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Law Amending The Merchant Shipping Code

Original Language Title: Закон за изменение и допълнение на Кодекса на търговското корабоплаване

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Law amending the Merchant Shipping Code

Name Bill
Bill amending the Merchant Shipping Code

Date of adoption

Number / year Official Gazette

DECREE № 223
Pursuant to Art. 98 pt. 4 of the Constitution of the Republic of Bulgaria
To be published in the "Official Gazette" Act amending the Merchant Shipping Code adopted by HLI National Assembly on November 9, 2011 || | Released in Sofia on November 17, 2011
President of the Republic, Georgi Parvanov
stamped with the state seal.
Minister of Justice Margarita Popova

Law for amending the Merchant Shipping Code (prom. SG. 55 and 56 of 1970 .; corr. SG. 58 of 1970 ., amend., SG. 55 of 1975, No. 10 of 1987, pcs. 30 1990 pcs. 85 1998 SG. 12 of 2000, No. 41 of 2001 SG. 113 of 2002, pcs. 55 2004 pcs. 42, 77, 87, 94 and 104 of 2005, pcs. 30, 62 and 108 of 2006, pcs. 36 , 71 and 98 in 2008, pcs. 12 and 32 of 2009 and SG. 85 of 2010)
§ 1. In art. 6a be amended as follows:
1. In para. 1 the word "licensed" is deleted.
2. Paragraphs 3 and 4 are amended as follows:
"(3) transportation of goods by inland waterways is required carriers to hold a certificate of competence.
(4) The certificate of professional competence shall be issued once the carriers certify that they meet the requirements of para. 1. "
third. In para. 5 the word "license" is replaced by "certificate of professional competence of the carrier."
§ 2. In art. 7, the par. 3:
"(3) The Minister of Transport, Information Technologies and Communications coordinates the conduct of an audit by the International Maritime Organization to the requirements of international treaties in the field of merchant shipping country in which the Republic of Bulgaria. Minister of Transport and Communications published the results of the audit of the website of the Ministry of Transport, Information Technology and Communications. "
§ 3. In art. 32 new paragraph. 3:
"(3) The Bulgarian ship lift-tional national flag of the Republic of Bulgaria."
§ 4. Article 36 is amended as follows:
"temporary certificate for sailing
Art. 36. (1) A ship acquired abroad, and a vessel under construction in Bulgaria, the Executive Director of Executive Agency "Maritime Administration" or an authorized officer shall issue a temporary certificate to fly the flag of the Republic of Bulgaria.

(2) The certificate under par. 1 ship acquired abroad is valid until the arrival of the ship to the Bulgarian port of call will be recorded, but for no longer than one year.
(3) The certificate under par. 1 vessel under construction in Bulgaria, issued after running the water for a period not exceeding one year. "
§ 5. In art. 72 new paragraph. 7:
"(7) The Executive Agency" Maritime Administration "may submit a request to the previous flag State of the ship in connection with activities under par. 1 to establish the existence of outstanding deficiencies related to safety, which were identified by the previous State of the flag. Whenever another flag State requests information concerning a ship which was previously under Bulgarian flag, the Executive Agency "Maritime Administration" provides information on faults and any other information relating to the safety of the flag State requesting the information. "| || § 6. In art. 73 is amended as follows:
1. Paragraphs 2 and 3 are amended as follows:
"(2) The reviews under par. 1 can be carried out by other organizations recognized under the secondary legislation of the European Union.
(3) The Minister of Transport, Information Technologies and Communications determined by ordinances terms and conditions for carrying out the survey, designation and withdrawal of its powers to carry out inspections. "
2. Paragraph 4 is repealed.
§ 7. Article 73a is amended as follows:
"Identification of class of ships
Art. 73a. (1) The definition and maintenance of the class of Bulgarian ships which are required to hold class, as well as technical supervision of their design, construction, operation and maintenance are carried out by Bulgarian legal persons (classification societies) or by foreign classification societies recognized under the secondary legislation of the European Union.

(2) Vessels subject to the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea 1974 (SOLAS 74) drawn up in London on November 1, 1974 (ratified by decree - SG. 61 1983) (SG. 12 of 2005), the International Convention on Load Lines, 1966, signed in London on April 5, 1966 (ratified by decree - SG. 94 of 1968) (SG. 81 of 2003), and the International Convention for the prevention of pollution from ships, 1973 as modified by the Protocol of 1978 (MARPOL 73/78) and by the Protocol of 1997, drawn up in London on November 2, 1973 (ratified by law - SG. 94 of 2004) (SG. 12 of 2005), as well as ships carrying dangerous goods on inland waterways according to the European Agreement concerning the international carriage of dangerous goods by inland waterways (ADN), concluded in Geneva on May 26, 2000 (ratified by law - SG. 9, 2006) (SG. 43 of 2008) are required to have class.
(3) technical supervision during the design, construction, operation and repair of ships, which are not required to hold class, installation, maintenance and repair of elektronavigatsionnoto, rescue and firefighting equipment can be carried out by Bulgarian or foreign legal entities authorized for this activity by the Executive Agency "Maritime administration". "
§ 8. In art. 74, para. 1 the words "port" is replaced by "the territorial sea, the internal waters or in the Bulgarian section of the Danube in accordance with international treaties to which Bulgaria is a party."
§ 9. Article 79 is amended as follows:
"Accident Investigation
Art. 79. (1) The investigation of accidents in the maritime space of the Republic of Bulgaria is carried out by a special unit in the Ministry of Transport and Communications.
(2) The specialized unit under par. 1 investigates accidents in order to contribute to their prevention. The investigation establish the causes and circumstances of the occurrence of a particular incident without making findings of guilt or division of guilt.
(3) The specialized unit under par. 1 investigates marine casualties and incidents that:
1. involve ships flying the Bulgarian flag;
2. arise in the territorial sea and the internal waters of the Republic of Bulgaria, or 3
. involve other substantial interests of the Republic of Bulgaria.
(4) The specialized unit under par. 1 does not investigate marine casualties and incidents involving only:
1. warships or ships for the transport of troops and other vessels belonging to the state or operated only on government non-commercial purposes;

2. ships not propelled by mechanical means, wooden ships of primitive build, yachts and pleasure craft trips in trade, unless they are or will be crewed and carry or will carry more than 12 passengers for commercial purposes ; 3
. vessels on inland waterways, sailing on inland waterways;
4. Fishing vessels with a length of 15 meters;
5. fixed offshore drilling platforms.
(5) accidents involving ships inland waterways are being investigated by the regional office of the Executive Agency "Maritime Administration", whose area of ​​operation is the casualty in accordance with the rules of river inspection on the Danube (adopted by Decree № 658 of the Council of Ministers in 1954 - Izvestia., No. 99 of 1954) (SG. 31 of 1978).
(6) The specialized unit under par. 1 performs safety investigations that are independent from criminal or other investigations to determine liability or guilt. Safety investigations can not be precluded, suspended or delayed by reason of such investigations.
(7) The head of the specialized unit under par. 1 review the need for the investigation of an accident.
(8) The Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Unit provides independence in terms of decision-making.
(9) The specialized unit under par. 1:
1. It has free access to any area or as to any ship, vessel or any failed structure, including cargo, equipment or debris;
2. ensure immediate listing of evidence and controlled search for and removal of wreckage, debris or other components or substances for examination or analysis; 3
. require examination or analysis of the sites under p. 2 and have free access to the results of such examinations or analysis;
4. has free access and has the right to copy and use any relevant information and recorded data, including VDR data, pertaining to a ship, voyage, cargo, crew or any other person, object, condition or circumstance;
5. It has free access to the results of examinations of the bodies of victims or of samples taken from the bodies of victims;
6. require and have free access to the survey results or from samples taken from persons associated with operation of the ship or by another person;
7. question witnesses in the absence of any person whose interests could be considered as hampering the safety investigation;

8. receiving records and relevant information held by the flag State, the owners, classification societies or any other interested party when they or their representatives are established in the Republic of Bulgaria;
9. requires the assistance of the competent authorities concerned, including inspectors from the flag State and port State Border Police, Office of vessel traffic, teams of search and rescue pilots or other port or ship personnel.
(10) The specialized unit under par. One is obliged to use solely for the purposes of the investigation and not available to third parties following documents:
1. all witness evidence and other statements, accounts and notes taken or received by the investigative body in the course of the safety investigation;
2. records revealing the identity of persons who have given evidence during the safety investigation; 3
. information relating to persons involved in the marine casualty or incident which is of a particularly sensitive and private nature, including information concerning their health.
(11) The report of the investigation was submitted to the Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications for information and dispose of the recommendations, then published by the supervisor on the website of the ministry.
(12) The conclusions in the report and recommendations can not be used in the course of civil, administrative, disciplinary or criminal proceedings.
(13) The Minister of Transport, Information Technologies and Communications shall determine by ordinance the procedure for investigation of accidents in the sea areas and inland waterways. "
§ 10. Article 86 is amended as follows:
" Ordinance keeping the ship's papers
Art. 86. (1) The types of shipping documents and all requirements related with the issue shall be determined by the Minister of Transport, Information Technologies and Communications.
(2) Samples of shipping documents are approved by the Executive Director of the Executive Agency "Maritime Administration". "
§ 11. In art. 238, para. 1, 'Mandatory rules of the ports' issued by the Harbour Master "is replaced by" mandatory rules issued by the Executive Director of Executive Agency "Maritime Administration" according to Art. 363a '.
§ 12. In art. 238a para. 2 words "support manager Executive Agency" Maritime Administration "in regulating traffic and controlling the flight activity" is replaced by "operates under the control of a duty operator of the system for traffic management and information services to shipping."

§ 13. In art. 239 words "duty inspector of the territorial unit of the Executive Agency" Maritime Administration "are replaced by" duty operator of the system for traffic management and information services to shipping. "
§ 14. In art. 242 after the words "keeping the ship" insert "and inform the duty operator of the system for traffic management and information services to shipping and the dispatcher on duty pilot station."
§ 15. In the title of Chapter XVa in art. 346a, 346b and 346v everywhere the words "owner", "shipowner", "shipowner" and "owners" are replaced by "shipowner", "shipowner", "shipowner" and "shipowners".
§ 16. In art. 346g be amended as follows:
1. In the title the word "certificate" is replaced with "testimony."
2. In para. 1 the word "owner" is replaced by "shipowner".
§ 17. A Chapter XVb with art. 346d - 346z:
"Chapter XVb
liability of the shipowner for pollution damage marine fuel
liability of the shipowner
Art. 346d. (1) The shipowner during the incident shall be liable for pollution damage caused by bunker oil on board or originating from the ship.
(2) If the incident is a series of events with the same origin, the liability rests with the shipowner at the time of the first event.
(3) The shipowner shall not be liable for pollution damage if he proves that one of the following conditions:
1. damage resulting from war, hostilities, civil war, insurrection or a natural phenomenon of an exceptional, inevitable or irresistible character;
2. the damage was wholly caused by an act or omission done with intent to cause damage by a third party; 3
. injury caused by the negligence or other wrongful acts of government or other authorities responsible for the maintenance of lights or other navigational aids fulfilling this function.
(4) The liability of the shipowner is solidarity in the event that:
1. more than one person is liable under par. 1 and 2;
2. incident occurred two or more ships and consequently are caused pollution damage which can not be reasonably allocated.
(5) If the shipowner proves that the pollution damage wholly or partly by act or omission, committed with the aim to cause damage by the person who becomes a victim of damage or from the negligence of that person, the owner of the vessel may to be released from liability to such person fully or partially.
Scope of compensation

Art. 346e. The compensation covers actual losses up to the amount of the costs necessary to restore the environment and the cost of preventive measures taken to limit the damage and consequent losses. The compensation may not exceed the amount of insurance or other financial security covering the liability of the shipowner for pollution damage.
Limited liability of the shipowner
Art. 346zh. The shipowner and the person or persons who have provided insurance or other financial guarantees, limit their liability for pollution damage to the marine fuel limit laid down in the 1996 Protocol to the Convention on Limitation of Liability for Maritime Claims, 1976, up in London on May 2, 1996 (ratified by law - SG. 43 of 2005) (SG. 77 of 2005).
Financial collateral and certification
Art. 346z. (1) The shipowner of a ship larger than 1,000 gross tons must have insurance, bank guarantee or other financial guarantee covering a corresponding value of art. 346e.
(2) Every vessel of more than 1,000 gross tons flying the Bulgarian flag should have on board certificate issued by the Executive Agency "Maritime Administration" under terms and conditions determined by the ordinance under Art. 86 and attesting the circumstances under par. 1.
(3) The Executive Agency "Maritime Administration" may issue a certificate attesting the circumstances under par. 1, a ship flying the flag of a State which is not a party to the International Convention on Civil Liability for damage caused by contamination of bunker (2001), under conditions and procedures specified by the ordinance under Art. 86.
(4) Every ship that visited Bulgarian sea ports or offshore installation, with a gross tonnage of more than 1000 must have on board a certificate attesting that insurance, bank guarantee or other financial security to cover liability for damage caused by pollution from ships or certificate declaring that the ship is owned by that State and liability for pollution damage to the marine fuel is covered up to the amount of art. 346zh issued by the competent authorities of the country whose flag the ship is flying.
(5) The Executive Agency "Maritime Administration" keep a register of issued certificates. "
§ 18. A Chapter XV century with Art. 346i - 346 meters:
"Chapter XV century
INSURANCE shipowner for maritime claims
insurance for maritime claims
Art. 346i. (1) The shipowner of a ship sailing under Bulgarian flag, with a gross tonnage of 300 or more and do business must have insurance for maritime claims the ship.

(2) The shipowner of flying a foreign flag vessel which carries on business must have insurance for maritime claims at entry of the vessel into Bulgarian seaport.
(3) The insurance under par. 1 and 2 cover maritime claims subject to limitation under the 1996 Protocol to the Convention on Limitation of Liability for Maritime Claims 1976
(4) The amount of insurance for each vessel equivalent of the maximum amount to limitation under the 1996 Protocol to the Convention on limitation of liability for maritime claims 1976
Evidence of insurance
Art. 346k. Availability of insurance referred to in Art. 346i is evidenced by one or more certificates issued by the insurer and on board the ship.
Minimum requirements to the contents of certificates of insurance
Art. 346l. (1) The certificates issued by the insurer under Art. 346k shall include at least the following information:
1. name of ship, IMO number, and port of registry;
2. shipowner's name and principal place of business; 3
. type and duration of the insurance;
4. name and principal place of business of the insurer and, if appropriate, place of business where the insurance.
(2) If the language used in the certificates is not English, French or Spanish, the text includes translation into one of these languages.
Effect of lack of insurance for maritime claims
Art. 346 m. (1) When an inspection under the Port State Control Executive Agency "Maritime Administration" must verify that the certificate under Art. 346k on board the ship.
(2) If the certificate of art. 346k is not on board, the Executive Director of Executive Agency "Maritime Administration" or an authorized official in order ranks immediately leave the home port of the ship to provide such insurance. Executive Agency "Maritime Administration" shall notify the European Commission, Member - States of the European Union and the flag State of the issued order.
(3) The entry into Bulgarian ports ship for which notification has been received from another Member - State of the Union or the European Commission that has no mandatory insurance and who has been ordered to leave port another Member - State of the Union. "
§ 19. In art. 360 create par. 7-9:
"(7) The Executive Agency" Maritime Administration "maintain a system of quality management.

(8) Executive Agency "Maritime Administration" is the national authority responsible for implementing Regulation (EC) № 392/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 April 2009 on the liability of carriers of passengers by sea in the event accidents (OJ, L 131/24 of 2009).
(9) Executive Agency "Maritime Administration" enforcement of obligations on carriers under Regulation (EC) № 392/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 April 2009 on the liability of carriers of passengers by sea in the event of accidents in its capacity of national authority responsible for the implementation of this regulation. "
§ 20. in art. 361 created t. 7-9:
"7. exclusive economic zone of the Republic of Bulgaria;
8. Bulgarian seaside area responsible for search and rescue;
9. rivers that are used for navigation and flow into the Black Sea. "
§ 21. In art. 362a para. 3 pt. 4 the word "port" is replaced with "ports or port terminals."
§ 22. In art. 362b after the words "Executive Agency" Maritime Administration "insert" or an authorized officer. "
§ 23. A Art. 362v:
"controls to prevent pollution from ships
Art. 362v. (1) The Executive Agency "Maritime Administration" exercise state environmental control of shipping for preventing pollution from ships.
(2) The state environmental control navigation is performed on all ships to comply with the statutory requirements to prevent pollution of the environment.
(3) within one calendar year of state ecological control of shipping is done at least 25 percent of the number of ships visiting the Bulgarian ports. "
§ 24. In art. 363, para. 1 after the word "port" insert "or an authorized officer."
§ 25. In art. 363a be made the following amendments:
1. In pt. 4, 5 and 6 the words "rules" are deleted.
2. In pt. 7, the words "rules" are deleted and the word "sea" is replaced by "environment". 3
. In item. 8, the words "rules" are deleted and finally the point is replaced by a semicolon.
4. A pt. 9:
"9. supply ships with fuel and lubricants. "
§ 26. A Art. 367a:
"Determination and use of places of refuge for ships
Art. 367a. (1) The Executive Agency "Maritime Administration" declared places of refuge for ships.
(2) The terms and conditions for determining places of refuge for ships and their use is regulated by the ordinance under Art. 244A. "
§ 27. A Art. 370a:

Art. 370a. (1) In the performance of their duties the staff of the Executive Agency "Maritime Administration" set by order of the Executive Director of Executive Agency "Maritime Administration" shall wear uniforms.
(2) The order under par. 1 defines the type of uniforms, and the procedure for carrying. "
§ 28. In Chapter XVII creating art. 372a:
"Information on the safety of vessels
Art. 372a. (1) The Executive Agency "Maritime Administration" maintains a database of ships sailing under Bulgarian flag, which contains:
1. ship information (name, IMO number);
2. dates of surveys, including additional and supplementary surveys, if any, and audits; 3
. recognized organizations involved in the certification and classification of the ship;
4. the competent authority which has inspected the ship under the provisions on Port State Control and dates of the inspections;
5. results of inspections in port State control inspections (deficiencies: "yes" or "no" retention "yes" or "no");
6. information on marine casualties;
7. information on vessels that during the previous 12 months removed from the records of the ships of the Republic of Bulgaria.
(2) The information under par. 1 is collected, maintained, updated and used to meet the obligations of the Republic of Bulgaria as a flag State, increasing safety and preventing pollution from ships flying the Bulgarian flag.
(3) The information under par. 1 published on the website of the Executive Agency "Maritime Administration".
(4) The information under par. 1 pt. 4 and 5 provide the Executive Agency "Maritime Administration" by shipowners of ships flying the Bulgarian flag, not later than 7 days after the inspection. "
§ 29. In art. 374 be made the following amendments:
1. The previous text becomes para. 1 and in it the conjunction "and" is replaced by "and / or".
2. A par. 2:
"(2) The shipowner did not provide information under Art. 372a para. 4 within the prescribed period shall be punished with a fine or penalty 500 lev and for repeated violation - 1000 lev. "
§ 30. Article 375 is amended as follows:
" Art. 375. (1) A crew member of a vessel which carries out his duties with alcohol concentration in breath over 0.5 thousand or blood more than 0,25 mg / l or under the influence of other drugs is punishable a temporary disqualification from holding office, in connection with which the offense was committed for a period of six months and fined 200 lev

(2) The punishment under par. 1 be punished and pilot performing pilotage of a ship with alcohol concentration in breath over 0.5 thousand or blood more than 0,25 mg / l or under the influence of other drugs.
(3) For repeated violation under par. 1 or 2 penalty is temporary disqualification from holding office, in connection with which the offense was committed for one year and fined 500 lev.
(4) Establishment of alcohol or other intoxicating substances are subject to conditions and procedures determined by the Minister of transport, information technologies and Communications. "
§ 31. in art. 377, para. 3, after the words "not send" insert "or send false."
§ 32. In art. 378 be made the following amendments:
1. In para. 2 the words "six months" are replaced by "two months".
2. A par. 5:
"(5) A captain or crew of the ship that prevent improper conduct logbook for oil operations or log ship waste shall be fined from 100 to 1,000 lev."
§ 33. In art. 383, para. 1 sentence fourth is amended as follows: "At the offender is given a copy of the slip as fine on it is paid before the ship leaves the guilty person or on his behalf by the agent of the ship."
§ 34. created art. 383a and 383b:
"Art. 383a. (1) Who does not fulfill or violates the requirements of Art. 6a shall be punished by a fine or a pecuniary penalty of 5,000 to 15,000 lev.
(2) For repeated violation under par. 1 punishment is fine or penalty from 30 000 to 50 000 Levs.
Art. 383b. (1) The shipowner of a ship with a gross tonnage of 300 or more flying the Bulgarian flag, which has no insurance for maritime claims the ship is punishable by a fine or a pecuniary penalty of 5,000 to 20,000 lev.
(2) For repeated violation under par. 1 punishment is fine or penalty from 25 000 to 40 000 Levs. "
§ 35. In art. 384 be made the following amendments:
1. Paragraph 2 is amended as follows:
"(2) Violations of this code shall be established by regulations to be drawn up by officials of the Executive Agency" Maritime Administration ", designated by order of the Executive Director. Act shall be established and any written notification of the Executive Agency "Maritime Administration" by the master for committed at sea by crew members violations. Objections to act can be made in service or additional to the administrative body within 48 hours after delivery. "
2. In para. 3 the word "authorized" is replaced by "authorized" and after "official" add "within 24 hours after the deadline for objections unless the case presents factual or legal complexity." 3
. Paragraph 5 shall be amended as follows:

"(5) For the shipowner penal provision is considered to be served by handing him the captain of the ship or the ship's agent."
4. A par. 7:
"(7) Penal provisions imposing a fine or penalty to 100 lev including not subject to appeal."
§ 36. In Chapter XVIII creating art. 385:
"Art. 385. (1) To ensure the collection of fines or compensation imposed under this chapter, the ship, regardless of ownership, is held simultaneously with the delivery of the act establishing the infringement.
(2) Detention under par. 1 ship is released upon presentation of cash or bank guarantee in the amount defined in the penal provision amounts. "
§ 37. In § 1a of the additional provisions be made the following amendments:
1. In item. 35:
a) in the text before letter "a" words "for ships not engaged on international voyages" are replaced by "for ships not covered by international conventions";
B) the letters "g" and "h":
"g) national flag is damaged, worn or missing;
H) carrying out fishing activities in the fairway or in places, creating an obstacle to maneuver ships. "
2. Created so. 36-40:
"36. "Ship fuel" means any hydrocarbon mineral oil, including lubricating oil, used or to be used for the operation or propulsion of the ship, and any residues of such products.
37. "Insurance" under Chapter XV century represents insurance with or without deductibles, including insurance for damage of the kind typically offered by members of the International Group clubs "P & Ai" (International Group of P & I Clubs), and other effective forms of insurance (including proved self-insurance) and financial security offering similar conditions to ensure implementation the obligation to compensate the damage caused.
38. "Recognised organization" is an organization that is recognized in accordance with Regulation (EC) № 391/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 April 2009 on common rules and standards organizations for inspection and survey of ships (OJ, L 131/11 of May 28, 2009).
39. "Testimonies" are statutory certificates issued in accordance with the relevant conventions of the International Maritime Organisation.
40. "Audit of the International Maritime Organization" is an audit conducted in accordance with the provisions of Resolution A.974 (24) adopted by the Assembly of the International Maritime Organization on December 1, 2005 "
Additional Provision

§ 38. The Act introduces the requirements of Directive 2009/15 / EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 April 2009 on common rules and standards organizations for inspection and survey of ships and for the relevant activities of maritime administrations (OJ , L 131/47 of 2009), Directive 2009/18 / EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 April 2009 establishing the fundamental principles governing the investigation of accidents in the maritime transport sector and amending Directive 1999/35 / EC and Directive 2002/59 / EC of the European Parliament and of the Council (OJ, L 131/114 2009) Directive 2009/20 / EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 April 2009 on the insurance of shipowners for maritime claims (OJ, L 131/128 2009) and Directive 2009/21 / EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 April 2009 on compliance with flag State (OJ , L 131/132 2009).
Transitional and Final Provisions
§ 39. In the Law on Limiting Administrative Regulation and Administrative Control on Economic Activity (prom. SG. 55 of 2003 .; corr. SG. 59 of 2003 ; amended SG. 107 of 2003, pcs. 39 and 52 of 2004, pcs. 31 and 87, 2005, issue. 24, 38 and 59 of 2006 Nos. 11 and 41, 2007 SG. 16 of 2008, pcs. 23, 36, 44 and 87 of 2009, pcs. 25, 59, 73 and 77 of 2010 and SG. 39 of 2011) ie. 40 the application of art. 9, para. 1 pt. 2 is repealed.
§ 40. In the Law on the state seal and the national flag of the Republic of Bulgaria (prom. SG. 47 of 1998 .; amend., SG. 33 and 69 in 1999, pcs. 95 2005 . and SG. 24 of 2006) in art. 18 is amended as follows:
1. In the text before item. 1, 'in front of' shall be deleted.
2. In item. 2, 'respective Bulgarian diplomatic or consular agent "is replaced by" Executive Director of Executive Agency "Maritime Administration".
§ 41. The provisions of § 1 on art. 6 and § 18 on Art. 346i - 346 m enter into force on January 1, 2012
law was adopted by the 41 th National Assembly on November 9, 2011 and was affixed with the official seal of the National Assembly.
Chairman of the National Assembly Tsetska Tsacheva