to the acquisition of professional qualifications in profession and/or transferred to acquire professional qualification in another profession from the same professional direction.
(6) the appropriations awarded to units of learning outcomes in general vocational training, can be transferred and accumulated for the acquisition of professional qualifications in all occupations from the list of occupations under art. 6, al. 1. (7) the terms and conditions of the award, accumulation and transfer of credits shall be determined by an Ordinance of the Minister of education and science. "
§ 21. In art. 35 following amendments and supplements shall be made:
1. In paragraph 8. 1:
(a) the words "and of) representatives of the relevant institutions of higher art schools" shall be replaced by "and representatives of relevant institutions of higher art schools", the words "and of representatives of the National Sports Academy" are replaced by "and representatives from the National Sports Academy";
(b)) the second sentence shall be: "learning through work (dual training) in the composition of committees and a representative of the employers under art. 5, al. 4. "
2. in the Al. 5, after the words "as well as a higher art schools" insert "the National Sports Academy and licensed sports organizations".
§ 22. In art. creates a new 38 para. 6:
"(6) acquired the certificate of professional qualification or certificate of vocational training on your own can get European annex."
§ 23. In art. 39 following amendments and supplements shall be made:
1. The current text becomes paragraph 1 and in the second sentence the words "art. 9, para. 1, 2 and 3 ' shall be replaced by "art. 9, para. 1, item 3.
2. a para. 2:
"(2) the right to issue documents for professional qualification under art. 38, para. 2, item 2, and para. 3 have the vocational training centres and created bodies, organisations and other legal entities referred to in art. 9, para. 2. "
§ 24. Article 40 shall be replaced by the following:
"Validation of professional knowledge, skills and competences
Art. 40. (1) the validation of professional knowledge, skills and competences is the establishment and recognition of professional knowledge, skills and competences acquired through non-formal training or informal learning, and their compliance with State educational requirements for the acquisition of qualifications by occupation.
(2) the right to carry out validation of professional knowledge, skills and competence are the institutions of art. 9, para. 1, item 1 and 2.
(3) the right to validation of their professional knowledge, skills and competence are persons who possess educational level:
1. for the first, second and third grade – level of education required under art. 8, al. 5 for the appropriate degree of professional qualification;
2. for the fourth degree – completed secondary education;
3. for qualification in the part of the profession – the required education level under art. 8, al. 4 for the relevant professional qualifications.
(4) the establishment of acquired professional knowledge, skills and competences is done by:
1. Preliminary mapping of the stated face professional knowledge, skills and competences with the results of the study, included in the State educational requirements for the acquisition of qualifications by profession;
2. sitting exams in the theory of the profession and the practice of the profession.
(5) After the preliminary mapping under para. 4, paragraph 1 the person may be directed to additional training or to be allowed to take the test under para. 4, item 2.
(6) for the recognition of the degree of professional qualification exams in the Al. 4, item 2 are public and are organized in accordance with art. 36, and for the recognition of professional qualifications on the part of the profession Al examinations. 4, item 2 shall be organised in accordance with art. 37, para. 2. (7) The persons successfully passed the exams under para. 4, item 2, shall be issued the following documents:
1. a certificate for the validation of professional qualifications – when all units have been established learning outcomes included in the general education requirement for the acquisition of qualifications by profession;
2. certificate for the validation of professional qualifications on the part of the profession – when established piece of units of learning outcomes that are included in the general education requirement for the acquisition of qualifications by profession.
(8) persons received the certificate referred to in paragraph 1. 7, item 1, enjoy the rights of persons who have received a certificate of qualification under art. 38, para. 2, item 2, and persons received the certificate referred to in para. 7, item 2, enjoy the rights of persons who received vocational training certificate in art. 38, para. 3.
(9) the content of the documents referred to in para. 7 is determined with the State educational requirements for the documents for the public education system.
(10) the conditions and procedures for the validation of professional knowledge, skills and competences shall be determined by an Ordinance of the Minister of education and science.
(11) for the cost of the establishment, documentation, evaluation and recognition of the experience of individuals, as well as for the conduct of examinations for acquiring of professional qualification, made by the institutions under art. 9, para. 1, paragraphs 1 and 2 shall be paid in an amount to be determined by those institutions, such as the amounts may not exceed the actual amount of expenditure.
(12) the amounts referred to in paragraph 1. 11 are not compiled when the activities are funded with resources from programmes and projects financed with funds from the EU structural funds. "
§ 25. In art. 42 following amendments and supplements shall be made:
1. point 2 (a) shall be replaced by the following:
' 2A. control of the operation and evaluation of the quality of training in licensed institutions in the system of vocational training; '.
2. a new item 11:
11. establish and maintain a register of the documents referred to in art. 38 and article. 40, issued by the Centers for vocational training; '.
3. an item 14:
"14. the methodological supports vocational training centres which carry out the validation of professional knowledge, skills and competencies in the system of vocational education and training."
§ 26. In art. 47 make the following amendments and supplements: 1. point 5 shall be replaced by the following:
5. draw up specific requirements under art. 49 a, para. 2 for issue of licence and approved forms and model documents for licensing; ".
2. In paragraph 7, add "as well as proposals for its amendment.
§ 27. In art. 49 (b) is hereby amended as follows:
1. In paragraph 8. 2 section 2 is amended as follows:
"2. a certificate issued by the appropriate court under registration, confirming the current status of the applicant – for the legal persons who are not traders;".
2. paragraph 10 shall be replaced by the following: (10) the conditions and procedures for the issuance of the licence under paragraph 1. 1, and the requirements under art. 49 a, para. 2 specify in the rules of procedure of the National Agency for vocational education and training. "
§ 28. In art. 49 c, para. 1 creating the second sentence: "control is an ongoing and recurring and performed under the conditions and in accordance with procedures laid down in this law and in the rules of procedure of the National Agency for vocational education and training."
§ 29. In art. 50 following amendments and supplements shall be made:
1. In paragraph 8. 1 Add "which is published on the website.
2. paragraph 2 is replaced by the following:
"(2) the National Agency for vocational education and training on its website:
1. maintain an information system that processes and collates the information under art. 22, para. (8);
2. publish the requirements, procedures, forms and models of documents necessary for licensing, as well as procedures for the implementation of the follow-up of the vocational training centres and centres for information and vocational guidance;
3. publish the list of professions for professional education and training, as well as a list of protected by the professions;
4. publish State educational requirements for the acquisition of qualifications by occupation. "
§ 30. In art. 51, para. 1 make the following amendments and additions:
1. point 10 shall be replaced by the following:
"10. analyze the quality in the system of vocational education and training".
2. an item 13:
13. proposed for adoption by the Council of Ministers a list of protected by the professions; ".
§ 31. In art. create t 52.8, 9 and 10:
8. participate in the development and updating of the list of protected State jobs and draw up proposals for the inclusion of professions;
9. ensure the conditions for informing and motivating employers and citizens for the validation of professional knowledge, skills and competences;
10. analyze the quality of vocational training in the system. "
§ 32. In art. 53 following amendments and supplements shall be made:
1. point 1 shall be amended as follows:
1. participate in coordination and updating of the list of professions for professional education and training and draw up proposals for the inclusion of occupations on the list of protected by the professions, as well as for its updating; ".
2. an item 6:
"6. participates with its representatives in carrying out the monitoring referred to in art. 49 in the activities of vocational training centres, providing training in the field of education "health" from the list of occupations under art. 6, al. 1. "
§ 33. In art. 54 following amendments and supplements shall be made:
1. point 2 shall be replaced by the following:
2. draw up proposals for the inclusion of new professions and specialties in the list of professions for professional education and training and participate in its development, harmonization and updating; ".
2. paragraph 2 shall be inserted: ' 2A. draw up proposals for the inclusion of occupations on the list of protected by the professions; ".
§ 34. In art. 55 in the text before paragraph 1, after the word "formation" is added "and implementation".
§ 35. In art. 56 following amendments and supplements shall be made:
1. The current text becomes paragraph 1 and set t. 6, 7 and 8:?
6. draw up proposals for the inclusion of occupations on the list of protected by the professions;
7. provide the conditions for the implementation of the partnership between employers and institutions that carry out learning through work (dual training);
8. participate in the development of a regulation on quality assurance in vocational education and training. "?
2. a para. 2:
"(2) in addition to the functions under paragraph 1. 1. sectoral and sectoral employers ' organisations:
1. participate in the development and updating of curricula and curricula for vocational education and training;
2. participate in the development of national examination programs;
3. participate in the provision of training and production practice of students and offer changes in their organisation;
4. provide the conditions for conducting training under art. 5, al. 4, item 1 in enterprises;
5. participate in the training of teachers and trainers;
6. inform members of their organizations on the possibilities and procedures for the validation of professional knowledge, skills and competences;
7. the offer of the representative employers ' organisations at national level representatives to the expert committees of the National Agency for vocational education and training;
8. participate in the evaluation of the quality of vocational education and training. "
§ 36. In art. 57 creating item 4, 5 and 6:
4. contribute to improving the quality of practical training;
5. inform members of their organizations about the possibilities for the validation of professional knowledge, skills and competences and contribute to its implementation;
6. participate in the development of the Ordinance under art. 9 a, para. 4 quality assurance in vocational education and training. "
§ 37. In art. 58 create item 4, 5 and 6:
4. contribute to improving the quality of practical training;
5. inform the members of the organizations of the possibilities and procedures for the validation of professional knowledge, skills and competences;
6. participate in the evaluation of the quality of vocational education and training. "
§ 38. In art. 59 Al are created. 8, 9 and 10:
"(8) For the protected by the professions providing additional funds under the conditions and in accordance with procedures laid down by the Act of the Council of Ministers under art. 6 (a), para. 2.
(9) the training referred to in art. 5, al. 4 shall be financed as follows:
1. the practical training referred to in art. 5, al. 4, item 1 – by means of the employer;
2. the training referred to in art. 5, al. 4, item 2 – with funds from the State budget for State and municipal institutions.
(10) training under para. 9 and may be financed with funds from the EU structural funds. "
§ 39. In art. 61 the words "under art. 40, para. 1 "shall be replaced by the words" of persons trained by the order of art. 9, para. 2 and 3 ".
§ 40. In the additional provisions to create a new § 1 (a):
"§ 1 (a). For the purposes of this law:
1. the "professional knowledge" are a set of theories and practices related to a field of work that are utilized in the process of teaching or learning.
2. the "professional skills" are the abilities to apply the acquired knowledge to complete tasks and solve problems.
3. "professional competence" has demonstrated the ability to use professional knowledge, professional skills and personal qualities necessary for the exercise of the profession, according to the national qualifications framework.
4. "learning outcomes" means the professional competences acquired by an individual after the completion of the process of formal or informal training or self study, which he is able to demonstrate.
5. "unit of learning outcomes" is part of a qualification, consisting of a set of interdependent learning outcomes that can be self assessed or validated.
6. "module" is a distinct educational content to achieve one or more units of learning outcomes, defined in State educational requirements for the acquisition of qualifications in occupations and related to the performance of a specific professional activity.
7. "informal learning" is a training which is organised by institutions outside the system of vocational education and training.
8. "self learning" is neinstitucionalizirano and nesistematizirano accumulation of knowledge, skills and competences.
9. "formal training" is an organized form of learning to acquire the knowledge, skills and competences, as the results of this training shall be issued a State recognized document.
10. "Secure" profession is a profession which is of importance for the economic development of the area concerned and for which there is a proven need for qualified people in the labour market. "
Additional provision
§ 41. Persons who have completed class of boarding school, or students with special educational needs who have completed grade of secondary education at the individual education program, you can study:
1. (e) programmes with a duration of up to 1 year for students with completed middle school stage or grade of secondary education;
2. the programme and the duration defined in the relevant documentation – for persons with completed class of boarding school, or for persons with special educational needs with the finished grade at the individual education program.
Final provisions
§ 42. The Minister of education and science, within 6 months from the entry into force of this law shall issue regulations under art. 9 a, para. 4, art. 17A, al. 5, art. 32, para. 7 and art. 40, para. 10.
§ 43. Within 6 months of the entry into force of this law the Council of Ministers sets in accordance with the requirements of this law, the rules of procedure of the National Agency for vocational education and training.
§ 44. In the law of the State of education requirements and curriculum (official SG. 67 of 1999; amend., SG. 90 and 95 of 2002, no. 29 of 2003 No. 40 of 2004, 105 and 41/2006, no. 50 of 2008 and 36/74 of 2009 and no. 68 in 2013) the following amendments and supplements shall be made :
1. In art. 16:
a) a new para. 4:
"(4) Exceptions under para. 2 and al. 3 allowed in XI and XII class for training in the form of training in art. 31, para. 1, item 9 of the Education Act, as in this case, the compulsory school hours may not exceed 40 hours a week for school. ";
(b)) the current al. 4 it al. 5.
2. In art. 17:
(a) in item 1) add "and for vocational training, the subjects or modules";
(b) in item 2) add "and for vocational training – the allocation of subjects or modules as classes";
in item 3) add "and for vocational training, when the training takes place in modules – the annual number of hours of taught modules.
3. In art. 18, al. 2 in the first sentence add "with the exception of the school curriculum for training in the form of art. 31, para. 1, item 9, which determines the allocation of teaching hours in them for Class XI and XII.
§ 45. The Education Act (official SG. 86 of 1991; amend. 90/1996, no. 36, 124, and 153 of 1998 No. 67 and 68 (1999), no. 90 and 95 of 2002, no. 29, 71, 86, and 114 from 2003, no. 40 of 2004, no. 28, 94, 103 and 105 by 2005. , PC. 41 and 105, 2006, issue. 113 of 2007, PC. 50 by 2008, PCs. 35, 36 and 74 from 2009, PCs. 50 and 78 from 2010, PC. 9, 23 and 99 from 2011, issue. 102 by 2012 and St. 68, 84 and 109 by 2013) make the following additions:
1. In art. 31:
(a)) in the Al. 1 item 9 shall be established:
"9. the learning through work (dual training).";
(b)) is hereby set up al. 3:
"(3) the form of training in the Al. 1, item 9 shall be organised under the conditions and in accordance with procedures laid down in the general education requirement under art. 16, al. 1, item 6, for students over the age of 16 years to be trained to acquire the qualification. "
2. In the additional provisions § 3A is created:.
"§ 3A. (1) persons over the age of 16 years who have acquired a document for the successful completion of a course for literacy, organized by the Ministry of education and science in the school of the public education system, financed with funds from the EU structural funds, can be saved in V class and continue their studies at the secondary stage of school education under the conditions and in accordance with this law.
(2) persons over the age of 16 years who have acquired a document for the successful completion of a course for learning the educational content on the subjects provided for V, VI or VII grade, organized by the Ministry of education and science in the school of the public education system, financed with funds from the EU structural funds, can be recorded accordingly in the vi, VII or VIII class and continue their studies at the secondary stage of school education under the conditions and in accordance with this law.
(3) persons who have acquired the document for the successful completion of a course of education or training course for learning the educational content in objects from the classes of the secondary stage, organized by the Ministry of education and science in the school of the public education system, financed with funds from the EU structural funds, before the academic year 2014-2015, enjoy the rights under paragraph 1. 1 and 2. "
§ 46. In the labour code (promulgated, SG. 26 and 27 of 1986; amend., no. 6 of 1988, no. 21, 30 and 94 of 1990, Nos. 27, 32 and 104 of 1991, no. 23, 26, 88 and 100 from 1992; decision No 12 of the Constitutional Court from 1995-69/1995; amend., SG. 87 of 1995. , PC. 2, 12 and 28 of 1996, PCs. 124 of 1997, PCs. 22 of 1998; Decision of the Constitutional Court No. 11 of 1998 – PCs. 52 of 1998; amend., SG. 56, 83, 108 and 133 of 1998, PCs. 51, 67 and 110 since 1999, issue. 25, 2001 issue. 1, 105 and 120 in 2002, PCs. 18, 86 and 95 of 2003 PCs. 52. Since 2004, PCs. 19, 27, 46, 76, 83 and 105 by 2005, issue. 24, 30, 48, 57, 68, 75, 102 and 105, 2006, issue. 40, 46, 59, 64 and 104 from 2007, PCs. 43, 94, 108 and 109 of the 2008 issue. 35, 41 and 103 of 2009, PCs. 15, 46, 58 and 77 by 2010; Decision of the Constitutional Court No. 12 of 2010 – PCs. 91 by 2010; amend., SG. 100 and 101 of 2010, PC. 18, 33, 61 and 82 by 2011, issue. 7, 15, 20 and 38 by 2012; Decision of the Constitutional Court No 7 by 2012 – PCs. 49 by 2012; amend., SG. 77 and 82 by 2012 PCs. 15 and 104 from 2013 and St. 1 and 27 of 2014) make the following changes and additions:
1. In art. 230 al. 2 shall be amended as follows:
"(2) the contract shall specify the forms, the place and duration of the training, the compensation due in the event the parties, as well as other issues related to the implementation of the training. The duration of training may not be more than six months, except in the case of learning through work (dual training), organized under the conditions and pursuant to the law on vocational education and training. "
2. In art. 231, para. 2 creates a second sentence: "in training for acquiring of professional qualification results of training shall be certified under the conditions and pursuant to the law on vocational education and training."
3. In art. 232:
a) paragraph 1 shall be amended as follows:
(1) upon successful completion of training, according to the Treaty under art. 230, para. 1, with the exception of cases of learning through work (dual training), organized under the conditions and pursuant to the law on vocational education and training, the employer is obliged to accept the learner to work according to the acquired professional qualification, and the learner – to do the job and to work within the agreed time frame. ";
(b)) is hereby set up al. 4:
"(4) the provisions of paragraphs 1 and 2. 2 and al. 3 shall not apply to contracts under art. 230, para. 1, concluded for learning through work (dual training), organized under the conditions and pursuant to the law on vocational education and training. When the fault of their duties, insofar as not otherwise agreed, the defaulter shall be responsible according to the legislation in force. "
§ 47. In the employment promotion Act (promulgated, SG. 112 of 2001; amend., 54/120 and by 2002, no. 26, 86 of 114 and 2003/52 and 81 of 2004 No. 27 and 38 by 2005, issue 18, 30, 48 and 33, 2006, 46/2007, no. 26, 89 and 109 from 2008. , PC. 10, 32, 41 and 74 from 2009, PCs. 49, 59, 85 and 100 by 2010, PC. 9 and 43 from 2011, issue. 7 by 2012 PCs. 15, 68 and 70 from 2013 and St. 54 by 2014) in art. 16.16 t is created:
"16. the control of the quality of vocational training, organized under this law."
The law was adopted by the 42nd National Assembly on 11 July 2014 and is stamped with the official seal of the National Assembly.
President of the National Assembly: Mihail Mikov