Key Benefits:
LEY NÚM. 21.501
Bearing in mind that the H. National Congress has approved the following bill initiated in motion of the Honorable Senators Francisco Chahuán Chahuán, Pedro Araya Guerrero, Carlos Ignacio Kuschel Silva, Gastón Saavedra Chandía and Gustavo Sanhueza Dueñas,
"Unique article.- Grant Chilean nationality, by special grace, to New Zealand citizen Mary Therese Kalin Hurley. ".
And for I have had it good to approve and punish it; therefore, promute and take it into effect as the Law of the Republic.
Santiago, November 9, 2022.- GABRIEL BORIC FONT, President of the Republic.- Carolina Tohá Morales, Minister of the Interior and Public Security.
What I am transcribing to you for your knowledge. Attentively, Manuel Zacarías Monsalve Benavides, Undersecretary of the Interior.