Name of law
Law amending the Law on Civil Registration
Name Bill
Bill amending the Law on Civil Registration
Date of adoption
Number / year Official Gazette
DECREE № 98 Pursuant to Art. 98 pt. 4 of the Constitution of the Republic of Bulgaria
To be published in the "Official Gazette" Act amending the Civil Registration Act, adopted by HLI National Assembly on May 5, 2011 || | Released in Sofia on May 12, 2011
President of the Republic, Georgi Parvanov
stamped with the state seal.
Minister of Justice Margarita Popova
Law amending the Law on Civil Registration (prom. SG. 67 of 1999 .; amend., SG. 28 and 37 of 2001 ., No. 54 of 2002, No. 63 of 2003, pcs. 70 and 96, 2004, issue. 30 of 2006, pcs. 48 and 59 of 2007 pcs. 105 2008 pcs. 6, 19, 47, 74 and 82, 2009, issue. 33 of 2010, pcs. 9 of 2011)
§ 1. In art. 1, para. 2 after the word "records" insert "acts" and the words "population registers" are replaced by "population register".
§ 2. In art. 3 be amended as follows:
1. Paragraph 1 shall be amended as follows:
"(1) The records of civil status shall be recorded events of art. 1, para. 2 for all persons who at the time of the event are Bulgarian citizens and persons who are not Bulgarian citizens, but at the time of the event are located on the territory of Bulgaria. "
2. In para. 2:
a) in the text before item. 1 the word "records" is replaced by "register";
B) in item. 2 letter "b" is repealed.
§ 3. In art. 4 made the following amendments:
1. In para. 1 after the word "records" insert "acts."
2. In para. 2 word "records" is replaced by "register".
§ 4. In art. 5 pt. 4 the words "the level and type of education" are replaced by "family situation".
§ 5. Article 6 shall be amended as follows:
"Art. 6. Civil registration data subject to electronic processing. "
§ 6. Article 7 shall be repealed.
§ 7. In art. 8 par. 2 is repealed.
§ 8. In art. 9 is amended as follows:
1. In para. 3 words "foreign born" are replaced by "a person who is not a Bulgarian citizen born."
2. Paragraph 4 is amended as follows:
"(4) The name of a person who is not a Bulgarian citizen born outside the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria shall be entered in the registers of civil status and register for the population as it is written in his national identity document or document granted residence in the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria. "
§ 9. in art. 10 para. 2 is amended as follows:
"(2) The citizenship of a person who is not a Bulgarian citizen is established by identity document with which he entered the country."
§ 10. Article 11 is amended as follows:
"Art. 11. (1) personal identification number (PIN) is an administrative identifier subject to registration natural persons under Art. 3, para. 2. This is a unique number by which individuals define unambiguously.
(2) The manner of formation and procedure for giving and change the personal identification number shall be determined in accordance with Art. 113, para. 1.
(3) UCC form electronically and form a registry of identification numbers.
(4) The faithfulness of UCC is certified by the Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works by territorial units "Civil Registration and Administrative Services". "
§ 11. In the second chapter the title of Section III shall be amended as follows:" Register population. "
§ 12. Article 22 is amended as follows:
"Art. 22. (1) The Population Register is maintained in electronic form and formed the National Database "Population".
(2) The register of the population consists of personal electronic registration cards of all individuals under Art. 3, para. 2.
(3) Regional Database "Population" is part of the population register and consists of personal electronic registration cards of individuals with permanent and / or current address field.
(4) Local Database "Population" is part of the population register and consists of personal electronic registration cards of individuals with permanent and / or current address in the municipality. "
§ 13. Article 23 is amended so:
"Art. 23. For any individual to be registered in the population register, creating electronic personal registration card in the population register. "
§ 14. Article 24 is amended as follows:
" Art. 24. (1) The municipal administration issue certificates based on the population register.
(2) The procedure for issuing and models of certificates under par. 1 shall be approved by the Minister of Regional Development and Public Works together with the Minister of Justice. "
§ 15. Article 25 is amended as follows:
" Art. 25. The electronic personal registration card contains the following data:
1. name, written in Bulgarian language and Latin;
2. nickname; 3
. name abroad;
4. sex;
5. date of birth - day, month, year;
6. identification number;
7. citizenship and residence status;
8. place of birth - district, municipality, village, and for those born outside the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria - a country;
9. birth - the number, date and place of issuance in the Republic of Bulgaria;
10. permanent address;
11. current address;
12. marital status;
13. act of marriage - number, date and place of issuance; date and country of marriage if it is not concluded in the Republic of Bulgaria;
14. husband / a - PIN or date of birth, name, sex, permanent address, citizenship, and for decedents - number, date and place of issuance of the act of death;
15. judgment of divorce - case number, which gave rise to the decision, the date of entry into force, and the name of the court which has issued it;
16. children - PIN or date of birth, name, sex, permanent address, citizenship, and for decedents - number, date and place of issuance of the act of death;
17. mother - PIN or date of birth, name, permanent address, citizenship, and for decedents - number, date and place of issuance of the act of death;
18. father - PIN or date of birth, name, permanent address, citizenship, and for decedents - number, date and place of issuance of the act of death;
19. brothers / sisters - PIN or date of birth, name, name of the other parent - if consanguineous or uterine, sex, permanent address, citizenship, and for decedents - number, date and place of issuance of the act of death;
20. issued identity document - type, number and date of issue;
21. legal constraints (type);
22. died - date and place of death; a death - the number, date and place of issuance;
23. special notes. "
§ 16. Article 26 is amended as follows:
" Art. 26. (1) Electronic personal registration card of the Bulgarian citizen is created based on one of the following:
1. birth certificate;
2. Bulgarian citizenship certificate accompanied by civil status documents, application for permanent address and address card for current address in this municipality.
(2) Where legally capable Bulgarian citizen is no established electronic personal registration card and an identity document, municipalities require written by the police authorities of the Ministry of Interior to establish the person's identity. When established identity of the person police authorities of the Ministry of Interior shall notify in writing the municipality's name, date and place of birth and parents (name, personal identification number / date of birth), which is the basis for creating electronic personal registration card.
(3) Electronic personal registration card of a person under Art. 3, para. 2 pt. 2 is created based on one of the following:
1. permission for long-term or permanent residence, accompanied by civil status documents, application for permanent address and address card for current address in the municipality;
2. solution for granted refugee or humanitarian status, an application for permanent address and address card for current address in the municipality; 3
. Decree of the President of the Republic of Bulgaria to be granted asylum;
4. birth certificate of a child born in the country, of parents with refugee or humanitarian status.
(4) At birth occurred in the country electronic personal registration card is created and data is kept up to date by the municipal administration.
(5) In the cases under par. 1 pt. 2 para. 2 and 3 electronic personal registration card is created by the Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works by territorial units "Civil Registration and Administrative Services". "
§ 17. Article 27 is amended as follows:
" Art. 27. The data in the electronic personal registration card is updated by the municipal administration based on one of the following:
1. civil status or their electronic equivalents;
2. application for permanent address and address card for current address; 3
. certificate of change of citizenship;
4. judgment;
5. other supporting documents regarding civil status. "
§ 18. Article 28 is amended as follows:
" Art. 28. The electronic personal registration card is kept for 130 years from the date of creation, then submitted to the State Archives. "
§ 19. Articles 29, 30, 31, 32 and 33 are canceled.
§ 20. In art. 35, para. 3, second sentence after the words "mayors of municipalities" insert "and deputy mayors in the settlements" and the words "civil registers" are replaced by "records of civil".
§ 21. In art. 36 is amended as follows:
1. Paragraph 1 shall be amended as follows:
"(1) birth and death are compiled based on written reports submitted to the appropriate official civil status."
2. Paragraph 2 is repealed. 3
. In para. 3 word "declarant" and the comma after it is deleted.
4. Paragraph 4 is amended as follows:
"(4) The parties and witnesses in preparation of acts of civil status certify their identity with an identity document."
§ 22. In art. 37 para. 4 is repealed.
§ 23. In art. 38 be made the following amendments:
1. Paragraph 1 shall be amended as follows:
"(1) Immediately after drafting the act of civil status official sign it and stamping the image of the coat of arms of the Republic of Bulgaria."
2. In para. 3 word "declarant" and the comma after it is deleted. 3
. In para. 4 after the word "records" insert "acts."
4. In para. 5 after the words "lost register" insert "acts."
§ 24. Article 39 is repealed.
§ 25. In Chapter Three, Section I create art. 41a:
"Art. 41a. (1) For each constituent act of civil status creates electronic equivalent - electronic act of civil status at the national level.
(2) The electronic act of civil status is created by the municipal administration, where he composed the act of civil status in writing.
(3) After collating the data of the order of civil status in written and electronic form official civil status acts signed with a qualified electronic signature. Electronic civil status have probative force reflected in them only when they are signed with a qualified electronic signature.
(4) When inconsistency in the act of civil status and its electronic equivalent probative have data entered in the act of civil status, in writing.
(5) Electronic civil status form a national electronic register of civil status. "
§ 26. In art. 43 be made the following amendments:
1. In para. 1, 'and declare verbally "are deleted.
2. In para. 2 in the text before item. 1, 'the Rules under Art. 11, para. 2 "are replaced by" the Minister of Regional Development and Public Works. " 3
. Paragraphs 3, 4 and 5 shall be repealed.
4. In para. 6 words "and said" are deleted.
5. A par. 7:
"(7) Immediately after the establishment of the birth certificate based on it creates an electronic birth certificate."
§ 27. In art. 44 is amended as follows:
1. Paragraph 1 shall be amended as follows:
"(1) Where the term of art. 42 has expired and birth are not drawn, but the message is made or official learned of the birth in the same calendar year, it prepares the birth certificate, subject to the conditions of art. 43, without the need for a court decision on this. "
2. In para. 2 words "declaration of birth" are replaced by "drawing up a birth certificate."
§ 28. In art. 45 is amended as follows:
1. In para. 1:
a) pt. 9 after the word "citizenship" a semicolon and the text to the end shall be deleted;
B) Section 11 is repealed.
2. In para. 2 after the words "stillborn" a point and the text to the end shall be deleted.
§ 29. In art. 50 is amended as follows:
1. In para. 1, second sentence, the words "current registry" are replaced by "register of the current year," and after the word "act" a point and the text to the end shall be deleted.
2. In para. 5 second sentence is deleted.
§ 30. In art. 52 words "stateless" and the comma after they are deleted.
§ 31. In art. 53 is amended as follows:
1. In item. 5 '(personal number of foreigner - PNF) "and" domicile "shall be deleted.
2. In pt. 7, the words "(personal number of foreigner - PNF)" are replaced by "date of birth". 3
. In item. 8, the words "(personal number of foreigner - PNF)" are replaced by "date of birth".
§ 32. In Chapter Three, Section III creates art. 53a:
"Art. 53a. Immediately after drafting the act of marriage in writing based on it creates an electronic act of marriage. "
§ 33. In art. 55 made the following amendments:
1. Paragraph 2 is amended as follows:
"(2) A written notice of deaths in hospital are compiled by the head of establishment or from a person to whom an order is assigned this."
2. A par. 3:
"(3) Immediately after drafting the act of death in writing based on it creates an electronic death certificate."
§ 34. In art. 59 second sentence is deleted.
§ 35. In art. 60, para. 1 is amended as follows:
1. Point 6 is repealed.
2. In pt. 7, the words "(personal number of foreigner - PNF)" are deleted. 3
. Section 8 is repealed.
4. Section 10 is repealed.
5. In item. 11 words "(personal number of foreigner - PNF)" is replaced by "date of birth".
§ 36. In art. 64 tons. 1 is repealed.
§ 37. In art. 72 be made the following amendments:
1. Paragraph 1 shall be amended as follows:
"(1) Within three months of the establishment of civil status in diplomatic and consular representation of the Republic of Bulgaria copies thereof, as well as documents obtained under Art. 71 are sent to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Bulgaria. "
2. Paragraph 3 is amended as follows:
"(3) The official civil status act of civil status by entering it on the basis of the resulting transcript under par. 1 unchanged following data:
1. at birth - the name of the holder, date and place of birth, sex and the established origin;
2. act in marriage - the names of the married, date and place of marriage; 3
. in a death - the name of the holder, date and place of death. "
third. A new paragraph. 4:
"(4) If the copy does not contain all the necessary data required by this Act shall be used data from identity documents, or from the population register. Failing to fill all data in the act fit only available. "
4. Former para. 4 becomes para. 5 and is amended as follows:
"(5) significant differences in the name by which the person is registered in the transcript under par. 1 in the population register, a document which shows that the names are the same person. Based on this document when drafting the act's name is entered, as in the population register. If one of the spouses has adopted the surname of her husband or added the surname of her husband to her for surname after marriage fits adopted or added surname of her husband, according to the population register. "
5. Former para. 5 becomes para. 6.
§ 38. In art. 74 be made the following amendments:
1. Paragraph 4 is amended as follows:
"(4) Upon written request modification or restoration of names of parents under Art. 19a can reflect administrative order in the birth certificates of children. The request was filed by the parents of minor children. For minor children personally request with the consent of parents. "
2. A par. 5:
"(5) Upon mutual consent of the spouses the change or restore the names of art. 19a acts in their birth may be reflected in the act of marriage. For surname after marriage each spouse fits the selected name at marriage according to its change or restoration of art. 19a. "
§ 39. In art. 75 shall be created para. 3:
"(3) Any changes, additions entries or remarks made in the composition written act of civil status are reflected immediately in the electronic equivalent of the act. The official civil status verifies the correctness of the data and sign the act with the qualified electronic signature. "
§ 40. In art. 78, para. 1 second sentence is deleted.
§ 41. In art. 79 para. 1 is amended as follows:
"(1) In a judgment of divorce under" Notes "of the act of civil marriage record number of the case in which the judgment was given, the date of entry into force and the name of the court which has issued it. If the decision stated that her husband recovers his surname before marriage, under "Notes" record 'surname before marriage. "
§ 42. In art. 80, para. 1, 'When you have the issue of copies "are replaced by" Upon issuance of duplicates. "
§ 43. In art. 81 in the first sentence the word "Destruction" is replaced by "Cancellation" and the third sentence is deleted.
§ 44. A Art. 81a:
"Art. 81a. In a judgment for the compilation of a new birth certificate for the person for whom there is birth, the first compiled act shall be invalidated. In the column "Notes" record that is composed new birth certificate number of the case in which the judgment was given, the date of entry into force and the name of the court which has pronounced it. "
§ 45 . Article 82 is repealed.
§ 46. In art. 83 be made the following amendments:
1. A new paragraph. 2:
"(2) An integral part of the registers of civil status are documents based on which are made relevant civil status."
2. Former para. 2 becomes para. 3.
§ 47. In art. 84, para. 2 words "Register Now" are replaced by "Tom № 1" and the words "Register B" are replaced by "Tom № 2".
§ 48. Article 88 is amended as follows:
"Art. 88. (1) Based on the civil status officials of civil status in the municipal administrations in their mestosahranenieto issued the following documents approved form:
1. of the birth certificate - birth certificate (original - the first issued a certificate and a duplicate -vsyako next);
2. the act of marriage - a certificate of marriage (original - the first issued a certificate and a duplicate - each); 3
. of the death - an abstract of a death.
(2) Upon issuance of a duplicate birth certificate, a marriage or a transcript of a death is not complete performance of the model are missing in the act.
(3) Based on the records of civil status may be issued and transcript excerpts, full copies or certified copies of documents. The certification of copies of the acts must indicate the date at which data copy corresponding data stored in the municipality act, have signed the official civil status and seal of the municipality.
(4) Based on the records of civil status certificates are issued and lack of compiled act of civil status. "
§ 49. In Chapter Three, Section IX creating art. 88a and 88b:
"Art. 88a. (1) Documents of art. 88 are issued:
1. the person to which the birth certificate, his parents / legal representatives;
2. Parties act of marriage; 3
. heirs of the deceased of the death.
(2) The documents under Art. 88 may be issued to third parties expressly authorized by a notarized power of attorney from the persons under par. 1 or under the Civil Procedure Code and Criminal Procedure Code.
(3) The documents referred to in Art. 88 may be issued and sent under official written request from a municipality or public authority, when it is related to administrative services to persons entered in the act.
Art. 88b. (1) An official of the civil status of every municipal administration, as well as consular officer abroad can issue duplicate birth certificates for marriage or transcript copies of a death certificate and transcript excerpts or full copies of the acts on the basis of national electronic register of civil status.
(2) The documents under par. 1 shall be issued only on the basis of electronic acts signed with a qualified electronic signature. "
§ 50. In art. 89 be made the following amendments:
1. Paragraph 3 is amended as follows:
"(3) Depending on the site, which describes the address can include the name of the localization unit (square, avenue, street, residential, neighborhood, etc.), number, entrance, floor apartment. The number of the localization unit can consist of a combination comprising four symbols, the first three digits are required, and the last symbol being a letter. The entrance is marked with a letter or number with two digits. The floor is marked with a number to two digits. The apartment is marked with a number to three digits. "
2. Created al. 5, 6 and 7:
"(5) The mayor sets the addresses of the municipality, which can be done address registration.
(6) addresses under par. 5 and any changes thereto shall be sent written information to the territorial units "Civil Registration and Administrative Services" at the Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works.
(7) All addresses under par. 5 for all municipalities formed the National Classification of current and permanent addresses in the Republic of Bulgaria. "
§ 51. In art. 90, para. 1 after the word "address" a comma and added "that must match the address of art. 89, para. 5 ".
§ 52. Article 91 is amended as follows:
"Art. 91. The address registration of the person's coverage of permanent and present address in the population register. "
§ 53. In art. 92 be made the following amendments:
1. Paragraph 1 shall be amended as follows:
"(1) The address registration is done by the mayor, the area or city hall or from certain of these officials on application by the person."
2. A par. 4:
"(4) The bodies under par. 1 store copies of the documents under par. 2 and 3 for a period of five years. "
§ 54. In art. 93 is amended as follows:
1. In para. 1 the word "records" is replaced by "register".
2. Paragraph 4 is amended as follows:
"(4) Bulgarian citizens living abroad who are not registered in the population register and can not indicate a permanent address in Bulgaria, officially entered in the register of the population of the region" Sredets "in the town. Sofia."
third. Paragraph 5 is repealed.
§ 55. In art. 94 is amended as follows:
1. In para. 1 the word 'resident' is replaced by 'live'.
2. Paragraph 3 is amended as follows:
"(3) The current address of the Bulgarian citizens, who place of residence is abroad, is reflected in the population register only with the name of the country in which they live."
§ 56 . In art. 95 is amended as follows:
1. In para. 1, 'the municipal administration or the bodies of art. 1, para. 2 of the Bulgarian identity documents "are replaced by" bodies of art. 92, para. 1 ".
2. In para. 4 words "by a decree of the Council of Ministers" are replaced by "the Minister of Regional Development and Public Works."
§ 57. In art. 96, para. 4 words "by a decree of the Council of Ministers" are replaced by "the Minister of Regional Development and Public Works."
§ 58. In art. 97 be made the following amendments:
1. The previous text becomes para. 1 and in it the word "mainly" is deleted.
2. Created al. 2 and 3:
"(2) The requested address abroad before the bodies of art. 1, para. 2 of the Bulgarian identity documents through an application for issuance of Bulgarian identity documents is a current address and is reflected in the population register.
(3) Bulgarian citizen living abroad can claim current address - the country in which he lives, and the bodies of art. 92, para. 1 permanent address. "
§ 59. In art. 98 is amended as follows:
1. In para. 1 the word "records" is replaced by "register".
2. In para. 2 after the words "Ministry of Interior" a point and the text to the end shall be deleted.
§ 60. Article 101 is amended as follows:
"Art. 101. The functions of ESGRAON are:
1. creating and maintaining registers of civil status;
2. creating and maintaining a national electronic register of civil status; 3
. creating and maintaining a population register;
4. etalonodarzhatel the unique administrative identifier of individuals - UCN, and create and maintain a registry of identification numbers;
5. creation and maintenance of the national classification of current and permanent addresses in the Republic of Bulgaria;
6. providing information and administrative services to the legislative, executive and judiciary. "
§ 61. Article 102 is amended as follows:
" Art. 102. (1) Unified system for civil registration and administrative services functions of:
1. national level - Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works through the Directorate General "Civil Registration and Administrative Services" maintain a register of the population - National Database "Population" National electronic register of civil status, register of identification numbers, national classifier Permanent and current addresses and business data;
2. regional level - the Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works by territorial units "Civil Registration and Administrative Services" supports the Regional Database "Population" National Classifier of permanent and current addresses and business data; 3
. municipal level - municipal administrations establish and maintain civil registration data of individuals in the local database "Population" acts by civil status and their electronic equivalents.
(2) maintenance and operation of ESGRAON administrative structures of the three levels receive interchange, process and store data. "
§ 62. In chapter five name of Section II is amended as follows:" Maintain ESGRAON " .
§ 63. Article 103 is repealed.
§ 64. In art. 104 text before item. 1 is amended as follows: "Unified system for civil registration and administrative services provided".
§ 65. In art. 105 made the following amendments:
1. In para. 1, 'Automated Databases "are replaced by" registers "and the word" level "is replaced by" level ".
2. In para. 2, second sentence, the word "central" is replaced by "national" and the words "and the message sent to the municipal level" be replaced by "and sent to regional and municipal level." 3
. In para. 3 word "weekly" is replaced by "daily" and the word "level" is replaced by "level".
4. A par. 4:
"(4) The data under par. 3 sent in accordance with the Law on Electronic Document and Electronic Signature. "
§ 66. In art. 106 create a new paragraph. 3 and par. 4 and 5:
"(3) The officials of municipal administrations carrying out activities on civil registration and consular officials abroad are entitled to royalty-free access to data in electronic records nationally.
(4) The terms of access and provision of data records shall be determined by agreement between the Minister of Regional Development and Public Works and the consumer in an order determined by the ordinance under Art. 113, para. 1.
(5) To provide access, data sharing or making inquiries based on records collected fees in amounts determined by a tariff of the Council of Ministers, or free of charge, when this is established by law or regulation. "
§ 67. In art. 107 words "informational funds under this Act" is replaced by "ESGRAON."
§ 68. Article 109 is amended as follows:
"Art. 109. For data protection ESGRAON against accidental or unlawful destruction or accidental loss, unauthorized access, modification or disclosure as well as unlawful forms of processing take special security measures (including building and maintaining a reserve center for cases of disaster , accidents and crises) in accordance with the Law on personal data protection, ratified by the Republic of Bulgaria international treaties and the mandatory requirements of the Commission for personal data protection. "
§ 69. in art. 111 par. 4 is repealed.
§ 70. Article 113 is amended as follows:
"Art. 113. (1) The order, method and model documents for the functioning of a system of civil registration shall be determined by the Minister of Regional Development and Public Works.
(2) Methodological guidance and control activities related to civil registration is carried out by the Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works in cooperation with the Ministry of Justice and the Commission on data protection. "
§ 71. Article 114 is repealed.
§ 72. In art. 115, para. 1 made the following amendments:
1. In the text before item. 1 the word "weekly" is replaced by "daily".
2. In item. 1 a second sentence: "From applications to provide data on name (in Bulgarian and Latin), another citizenship, permanent address, address abroad."
Third. In item. 3 after the word "population" is added "and birth certificates."
4. In pt. 4 second sentence is deleted.
5. In pt. 5, the words "data on education (degree and specialty)," are deleted.
6. In pt. 7 after the word "records" insert "acts."
§ 73. In art. 116 is amended as follows:
1. In para. 1, 'from 50 to 300 lev "is replaced by" 100 to 500 lev. "
2. In para. 2 words "from 20 to 200 lev" is replaced by "50 to 300 lev."
Transitional and Final Provisions
§ 74. Personal registration cards consisting of paper used for reference and stored in the municipality / town hall / area for 130 years from the date of their creation, then They are transferred to the State archives.
§ 75. (1) Within five years of the entry into force of this Act in municipalities and settlements are not administrative center of the town hall, where there is no technical support for the transition to electronic register of the population can supported:
1. Register of Bulgarian citizens, which consists of all Personal Registration Files of live Bulgarian citizens with permanent address in this town hall;
2. Register of foreigners, which consists of all personal registration cards of persons living under Art. 3, para. 2 pt. 2 with permanent address in this town hall; 3
. Register of deaths, which consists of all personal registration cards of Bulgarian citizens and persons under Art. 3, para. 2 pt. 2 with imported data for death;
4. Archival Register consisting of personal registration cards of persons who have permanent address is no longer in this municipality, as well as those released from Bulgarian citizenship.
(2) The data in the personal registration card are recorded and maintained, based on the required documents or based on an extract from the record of the person in the National Database "Population".
§ 76. On a deceased person can create personal electronic registration card based on existing personal registration card of the municipality / town hall, but for those that do not set such, administration of municipalities is carried out by existing population registers.
§ 77. (1) The registers of civil status made before 1999 in the municipalities, shall be deposited in the administrative center of the municipality within one year from the entry into force of this Act.
(2) Within five years of the entry into force of this Act the municipal administrations establish a national electronic register of civil status, creating electronic equivalents of acts drawn up in accordance with Art. 41.
§ 78. (1) Persons who have changed their current address from one village to another in the period from September 1, 2010 to January 31, 2011, within two months of the entry into force of this Act submit to municipal administration new current address required documents under Art. 92, para. 2 and 3 to perform the address registration.
(2) For those who have not fulfilled their obligation under par. 1 within the prescribed period, the municipal administration in the new current address sent within 7 days from the deadline under par. 1 a summary of the Directorate General "Civil Registration and Administrative Services" at the Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works for automated deletion of this address in the population register.
(3) current address of such persons shall be present address that had before September 1, 2010, for which the Directorate General "Civil Registration and Administrative Services" at the Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works informed the municipality at this address .
§ 79. Regulations under Art. 24, para. 2 and art. 113, para. 1 shall be issued within one year from the entry into force of this Act.
§ 80. This Act shall enter into force on the day of its promulgation in the "Official Gazette".
The law was adopted by the 41 th National Assembly on May 5, 2011 and was affixed with the official seal of the National Assembly.
Chairman of the National Assembly Tsetska Tsacheva