Name of law Law amending and supplementing the law on waters of the Name Bill a bill amending and supplementing the law on waters date of acceptance 22/07/2010 number/year Official Gazette 61/2010 Decree No 223
Pursuant to article 98, paragraph 4 of the Constitution of the Republic of Bulgaria
To be published in the Official Gazette the law amending and supplementing the law on waters, adopted by the National Assembly of the HLI, 22 July 2010
Issued in Sofia on July 30, 2010.
The President of the Republic: Georgi Parvanov
Stamped with the State seal.
Minister of Justice: Margarita Popova
amending and supplementing the law on waters (official SG. 67 of 1999; amend., 81/2000, no. 34, 41 and 108 since 2001, issue 47, 74, and 91 of 2002, no. 42, 69, 84, and 107 since 2003, issue 6 and 70 by 2004, issue 18, 77 and 94 since 2005. , PC. 29, 30, 36 and 65 by 2006; Corr, PCs. 66 by 2006; amend., SG. 105 and 108, 2006, issue. 22 and 59 since 2007, PCs. 36, 52 and 70 by 2008 and PC. 12, 32, 35, 47, 82, 93, 95 and 103 of 2009.)
§ 1. In art. 2 the following endorsements are added:
1. In paragraph 8. 1 point 7 is created:
7. to prevent or reduce the harmful effects to human life and health, the environment, cultural heritage and economic activity associated with the adverse effects of waters. "
2. in the Al. 2 point 7 is created:
7. assessment and management of flood risks. "
§ 2. In art. 2 a, para. 2, the words ' and training ' master ' shall be deleted.
§ 3. Art is created. 3A: "art. 3. (1) the freshwater on the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria are national strategic resources.
(2) the sources of water in the Al. 1 are:
1. precipitation on the territory of the country;
2. flow of transboundary waters by neighbouring countries, including half of the swelling of these waters if they indicate the State border and unless otherwise provided for in international treaties to which the Republic of Bulgaria is a party.
(3) the resources referred to in para. 1 shall be managed in accordance with this law and in the light of global climate ottokoobrazuvaŝite climatic factors in the region. "
§ 4. In art. 10 para is created. 3:
"(3) in carrying out the policy of al. 1 and 2 are implemented as a priority, programmes of measures, included in the river basin management plans and risk management plans from the flood. "
§ 5. In art. 11 item 1 finally puts the indents and add "State property".
§ 6. In art. 12, al. 2 the words "continental shelf" is replaced by "the seabed and subsoil.
§ 7. In art. 15, the words "the innermost zone" are replaced by "belt" and the words "I water sources" are replaced by "water taking facilities".
§ 8. In art. 17 al. 2 shall be amended as follows:
(2) mineral waters are aktuvat at the request of the Minister of environment and waters on the basis of information supplied by him. "
§ 9. In chapter two, section I, article is created. 17A:
"Art. 17. (1) water intake facilities for mineral waters under art. 13, para. 1, item 4 can be constructed by the State as of and for the account of the persons to whom it is granted for water use of mineral waters, through a new facility in accordance with this law or concession for extraction of mineral water in accordance with the law on concessions.
(2) the water taking facilities under para. 1 become the property of the State from the date of their introduction into service.
(3) the persons referred to in para. 1:
1. provide to the Minister of environment and water the documentation relating to the construction of facilities and the research of mineral water in the process of building the facility, as well as all other data necessary for the inclusion of the facility in a public register of mineral waters under art. 118 (d);
2. transmitting facilities free of charge of the Minister of environment and waters or an official authorised by him, that Act to the Minister of regional development and public works for the inclusion of the facility in the exclusive State ownership of mineral water from the diggings;
3. manage the facility for the entire period, which has been granted the right of water use;
4. provide technical possibility of water use by the facility and by others, to whom the competent authority has granted such a right;
5. after the termination of the right to water use or concession for extraction of mineral waters shall transmit to the Director of the facility basin Directorate management. "
§ 10. In art. 19, para. 1 make the following amendments and additions:
1. In paragraph 4 (c), the words ' without the leading ' shall be deleted.
2. In paragraph 5, the words "the innermost zone" shall be replaced by the "I" zone, the word "watercourses" is replaced by "water taking facilities" and add "and art. 24, 11.
§ 11. In art. 20 al. 5 shall be amended as follows:
"(5) The person to whom it is granted a concession for the vodnostopanska system, with the concession contract award activities to manage and maintain the facilities in accordance with the requirements of the Ordinance under art. 141, para. 2 and the regulations of art. 141, para. 3. "
§ 12. In art. 21 the following amendments and supplements shall be made:
1. In paragraph 8. 2, after the words "art. 135 "added al. 1. "
2. in the Al. 3 the words "Especially right to water use" is replaced by "mining concession".
§ 13. In art. 24 11 is created:
"11. the lands from zone I of the sanitary-protection zones for human self."
§ 14. In art. 33 para. 3 is repealed.
§ 15. In art. 40 following amendments and supplements shall be made:
1. The current text becomes paragraph 1 and in paragraph 2, after the words "with permission" is added "or with prior written notification to the competent authority".
2. a para. 2:
"(2) the individual right to water use and water bodies, provided with an administrative act of an individual, may not be transferred to third parties."
§ 16. In art. 41, para. 3, item 5 the words "law on territorial and urban device ' shall be replaced by" Spatial Planning Act ".
§ 17. In art. 43 following amendments and supplements shall be made:
1. In paragraph 8. 2, after the words "human settlements" is added "and local entities".
2. Paragraph 3 shall be amended as follows:
"(3) the provisions of para. 2:
1. apply for water use from groundwater within the specified in the river basin management plans and announced on the Internet pages of the basin directorates maximum water volumes for the land of each location, which shall not be greater than 50 percent of the available resources of the first body from the surface;
2. does not apply to the water use of mineral waters.
3. in the Al. 5, the words "paragraph 3" shall be replaced by ' paragraph 4 '.
§ 18. In art. 44, para. 1 item 3 is created:
"3. in the cases under art. 58, para. 1, item 1 and 2. "
§ 19. In art. 46 following amendments and supplements shall be made:
1. In paragraph 8. 1:
a) point 1 shall be amended as follows:
"1. the new building, reconstruction or modernisation of existing systems and equipment for:
flow adjustment);
b) linear infrastructure running across water bodies – had aqueducts, bridges and transmission lines;
in hydrogeological surveys) in connection with the activities under the letter "h";
d) protection from harmful effects of water;
e) hydraulic port facilities;
is floating in the dams);
g) water use of surface water or groundwater;
(h)) and reinjection of water injection for artificial feeding of underground water and disposal of pollutants into groundwater – in the cases under art. 118 (a), para. 2; "
b) point 3 is replaced by the following:
"3. the discharge of wastewater into surface waters for:
a design of sites) including sewage systems of human settlements, urban and resort entities;
b) exploitation of existing sites, including sewage systems, local cities and resort entities; "
in point 9) is repealed;
d) item 10 shall be inserted:
10. maintenance conductivity of uncorrected river beds for the purpose of cleaning from shrubs, woody vegetation and litter in areas under art. 119 (a), para. 1, item 5, reported on the conservation of habitats and species.
2. Paragraph 4 is replaced by the following:
(4) No permit shall be required for the use of water referred to in paragraph 1. 1, item 3 in the case of:
1. the discharge of municipal wastewater for objects outside the boundaries of settlements and settlement entities to:
(a) the maximum quantity of water 24 hours a day) to 10 m3. m a day and up to 50 equivalent inhabitants, and
(b)) at least provided primary wastewater treatment;
2. items forming the household waste water within the boundaries of settlements and settlement entities without the built sewerage system; for these sites is subject to the provisions of law on the territory. "
3. Al are created. 5-8:
"(5) a permit for use of the water body for the reconstruction and modernization of existing facilities is required only in the cases referred to in para. 1, item 1, "a", "b", "d" and "e", and in other cases the reconstruction and modernization of the facilities shall be carried out after prior written notification to the competent authority by the procedure of art. 58.
(6) the authorisations for the use of water for the construction of facilities for the groundwater under para. 1, paragraph 1, points (g) and (h) shall be issued in the framework of the water use permit, for the removal, for injection or Reinjection through new facilities.
(7) where the place of discharge of waste water requires the construction of facilities that have an impact on the water body, the conditions for its conservation in the construction of the facilities shall be established in the authorisation under paragraph 1. 1, item 3.
(8) a permit for the discharge of waste water in al. 1, paragraph 3, subparagraph (a) shall be required in the case of the design of the extension or modification of existing sites, which is linked to the change of parameters and location of permitted discharges. "
§ 20. In art. 46 and following amendments and supplements shall be made:
1. Create a new para. 2 and al. 3: "(2) a use permit or a certificate of commissioning the spatial planning act shall be issued for objects, including sewage systems, through which wastewater is discharged into bodies of water, only in the presence of issued pursuant to this Act:
1. permit for water use from groundwater through existing facilities or water use permit from the surface water for sites in operation, and
2. an authorization for the use of water for discharge of wastewater to the object in operation.
(3) the provisions of para. 2, paragraph 1 shall not apply to the objects for which the water is carried out under contract with a registered pursuant to the Act on the regulation of the water supply and sewerage services operator and k. "
2. The current paragraph. 2 it al. 4
§ 21. In art. 47 following amendments and supplements shall be made:
1. In paragraph 8. 2 item 4 is created:
4. "other purposes, when by the order of art. 47 (b) when carrying out hydrogeological studies directional revealed mineral water. "
2. in the Al. 9, the words "the lifespan of vodovzemnoto facility" are replaced with "definitions with the order for the validation of the operational resources of the locality technically possible flow of the vodovzemnoto facility.
§ 22. In art. 47 b is hereby amended as follows:
1. Paragraph 1 shall be amended as follows:
"(1) the holder of the authorization for the use of water for the construction of facilities for hydrogeological studies in depth the facility more than 400 m, in the performance of that directional revealed mineral water upon request be granted water use permit or concession in the cases under art. 47, para. 2. "
2. in the Al. 2:
a) in paragraph 1 the words ' free transfer of ownership of the vodovzemnoto facility of the mineral water stopanisvaŝ "shall be replaced by ' the inclusion of facility in the public register of mineral waters under art. 118 (d) ";
b) points 2 and 3 are repealed.
3. in the Al. 3 the words "lifespan" is replaced by "flow" as far as technically possible.
§ 23. Art is created. 47 in:
"Art. 47 in (1) persons who, on the basis of authorisation granted pursuant to this Act are assigned and performed at his own expense hydrogeological surveys and/or construction of facilities intended for water use and/or assessment of resources and flows of water taking facilities for a certain field of mineral water:
1. have an advantage in the provision of the right to water use or use of the water body under art. 46, para. 1, item 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 in accordance with this Act or received a concession law for the extraction of mineral water in accordance with the law on concessions;
2. do not pay fee for water use or concessionary payment for the first 6 months of the term of validity of the permit or concession.
(2) for the granting of the rights under paragraph 1. 1, item 1 shall take into account the needs of existing hospitals for hospital aid, laid down by the procedure of art. 151, para. 2, paragraph 1, letter "e" and the total water use for drinking and vodonalivane. "
§ 24. In art. 48 following amendments and supplements shall be made:
1. In paragraph 8. 1:
(a)) in the text before paragraph 1, after the word "Vodopolzvatelite" is placed indent, add "holders of permits" and a comma;
b) in paragraph 2, the words "and the conditions of their provision" shall be replaced by "for granted";
c) in paragraph 3 the word "authorization" is replaced by "authorizations";
d) point 5 is replaced by the following:
5. take action for the establishment of sanitary-protection zones for domestic water supply and those for mineral waters used for treatment, prophylaxis, drinking-household purposes and bottling and:
(a) carry out measures in specified) the limits of sanitary-protection zones in accordance with the requirements of the Ordinance under art. 135, para. 1, item 6, and the order for the determination of the sanitary security zone, and b) maintain coastal strips or zalivaemi of the rivers with the lands of the dams, situated within the boundaries of the zone, in accordance with the regulations; "
(e) in item 8) Finally a comma and add "as well as to provide the required information at the time of and in connection with the carrying out of inspection";
is so created) 11, 12 and 13:
"11. the conditions in the permits issued to them under this Act and the complex permits issued under the environmental protection act;
12. by 31 March of the following financial year shall provide to the Director of the relevant river basin Directorate and, in the case of authorised under art. 46, para. 1, item 3 – and the Director of the regional Inspectorate of environment and waters, a report on the implementation of the conditions of their permits issued; in the case of authorised under art. 117 of the law on the protection of the environment, the report is presented as part of the report under art. 125, para. 1, item 5 of the same law;
13. perform within the prescriptions of the controller. "
2. in the Al. 2:
(a)) in the text before paragraph 1, after the word "Vodopolzvatelite" is added "whether or not they are holders of permits" and a comma;
(b) in item 2), after the words "art. 135 "added al. 1. "
3. in the Al. 3, after the words "art. 135 "added al. 1. "
4. a para. 4:
"(4) the Vodopolzvatelite, who are not holders of permits and Vic operators within the meaning of art. 2 of the law on regulation of water supply and sewerage facilities, treated and discharged waste water into surface water bodies in accordance with the issued a permit for the use of water for discharge of wastewater to the sewage system. "
§ 25. In art. 50 following amendments and supplements shall be made:
1. Paragraph 3 is replaced by the following:
"(3) a permit for water use and/or for the use of water shall be issued:
1. the legal persons and the sole traders;
2. the natural persons where the request is for:
(a) satisfaction of needs its own) in the cases under art. 44, para. 6;
(b) the discharge of waste water) under art. 46, para. 1, item 3;
c) mineral waters – exclusive State ownership, which are submitted to the management and use of the municipalities;
(d) agricultural purposes) by a registered farmer. "
2. paragraph 6 is replaced by the following:
(6) water use permit under art. 44 and the authorization for the use of surface water under art. 46 shall be issued under the conditions and in accordance with this Act and the Ordinances under art. 135, para. 1, item 1 (a) and 13. "
3. Al are created. 7, 8 and 9:
(7) a permit for water use of groundwater under art. 44 and the authorization for the use of groundwater under art. 46, para. 1, item 5, 6 and 7 shall be issued for water use or for the use of groundwater:
1. through new facilities;
2. by existing facilities.
(8) in the cases referred to in para. 7, paragraph 1 shall be issued a general permit, containing and conditions for construction of facilities.
(9) the rights to water use or water use permit issued pursuant to para. 8, may benefit from:
1. acceptance of the constructed facilities intended for water use by the order of the Ordinance under art. 135, para. 1, item 2 and on the basis of the documents for the adoption of the facilities;
2. amendment of the permit regarding the parameters of the authorised water use or use that is carried out ex officio by the head of the basin Directorate, depending on the results of the study of underground water in the process of building the facilities. "
§ 26. Article 52 shall be amended as follows:
"Art. 52. (1) the authorization shall be issued by:
1. the Minister of environment and water or authorised by him: officer
and water use dams) of the annex No 1;
(b)) the transfer of water between different regions River;
the use of the water body):
AA) in annex 1 the dams, including the discharge of waste waters;
BB) discharge of pollutants into groundwater in the cases under art. 118 (a), para. (2);
BB) injection of carbon dioxide, natural gas or liquefied petroleum gas in groundwater bodies;
d) objectives of defence and national security;
2. the Executive Director of the Agency for exploration and maintenance of the Danube River – for the use of water for the seizure of the alluvial deposits of the river Danube;
3. the Mayor of the municipality following the decision of the Municipal Council:
of water use) for lead, including dams and mikroâzoviri and mineral waters – public municipal property, as well as from the deposits of mineral waters – exclusive State property, which is provided free of charge for the management and use of the municipalities;
(b)) for the use of water bodies – public municipal property, with the exception of authorisations under art. 46, para. 1, item 3;
4. the Director of basin Directorate – in all other cases of water use and the use of water.
(2) Permits for the use of water bodies – parts of the Danube River, the inland maritime waters or territorial sea, shall be issued by the Director of the relevant river basin Directorate after the consent of the Secretary of Defense and the Minister of transport, information technology and communications.
(3) water use permit from the deposits of mineral waters – exclusive State ownership, provided free of charge for the management and use of the municipalities shall be issued by the Mayor of the municipality, after consultation with the Director of the relevant river basin Directorate in terms of the parameters of vodovzemaneto. Coordination is carried out prior to the preparation of the notice of initiation for the granting of the authorization.
(4) a copy of the authorisation under paragraph 1. 1, item 3 shall be sent to the Director of the relevant river basin Directorate. "
§ 27. Article 53 shall be amended as follows:
"Art. 53. (1) the method of use of the waters of complex and significant reservoirs in annex 1 shall be determined in annual and monthly režimni schedules, which shall be approved by the Minister of environment and water, and are an integral part of the water use permit.
(2) in the annual schedule is determined strategy for the use of the waters of the dams in annex No. 1 in that year.
(3) the monthly schedule is drawn up, taking into account updated information on the status of the dam during the preceding month, the annual schedule strategy, the forecast for the expected influx, hidrometeorologičnata atmosphere and the assessment of the claims in part-request by the holders of permits for water use.
(4) with monthly schedules are:
1. transfer water;
2. determine the available volumes of expected influx;
3. define specific terms to holders of permits.
(5) the authorized limit can be exceeded in the case of a certain volume of monthly schedule with the expected influx, or in the event of unforeseeable and/or exceptional circumstances.
(6) persons who carry out the technical operation of the dams and other facilities to them, presented at the Ministry of environment and water daily, monthly, and desetdnevki on the next working day, information on the water balance in the dams at Annex 1.
(7) the Minister of the environment and water or an official authorised by him in the event of unforeseeable exceptional circumstances and/or amend the monthly schedule, which shall notify in writing the parties concerned. "
§ 28. In art. 55, paragraph 3, the words "water body" shall be replaced by ' the water body, the objectives for environmental protection set for the water body, and measures to achieve these objectives, set out in the river basin management plans.
§ 29. In art. 56 following amendments and supplements shall be made:
1. In paragraph 8. 1: a) in paragraph 7, after the words "body of water" is added "and body";
b) point 8 is replaced by the following:
"8. the places of use, consumption and discharges, including altitude and coordinates of the facilities, or the area of use;".
2. in the Al. 2:
a) in item 3, after the word "permissible" is added "operating";
(b)) section 5 is repealed.
3. in the Al. 3 item 4 shall be repealed.
4. Paragraphs 4 and 5 shall be read with the following adaptations:
"(4) the authorization for the use of water for discharge of wastewater into surface waters under art. 46, para. 1, paragraph 3 in addition to the requisites under para. 1 contains:
1. data for the object, forming waste water sewer system, for the owner and the user;
2. data of the water use permit or contract provided water service;
3. individual emission limits on all the typical indicators of waste water in streams and places of discharge;
4. time limit for reaching the individual emission limits;
5. the quantities of waste water zaustvanite – maximum time, and annual srednodenonoŝni.
(5) the conditions under which licences are to be issued shall be determined by the Ordinances under art. 135, para. 1, item 1 and 2 and the application, an integral part of the authorization. "
5. Paragraph 7 is hereby repealed.
§ 30. In art. 57 following amendments and supplements shall be made:
1. In paragraph 8. 1 item 2 (a) is repealed.
2. Al are created. 3 and 4:
"(3) Permits for the use of water for seizure of alluvial deposits are issued for the period of application of the current at the time of the granting of the authorization plan for river basin management and shall be reviewed annually in conjunction with the assessment of the ratio of the annual volume to seize the opportunity of the annual River to recover deposits in nanosnite station.
(4) Authorisations for the use of water for discharge of wastewater under art. 46, para. 1, paragraph 3, subparagraph (a) shall be issued for a period up to the commissioning of the object/sewer system. "
§ 31. In art. 58 following amendments and supplements shall be made: 1. In para. 1:
and in the text) before item 1, the words "If the owner or operator of real estate intends to undertake the following activities" shall be replaced by ' to carry out the following activities: ";
(b)) that are 3, 4, 5 and 6:
"3. the air passage of the equipment;
4. maintain the conductivity of uncorrected river beds beyond the boundaries of the settlements for the purpose of cleaning from shrubs, woody vegetation, municipal and construction waste, when not disturbing the natural state of the shores and bottom of the river and when does not fall within the zones referred to in art. 119 (a), para. 1, item 5, reported on the conservation of habitats and species;
5. construction of facilities for monitoring of groundwater in accordance with the approved by the competent authority monitoring program;
6. hydrogeological studies, other than those referred to in art. 46, para. 1, item 1 (c). "
2. Paragraphs 2 and 3 shall be read with the following adaptations:
"(2) in the cases referred to in para. 1 the applicant shall provide a report of planned activities, which include:
1. location;
2. the volume and nature of the activity;
3. measures are envisaged for the protection of water and the water body;
4. time limit for performance of the activity.
(3) if the Director of basin Directorate considers that the planned activity does not meet the requirements of para. 1, he shall notify the owner within the time limit referred to in paragraph 1. 1 the need for a permit. "
3. a para. 4:
"(4) the Director of basin Directorate within the time limit referred to in paragraph 1. 1 may prescribe conditions and/or limitations under which to operate, in conjunction with the implementation of the requirements concerning the protection of waters, governed by regulations, methodologies and guidelines under art. 135. "§ 32. Article 59 shall be amended as follows:
"Art. 59. (1) the authorization shall be issued on the basis of:
1. the documents referred to in art. 60, and 2. official and current data of meteorological, hydrological, hydrogeological, hidrohimični and other engineering studies.
(2) when issuing the authorization shall be subject to the presentation of investment project within the meaning of the spatial planning Act, the same shall be prepared by persons who possess the qualification "master" in the specialty, associated with the type of permit requested, and are registered in accordance with the law on the Chambers of architects and engineers in investment design. "
§ 33. Article 60 shall be amended as follows:
"Art. 60. (1) for the opening of the procedure for issuing of permit applicants shall submit an application in a form approved by the Minister of environment and waters, specifying:
1. the data referred to in art. 56, para. 1, item 4-9;
2. correspondence address including electronic address – where one exists;
3. phone and fax to contact the individual or with the person who manages and represents the company as per art. 56, para. 1, item 4;
4. the parameters of the requested use;
5. the number of the decision of the Minister of environment and waters, or to the Director of the regional Inspectorate of environment and water in the environmental impact assessment or judgment, it is not necessary to conduct an environmental impact assessment, or the assessment of compatibility, when such is required under the environmental protection act and the law on biological diversity.
(2) an application under subsection. 1 shall apply:
1. the signed document for paid fee for the issuance of the licence;
2. the current sketch or map of the property in which the activity will be performed, certified by the competent authority;
3. a document certifying the consent of the owner of the equipment or contract with the owner of the facilities for the provision of the service "drain" – when vodovzemaneto or the use of the body of water is related to the use of existing facilities;
4. a statement of the circumstances under art. 71, para. 2 of the law on the protection of the environment.
(3) where the request is for a permit for water use from surface water to the request under paragraph 1. 1 shall apply:
1. pre-feasibility study or the developed phase of the investment project in accordance with the requirements of the law on spatial planning, hydrological and water containing some research proving the existence of the required water quantity in the water body or proving the need for transfer of leads – where the request is for the transfer of water between river basins, or project zavirâvane – when the request is for zavirâvane of the newly built water bodies;
2. justification of the requested water quantity in accordance with the rules for water consumption, determined by the Ordinance under art. 117 a, para. (2);
3. project for sanitary security zone – where the request is for domestic water supply;
4. documents certifying the consent of property owners who will be affected by the zavirâvaneto and construction of facilities where facilities were not built;
5. coordinated opinions to competent authorities relating to the involvement of the developed infrastructure and with the ability to change the designation of agricultural land and forests and lands of the forest fund, which will be affected;
6. a comparative assessment of energy benefits and harm to the environment, using the energy of the water.
(4) where the request is for a permit for the use of surface water, with the exception of the discharge of waste waters, the application shall be accompanied by:
1. for the construction of new systems and equipment – investment project according to the requirements of the spatial planning act;
2. seizure of alluvial deposits from the river Danube:
the proposed scheme) area, indicating the location of the boundaries of the geographical coordinates of the station;
b) feasibility studies proving that there will be no negative influences on koraboplavatelniâ road, the coast, Islands and hydrotechnical facilities;
3. seizure of alluvial deposits from the surrounding lands of reservoirs – technical project for the seizure;
4. seizure of alluvial deposits from the beds of the unadjusted domestic rivers:
a technical draft) the seizure;
(b)) a comparative assessment of the benefits of the activity and the damage to the environment;
5. for aquaculture and related activities:
a) project;
(b) an opinion from s″glasuvatelno) Executive Agency for fisheries and aquaculture on areas for commercial fishing and fish farming areas in large dams – when the dam is not zoniran;
in opinions and project) location of Headquarters activities in preparation of the Navy of the Republic of Bulgaria and of the Executive Agency "maritime administration" – where the activity takes place in coastal waters or in the Danube;
d) approved by the municipal expert technical advice project to change the function of the small dam, in accordance with the rules of art. 141, para. 3;
6. for floating facilities in the dams:
a) project for construction of the facility and of its activities;
(b) the registration document) and the fitness of the vessel facility by an Executive Agency "maritime administration";
in the preliminary contract) for the transport of waste water and domestic waste or wastewater treatment – in cases where such are formed by the activity of the vessel facility;
d) contract with a diving company for an annual service of zakotvâŝite facilities.
(5) where by we construct facilities or through the seizure of alluvial deposits amend the physical characteristics of a surface water body, to the application of para. 1 apply and justifications, calculations, and evidence of compliance with the requirements under art. 156, para. 2.
(6) where the request is for a permit for water use of groundwater, the application shall be accompanied by:
1. a document of title or a notarized written consent by the owner of the property in which you are or will be located for water use;
2. notarized statement from the owners of the properties affected by the project for sanitary security zone, to the effect that they are familiar with the restrictions and prohibitions laid down by the Ordinance under art. 135, para. 1, item 6, which fall within the design sanitary zones – water use, designed for domestic water supply;
3. justification of the vodovzemaneto, including a justification of the requested quantity of water, under the water consumption norms laid down by the Ordinance under art. 117 a, para. 2.
(7) where the request is for a permit for water use of mineral waters, the application shall be accompanied by:
1. a document of title or constituted a right of use over the property where the activity is carried out for the use of mineral water;
2. draft accession of power supplies of water diversion on the subject to the feed system and to measure water volumes used and a justification of the requested water quantity in accordance with the rules for water consumption, determined by the Ordinance under art. 117 a, para. 2.
(8) where the request is for a permit for hydrogeological studies, and the application shall be accompanied by:
1. documents certifying the consent of the owners of the properties in which the study will be carried out;
2. project for hydrogeological studies.
(9) where the request is for a permit for the use of water referred to in art. 46, para. 1.5-8, the application shall be accompanied by:
1. report on the results of the hydrogeological study;
2. technological justification for Reinjection, injection, removal or artificial feeding, including justification for reinžektiranite, injected or otveždanite volumes.
(10) for a permit under art. 46, para. 1, item 3 of the application provided for in para. 1 apply and documents specified by the Ordinance under art. 135, para. 1, item 13.
(11) the requirements to the documents for issuing permits are determined by the Ordinances under art. 135, para. 1, item 1A, 2 and 13.
(12) the request under paragraph 1. 1 and the attached documents shall be submitted in two copies-one copy, as the original is submitted on paper medium, and the second – as his full digital-analogue on magnetic medium. "
§ 34. In art. 61 following amendments and supplements shall be made:
1. Paragraphs 1 and 2 shall be read with the following adaptations:
"(1) an application for an authorization shall be submitted to the competent authority referred to in art. 52, para. 1.
(2) the authority under para. 1 in 20 days:
1. shall check that:
the application shall contain (a)) the required information and applications according to the model;
(b)) the content of the attached documents under art. 60 meets the requirements of this Act;
2. carry out the judgement under art. 62, para. 1. "
2. in the Al. 3 the word "cons" is replaced by "gaps" and the words "14 days" are replaced by "a term of up to two months".
3. in the Al. 4 the word "cons" is replaced by "discrepancies".
4. a para. 5:
"(5) If, in the judgement under art. 62, para. 1, made in the period referred to in para. 2, it is found that the application does not comply with the requirements of art. 62, para. 1 and the conditions referred to in art. 68, the authority under art. 52, para. 1 issue a decision with a motivated refusal to issue the permit. In this case, if the discrepancies in the documents attached under art. 60 do not affect the discretion under art. 62, the authority shall issue a decision refusing, without requiring the removal of disparities in the Al. 3. "
§ 35. Art is created. 61A:
"Art. 61. (1) For the execution of the judgement under art. 62, para. 1, item 3, the authority referred to in art. 52, para. 1 requires the Minister of environment and water, or by the Director of the regional Inspectorate of environment and waters opinion on:
1. the procedure under Chapter vi of the law on the protection of the environment in terms of vodovzemaneto or activities for the use of the water body, subject to the authorization requested;
2. the procedure under Chapter six of the environmental protection act in respect of the entity that is predicted to be watered or waters which are intended to be taken, purified and discharged;
3. the need to establish a separate procedure under art. 31 of the law on biological diversity.
(2) where, in the opinion of Pará. 1 required an environmental impact assessment (EIA) and the evaluation of the compatibility under art. 31 of the Act in the application under subsection. 1, the Minister of environment and waters or the Director of the regional Inspectorate of environment and water sent to the authority under art. 52, para. 1 and:
1. the EIA decision or a decision not to carry out EIA;
2. Act that ended the procedure under art. 31 of the law on biological diversity;
3. information whether the decision under item 1 and item 2 in the Act came into force.
(3) the procedure for the provision of the documents referred to in para. 1 and 2 shall also apply in the granting of concessions for mineral waters by the procedure of art. 102. "
§ 36. In art. 62 following amendments and supplements shall be made:
1. In paragraph 8. 1:
and in the text) before item 1 the words "art. 61 ' shall be replaced by "art. 52 ";
b) in paragraph 2, after the word "interest" is added "and acquired rights";
in t is created) 8:
"8. the fulfilment of the conditions under art. 156 b-156 g. "
2. a para. 6:
"(6) the assessment is in writing and is an integral part of the documentation, on the basis of which the authorisation or refusal to issue the permit."
§ 37. In art. 62 and following amendments and supplements shall be made:
1. In paragraph 8. 1 in the text before paragraph 1 the word "month" is replaced by "20 days".
2. in the Al. 2 Add "and placed on the website of the authority under art. 52, para. 1. "
3. Paragraph 4 is hereby repealed.
4. Al are created. 5 and 6:
"(5) the communication referred to in paragraph 1. 1 is sent and the holders of authorisations already issued, for which, in the judgement under art. 62 it has been established that will change some of the parameters of the permitted use, and the owners of the facilities where the request is for the use of complex and significant reservoirs in annex 1.
(6) in the cases under art. 46, para. 1, item 5, 7 and 8 the communication under paragraph 1. 1 and is sent to the applicant, that within the time limit under art. 64 to declare the ability to fulfill the conditions. "
§ 38. In art. 63 in the text before point 1, the words "and the publication" shall be deleted.
§ 39. In art. creates 64 para. 3:
(3) objections and proposals referred to in paragraph 1. 1 be sent to the place indicated in the notice under art. 62 (a), para. 1. "
§ 40. In art. 67, para 1 and para. 2 the words "the authority under art. 52, para. 1, 2 and 3 ' shall be replaced by "authority under art. 52, para. 1. "
§ 41. In art. 68 following amendments and supplements shall be made:
1. In the text before item 1 the words "item 2 and 3 ' shall be deleted.
2. In item 5: (a)) in the text before paragraph (a), the words "building a vodovzemno facility for groundwater for ' shall be replaced by ' water use from groundwater;
(b)) in letters "a" and "b" at the beginning are added the preposition "for";
c) creates is (c):
"in) under the terms of art. 118 (c); ".
3. a new item 6:
6. "the request was for water use for domestic water supply by:
a) surface waters, for which it is not intended to purify water in accordance with the requirements of the Ordinance under art. 135, para. 1, item 4;
(b)) which have a lasting changes on the chemical performance of requirements of the Ordinance under art. 135, para. 1, item 3 and have not been provided for measures to ensure compliance with the requirements of the Ordinance; ".
4. The former item 6 and 7 shall become item 7 and 8.
5. item 9 shall be inserted:
9. "are not carried out the procedures in chapter six of the environmental protection act and/or under art. 31 of the law on biodiversity. "
§ 42. In art. 70 is made the following changes and additions:
1. The current text becomes paragraph 1 the word "Decision" shall be replaced by "decision to refuse authorization or".
2. a para. 2:
"(2) where a competent to issue the permit is the Director of basin Directorate or the Executive Director of the Agency for exploration and maintenance of the Danube River, the competent authority shall send a copy of the documents referred to in para. 1 with attached a copy of the written judgment under art. 62 in the Ministry of environment and water. "
§ 43. In art. 71 the word "Decision" shall be replaced by "decision to refuse authorization or".
§ 44. In art. 75 words "or published" shall be deleted.
§ 45. In art. 76, para. 1, the words "or" promulgation shall be deleted and add "or to refuse to amend the permit.
§ 46. In art. 77 following amendments and supplements shall be made:
1. In paragraph 8. 1, after the word "amendment" is added "or refusing to amend" and the words "or" promulgation shall be deleted.
2. in the Al. 3, after the word "amendment" is added "or refusing to amend".
§ 47. In art. 78 following amendments and supplements shall be made:
1. In paragraph 8. 1 the figure "6" is replaced by "3".
2. a para. 3:
"(3) the provisions of paragraphs 1 and 2. 1 and 2 shall also apply when you want both modification and extension of validity of the permit. "
§ 48. In art. 78 and finally adds "and/or fines or penalties due under art. 200. "
§ 49. In art. 79 make the following amendments and additions:
1. In paragraph 8. 1:
and before that, the text) 1 shall be amended as follows: "the action of the issued permit shall terminate on expiry of the period or the decision of the authority under art. 52, para. 1: ";
b) point 2 is repealed;
in t. created) 6 and 7:
' 6. modifications of the durable occurred the technical parameters of the vodovzemnoto facility, rendering impossible its use;
7. the annual review of an authorization for the use of water for seizure of alluvial deposits, where it is found that the annual seizure volume from the previous year has exceeded the annual chance of a river to recover deposits nanosnite in the police station. "
2. Paragraphs 2, 3 and 4 are hereby amended:
"(2) in the cases referred to in para. 1, items 1 and 3 persons acquired the property rights or gender show real estate property law consequently receivers on the persons referred to in paragraph 3, within three months, inform the authority under art. 52, para. 1 if they wish to enjoy the rights under the authorisation.
(3) If the applicants fulfil the conditions for the issue of authorisation and is the deadline under para. 2, the authority under art. 52, para. 1 in the 20-day period terminate the authorization and reissued permit on their behalf.
(4) If the applicants do not meet the conditions for the granting of the authorization, the authority under art. 52, para. 1 refuse authorisation of the reissue of their name. Where the persons have availed themselves of the right to use waters in the period up to the receipt of the decision, they pay fees for payable under art. 194. "
3. Al are created. 5, 6 and 7:
"(5) in the event of non-observance of the time limit referred to in paragraph 1. 2 the authorization shall be considered as suspended from the date of occurrence of the circumstances under para. 1 and be issued a new permit under ordinary law.
(6) the persons referred to in para. 2, benefiting from the right to use the waters before the granting of the authorization under paragraph 1. 5:
1. are in violation of art. 44 or 46;
2. the due fee for the marketed use of water.
(7) the revocation of the authorization to cancel requested by the holder of the authorization shall be subject to the payment of fees under art. 194. "
§ 50. Art is created. 79A:
"Art. 79. (1) the authority under art. 52, para. 1 can order revocation of permit for water use or use of the water body in the presence of at least one of the following conditions:
1. non-use of the vodnostopanska system built within one year;
2. implementation of water use and/or use outside the purposes set out in the authorization;
3. violating the conditions of the permit;
4. failure to exercise the rights granted by the licence, the prescribed date;
5. non parameters defined in the authorization of the use;
6. found to adversely affect the conditions of navigation on the Danube River as a result of the seizure of the alluvial deposits of the river Danube, in accordance with the authorisation issued under art. 52, para. 1, item 2;
7. in the event of a change of koraboplavatelniâ time in cases where the new route of the road to create prerequisites for endangering the security of shipping due to the proximity of the site – subject to authorisation issued under art. 52, para. 1, item 2.
(2) the withdrawal may also refer to a part of the vodovzemaneto and/or use, in which case the authority under art. 52, para. 1 Specifies that part. "
§ 51. In art. 80 is made the following changes and additions:
1. In paragraph 8. 1, after the word "withdrawal" is added "or suspension".
2. in the Al. 4, ' item 2 and 3 ' shall be deleted.
§ 52. In art. 97 following amendments and supplements shall be made:
1. a para. 1:
(1) the person to whom it is provided especially the vodnostopanska system and the facility, is required to bring the hydrotechnical facilities and maintain in good technical condition. "
2. The current text becomes paragraph 2.
§ 53. In art. 102 a, para. 2 make the following amendments and additions:
1. Points 4, 5 and 6 are repealed.
2. In paragraph 12 the end a comma and add "as well as the number of the decision of the Minister of environment and waters, or to the Director of the regional Inspectorate of environment and water (RIEW) on assessment of the environmental impact or for judgment, it is not necessary to conduct an environmental impact assessment or assessment of compatibility When such is required under the environmental protection act and the law on biological diversity ".
3. Section 13 is repealed.
4. Section 15 is repealed.
§ 54. In art. 116 following amendments and supplements shall be made:
1. In paragraph 8. 1:
(a) in item 1) before the word "ecological" chemical "is inserted and";
(b) in item 2) before the word "good" is added to "achieve".
2. in the Al. 2:
a) in paragraph 2, the words "policies and" shall be deleted;
(b)) shall be item 4-8:
"4. the permissible altitude decrease of water level for every body or part of the body;
5. each year, natural and resources of groundwater based on current hydrological and hydrogeological data;
6. monthly total abstraction from groundwater and free water volumes;
7. dynamic reserves of hard swelling of rivers;
8. restrictions on the issuance of permits for:
a) use of water for seizure of alluvial deposits;
b) water use of surface water for the production of electricity;
in water use of groundwater).
§ 55. In art. 117, para. 2, after the words "art. 135 "added al. 1. "
§ 56. In art. 117 a, para. 2 Add "on a proposal from the Minister of economy, energy and tourism, Minister of regional development and public works, Minister of agriculture and forests, the Minister of health and Minister of environment and water.
§ 57. In art. Al 118. 3 is repealed.
§ 58. In art. 118 (b) make the following amendments and additions:
1. In paragraph 8. 1 Add "and starting point for taking measures to steer in the opposite direction of the identified significant and persistent tendencies to increase the concentration of pollutants into groundwater".
2. in the Al. 2, the words "by the Ordinance under art. 135, paragraph 2 "shall be deleted and add" or for a body or a group of bodies. "
3. in the Al. 3, after the word "pollution" is added "and" starting points.
4. in the Al. 4 after the word "pollution" there shall be added "and" starting points.
§ 59. In art. 118 (c), paragraph 1 the word "operational" is replaced by "available" and add "and/or if the maximum permissible operational decrease of water level exceed the allotted for water body allowable decrease".
§ 60. In art. 118 (d) make the following additions:
1. In paragraph 8. 3:
(a)) in the text before paragraph 1, after the word "underground" comma, add "including mineral" and a comma;
(b) in item 2) Finally a comma and add "including the on-site monitoring and observation wells in deposits of mineral waters".
2. in the Al. 4, after the words "art. 135 "added al. 1. "
§ 61. In art. 118 e, para. 2, after the words "art. 135 "added al. 1. "
§ 62. In art. 118, para. 2, after the words "art. 135 "added al. 1. "
§ 63. Art is created. 118 (g):
"Art. 118. (1) not permitted shall be the water use of surface water for electricity generation:
1. in a cascade of building derivacionen and ruslov type of hydroelectric plants;
2. when water in the river srednomnogogodišnoto quantity is less than 100.0 l/sec;
3. less than 500 m before and after the monitoring point of surface waters or built hydraulic structures;
4. When this part of the river falls in areas for protection under art. 119 (a), para. 1, item 5, reported on the conservation of habitats and species;
5. where the prohibitions and restrictions are in place in the river basin management plan, related to achieving the objectives set out in art. 156;
6. where it is not provided, the hydraulic continuity of the river.
(2) the use of water for seizure of alluvial deposits shall be permitted only in the places specified by the Ordinance under art. 135, para. 1, item 1A.
(3) not be allowed use of the water body for the seizure of the alluvial deposits of the designated locations under para. 2 when:
1. the annual seizure volume exceeds the annual chance of a river to recover deposits nanosnite in the plot;
2. the seizure poses no risk of interruption of the constructed dams on the river or of violating stability of existing hydrotechnical or other facilities.
(4) not be allowed use of the water body to build the new adjustments, when this part of the river falls in areas for protection under art. 119 (a), para. 1, item 5, except:
1. adjustments in the settlements;
2. adjustments aimed at restoring natural habitat and the river meandriraniâ;
3. construction of bottom and hydraulic thresholds necessary for recovery of the river level in corrected areas;
4. adjustments by dredging and construction of facilities for the provision of conditions for shipping, including for the protection of the coasts and Islands of the river Danube;
5. When are for protection from harmful effects of water. "
§ 64. Art is created. 118 (h): "art. 118. The place of seizure of alluvial deposits is not defined in the section:
1. where the nanosnite deposits are located after the dams or Weirs of 500 m downstream of the river or to the first perennial tributary when it is off more than 500 m from the facility;
2. less than 500 m before and after:
a) monitoring point of surface waters or the monitoring point of the quantitative status of groundwater, located near the river;
(b)) built hydraulic structures;
3. where the prohibitions and restrictions are in place in the river basin management plan, related to achieving the objectives set out in art. 156;
4. where this part of the river falls in areas for protection under art. 119 (a), para. 1, item 5, reported on the conservation of habitats and species, with the exception of maintenance activities on existing patches of rivers;
5. less than 2 miles before and after monitoring point on the waters of the Danube River, except for the construction and maintenance of hydraulic structures and fairway, and in the case of proving that the seizure does not diminish the quality of monitoring. "
§ 65. In art. 119 following amendments and supplements shall be made:
1. a new paragraph. 2:
"(2) the protection of water intended for human takes place so as to prevent the deterioration of their qualities, as well as to reduce the level of purification of water to achieve the requirements of the Ordinance under art. 135, para. 1, item 3. "
2. The current paragraph. 2 it al. 3 and after the words "art everywhere. 135 "added al. 1. "
3. The current paragraph. 3 it al. 4 and in paragraph 2 shall be inserted in the end "in accordance with the Ordinance under art. 135, para. 1, item 6.
4. The current paragraph. 4 it al. 5 and in her words "Al everywhere. 3 "shall be replaced by" para. 4, after the words "art. 135 "added al. 1. "
§ 66. In art. 119 (a), para. 1, item 1, the words "para. 3 "shall be replaced by" para. 4. "
§ 67. (B) Article 119 shall be amended as follows:
"Art. 119 (b). To the territories and zones referred to in art. 119 (a), para. 1, item 5 may be laid down specific requirements for the condition of the water, which must be achieved and/or maintained according to: 1. an order for the Declaration issued by the order of the law for protected areas or the law on biological diversity;
2. entered into force management plan for protected area or protected area;
3. entered into force plan of action for plant and animal species. "
§ 68. In art. 120 the following endorsements are added:
1. In paragraph 8. 1 Finally a comma and add "as well as the conditions for their implementation".
2. in the Al. 2 creates a second sentence: "the conditions for achieving individual emission limits may not be less stringent than the requirements of this law and other normative acts in the field of the environment relevant to the waters."
3. in the Al. 3, after the words "art. 135 "added al. 1, item 10.
4. a para. 4:
"(4) in determining the measures for the prevention of pollution from diffuse sources shall apply the regulation, taking into account the best environmental practice, referred to in the Ordinances under art. 135, para. 1, item 5, 11, 12 and 17 and by the Ordinance under art. 119 of the environmental protection act and any other applicable legislation in the field of the environment. "
§ 69. Article 122 shall be replaced by the following:
"Art. 122. individual emission limits can be defined as more stringent than the emission standards laid down in the Ordinance under art. 135, para. 1, item 12, where this is necessary for: 1. the attainment of the objectives for the protection of the environment;
2. use of surface water for domestic water supply, unforeseen in the river basin management plan;
3. achieving the conditions laid down in the Ordinances under art. 135, para. 1 item 17 and 18 quality standards. "
§ 70. In art. 124, para. 2, after the words "art. 135 "added al. 1. "
§ 71. In art. 125, para. 1 is hereby amended as follows:
1. point 1 shall be amended as follows:
"1. the permit for discharge of waste water, issued in accordance with this law;".
2. In paragraph 2 the word "debit" is replaced by "quantity".
3. Points 3 and 4 are hereby amended:
"3. the capacity and effectiveness of the existing sewerage network and sewage treatment plant;
4. technology for sludge treatment mean further their final recovery or disposal. "
§ 72. Article 125 (a) shall be replaced by the following:
"Art. 125. It is prohibited to the inclusion of new members to the zaustvaŝi waste water collecting systems of human settlements, settlement and resort entities where the sewerage system could not ensure the removal and cleaning of waste water, subject to the conditions in the issued pursuant to this Act, the authorization for the discharge of waste water. "
§ 73. In art. 126 creates al. 3:
(3) emergency Bajpasnite and links to treatment plants, from which it may be implemented discharges into surface waters, reseal the closed state of the REGIONAL INSPECTORATE. Breaking the seals is allowed after notification and consent of the RIEW. "
§ 74. In art. 127 creates al. 3:
(3) emergency Bajpasnite and links to treatment plants are designed and provided with zatvorni equipment, and when discharged to surface waters shall be sealed under the conditions of art. 126, para. 3. "
§ 75. In art. 130, para. 2, after the word "Persons" is added "including Vic operators".
§ 76. In art. 134 the following endorsements are added:
1. In the text before paragraph 1, after the word "stripes" added "and the surrounding lands of their reservoir.
2. an item 6:
6. waste disposal. "
§ 77. In art. 135 following amendments and supplements shall be made:
1. The current text becomes paragraph 1 and it shall be established that 17-21:17. The Council of Ministers shall adopt Ordinance for the environmental quality standards for priority substances and certain other pollutants;
18. the Council of Ministers shall adopt Ordinance for the environmental quality standards for basic physico-chemical and specific pollutants to assess the condition of surface waters;
19. The Council of Ministers shall adopt Ordinance for the protection of the environment in marine waters;
20. the Minister of environment and water issues a decree for the classification system of ecological status and ecological potential of surface waters;
21. Minister of environment and water issued the Ordinance on technical specifications for chemical analysis and monitoring of water status.
2. Al are created. 2, 3 and 4:
"(2) on the protection and water management in the evaluation of the situation and to achieve and maintain good water status shall comply with the requirements of the guidelines of the common strategy for implementing European Union law.
(3) the guidelines referred to in paragraph 1. 2:
1. adapted from scientific institutes at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences in accordance with environmental and economic conditions in Bulgaria;
2. be approved by order of the Minister of environment and waters not later than 6 months after their publication in the information system on water in Europe.
(4) the guidelines referred to in paragraph 1. 2 methodology under para. 1, item 1 and methodologies on the basis of issued of this law and the regulations thereto, shall be published on the Internet pages of the Ministry of environment and water and the river basin water management directorates. "
§ 78. In chapter nine, "protection from the adverse effects of waters ' prior art. 137 designation is created "section I General provisions".
§ 79. In art. 137 following amendments and supplements shall be made:
1. The current text becomes paragraph 1 and creates a point 8:
8. protection of induced by sea flooding of coastal regions; ".
2. a para. 2:
"(2) the floods may be:
1. the natural floods that caused mostly when melting of ice and snow, in rain or in the format of attachments from ledohod or freezing;
2. technological floods, which were caused by other influences – failure of hydro-technical equipment which can lead to an accident, or to prevent critical situations in the hydro-technical equipment. "
§ 80. In art. 138, para. 4 the following endorsements are added:
1. In paragraph 1, after the word "levees" a comma and add "adjustments of rivers and ravines.
2. Create t. 6, 7 and 8:
"6. the building and maintaining of fortification and/or bregozaŝitni facilities on the coast for protection from wave impact;
7. measures to prevent and limit the damage caused by natural flooding conducted in accordance with the plans for flood risk management;
8. maintenance of conditions of navigation on the Danube. "
§ 81. In art. 139 al. 2 shall be amended as follows:
"(2) the persons referred to in para. 1 maintain and conductivity of the riverbed, dams, rivers, gullies and adjustments and other hydrotechnical protective facilities and in accordance with the parameters of the overflow facilities at distances up to 500 m from dams. "
§ 82. In art. 140 following amendments and supplements shall be made:
1. In paragraph 8. 2 the words "3 and 4" shall be replaced by "paragraph 3, 4, 6 and 7".
2. Paragraph 3 shall be amended as follows:
"(3) the activities under art. 138, para. 4, item 5 shall be financed by the Interministerial Commission for reconstruction and assistance to the Council of Ministers and shall include:
1. cleaning of river beds from construction and household waste;
2. remove the water flow in the grown-up trees, stumps, bushes and all the fallen or the danger of falling trees;
3. protection of river banks from erosion, strengthening the protection of coasts and coastal vegetation;
4. removal of illegal structures, fences, and other stored materials from the boundaries of river beds;
5. remove the illegal vodovzemaniâ and podpriŝvaŝi structures. "
3. Al are created. 4-7:
"(4) When cleaning the riverbeds within the urbanized territory:
1. the Mayor of the municipality appointed by order Interagency Commission, comprising representatives of civil protection experts-ecologists and other technicians;
2. the Mayor of the municipality with a monthly fixed sections of the river whose conductivity is reduced, for reasons requiring the activities referred to in para. 3, on the basis of the statement, obtained by the municipal administration of State of river beds in the limits of settlements;
3. the Interministerial Committee on item 1:
a view of the plot) performs the specified pursuant to paragraph 2;
(b)) defines the species works to clean and their quantities;
to identify and mark the trees) to remove;
(d)) defines the areas for reforestation and other fortification and protivoerozionni activities on the banks of the rivers;
e) shall draw up a statement and prepare a program for scheduled cleaning of river stretches;
is delivered by the Protocol) the cleaned areas;
4. the Mayor of the municipality:
(a) approve the program and Protocol) under item 3, the letter "e";
(b)) shall notify the Governor, if the Protocol referred to in paragraph 3, the letter "d" is established, it is necessary clean the uncorrected plots;
c) contract awarded under the public procurement Act for choice of contractors, for the implementation of the programme referred to in paragraph 3, the letter "e" in lots; procurement contracts shall be determined and disposal of waste removed; for each lot shall be concluded a contract of investment control;
d) includes the cleaned areas in the management of the municipality.
(5) When the cleaning of river beds is outside the urbanized territory the activities referred to in para. 4 are organized and coordinated by the regional Governor, who:
1. the Commission shall appoint an interministerial order under para. 4, item 1;
2. Approves the Protocol konstativniâ al. 4, item 3, the letter "e";
3. by order instructs the municipality Mayor clean-up activities to the designated areas.
(6) where, on inspection, it is established that in order to maintain the conductivity of Riverbed except the activities referred to in para. 3 it is necessary and the seizure of alluvial deposits:
1. the Interministerial Committee on al. 4 and 5 taking part and a representative of the basin Directorate;
2. the volume of nanosnite deposits that must be seized, and the time period for performing of the activity are determined by expert evaluation by Interministerial Commission;
3. for alluvial deposits seized person making the cleaning fee, determined by the tariff referred to in art. 194, para. 6 that goes into the account of the relevant municipality;
4. the Mayor of the municipality translates the fees collected under item 3 to the account of the Interministerial Commission for reconstruction and assistance to the Council of Ministers.
(7) the suspended from Riverbed wood:
1. where it is fit for use, is transmitted free of charge to dispose of mayors who grant it for firewood of persons involved in the relevant social programmes;
2. when it is indigestible, crushing machine and operate for a landfill for construction or for household waste. "
§ 83. In art. 141 following amendments and supplements shall be made:
1. a new paragraph. 3:
"(3) the specific requirements for the operation of small dams shall be determined by the rules for proper and safe operation and maintenance of infrastructure facilities by hidromeliorativnata (SG. 97 of 2004), issued by the Minister of agriculture and food. "
2. The current paragraph. 3 it al. 4.
§ 84. In art. 146, para. 1 the word "new" is deleted and then added "and the" easement hydrotechnical facilities.
§ 85. Create part II, III, IV and V, with art. 146 a-146 t:
"Section Ii
Preliminary flood risk assessment
Art. 146. (1) For each region of the river according to art. 152, para. 1, including the Bulgarian part of the Danube River, is carried out a preliminary assessment of the risk of flooding on the methodology referred to in art. 187, para. 2, item 6.
(2) the assessment under paragraph 1. 1 includes:
1. maps of the areas for the basin water management at an appropriate scale, showing topography and land use, including limits on:
(a) river basins, sub-basins) and;
b) coastal areas – where they exist;
2. a description of the floods occurred in the past with significant adverse effects on human health, the environment, cultural heritage, technical infrastructure and economic activity and which can be expected to recur in the future;
3. the scale of the floods, their way of distribution and assessment of the adverse effects of them;
4. assessment of the potential adverse consequences of future floods for human health, the environment, cultural heritage, technical infrastructure and economic activity, taking into account as far as possible:
a) topography, location of WAT s currents and their general hydrological and geomorphological characteristics, including the retenzionnite lowlands as natural water binding capacity surfaces;
b) effectiveness of man-made infrastructures (systems and facilities) for flood protection, the position of populated areas, areas of economic activity and long-term planning;
the influence of) climate change on the occurrence of floods.
Art. 146 (b). (1) the preliminary flood risk assessment referred to in art. 146 a, para. 1 shall not be carried out for river basins or sub-basins, where:
1. has been established on the basis of a risk assessment, undertaken before 22 December 2010, that exists or is likely to a significant potential risk from flooding;
2. before 22 December 2010, have issued decisions drawing up maps of the flood hazard maps, maps of areas at risk of flooding and for the development of flood risk management plans that meet the requirements of this Act.
(2) the assessment under paragraph 1. 1 paragraph 1 shall be carried out by the Director of the relevant river basin Directorate.
(3) the decisions referred to in paragraph 1. 1, item 2 shall be issued by the Director of the relevant river basin Directorate.
Art. 146. in international water management areas for the Republic of Bulgaria provides the exchange of up-to-date information necessary for the preliminary flood risk assessment, through the relevant river basin Directorate.
Art. 146. (1) the Director of basin Directorate carried out the preliminary assessment under art. 146 a, para. 1 and sets out areas for which there is:
1. a significant potential risk from flooding;
2. likelihood of significant potential flood risk.
(2) the areas under para. 1 shall be determined for each river or part of an international area according to art. 151, para. 2, item 2, the letter "t" and approved by the Minister of environment and water.
Section Iii
Maps of flood hazard maps and maps of areas at risk of flooding
Art. 146 e. (1) for the regions defined in art. 146 b, para. 1, item 1 and 2 and art. 146 d, para. 1 shall be drawn up:
1. maps of areas under the threat of floods, and
2. maps of areas at risk of flooding.
(2) the compilation of maps in accordance with para. 1 for areas under art. 146 b, para. 1, item 1 and 2 and art. 146 d, para. 1, which are common in other countries, takes place after a preliminary exchange of information between the relevant countries.
Art. 146. (1) the maps of areas under the threat of flooding include areas that can be flooded in case of:
1. flood with little probability of occurrence in which the likely period for recurrence is greater than or equal to 1000 years, as with unforeseeable events;
2. floods with a medium probability of occurrence in which the likely period for recurrence is greater than or equal to 100 years;
3. floods with a high probability of occurrence in which the likely period for recurrence is greater than or equal to 20 years, where appropriate.
(2) on the cards for each of the periods referred to in paragraph probability. 1 display the following elements:
1. dissemination of the flood;
2. depth or water level;
3. where appropriate – speed of flow or quantity of water respectively.
(3) For areas under the threat of floods caused by underground water, lay the cards under para. 1, item 1.
Art. 146. The maps of areas at risk of floods have shown the adverse effects of flooding probability for each of the periods under art. 146, para. 1, expressed through the following indicators:
1. approximate number of possibly affected residents;
2. type of business in any affected area;
3. installations in annex 4 to the art. 117 of the law on environmental protection, which may cause additional contamination due to an accident in the event of a flood, and protected areas under art. 6 of the law on biological diversity, to which it is possible to be affected;
4. other significant sources of pollution, which are not specified in item 3.
Art. 146. (1) the maps under this section shall be drawn up under the procedure referred to in art. 187, para. 2, t. 6, updated and reviewed by the Director of the relevant river basin Directorate.
(2) maps of flood hazard maps and maps of areas at risk of flooding shall be reviewed and updated every six years together with analyses and review under art. 156 (h), 2.
(3) the drawing up of the first maps of flood hazard maps and maps of areas at risk of floods and their subsequent revisions shall be made so that the information they contain is consistent with the information under art. 157, paragraph 1, 3 and 4.
Section Iv
Flood risk management plans
Art. 146. (1) on the basis of the maps referred to in art. 146 e drawing up flood risk management plans at the level of the river basin water management for the regions under art. 146 d, para. 1, as well as for the areas under art. 146 b, para. 1, item 2.
(2) in developing the plans referred to in para. 1 use the information and data for the development of the river basin management plans.
Art. 146 HP (1) the first flood risk management plans shall include:
1. the conclusions of the preliminary flood risk assessment in accordance with the requirements of section I of this chapter in the form of a summary map of the area River, delineating the areas identified under art. 146 b, para. 1 which are the subject of this flood risk management;
2. the flood hazard maps and maps of flood risk areas established pursuant to section II of this chapter and the conclusions that can be drawn from those maps;
3. a description of the purpose of the management of flood risks, determined in accordance with para. 2, item 1;
4. a summary of the measures and their priority, aimed at achieving the objectives of managing the risk of ice floods, including measures taken in accordance with para. 2, item 2, and measures concerning floods, required and taken under other legislation in the field of the environment, relating to:
a) environmental impact assessment and environmental assessment of plans and programmes;
b) water conservation in major industrial accidents;
in) the river basin management plan and the achievement of the objectives for environmental protection under art. 156.
(2) plans for flood risk management include:
1. objectives for:
a) reduction of potential adverse consequences of flooding for human health, the environment, cultural heritage, technical infrastructure and business;
(b)) reduce the likelihood of flooding;
2. measures for achieving the objectives set out in paragraph 1;
3. a description of the implementation of the plan.
Art. 146 l. Description of the implementation of the plan referred to in art. 146 k, al. 2, item 3 include:
1. Description of priorities and ways to monitor progress in the implementation of the plan;
2. a summary of public information and measures taken and/or actions for consultation;
3. a list of competent authorities and, where appropriate, a description of the coordination process within any international and of the coordination process with the river basin management plan.
Art. 146 m. (1) when developing plans for flood risk management into account:
1. assessment of the cost/benefits;
2. the extent and the way of distribution of floods;
3. the areas which have the potential to retain flood waters as natural floodplain lowlands;
4. the objectives set out in Chapter 10, section III;
5. the management of soil and water;
6. land-use planning;
7. land use;
8. the protection of:
a) nature;
b) infrastructure related to shipping and ports;
9. the characteristics of the river basin or sub-basin under the river basin management plans.
(2) risk management plans address all aspects of flood risk management, focusing on:
1. the prevention of flooding;
2. flood protection;
3. increase the flood preparedness, including flood forecasts;
4. the construction of the early warning system.
(3) plans for flood risk management may also include promoting sustainable land-use practices, improvement of water retention as well as the controlled flooding of certain areas in the event of a flood.
(4) the plans for flood risk management may not include measures which, by their extent and impact greatly increase the risk of flooding for other countries upstream or downstream – for international river basins, unless such measures are in accordance with the relevant State and have found a common solution in accordance with art. 146.
Art. 146. (1) for each river or part of the international river management plan is drawn up flood risk management.
(2) when a plan for flood risk management is part of an international river basin district falling entirely within the European Union, shall be agreed with the Member States concerned in cases where not to draw up a general plan for the management of flood risk for the whole of the international river basin district.
(3) when a plan for flood risk management is part of an international river basin district, which does not fall entirely on the territory of the European Union, the plan shall be coordinated with the relevant countries, if possible, in cases where not to draw up a general plan for the management of flood risk for the whole of the international river basin district.
Art. 146. (1) o plans to flood risk management is reviewed and updated every six years.
(2) the update of the plan contains:
1. changes or updates since the publication of the previous version of the plan for managing flood risk cation, including a summary of the reviews carried out in accordance with this section;
2. assessment of progress in the implementation of the objectives in accordance with art. 146 k, al. 2, item 1;
3. Description and an explanation for, any measures foreseen in the earlier version of the plan on flood risk management, which had been planned, but have not been taken;
4. a description of any additional measures since the publication of the previous version of the flood risk management.
(3) the first flood risk management plans are developed in consultation with the update of the river basin management plans under art. 159 in the period provided for in § 138, para. 2 of the transitional and concluding provisions of the law amending and supplementing the law on waters (official SG. 65 of 2006;./Corr, 66 from 2006; amend., no. 22 of 2007, 95/2009) and is included with them.
Section V
Informing the public
Art. 146 p. in the development, carrying out the review and updating of the flood risk management plans and flood of ex-ante evaluation, the decisions and the assessment of art. 146 (b) and (c) of the maps referred to in section II of this chapter provides information to the public about the planned measures and the results of their implementation.
Art. 146 p. (1) for each river are published and advertised to the public, including vodopolzvatelite, for consultations and written submissions:
1. a draft of the preliminary assessment and/or the assessment of art. 146 (b);
2. project of the maps referred to in section II of this chapter and the proposals to amend and update;
3. a draft of the plan for the management of the risk of flooding, including the planned measures and the expected results of their implementation, as well as the results achieved and the proposals for modification and update of the measures and the plan.
(2) the information shall be made available to the public as follows:
1. under paragraph 1. 1, item 1 – three-and-a-half years before the beginning of the period covered by the plan for flood risk management;
2. under para. 1, item 2 – two and a half years before the beginning of the period covered by the plan for flood risk management;
3. under para. 1, item 3 – in terms of art. 168 b, para. 2, item 3.
(3) the information referred to in para. 1 shall be published on the website of the relevant river basin Directorate and the website of the Ministry of environment and water.
(4) the communication that was announced the information referred to in para. 1, shall be published in two central dailies and in electronic media.
(5) upon request, providing access to documents and information used for the development of relevant projects under par. 1.
Art. 146. (1) the Projects are announced to the public for opinions:
1. for a period of two months – for projects under art. 146 p, al. 1, item 1 and 2;
2. in accordance with the terms of art. 168 in, al. 1-for projects under art. 146 p, al. 1, item 3.
(2) any person within the period referred to in paragraph 1. 1 may consult the relevant basin Directorate concerning the documents referred to in art. 146 p, al. 1 and submit a written statement.
(3) the opinions referred to in paragraph 1. 2 are an integral part of the documentation for the plans for flood risk management, as well as on the preliminary assessment, the decisions and the assessment of art. 146 (b) and (c) of the maps referred to in section II of this chapter.
Art. 146 (1) the provisions of art. 146 and 146 p to apply when reviewing and/or updating of:
1. plans for flood risk management;
2. the preliminary assessment, the decisions and the assessment of art. 146 (b);
3. in section II of this chapter.
(2) reviews and/or updating in accordance with para. 1 taking into account the likely effects of climate change on the danger of flooding. "
§ 86. Article 148 (a) shall be replaced by the following:
"Art. 148. (1) the Republic of Bulgaria participates in the development and coordination with other countries on policies, programmes and strategies for the protection of transboundary waters on the basis of the principles of art. 2A, item 4.
(2) the Republic of Bulgaria jointly with other States provides:
1. Coordination for the development of uniform international management plans for river basin districts which fall entirely within the European Union, and to ensure the achievement of good water status in the Bulgarian part of the international river basins;
2. compliance with the requirements of art. 156 – 156 g and the programmes of measures within the framework of international river districts.
(3) the provisions of para. 2, paragraph 1 shall apply, where possible and when international river basin districts falling entirely within the European Union, and in establishing the failure the plan applies in the Bulgarian part of the international river basins.
(4) the implementation of the activities referred to in para. 1 and 2 may be carried out within the framework of the existing structures, established under the international agreements and, if necessary, to meet the requirements of para. 2, item 2 – with the assistance of the European Commission.
(5) the Representatives of the Republic of Bulgaria in international committees, coordinating the activities referred to in para. 1 and 2, are officials appointed on the proposal of the Minister of environment and water.
(6) the performance of the activities referred to in para. 1 and 2 and the competence of officials under para. 5 is determined by an Ordinance of the Minister of environment and the Minister of Foreign Affairs. "
§ 87. In art. 151 following amendments and supplements shall be made:
1. In paragraph 8. 2:
(a) in item 1) creates a letter "k":
"k) adopt plans for the river basin management plans and flood risk management;"
(b) in paragraph 2):
AA) (c) shall be replaced by the following:
"c) proposed for adoption by the Council of Ministers:
AA) river basin management plans, and
BB) plans for flood risk management; "
BB) point d shall be replaced by the following: "(e)) validate the areas under art. 146 d, para. 1; "
BB) letters "g", "and", "m" and "n" are repealed;
yy) in the letter "s", the words "and coordinate" shall be deleted;
DD) creates a new letter "u": "Yu distributes the functions of management and maintenance of stations and stations under art. 13, item 2; ".
2. in the Al. 3 create item 5 and 6:
"5. a periodic newsletter about the State of the water resources of the Republic of Bulgaria on the basis of the data from the monitoring of the ecological and chemical status of the waters and water quantity data, submitted by the National Institute of meteorology and hydrology at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences;
6. establish and maintain specialized databases, maps, registers and information system for the water. "
3. in the Al. 4:
a) in paragraph 2, after the words "forming waste water" is added "including treatment plants of settlements" and a comma;
b) point 4 shall be replaced by the following:
4. maintain a database for the monitoring, including self-monitoring of holders of issued permits for the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of effluents and to control the status of waste waters; "
c) in item 5 Finally a comma and add "General and specific pollutants.
§ 88. In art. 152, para. 1. Add 1 "and the waters of the Danube".
§ 89. In art. 154 following amendments and supplements shall be made:
1. Paragraph 3 is replaced by the following:
"(3) the Director of basin Directorate conducts State policy for water management at river basin level."
2. a new paragraph. 4:
"(4) the Director of basin Directorate annually submit to the Minister of environment and water plan and the report on the activities of the Directorate."
3. The current paragraph. 4 it al. 5, and shall be amended as follows:
"(5) the activities of the basin directorates is coordinated and monitored by the Ministry of environment and water."
§ 90. In art. 155, para. 1 make the following amendments and additions:
1. point 2 shall be replaced by the following:
2. develop ":
a) river basin management plans;
(b)) the ex ante evaluation referred to in art. 146 b, para. 1 cards in Chapter 9, section III and the plan for flood risk management; ".
2. In paragraph 6, the words "which issued" shall be deleted.
3. point 11 is repealed.
4. In paragraph 13, the words "approve" are replaced by "defines the natural and available".
5. Point 19 shall be replaced by the following:
"19. adopt the constructed facilities for underground water intended for water use;".
6. In paragraph 20, after the words "River" is added "and flood risk management" and the words "in respect of water management" shall be replaced by ' in accordance with the State policy for bilateral and multilateral cooperation and after consultation in the regulatory order.
7. Create t. 21, 22 and 23:
"21. carry out the assessment of the status of water bodies;
22. issue regulations within its competence under this Act;
23. issued an opinion on the eligibility of investment intentions for their compliance with the river basin management plan and the plan for flood risk management ".
§ 91. In art. 155 a, para. 1, paragraphs 1 and 2, after the words "art. 135 "added al. 1. "
§ 92. In art. 156 a, para. 1, item 2 (c), the words "upon reaching the threshold of pollution ' shall be deleted.
§ 93. In art. 156 (b) make the following additions:
1. In paragraph 8. 1, paragraph 1, after the words "water body" a comma and add "which would be necessary for achieving good ecological status.
2. in the Al. 2, after the word "made" is added "every six years.
§ 94. In art. 156 in item 4 shall be amended as follows:
"4. in the river basin management plan or its update are included:
a) list of measures which are provided as needed for the gradual attainment of the required condition of the water body within the extended period;
(b)) justification of the reasons for the delay in the implementation of these measures and the expected time frame for their implementation;
in) review of the implementation of these measures in the framework of the previous plan and a list of all the additional measures to be implemented in the period of the current plan. "
§ 95. In art. 156 e the following modifications are made:
1. the text before point 1 shall be replaced by the following: "the temporary deterioration in the status of water bodies is not considered a violation of this law, when it is the result of natural causes or unpredictable, or exceptional circumstances, including severe flooding and prolonged droughts, or the result of circumstances caused by incidents that could not have been foreseen in the case:".
2. point 1 shall be amended as follows:
"1. all practical measures have been taken to:
and future) prevent deterioration of the water body;
(b)) nev″zprepâtstvane the objectives of this law for other water bodies not affected directly by these circumstances; ".
§ 96. In art. 156, para. 1 item 3 is created:
"3. no prevention of deterioration from very good to good condition of the surface water body as a result of new activities for sustainable human development."
§ 97. (G) article 156 is amended as follows:
"Art. 156. (1) in applying the provisions of art. 156 b-156 is:
1. don't allow permanent planning exceptions and compromises in achieving good status of other water bodies within the River area;
2. to ensure compliance with the requirements of the application of other national acts and the acts of the European Union in the field of the environment.
(2) the provisions of art. 156 b-156 is being applied:
1. only for individual water bodies identified in the river basin management plan, provided that it does not prejudice the achievement of the objectives of this law for other water bodies;
2. to ensure compliance with national acts and the acts of the European Union in the field of water conservation. "
§ 98. In art. 156 and, al. 1, after the words "art everywhere. 135 "added al. 1. "
§ 99. In art. 156 n make the following amendments and additions:
1. In paragraph 8. 1 the word "extra" shall be replaced by "complementary".
2. in the Al. 2:
a) point 1 shall be amended as follows:
"1. the measures necessary for the implementation of this law, its implementing regulations and other normative acts in the field of the environment, relating to water, including measures required for:
and) application of combined approach for point and diffuse sources, the procedures for environmental impact assessment and integrated pollution control;
(b)) conservation of water intended for drinking and household purposes, and the bathing water;
in the conservation of) birds and habitats directives;
d) the protection of waters against pollution caused by rivet rattay, plant protection products and to major industrial accidents;
e) purification of wastewater from settlements and treatment and utilisation of sewage sludge;
(b) in item 6):
AA) in the text before the letter "a" after the word "water" is added "to restore or increase groundwater resources";
BB) in paragraph (a) "a comma and add" as the source of water used for artificial feeding can be any surface or body of water quality that do not compromise the achievement of the objectives for environmental protection of the body of groundwater, whose resources are restored or increased through nurture ";
BB) in (b), the word "regulation" is replaced by "authorization";
c) in item 11, the words "technical losses of pollutants" shall be replaced by ' significant losses of pollutants from technical installations ";
d) 12 shall be inserted:
12. specific measures for achieving good groundwater chemical status and protecting them from pollution and deterioration, determined by the Ordinance under art. 135, para. 1, item 2. "
3. in the Al. 3 the word "Additional" is replaced by "Subsidiary".
§ 100. In art. 156 o, al. 1 is hereby amended as follows:
1. In the text before item 1 the words "programme, including ' shall be replaced by ' are planning additional measures to achieve these targets, including".
2. point 4 shall be replaced by the following:
"4. where it is necessary to take other measures, including the establishment of stricter quality standards than those laid down in the Ordinances under art. 135, para. 1, 2, 17 and 18, including individual emission limits by the order of the Ordinance under art. 135, para. 1, item 13.
§ 101. In art. 157 following amendments and supplements shall be made:
1. The current text becomes paragraph 1 and in paragraph 12, after the words "art. 135 "added al. 1. "
2. Al are created. 2 and 3:
"(2) the directors of the river basin directorates involved in the development of general plans for the management of international river basin districts when they fall entirely within the European Union.
(3) in order to achieve the objectives of this law, when it is not developed a common plan in accordance with para. 2 directors of the river basin directorates develop management plans for the river basin, covering those parts of the international pool, which fall within their territory. "
§ 102. In art. 158 following amendments and supplements shall be made:
1. Paragraph 2 shall be replaced by the following:
(2) Agencies and scientific institutes with budget funding and vodopolzvatelite, whose activity has an important impact on the status of water are bound to provide free of charge the necessary information available for:
1. the development and updating of the river basin management plans;
2. assessment of flood risk management plans and flood risk, and
3. the implementation of the relevant measures in the plans referred to in paragraph 1 and 2. "
2. a para. 3:
"(3) the format and time limits for the provision of information shall be determined by an Ordinance of the Minister of environment and water."
§ 103. In art. 159, para. 2 in the text before paragraph 1, after the words "art. 157 "added al. 1. "
§ 104. Art is created. 159A:
"Art. 159. The preliminary risk assessment, evaluation and decisions under art. 146 (b) shall be reviewed and updated every six years. "
§ 105. In art. 160 words "approved by" shall be replaced by ' adopted by the Council of Ministers, on a proposal from the '.
§ 106. In art. 170 following amendments and supplements shall be made:
1. In paragraph 8. 1:
a) in paragraph 1 the words "hard swelling ' shall be replaced by" flying "silting;
b) in paragraph 4, the words ' State of ' shall be deleted.
2. in the Al. 3, after the words "art. 135 "added al. 1. "
§ 107. In art. 171 following amendments and supplements shall be made:
1. Paragraphs 2 and 3 shall be read with the following adaptations:
"(2) the measurements, field observations and laboratory studies are carried out in accordance with approved by the Minister of environment and water monitoring programmes by the Executive Environment Agency, an Executive Agency" exploration and maintenance of the Danube ", the National Institute of meteorology and hydrology and the okeanologiâ Institute at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, such as:
1. The Executive Environment Agency carries out monitoring of:
chemical and biological) condition of surface water bodies and related measurements of quantity;
b) groundwater chemical status and quantitative status of groundwater, where this is provided for in points in the network for monitoring the chemical status of groundwater;
2. the National Institute of meteorology and hydrology conducts monitoring of precipitation, groundwater and surface water including nanosniâ runoff;
3. The Institute shall carry out the monitoring of the okeanologiâ ecological and chemical status of marine waters;
4. An Executive Agency "exploration and maintenance of the Danube River" carried out monitoring of the quantity of the waters of the Danube River.
(3) the data referred to in para. 2 are summarized and analysed for each region for the basin water management of river basin directorates and are the basis for the assessment of the status of water bodies. "
2. Al are created. 4-9:
"(4) the data referred to in para. 2, respectively, are published on the Internet pages of the Executive Agency for the environment, the National Institute of meteorology and hydrology, the Institute of okeanologiâ and Executive Agency "exploration and maintenance of the Danube".
(5) Guest on al. 3 shall be published on the Internet pages of basin water management directorates, Executive Agency for the environment and the Ministry of environment and water.
(6) the National Institute of meteorology and hydrology at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences carries out scientific and applied research, operational activities and the development of technology in the field of the monitoring of the quantity of water and runoff, nanosniâ including:
1. carry out:
a) observations of precipitation and water quantity;
(b)) maintenance and development of networks for monitoring;
in the processing and interpretation of) data, including drift sediments;
d) the Organization of databases;
e) forecasting of floods and droughts throughout the country;
2. processes and controls information, calculates the water quantities and hard swelling and develops operational hydrological forecasts;
3. prepare the annual operational assessment of the resources of surface water and groundwater;
4. develop and maintain a system for the exchange of information on a single basin and national levels between the Ministry of environment and waters, the Executive Agency for the environment, basin water management departments and the National Institute of meteorology and hydrology at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences;
5. provides weather forecasts, predictions for rainfall, floods and snegotopeneto in relation to water management and protection from harmful impact;
6. evaluation of the trends and creates scenarios for climatic changes and their impact on the resources of surface water and groundwater at national level;
7. evaluation of the quantity of water in surface water and groundwater;
8. draw up a national water and water balances;
9. provides the necessary information and assessments of water quantity for the implementation of:
(a) the commitments of the Republic of Bulgaria) in reporting to the European Environment Agency in accordance with the requirements of the relevant guidelines and reporting procedures for the preparation of the information, specified by order of the Minister of environment and water;
(b) the commitments of the Republic of Bulgaria) in the preparation of national reports on directives in the field of water;
in) activities under art. 151, para. 3, item 5 and 6;
10. manages and maintains checkpoints and stations for monitoring water quantity under art. 13, paragraph 2, including those involved in early warning systems, designed for the monitoring and forecasting of risk factors, which may cause flooding.
(7) the operational information under para. 6, paragraph 1 (a) and item 5 is provided daily in the Ministry of environment and water in basin directorates.
(8) the implementation of the activities referred to in para. 2, item 2 and 3 of the National Institute of meteorology and hydrology and the okeanologiâ Institute at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences programme is financed from the State budget target, on the proposal of the Minister of environment and water.
(9) the Executive Agency "exploration and maintenance of the Danube River":
1. monitor the quantity of water of the river Danube, including:
a) maintaining and developing the network of monitoring;
b) maintains a database of the Danube;
in the process the information and control), the calculated water and alluvial and develops operational hydrological forecasts;
2. study of hidromorfoložkiâ and hydrological regime of the river Danube;
3. set up specialized databases and maps for the Danube. "
§ 108. In art. 173 following amendments and supplements shall be made:
1. In paragraph 8. 1:
(a)) in the text before point 1 after the preposition "in" is added "water bodies and in";
b) in paragraph 2 the words "Ministry of environment and waters ' shall be replaced by" the Executive Environment Agency and the National Institute of meteorology and hydrology at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences ".
2. in the Al. 2, after the words "water quality" is added "provided in the Ministry of environment and water.
3. a para. 3:
"(3) the requirements for estimates and forecasts in the Al. 1 and to the content and periodicity of data provision, guest, climate trends and forecasts in the Al. 2 shall be determined by the Ordinance under art. 135, para. 1, item 14.
§ 109. In art. 174 following amendments and supplements shall be made:
1. Paragraph 1 shall be amended as follows:
(1) persons who are granted rights for water use or use of water bodies shall be obliged to carry out self-monitoring in accordance with the requirements of the Ordinance under art. 135, para. 1, item 14 and the conditions in the licences issued to:
1. the quantity and quality of the water;
2. the quantity of waste water and the concentration of the contaminants. "
2. in the Al. 3 the words "item 2 and 3 ' shall be replaced by" paragraphs 1 and 4 "and the words" devices under para. 1 "shall be replaced by ' devices and equipment".
3. a para. 5:
"(5) the persons referred to in para. 1 to March 31 each year provide the Director of basin Directorate, and in the case of authorised under art. 46, para. 1, item 3 (b) and the IPPC permit – and the Director of the RIEW, results of performances in the previous year self-monitoring within the framework of the report on the implementation of permit conditions under art. 48, para. 1, item 12.
§ 110. In art. 175 following amendments and supplements shall be made:
1. The current text becomes paragraph 1.
2. Al are created. 2 and 3:
"(2) the directors of the river basin directorates include data from monitoring when carrying out evaluations on the State of water bodies and for the effectiveness of the implemented measures, provided for in the river basin management plans.
(3) the data from the results of the monitoring and control of the parameters of the authorized use of water are the basis for setting the charges for water use, water use and water pollution. "
§ 111. In art. 182, para. 1 the following endorsements are added:
1. In point 1:
a) in (c), after the words "art. 157 "added al. 1 ";
(b)) are letters "f" and "g":
"it is) groundwater resources;
(g) carrying out notifications) hydrogeological studies under art. 58, para. 1, item 5 and 6. "
2. In paragraph 3, add "and for permits issued by the authority under art. 52, para. 1, item 4.
3. Set up item 4 and 5:
"4. An Executive Agency" exploration and maintenance of the Danube River "– for the permits issued by the authority under art. 52, para. 1, item 2;
5. the Director-General of the National Institute of meteorology and hydrology – for stations and stations for monitoring water quantity. "
§ 112. In art. 183, paragraph 1 ' and 2 ' shall be deleted.
§ 113. In art. 184 following amendments and supplements shall be made:
1. In paragraph 8. 1 Add "and are announced on the Internet pages of basin water management directorates and the Ministry of environment and water.
2. paragraph 2 is repealed.
3. a para. 3:
"(3) the contents of the registers under art. 182, para. 1, item 1, "a", "b", "d", "e", "e" and "g", item 3, 4 and 5 and article. 183, paragraph 1 shall be determined by the Ordinances under art. 135, para. 1, item 1, 2, 6 and 13. "
§ 114. In art. 185 is hereby amended as follows:
1. Paragraphs 1 and 2 shall be read with the following adaptations:
' (1) is conducted under this section in respect of compliance with the regulatory requirements, conditions and requirements of licences issued, the implementation of the programmes of measures, included in the river basin management plans, plans and programmes relating to the protection of waters and the environment.
(2) the control is carried out in accordance with this law and the law on the protection of the environment. "
2. Paragraph 3 shall be repealed.
§ 115. In art. 187 following amendments and supplements shall be made:
1. In paragraph 8. 1:
a) point 2 is replaced by the following:
2. compliance with the procedures and requirements of the law on the issue of the administrative acts provided for in this law; "
b) point 4 shall be replaced by the following:
"4. the implementation of the State policy for water management at river basin level, implementation and impact of the implementation of the programmes of measures;".
2. in the Al. 2:
a) point 1 shall be amended as follows:
"1. the methodology for the assessment of water resources;"
b) point 4 shall be repealed;
in t. created) 5, 6 and 7:
"5. the methodology for cost-benefit analysis used for evaluation of the measures in the plans for flood risk management;
6. methodology for flood risk assessment and the criteria for significant adverse consequences under art. 146 a, para. 2, item 2, and the significant potential risk in art. 146 b, para. 1, item 1;
7. methodology for the determination of the mass of objects forming the sewage. "
§ 116. In art. 188 make the following amendments:
1. In paragraph 8. 1:
and before that, the text) 1 shall be replaced by the following: "Director of basin Directorate or authorised by him control the officials:";
b) in paragraph 3 point d shall be repealed;
c) in item 4 Finally adds, "with the exception of authorisations for the use of water for discharge of waste water";
d) point 8 shall be repealed;
e) 12 shall be inserted:
"12. the timetable for the implementation of projects for the construction of sewage systems, financed with Government funds."
2. a new paragraph. 2:
"(2) in carrying out the activities referred to in para. 1 the persons referred to in para. 1 may require assistance by the authorities of the Ministry of the Interior, from State institutions, organizations, legal and natural persons as well as to establish the identity of persons, where there is evidence of offences under this law, through the presentation of an identity document of the person information to the citizens with an established identity, they know the person, or otherwise suitable for collecting reliable data. "
3. The current paragraph. 2 it al. 3.
4. Al are created. 4 and 5:
"(4) the information referred to in para. 3 contains all the established circumstances and data on checks carried out, the infringements established and the regulations and shall be prepared by approved by the Minister of environment and water samples.
(5) the information referred to in para. 3 shall be published on the Internet pages of basin directorates and the Ministry of environment and water. "
§ 117. In art. Al 190. 3 shall be amended as follows:
"(3) the Minister of the Interior or by the authorised officials control the preparation of emergency plans under this law, the implementation of the requirements on them, as well as the control systems of hydrotechnical installations, the backup power supply systems, disclosure and other security systems."
§ 118. In art. 192 the following amendments and supplements shall be made:
1. The current text becomes paragraph 1.
2. a para. 2:
(2) Adequate contribution of the different water uses, disaggregated into at least the categories of industry, agriculture and households, to the recovery of costs for water services shall be provided, taking into account the economic analysis of water use and taking into account the polluter pays principle. "
§ 119. In art. 194 following amendments and supplements shall be made: 1. In para. 1, item 2 (c) is repealed.
2. Paragraph 5 shall be replaced by the following: "(5) the fee referred to in paragraph 1. 1, item 3:
1. in subparagraph (a) shall be calculated annually on the basis of the values obtained from the accomplishment of monitoring the amount of zaust waste water tanks and the concentration of specific contaminants in the effluent for which are laid down in the permit individual emission limits;
2. in point (b) shall be calculated each year according to data from the accomplishment of otveždanite monitoring the quantity of water and the concentration of specific pollutants for which are laid down in the permit limit values. "
3. in the Al. 6, after the words "under para. 1, item 1 – 3 "a comma and add" the manner and the procedure for their calculation and payment ".
4. in the Al. 7 item 5 is created:
"5. in art. 58, para. 1, item 2. "
5. a para. 9:
(9) where the competent authorities establish that in the condition of feed system to the object, use the mineral water damage have occurred, which inhibit the exercise of the right to water use, and the system is not the property of the holder of the licence, the fee for water use is determined on the basis of the volume of water discharge, the conditions of art. 194 a, para. 1 and the temperature of mineral water for the period from the date of establishment of the damage to the recovery of the feed system, but not more than one year for the duration of the authorization. "
§ 120. In art. 194 and following amendments and supplements shall be made:
1. In paragraph 8. 1, the word ' certified ' shall be deleted.
2. paragraph 2 is replaced by the following:
"(2) in the case of a failure of the measuring devices for the calculation of the fee under art. 194, para. 1, item 3 shall be taken into account in the authorisation the authorised quantities. "
3. a para. 4:
"(4) in the technical impossibility of mounting, maintenance and monitoring of measuring devices to surface and underground water sources, established in a bilateral protocol between the authority issuing the authorization, and the user is allowed to perform the installation of the food pipe to the tank or the naporniâ inlet plumbing, when direct introduction of flow in water supply system of settlement."
§ 121. Art is created. 194 (b):
"Art. 194 (b). (1) each year to 31 January of the following year, holders of permits, including permits issued in accordance with the law on the protection of the environment, presented information on the calculation of the fee in a form approved by the Minister of environment and waters and announced on the Internet pages of basin directorates and the Ministry of environment and water.
(2) the model under para. 1 contains the data in accordance with the tariff referred to in art. 194, para. 6 on the basis of which the levy is calculated.
(3) the Director of basin Directorate shall verify the information referred to in para. 1 and its compliance with:
1. the results of monitoring;
2. the testimony of measuring devices, and 3. the results of the controls during the year.
(4) in conformity of information under para. 1 the conditions under paragraph 1. 3 the Director of basin Directorate shall notify the holder of the authorization for the amount of the fee, the time limit for payment and account on which the fee should be paid.
(5) If the examination referred to in paragraph 1. 3 establish non-compliance of the parameters, by which the amount of the fee is fixed, the Director of basin Directorate shall appoint a special inspection to establish the circumstances and determining the amount of the fee.
(6) any failure or delays in the submission of a declaration under paragraph 1. 1 it is a violation of the rules for the Declaration and reporting. "
§ 122. In art. 195 and following amendments and supplements shall be made:
1. In paragraph 8. 1, the words "or of the Ministry of environment and waters ' shall be deleted.
2. a new paragraph. 2:
"(2) the fees under art. 194, para. 1, item 1 and 2 for water and water bodies public municipal property shall be payable on budget account of the municipality referred to in the permit, which is granted the right to use the waters. "
3. The current paragraph. 2 it al. 3.
4. a para. 4:
"(4) the fees for the issuance of permits under art. 50, para. 2 shall be paid on account of the budget:
1. where a competent basin Directorate – to issue the permit is the Director of basin Directorate;
2. the Ministry of environment and waters – where a competent to issue the permit is the Minister of environment and water;
3. An Executive Agency "exploration and maintenance of the Danube River" – where the request is for a permit for the use of water for the seizure of the alluvial deposits of the river Danube;
4. municipality – where the request is for a permit for mineral water – public municipal property, or mineral water – exclusive State ownership when the deposit is provided for the management, use and control of the municipality, as well as in the case of a permit for water use or for the use of water-municipal property. "
§ 123. In art. 195 (b), para. 1 the words "Minister of environment and water or" shall be deleted.
§ 124. In art. 197, para. 1 make the following amendments and additions:
1. In paragraph 2, add "and plans for flood risk management under art. 146 and, al. 1. "
2. a new point 8:
"8. the implementation of the measures resulting from the application of European legislation in the field of water, including reporting requirements;".
3. The former item 8, 9, 9A and 10 shall become item 9, 10, 11 and 12.
§ 125. In art. 200, para. 1 make the following amendments and additions:
1. In paragraph 1, point (d), the words "or waters under art. 14, paragraph 2 "shall be deleted.
2. In paragraph 4, the word "vodovzemaneto" shall be replaced by "authorised water use or use of water".
3. In paragraph 27, the words "quantities in water" is added "of complex and significant dams" and the words "art. 56, para. 7 ' shall be replaced by "art. 53, para. 1. "
4. In paragraph 34, after the words "art. 135 "added al. 1. "
§ 126. In art. 200 a, para. 1, after the words "human settlements" and "Union" is replaced by a comma and "after the words" settlement "is added and the resort".
§ 127. In § 1, para. 1 of the additional provisions the following amendments and additions:
1. In paragraph 10, the words "underground" and "underground" shall be replaced respectively with "mineral" and "mineral".
2. point 16 shall be replaced by the following:
"16." coastal zalivaemi stripes of rivers "are lands that are:
(a)) within the corrections of rivers in urban areas and between river and levees-in the presence of dams;
(b) the conduct of the srednomnogogodišnite) when water levels with Security 5 percent or recurrence once every 20 years – the river sections with neizgradeni adjustments or protective equipment; ".
3. point 26 shall be replaced by the following:
"26." belonging to "water lands are lands that are flooded at the highest water level of the reservoir to overflow of water quantity with orazmeritelna security;".
4. Points 38 and 39 are amended:
"38." good ecological status "is the status of the body of surface water, so classified in accordance with the provisions of the Ordinances under art. 135, para. 1, item 9 and 14;
39. "good quantitative status" is the status of the body of groundwater, determined by the conditions of the Ordinance under art. 135, para. 1.2; ".
5. Sections 43 and 44 shall be amended like that:
"43." good groundwater chemical status "is the chemical status of a body of groundwater, which satisfies the conditions laid down in the Ordinance under art. 135, para. 1, item 2;
44. "good ecological potential" is the status of a heavily modified or an artificial body of water, so classified in accordance with the provisions of the Ordinances under art. 135, para. 1, item 9 and 14; ".
6. Section 47 is amended as follows:
"47." ecological status of surface water bodies "is an expression of the quality of the structure and functioning of aquatic ecosystems associated with surface waters, classified in accordance with the provisions of the Ordinances under art. 135, para. 1, item 9 and 14; ".
7. Paragraph 50 is amended as follows:
"50." pollutant "means any substance liable to cause pollution, and especially the listed substances in the Ordinance referred to in art. 135, para. 1, item 9; ".
8. Paragraphs 54 and 55 be amended thus:
"54." coastal waters "are surface waters landward side against coastal line, every point of which is at a distance of one nautical mile towards the inside of the sea from the nearest point of the baseline from which is measured the scope of territorial sea and, where possible, continues up to the outer limit of transitional waters;
55. "available groundwater resource" means the long-term annual average flow rate of total feeding on the body of groundwater, which pulls out the long-term average annual rate of flow required to achieve the objectives of the POS environment protection under art. 156 a, paragraph 1, of the body of groundwater-related surface water, to avoid any deterioration of the LNA including the ecological status of such waters and to avoid any significant damage to associated terrestrial ecosystems; ".
9. Section 59 shall be amended as follows:
"59." surface water body "is a separate and significant element of surface water such as a Lake, pond, stream, river or canal, part of a stream, river or canal, a transitional water or space of coastal waters;".
10. In paragraph 62, the words ' the threshold of pollution is a maximum of 50 per cent of the corresponding value on the quality of groundwater "shall be deleted.
11. Section 80 shall be amended as follows:
"80." water use "means water services together with any other human activities related to the withdrawal of water, use of water bodies and land use for which in the characterisation of water bodies, carried out under the conditions laid down in the Ordinances under art. 135, para. 1, 2 and 9, has been found to exert a significant impact on the status of water and which are taken into account in the implementation of the economic analysis under art. 192, para. 2, item 1 ";
12. In paragraph 84, the words "article. 52, para. 1, item 2 (c), "YY" and "dd" shall be replaced by the words "this Act".
13. Create t. 87-92:
"87." flood "means temporary covering by water of ground normally is covered with water, including rivers, mountain streams and triggered by sea flooding of coastal regions; flooding of land areas of sewage systems is not flooding within the meaning of this Act;
88. "flood risk" means the combination of the probability of flooding and possible adverse effects on human health, the environment, cultural heritage, technical infrastructure and economic activity associated with floods;
89. "alluvial deposits" are dynamic renewable supply of hard swelling, shelved in the riverbed during high water, with the size of grains over 0.1 mm, composed of insoluble mineral and rock particles;
90. "the threat of the flood" is the probability of flooding of certain areas; under the threat of flooding are those territories which in case of a flood with a specified probability, remain under water;
91. "projects, including sewage systems, local cities and resort entities subject to authorization under art. 46, para. 1, item 3 (a), are those for which the necessary research investment, design and construction of all or part of the sewer system and, in the absence of an existing discharge of wastewater into surface waters;
92. "objects, including sewage systems, local cities and resort entities subject to authorization under art. 46, para. 1, paragraph 3, point (b) are those which, after proper purification of waste water discharged in one or more places in surface waters; proper treatment of wastewater from the sewage systems of human settlements, urban and resort entities is carried out within the time limits laid down in the Ordinance under art. 135, para. 1, item 12 and in accordance with the river basin management plans and programmes of measures. "
§ 128. In § 2 (b) of the additional provisions create al. 5-8:
"(5) the Minister of the environment and water sent to the European Commission:
1. the preliminary flood risk assessment;
2. the flood hazard maps and maps of areas at risk of flooding;
3. plans for flood risk management;
4. the revised and updated assessments, maps and plans.
(6) the preliminary assessment under paragraph 1. 5, item 1 and cards under para. 5, item 2 shall be forwarded within three months after their completion.
(7) the plans referred to in para. 5, item 3, shall be sent within three months of their publication.
(8) the time limits referred to in para. 6 and 7 apply also to the revised and updated assessments, maps and plans. "
§ 129. In paragraph 2 shall be replaced by the following:
"§ 2 in. This law introduces the requirements of Directive 2000/60/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 October 2000 establishing a framework for Community action in the field of water policy and Directive 2007/60/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 October 2007 on the assessment and management of flood risks (OB, L 288/27 of 6 November 2007). "
§ 130. (3) transitional and final provisions shall be replaced by the following: "§ 3. (1) achieving and maintaining good environmental status in the marine environment shall be settled by the Ordinance under art. 135, para. 1, item 19.
(2) the protection of coastal waters, the inland maritime waters and the territorial sea from pollution from other sources except those which are located on the coast, is governed by the law of maritime spaces, inland waterways and ports of the Republic of Bulgaria. "
§ 131. In annex 1 to the art. 13, paragraph 1 is hereby amended as follows:
1. an item 5 (a):
' 5a. Beli ISKAR ".
2. Section 16 is repealed.
3. a t. 47A: "47A. Tsankov KAMAK.
§ 132. In other texts of the law:
1. the words "the authority under art. 52, para. 1, item 3 "shall be replaced by the words" authority under art. 52, para. 1, item 4.
2. the words "the authority under art. 52, para. 1, 2 and 3 "and" the authority under art. 52, para. 1, item 2 and 3 ' shall be replaced by ' authority under art. 52, para. 1 "and" the authority under art. 52, para. 1. "
Transitional and final provisions
§ 133. (1) the Minister of the environment and waters can provide free of charge for the management and use of the respective municipalities for a period of 25 years from the entry into force of this law the mineral waters from deposits in annex 2 to the art. 14, paragraph 2, of which are not submitted:
1. concessions for the extraction of mineral water and no applications have been submitted for the granting of concessions for the mineral waters;
2. permits for water use for domestic water supply of more than one municipality;
3. authorisations for the use of more than 51 per cent of the established operational resources of the deposit.
(2) a list of deposits under para. 1 shall be published not later than 31 December of the website of the Ministry of environment and water.
(3) the provision of mineral water under para. 1 shall be made not later than 31 January of the following year after a written application by the Mayor of the municipality on the basis of a decision of the Municipal Council.
(4) the Minister of the environment and water within 14 days from the filing of the application referred to in paragraph 1. 3 by decision provides the deposit of the mineral water of the municipality. This decision shall be published on the website of the Ministry of environment and water.
(5) the Mayor of the municipality runs the mineral waters under para. 1 in accordance with the requirements laid down by the Ordinance under art. 135, para. 1, item 2.
(6) the municipalities have the right to use free of charge available in the Ministry of environment and water information for deposits of mineral waters submitted the relevant municipality.
(7) for the use of mineral waters under para. 1:
1. the Municipal Council set by decision:
(a)) by the order of art. 41 total water use of mineral water deposits in the Al. 1 drinking and vodonalivane of the population, when the mineral water is with the composition and qualities, suitable for use with such purpose;
(b)) whether the request for a permit for the use of mineral water comply with the policy and the plan for development of the municipality and whether to permit for water use, or to be granted concession for extraction of mineral water;
in) whether the mineral water from a particular field to be made available for use free of charge or upon payment of a fee determined by the tariff adopted by the Municipal Council;
2. the Mayor of the municipality:
a) manages and maintains the operational facilities in accordance with the requirements of the Ordinance under art. 135, para. 1, item 2;
(b)) provides the use of the mineral water, without prejudice to the public interest and in the interest of the population;
in water use licences issued) under art. 52, para. 1, item 3;
d) send copies of the issued permits in the Ministry of environment and water, and publish them on the website of the relevant municipality;
e) annually before 31 March, submit to the Minister of environment and water accounts for the use of mineral waters, including: balance of resources in each field; balance of the water intake facilities, indicating the approved technical possible flow of each facility, the usage rate of each facility and the free flow of each facility, as well as a list of factual data vodopolzvatelite used during the year volumes.
(8) For deposits of mineral water under para. 1, item 3, for which they are granted rights to water use with a permit issued by the Minister of environment and water, charges for water use:
1. shall be determined in accordance with the tariff referred to in art. 194, para. 6, and
2. translate the relevant basin Directorate, published on the website of basin Directorate.
(9) For deposits of mineral water under para. 1, item 3, for which they are granted rights to water use with a permit issued by the Mayor of the municipality, the charges for water use:
1. shall be determined in accordance with the tariff under para. 7, paragraph 1 (c), and
2. be remitted on account of the relevant municipality, published on the website of the municipality.
(10) in cases where the benefits of a mineral water deposit and for the same purposes provided for in the tariff charges for water use under para. 7, paragraph 1 (c) may not be lower than the fees under the tariff referred to in art. 194, para. 6.
(11) the Director of basin Directorate does not consider submitted in the period 1 January – 15 February applications for issue of permits for water use of mineral waters.
(12) within 14 days of delivery of the decision on para. 4 the Director of basin Directorate sends official documents submitted under paragraph 1. 11 the jurisdiction of the Mayor of the municipality.
(13) the funds collected from fees under para. 7, paragraph 1 (c), the revenue of municipal budgets.
(14) the right of management and use of mineral waters under para. 1 be extinguished upon his non-exercise for a period of 5 years.
§ 134. (1) within two months of the entry into force of this law the stations and stations to monitor the quantity of water in basin directorates for water management, including those involved in early warning systems, designed for the monitoring and forecasting of risk factors, which may cause flooding, are transmitted by an order of the Minister of environment and water for management and maintenance of the National Institute of meteorology and hydrology at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences.
(2) within the period referred to in paragraph 1. 1 the Director of the Executive Agency "exploration and maintenance of the Danube River" provided to the National Institute of meteorology and hydrology at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences information about stations on the quantity of the Danube River.
(3) the Director of the National Institute of meteorology and hydrology at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences within 6 months of the entry into force of this law shall draw up a register and shall provide the Minister of environment and water registry and documentation for stations and stations for monitoring water quantity, including:
1. the entry into force of the law posts and stations;
2. closed since 1990 posts and stations;
3. the data transmitted from the basin directorates posts and stations;
4. stations and stations, monitored by an Executive Agency "exploration and maintenance of the Danube".
(4) within 14 months of the entry into force of this law the points and stations in al. 1 is aktuvat as a public State property of District Governors at their location in accordance with the law on State property.
§ 135. (1) the licences issued in accordance with the law in the period from 28 January 2000 to 30 July 2001 by an official who acted as a public authority under art. 52, paragraph 2, there was no legally this quality, give rise to any legal consequences of regularly issued permits by the entry into force of this Act, if the following conditions are met:
1. the period of validity of the permit has not expired;
2. the permit granted rights enjoyed at the date of entry into force of this law, and
3. all the conditions are met within the time limit set in the authorisation period;
4. each year, within the time and in full amount are paid fees for water use or use of the water body.
(2) the satisfaction of the provisions under para. 1, 2, 3 and 4 shall be established by:
1. check the Director of basin Directorate or an official authorised by him – in the cases referred to in para. 1, 2 and 3;
2. payment documents and extract from the accounts of:
(a)) the National Fund for environmental protection-up to 31 December 2003;
(b) the establishment management) activities for the protection of the environment – from 1 January 2004.
(3) the provisions of paragraphs 1 and 2. 1 and 2 shall not apply for the permits, which are set out for the null and void by a court order.
§ 136. Article 146 b, para. 1, paragraphs 1 and 2 shall apply until 22 December 2010.
§ 137. (1) the preliminary flood risk assessment referred to in art. 146a takes place by 22 December 2011.
(2) the assessment under paragraph 1. 1 or the assessment and decisions referred to in art. 146 (b) shall be reviewed and updated by 22 December 2018, and every six years thereafter.
§ 138. (1) the cards under art. 146 e, para. 1 shall be drawn up by 22 December 2013.
(2) Cards under para. 1 shall be reviewed and updated by 22 December 2019 and every six years thereafter.
§ 139. (1) management plans under art. 146 and shall be drawn up and published by 22 December 2015.
(2) the plans referred to in para. 1 are reviewed and updated by 22 December 2021 and every six years thereafter.
§ 140. (1) pending the adoption of the Ordinance under art. 117 a, para. 2 the justification for the requested water volumes is developed on the basis of certain quantities to other regulations for the purpose.
(2) in the cases referred to in para. 1 in the rationale of required water volumes stated and the name of the appropriate regulatory action.
(3) where for a specific purpose of use of the water there is no legislatively defined quantities, justification under para. 1 shall be effected in accordance with the technological requirements for the specific purpose, applying the technical specifications of the facilities on the basis of which defined the necessary amount.
§ 141. (1) pending the adoption of the Ordinances under art. 135, para. 1, item 1, 2, 6 and 13 contents of registers under art. 182, para. 1, item 1, "a", "b", "d", "e" and "e", 2, 3 and 4 and article. 183, paragraph 1 shall be determined by order of the Minister of environment and water.
(2) the design categories of surface water, determined by order of the Minister of environment and waters are in force until the adoption of the Ordinances under art. 135, para. 1 item 17 and 18.
§ 142. The provisions of art. 118, para. 1 and al. 5 and art. 151, para. 2, item 2, letter c shall apply until the entry into force of the Ordinance under art. 135, para. 1, item 17.
§ 143. (1) to the installation of metering devices in accordance with the requirements of art. 194 a, para. 1 and when the holder of the permit is Plumbing operator, water use fee under art. 194, para. 1 paragraph 1 shall be determined on the basis of the sum of the maximum time water quantities for which are dimensioned according to the project the draining water pipelines and facilities to them after the vodovzemaneto of underground water and/or after vodohvaŝaneto of surface water.
(2) The construction of treatment plants for settlements with more than 2000 inhabitants equivalent pollution fee under art. 194, para. 1, paragraph 3, subparagraph (a) shall be calculated annually on the basis of the permitted annual water quantity and individual emission limits set out in the authorization.
(3) water and sewerage operators mounted measuring devices no later than three years after the entry into force of this law.
§ 144. (1) owners of facilities for underground water intended for water use, enjoy or can be used for water use or not for profit, are not granted rights to use of water within one year of the entry into force of this law shall be made in the relevant river basin Directorate application for entry of the equipment in the register under art. 118 (d) with the exception of those for its own needs.
(2) an application under subsection. 1 shall apply:
1. a document of title to the property, which is located vodovzemnoto facility;
2. geographical and GEODESIC coordinates of the facility;
3. information on the depth and the construction of the facility;
4. information on the operation of the equipment;
5. Declaration of the year of its construction;
6. information relating to the purpose for which it is used čerpenata water;
7. a document for paid fee $250.
(3) in cases where the facility is not equipped for the operation, the application referred to in paragraph 1. 1 shall apply and the Declaration of the owner's intentions concerning the preservation or eradication of the facility.
(4) within one month after submission of the application documents verifying the basin Directorate in al. 2 and 3 and shall carry out:
1. verification of existing facilities and their equipment;
2. the assessment of the need for preservation or eradication of the facility.
(5) within 7 days after the inspection referred to in paragraph 1. 4 facility shall be entered in the register under art. 118.
§ 145. (1) Proceedings for the granting of permits, started before the entry into force of this law shall be completed by the authorities accept applications for planning permission, subject to the conditions and prohibitions under this Act.
(2) within three months of the entry into force of this Act, the directors of the river basin directorates provide the mayors of the municipalities concerned copies of certificates issued prior to the entry into force of this law permits for water use of water – public municipal property, and for the use of water bodies – public municipal property, together with a copy of the documentation, on the basis of which licences have been issued.
§ 146. (1) certificates issued prior to the entry into force of this law permits the seizure of alluvial deposits re-edited in carrying out the requirements of this Act within one year of its entry into force.
(2) all issued prior to the entry into force of this law permits, in addition to those mentioned in para. 1 shall be adapted, in accordance with the requirements of the law under the first amendment or extension.
§ 147. In the Environmental Protection Act (promulgated, SG. 91 of 2002; Corr. 98/2002; amend., 86/2003, no. 70 by 2004, no. 74, 77, 88, 95 and 105 by 2005, issue 30, 65, 82, 99, 102 and 105 of 2006, issue 31, 41 and 89 of 2007, issue 36 , 52 and 105 of 2008, PCs. 12, 19, 32, 35, 47, 82, 93 and 103 of 2009 and PCs. 46 of 2010.) in art. 71 al. 2 shall be replaced by the following: "(2) does not issue permits or authorizations from persons with amounts owed to the State or municipality within the meaning of art. 162, para. 2 of the tax-insurance procedure code, established by an act of the competent authority, or obligations to the enterprise for management of activities on the protection of the environment, designated by the special laws in the field of the environment. "
§ 148. In the law on maritime space, inland waterways and ports of the Republic of Bulgaria (promulgated, SG. 12 from 2000; amend., 111/2001, no. 24 and 70 by 2004, no. 11 of 2005; Decision No. 5 of 2005 the Constitutional Court – No. 45 of 2005; amend., no. 87, 88, 94, 102 and 104 from 2005. , PC. 30, 36, 43, 65, 99 and 108 of 2006, St. 41, 54 and 109 from 2007, PCs. 67, 71, 98 and 108 from 2008 and St. 47 and 81 of 2009.) in art. 62 the words ' Minister of environment and water "is replaced by" Director of basin Directorate ".
§ 149. In the law on fisheries and aquaculture (official SG. Since 2001, 41; amend., SG. 88, 94 and 105 by 2005, issue 30, 65, 82, 96 and 108 of 2006, issue 36, 43 and 71 of 2008, issue 12, 32, 42, 80 and 82 of 2009) is hereby amended as follows: 1. In art. 25, para. 2, the words "a positive decision for environmental impact assessment (EIA) or decision that there is no need for carrying out the EIA procedure at which betting" shall be replaced by "defining".
2. In art. 25 (a), para. 2, paragraph 3, the words "a positive EIA decision or a decision that there is no need for carrying out the EIA procedure, issued by the Ministry of environment and waters ' shall be replaced by ' the relevant decision in chapter six of the environmental protection act".
3. Article 26 is repealed.
§ 150. The mineral resources Act (promulgated, SG. 23 of 1999; amend., no. 28 of 2000, 108/2001, no. 47 of 2002, no. 86 in 2003, no. 28 and 94 of 2005, no. 30, 36, 37 and 55 of 2007 70/2008, no. 19 and 82 from 2009. , PC. 46 of 2010.) make the following additions:
1. In art. 1 create al. 3:
"(3) it is prohibited to the extraction of underground resources in:
1. the beds of the rivers;
2. with the lands of the rivers and reservoirs;
3. coastal strips of zalivaemi the rivers. "
2. § 1 of the additional provisions establishes that: 54
"54." the beds of rivers, adjacent land of rivers and reservoirs and coastal zalivaemi stripes of rivers "are lands within the meaning of the Law."
§ 151. In the disaster protection Act (promulgated, SG. 102 of 2006; amend. and 41/113 of 2007 No. 69 and 102 by 2008, issue 35, 74 and 93 since 2009) in art. 9 create al. 6 and 7:
(6) the "flood" of disaster protection plans shall be drawn up on the basis of the plans for flood risk management developed under the conditions and pursuant to the law on waters.
(7) the measures provided for in the plans for flood risk management under para. 6 be included in annual plans to implement National disaster protection program. "
§ 152. (1) the Ordinances under art. 135, para. 1, 2, 5, 9, 13 and 14 shall comply with the requirements of this Act within six months of its entry into force.
(2) the Ordinances under art. 135, para. 1, item 1A, 6, 17, 18, 19, 20 and 21 shall be issued within 6 months of the entry into force of this law.
(3) the Ordinance under art. 158, para. 3 shall be issued within one year of the entry into force of this law.
(4) the guidelines referred to in art. 135, para. 2 prepare and publish, within 6 months of the entry into force of this law.
§ 153. The provision of § 133 shall enter into force on 1 January 2011.
The law was passed by the National Assembly 41-Otto, 22 July 2010 and is stamped with the official seal of the National Assembly.
President of the National Assembly Tsetska Tsacheva: